! i- ' 1 is r y i:..;; . " ' r HaMWttaa x-.uisut .ur'ym nH11 '-x.iiaaaBWi THE HENDERSON INDEX. to t ana. idca3 that have become obsolete, or dead, RORT. 31 J FURMAN, Editor. FRIDAY, JULY 3, ISG3. proper THE PRESIDENCY THE CON tTo-mof ro w, the ' Con ventiou- the ac tion of which must decide the jmamtaiu ancVrjf true American HcpuBlicanisra, cr its overthrow, and the establishment but to conCne ourselves to the appreciation ollUing things. ; , The abolishment of slavery h a fixed, irrevocable ' fact, and "opposition to a party noxct because he or they were ac cessories to tbe act: will net re-Tstabliih it. Consequently.; such "Dreiudices should be laid aside. In rcxrard to Mr. Chase's private opinion of "manhood or univcr- sal suffrage." that is of verv little import . ,n its sieaa orianauCi,m ana - ruuicauau. lf u maintain as he g he JocSf that witWs many rumousuogmas-w ill con- n thc . , - r - to - Ines- in ot I af.nis- stice Ecrcd :l)rck. rsnc. l5y Wednesday next, the result of its action will be In the. -meantime though la perhaps, known. c in the day, let U3 speculate upon its probable BcXection of -a man to bear its banner, -and who will combine .the several ele ments and uy their strcngtu rescue our country from the gulf of anarchy ad -despotism which, so tareateningJy yawns. ahead of it.--- j j The names of several distinguished gentlemen have been brought, out, but those most ''prominently spoken of, arc II. Pendleton, Chief Justice George Chase, and Gen'L Ilancoek. . Of the three, I our .personal preference; is the lat ter .named' centteman. But cur. choice in every senso, -above all 6thers,'is An drew Johnson. JUs claims to the nom ination arc paramount to any ; who could Ijo mentioned ; but for the same . reason that wo would surest the withdrawal of 'the name o Hancock, j-unlcs3 he be determined upon by the .Chase and Pendleton wings of tbV Democracy as a compromisehold good here, thatwe' doubt his availability, in this contest personal preferences" and old prejudices enforce any policy or pridciplc on; a State, against the: will cf the censtitu- tiontibj Recognized .people of such State, we care nothing fpr his private opinions. If we have the riht to govern our own affairs in our own way, not inconstant with the Federal Constitution, hia pri vate opinion ;an ; have no weight with is t an, so rar as estabiLminfr sucn as 1 laws or principles of government. If we by our. own act, adopt, such princi ples and view3, no power could :prcren't it, and unless we -were to do to, the mere opiriions to th'at"cffect maintained by an individual, can possibly havo no1 effect upon us. The principle obstacle 'in the way of Mr. Chase is, so far as the South is concerned, his views upon the recon struction Acts, and the fixedness of uni versal suffrage established bv these acis. Ora. Lr a hlxhtx -assembled Vl day in accordance, with proclamrl Ctovi Holdcn. Col. Dcweesc tcred oath of office to . Chief Pearson,'' who-afterwardi zdmi it to Associate Justices lleado an The oath ofofhec was then adniif ercd to Lt. Gov.j Caldwell, who immlitely organirtti the Senate, Associate tsticc Readc organizing the House. lowing cenueiuen were not swfc in. for reason of alleged disabilities tMcx- srs. Allen, ! Purdce, Turner, Iji-y, luchardsonj llson, Jones of Ciell, r .' liT Y aw I .uoore anu jove. An the liousetsssrs. Allison of Orange, Davidn ofidell, u ncr of. Iecklenburg, .Harper ICald wed, Justice of Henderson, Ely of Duplin, Long of Caswell Nicfron of Iredell, and fctuart of Harnett, loscnh u . noiuen was eiectca cncakl mo House, over Mr. Plato Durha vote of 72 to 23.. Boner of Fo elected Clerk over Seaton Gales a vote of 72 to O'Hn ( a-ne, ;wa netiit!Mt'd fjr NEW3 IN - BRIEF. tuk Jirsiissirn xLtcnox rnz vxrczss come ix xc.xc. . ' The returns coaie in very encouraging to the Democracy. Their estimated ma jority, as far as beard from, is 10,000. Several countici claimed by the Radicals cive-iargc Democratic majorities. The home of Jamison, the Radical can didate for Lieutenant-Governor, gave a unanimous Democratic vote. The election continues here on Monday and Tuesday fxt. Tho Demerits feel great confidence, which is hourly strengthened by the election returns. AN THE niTkALD NOMINATES . OTHER CANDIDATE. The New York Jfcruld alludes to Tjc opinion prevalent among a large clas of Democrats that it will not do to nominate a civilian against Grant, but that f?ne soldier "a hero of the great war should be pithd against Jiiui.