h 4 : . ,' ;;. 1 , " ' ; t , . , . - . k ,. - ;.,c, - .-. .-. - -. , -.. . , ,-. .. - ? "i I- : . -.' -!: : j- ; ' . . ' - . : , ' - -.:. v -, " u i . :' : . .- .'" ; :-.',-'. ' ; : ' . .; -"i '; f- , " - 1 ', . -' j .. ' ' : . ' '.'.-" , -; . . . . . i . . ' ' ' '-v : : -'its ' ' ' : Mr HP- H1 -m. - w.vttfi-fc I If? PIP A VOL r- - r Moore Counts n : tii r. sot. 4.1. vi o hi. a v 1 v 1 EDITKI) A j i i .i BY SIDNEY ? ' V "-r: '"" Moore Countr oh t r 1 '-i.T'VrN l wlio kept Hotel in thn t iiiTjil to Ik- iiral extuiii tVVot jKopafculJrii j' : 0Fl?d wf 0 a noi prison. cLM rter;:or1'n ' WiW'i-, 'Ir-ukofe mm 2 of f m THE .1 ::a u in r taii' r an iirfulel Mc tK-i-riiuiiaut f;rin4 ani cm r ItT'nntltTTTf iru'iitr? ah '.artful RY tl t: EDITOR.; ' v'l i !! :.,(:.-.. f. ':: . ' ;'.:- - I . ' A" a Herald m rood tidnfr, 01 i The eii.-iteiiee of nueli aii acphciv witie-Jjrcafl in it operations, and iow-J J. , . vi iin hi its ui it uetu-t sv ria ,iiu esiuuiisu- ;iTd the place ir knoet i-ive emphvineV;t "to'th "piln.'; a? tlecei;eiv- ,.Kt up 1.efarke'it-a' Ik id i .u-fu;i?s; orj a journal Wjiile. on jtli v other han.l. th. Jack -of cd tfact. i uo rice down to : I. The continuance of thislm- the latest' generations of tiiue: hin v be; iVJUiibered 5among the f re daifv sleet yirpon whieh are t typed the '.sullen growls of must he stranger to the sliiiis of the 1 MroiigeHij pr i in u re., iviiu line rarei sia rn. or the '.- dt be stereo-1 hell; Ue ?Ir hnou'led L,f' ner lailU to piare the- IWulier' unilSr-r jrrat dijaivhiitaes. 1 - - l K esaverknm I( d i? tbe general uhJiW: ".f conversation and any per- ;3.V ;.fOritMuftt. a-ppc :ohahiim or tin nnknoU1! fii"f ' hoUoen not know, :tpt heje JtlU ,Qcial ;fede without it. If he id. t0mAv Aolce in tilW,ors f nfvelittlrxCeh: fr.nhno,t , h:ls Ju-.tul J of what, ve.xJV matter, .hieh sedms to be left . to the v VY 1 T "u knMw-of t :b world iatr; :of O r. er, wniejj seems of irraee is, to ci ir to -i eat .!iialva:iirar ! everv other post eize upon tats, .as a iron nor strong J,avarai disedveries. Sir John Fran holtl, from which to- ahoy the jiiarch 1 iu'i fcss ifi he has never heard f of cjhristianitW, aid be worse hanj'a ; the last revolution in Europel the late epwara a aown-r gni traiior-rwno is fire ; a the North. qr the dreadful . i : manjot giace is, to examine closely its moral character, jarid shape his cstri course accordingl v. evnoneibythenUSrpcf;pm latty itrifctluB vchi- i ?r?a xo ftIS tjf lcr 8 aeaa,I Ioe- how Ican'he eirter into tl is the orjran of hartv fctrlff ... L w . cle of fiction and falsehbod the -i tor of 1 Jfotheririsnct j xXoxil andhdt chance is there for ray interest against interest and map against nian. .Itj fosters the vilest passions of our nature and panders to licentiousiliss. It seeks tolal-tiicC cIii:ri " ' 1 :i-;Cir fAim to profit tile well informe r He csinpt, ie con versa- mined" to octiie ! this xgrouiidi and ibatJjrell 4 red, hut conscious ino-, - jthinks her most , giftesovreJi em JaTll jaako hikr and jHoyea in aerenaing r . .. j dimdence win cDftHLwslnence f tne lowest appetites. V nile thoiis- j i t in ail public services, it ih .'."expected ; inpus zeai. ands, worsfe "than; tnd Athenians oftltl,-! every mtii to dojhis ditty- ? And in , XeSvspaper 1 -Itl spend a precious life-time in recounts-uthis case, seli-interbst ;deinan;ds it. mz twilight ,of knowlcdce in 'alniost e- ing its fouT slanders. Such, and rid-1 Eachin(lividuar no1; less than, the5 c 'thing less than superlatives of ' thi ; m unity "at tlarge, ne'eds the k'n'owiedire drinkl ame i, xnrougu i ne samcv kindi multiplied by every im pression ofl the typd-form, and scatter!- J A knowledge of the ed broadcatdver the land by evervf ' i(s iinrovementS;pr. passing . mail- -is - the newspaper presfl .yp'tuek or. its vices--- ) in the hand men w it. is' not nle less1 erature lsth -Tnorn- qpart inept. lie that woiild com- verv tjie dew-irups of ; science,. Wit newspaper (press. 1 ness the; fust eftorts if genius' or art, passing world of hearvtthe earliest warbTes of the inu deteriorations, its i sesqr learn thij freshest and noblest is what the jiiind ' deedsjof benevolence, must look for it s of w icked and designing ; will sejek1 if not frolii booksi and news- ! in neWspapers if Jie wait!: untjl heso in the hajids of the uprightj J pape rV , ye t from gossip ad riimohj thirisj find theii j ay' into hor,ks, j ho powerfiil for good J ; Asat : the infbrniationj gaiued;is sure tojwill bp-five or ten years behind the how exists,-at is of a rnjxed character! Miave a;n influence, either for cood or cl times. -And from what other ! soturco r partly false and partly true:; partly vil, oh the moral character. AVith all I ean tile kan of feod learn the latest the - ha-.' evil and. partly good two 'elements' a eontc: it is a matter still to ?hall ultimately prevAili WhcuVr.the Between these t is going on, and be decided which its taijmgstheextisting state m nevs: i devices ojf his great enemy ? paper jknoAyledge is better than "that b -.gficomiiion tumor. It is nibre likely satioiiawoni t lie thousands to to be true -nmro exeeilent mnr ge ts of 'thouglit and suljects of conver- whom he nnni-ter.-i tlie tdorious result -of 7 :' .' I. : - 1 . v.' '!. j 'i r 2o S I ! 'i