- Tho Her ald My, in its half-serious, half-mocking way, that if a soldier is accessary, one must be selected wposc Lime and achieve mcnts are not inferior U those cf Grant. It adds: Bot if the Domocratic Convention xn'tit nominate a eoldier if it roost have A GOOD SIGN. Ancng the ailfjt ccmtituticral iw vers in the State of New Ycrk is Gr-e Ticknr Curtis. He is a States-rights Democrat xi Statcsr-xights are taught and undnlo2i ai:oi.g tho Northern r-cplc. He is a lending man 'Vis party, sod his utterances VfcoTild carr much wciplt with them. In the last iMtc cf the New York 'World is a long letter from Mr. Curtis, from Lhh Ire "cllri'ct tic r lowing raasage: V- W the Ta my apprehension. ue, as to tae future cf this to turn on the question whether the w whole is- coculry, ij .Governor Bullock, -.ho lm for At- V;r:S.,lZ F' oftl,. -North w,U cr'Ul Lot rcf iir- hnta to-nicht. cipccts tlio conrrcssionil ." - " ; T. . 7" T :i ' KConitnictwi a fconditions to bo accepted1 bv the Georgia Legislature, and senators elected and I 'by a rth was lj.,by rJro) of distant Und- j t. lx.iew nd Is Clerk, bvt was defeated by. 2Ik ier,! from' Buncombe. Not so many negroes' in ciSe: Ciilbnc! Tin: OUR TABLK. United State McsicaiIIIz must be laid : aside Wc jntus't unite thoroughly j and harmoniously for the , ....:!-. 'lefeat of radicalism, the radical party, -tad for the re-cstablWhmcnt of the 'rights 'Cj'Statcs to control their own internal ' : aiirs, limited only by the Federal Con . fiUtion. This should be tlio platform. . - A'tthcn should a candidate! be selected, . . , as wcY0 before said, who will combine V, aix ore eVmcnts; opposed ytrti$ ihSa - Ciatform. r-.j yVyHR H wJ . . -TIC da .:.-WMYiV 'Can.ttfiniPortani)0 DO l SSlr g ' . to the . op- V decided is, who wil Ye have "not seen that ho recotrnlzcs this as fixed, "or that it ought to remain without the untrammelled decision of .the! legal authorities (white people)' of thejsevcral States. ; If this be so, if ho considers this suffrage matter 'as settled, L ' the reconstruction measures do, itructxon scheme. this fcrcc-i "fcegro suurare If tLrr in the its tavors. lci it comtoate uencral iWLen . jc miii uuaiy me at Soulh km aof 5tsclf If llcY once itic oi au lis soldiers, making .i -1 i r. n r. stitution, and wrctlcr General Grant or somebody else il td be 'ike rf bn ca licrwback a ta me a matter cf isiif- tsrT .rpfllM of Ihl I r , .vw,vv 'r" w.nalloa Unda lLs Ullcsl Gcveioprucat. men proposes constructing a rauruau hlVrtoorits: fjr tbu Kt I . r .rr- representatives aamuica irom uiai cuic i before the -.th of-JtUjr. t0laicr .L ay lie, ttoy Ur. lUrtsoio Lyrtrjusr.. - a rKtitit glt ufl01,t luj U., nla. n u uuuv -v. cwiu wuus 1 one in whom the mill W -l-d criticism4&e., Aside ironi its reviews, if con tarns several tcry pretty pi tions, -vocal and instrunicntal,inon fromOleMinneTUle, lean , to liauviilc 1 nanii fuli 0f men, whom "he had coir.arrl lifrjcral Grant cf tho rosstge cf the Ur. lv-v. into an annr. iafEed oar crcttcr North varrns dmi.Mion bill and the adnlsb:n A machine his recently Vcn mvcnicl I era armies fur four years, and hea op- 1 tf congrc?iu:cn from that State; Oa l quarter tLc men urani i-aa, i military control over the b'ate, an t wLb soldier fought him insguiScattly nailr iheVivil rovcrnmcnt U fully tA - - - . . . V riu-t t which, from ordinary ash or other soil posed by Grant was only worn uowa vj infjrtuatioa GiUiral Grant trui isa and flexible wood, turus out two hundred that stoHd strategy cf stupidity that ae- important crdcr, direciiig General strawberry boxes per minute. The im- coaipVuTacs its objects by mere weight. Dowel! to wit!ulraw as far as po?-iU mense number which can be ."rr.antiac-j uu 0nc view. j-This superior Monthly of music for June, is to hand, fully up to jits usually high stadard. I the price, aud these boxes, whurh arc cf a unifiuc design can re purcaascu at eii 1I i cents a uutcii; tured in a thort time materially reduces a unique aestgn can re y .oren; SETtsrnLE HirtGliSTiDic. -The fallowing this ... . i..a. I acrefs la trrntory oi ms mine cuw, i itsj.j. itbdrav it altogether, exc and fought his army down lo u stump. I far a, t mtij tc retained at the There never was such an army cr sna a I cr authorities. tvrnej. ------ General for illustrating the r-iliiarf ce- rM? an, 1 nftkMbiiitics cf curtvouc: aua if are to remain in force; then he should not be nominated : for if they arc, wc j sea no necessity in opposing radicalism, ; and Grapt. If the democracy act thus ad acknowledge the fight "of a faction to usurp the whole powers of government, and impose such ; restrictions and meas ures as suit its own narrow, illiberal, picjudiccd and mercenary views, why, then, let, us join this faction and assist it in its' "higa carnival." " But if we are to maintain the supremacy cf civil taer militaiafc law: the rights of States liti control their own affairs, the ceo'iral- n' .11.. - i Jf . - . v. ' ' itllUieiOn WaVJfV nff m s?vr-.l rnMrfs nf - . m. ' - 11 11 mnu T, , YrFru? suggestion is attributed to Mr. Yallan- nius and VoU:ic cf rfplc; ana A llTJrHfiTTlGll whieu may be found. "Good B;cj 0X diXham. -A party in a minority should this General u tt.c Ut cfaU fur a Dcul- JNeW JUVUI LlioJiiuil Home song and chorus, by Km. fT. JCal in generalities, and make its platform 1 ocratic coLd.iatc. lt is certain tfctl wuu Hayes: -"The Prettiest Girl XKnot." Ubort., The New York Convention half as many wen ias uran. ua i ' For " Sale. auu6 uuu. vuv.-a T f ,t rri 1 riv Jij and he afFordj lie Lct rromicOI tay tTtV, GOODS, GIUCi:niI. OF "First Smile," (Maturka De Sien): ,.ou J1?10?1. JA 1 IltS? beating him again." D ki.U BacoV Urf. N. C. .Cut a,.d U "Pretty as a Pink (Polka ldoW.) ZUC? mXL r,Tci n" - Hcrrinp. by tie ibL. an I f 11 I 7 , . , , . A- m ashmgton I nday. General Ung- nWw fONGUK'OVAli I'LOT. i v JOHN G. ANCLA. Lach number f. the Review covins man b a dclcgalc to the New York Con- ihfS Hcrrson. Jnly Snl, JO from twelve to fotirteen pages of jano mention from North Carolina. KrfU li Congress H songs and Piano music, thus givmgfvom The KcvUution of this wctks tints fbat which ia calculated to startle every re- f $t.'50 to" $2.00 in choice new music bach a national convention of disaffected Rad- Ccclin cun jn tue country. It is the O AS v 'V ! Month. I icals will bo held i at Chicago .m fec-ptem- nJ c Uoa of thte Radi-. 1 f wi -ViC 1 1 ; Price cf 4bccrintbf, 00 At an- tcr t0 nom,natC ff Presidency -some Von?1,irala i0 cciitrol the PrcMden- I 17 1 J 1 1 rice ct sub.criptna, an sound man Dn a plalfurni of universal . . - , cf r;,rt;, TLcy I rr, :h;l1. . Address, J. Li. Peters 'music sufrrair0t thc rights of labor, greenbacks, ... lo ti,:t X IWdcr.t N V 1;. , regard- i t T : -- ' num Publisher, York. 54201 New ui.r: ., . , . i -v" !miv.-oi cikv several Drancnes ot onr ; JCIi ' 1 f .,nv W a 1H"wr rprtion of tuG reconstruction wiust be annulled, fed- as 4 Peace 1 Copper-heads' He the States must i resume their constitutional prerogati ves. ffad former If Mr. P. O. Box r JCST PAt?r.D FY C6NGT.E53. , 7 X.j. Tkif tirlit lintlTA li vJaiiouxa Fahmeu. Oar fricr.d I . n , ...-i- f,, n li. W. H. Bernard, of Wilmington has dc- 1 borers, workmen, and mechanics now temiined unon issuing a Dericdieal lcaT-l rmntoved. or who miv bo hereafter cm ing the above name. If he succeeds in that as well as he doss in mblrshrug thc Jfonrin? -tStzr, one of '.tho -best and ?prightlrest dailies in thc State, we may look for such' a work as will be of much p!OpttW ployed, by or on. behalf of thc Govern ment of United States; and that all acts be, and the bv Che House cf Ucprc5:iSSatvcf less of the popular choice, throwing out votes at discretion where they Cad them ..Uort i ?nrriAM from the Soith"". In ll it Si..!.1! tLcv wil! fJrica'.c voles from purious elector.4, dn l thc purpose i that the nrcscnt Houe cf Rcprcscuta- tivts shall have tho practical control of! 200 per annum in advance. It will bo issued as- soon as a sufficient number of subscriber's can bo obtained. Address noniniidpnt with this ftCt DC. ana lue l,, mm' r Tii ra of a c iliuiatc cx ame are hereby, repealed. pre.?ion cf Che popular choice, lucy do IsirrAcmiEST. Hon.' ThtdJctis Sf not ccuf.t cu victory ; and by tho aid Dtcisioya J Under tup. Baser cf t Law. The interesting decisions were made the other day by Judge Nelson (of : . '! . . J d u c applied. for thc benefit of the bmkrupt Personally, we would prefer i m. v i . i '' , law. The assignee in bankruptcy de er Mri Pendleton Or the Chief landed tliA nrnnprtvrrnv;.nislrfi5rm i i-.'racY Known JClUT! rnl,r f-,;i n' nrtmmfitifl Hift Cim. nt...n I - l,: . t.t 1.'lf. ' ! i n .""V-"" "w iw.- I Vllusg .uvbvuvo LUIS U.S U13 IUUUOIIJJ, ' e I n IT Twmril Wnmln V f 1 I !.-'' I or t?4 var .Democrats," and the publb character would suggest his nom jfdiery, but the position he has recently ination. Mr. Chase's statesmanship 1 .wAv-h nit .-v itt riiit aoI inn - fl nrtnnnf VkA ntlAcfiAnail yt11a It a i li.a r nsSUUlUU UUVU luu tut ICUy uucouiuu uuu. I vounui u& iiuv.ouuu(.u. n uu in; uuo I i . i g i . . .. . . . thcnatioual debt, would effectually cut tablished himself as a model of honesty : ' thc Oireuit; Court of the United States of&tla support of the eastern and middle j and integrity. ! f4r New York city. " James K. Place & tcs whrch combined, has a controll- I Nest to the Chief Justice, we wouti Co. last .November made an assi.nncnt iaflaenco .in the electoral . ctdlegc. prefer, .as the available man, General u,nde.r Ju bt.at0. lavr- Atterwards they - - i - i r. Pendleton is a patriot, a statesman Hancock eminent apinties, ana nas, on ine mm to eitner luri r cndleton or tue Uhief manded the property prcviouslv assigned. -lole,- broad and correct views in finan- Justice but we do not think his own The Judge decided tbat as theH was to cial matters but all ; this docs not dp influeefce and popularity sufficient . to evidence- of fraud in the first aslgmncnt, snrnvultli tKo fact. fJmf. vor rrvntTfi Slhd rnirvfo" .UMr ,UMt trr k? Arw " COUid Cbt-DC SCt RSl'iC. v j . hK ' iijj.. appointed in a State court ycarslago who was called upon to surrender theprorert in the fall, quite uncertain, j It , matters Hancock can claim much capacity; and of a person "applying for thc beniiit of the' Hot haw much fie may be admired for- j abilityand a record of honesty and rec- bankrupt law. Judgo Nelson decided in some of his principles and his intrepid titude that few enj5y. His popularity l"IS ) 1l lue Ppcny mam Uw.v..wU.r w.w, -w... . -w. r-. rw-w. liotn ot tbese decisions eccm to t3 to 3wiglit.wisn to promote Mm- tor sia:u, great, rnile liis impartial and manly be not only plainly right, but in strict but this battle mtist be fotlght in the coursem the control of the . 5th Military accord with the requirements of t!fc bank- North: and nrinc nallv if not whollv. bv District has won for hir tha rnnWnw rupt raw use:i4 we cannos wen irnsgme i" . ' 1 - -j lu i j 7t. nnrthrn - mftntliorfiforn a man should of man v CoCserVatirD' RrMihh,. A q juuge couiu nave maue an-viaer , i-- , i . ...j .i -. . i. , - . . . uecisron m cuncr cr incsc cases, jcver oe scieccca wno wni ine oes sun-: uicir- me manio nring logciner tne opposing theh:ss, so common is the belief tat ths ideas and who will best accord witbf their elements of Chaso and'Pendletcn Dem- bankrunt law Overrides Ml iiMtieJas wpII 7 . J ocrats. Gcnl. Hancock nossesses far as all State laws, that these dec'noas of we do not think Mr. Pendleton the man, greater advantages- than- any cn? else J uape kelson s wilt be regarded as pro- meet mentioned: considerable reasons exist toj oppose uim ncut uen i. ufarlt. Ihough unable to and render tbc probability oil nis election boast experience in political lite. Uen'l. WR3 called upon to surrender theprorert Mr. Chase, while ho too will ' I ' on ii? ill TrriTTfT TrJtl Tr ? n r rv XQ congest.; shonia, w-.. ;n':ition. a much broader and'more united support than Mr. Pcndktonl Ho . has ' been a life long democrat, differing fret? them only upon the question of slavery and now only upon the question of "man hood suffrage.": Itis views .and princi pTcs, are otherwise-,, wblolly and purely democratic. His coure duripg the late iroi TT-?: nnt such as to lose any of. his Tircstiire w,itlv hi dem ocratio friends, while-his recent dignified, impartial and able manner in the - conductof th6 Im peachment trial has woir for him the con fidence and esteem cf-the- entire masses of the people, and 'only provbking from 1 the radicals evidences rather ,'of fear than .otherwise; fbr his, prospects of success, and the cocseoiiont . defeat '. of their party, nd -pet schemes.1 So far 1 vc "Tr Chase's- vie w unon- slaverv, are " concerned, we care nothing, It mattefs not" how much we . teen opposed, to thcnii they, have becqmo fixed facts, and therefore, , should no be brought in as an element of opposi ticc-io --Iflia.--; ; It dees net become ui as-r) Geiitral-Schciield. for jUiem. may ;have i 1t y tcction against the bankrupt coarti, or r.-vt 1tt r their trrondv ritifiaU f'irA fTt,, , r -T- . . o j i j.uju ate uur ypmious reiauvc io uc I rxueh. j ill endeavors to rescind the manyoT A DRUlluri rv- - NOTES. , many octiooable nr?asTtTes of thc party" now ia power, wul prove futue. . c must be thordtighiy. uuitcd. No- white man can nesitate auoui wmcu siae no win take ' He must cither be for Constitu tional liberty, or radical misrule, an archy and despotism". We await with much anxiety the . result of the Convcn- . . tinn hatevcr it mav rx we-are-rjro- J The Supreme Court has deciii upon m. i u mi' I'M' cd to prestnt them to the Houi? vestcr- dar ia entirely withont foundntirn- In fact, as he has riot as yet made up his mind to present them at all. Foreg. CoNTEMmoir DacKy. One" of the rAgro councilmcn or alJcrnrcn rcccntlv appcintcd ia Charlcstod b Gen. Canby has gone to Ohio, and id ay remain there, thc Xcics 533-3. That journal justlv con siders this as indicating no very high ap preciation of his new privileges, secinrr mat in uuio nc cannot cca TCic, much les3 bo an alderman. YASIGT0., Juno 27 The Secre tary of thc Treasury has issued a warn- . .i . .... ing to tne people tbat taxes and all dues arising under the revenue laws, whether from tines or penalties., can onlv be re ceipted for by bonded ofiiccrs, or, in cer tain cases; by clerks, of courts. .ll di ract or implied authority to special agents to collect money is revoked. CKartes Saprory su?d the a'dmidstfalor of Frcdercik Wisman, deceased, in thc United States Court cT New York citjr en a surety for judgment rciovcrd against the'deceased in a Virginia State ctrart. Wisman was a constil, and dlimcd',' as a consular privikge, that he' "was not amenable to tho jurisdiction of a State coatt. The court overruled the propo-1 sition,-and the jury gave a verdict fof plaiutilf for 2tS79,J0. Bcllt Butler. Ueast BrrLrii at tempted a little bluff game with thc Dem ocrats in the House of Representatives cn ThursJay. Pretending to" regard their protest against thc aduisaion'cf the xuc A'emocrats, hcV uoi scm to i vMr. mm; ki:gclah (niMMrxituTi Wlncdav f th of July, at 3 oM ck AUfbc r:nbc.- are urgtrtly rur be iu tttccdancc, W. W. JONI, July 2rd, 1SS: be did 1 he resolution was Anally referred to thc do net ex- ever. f.:-t . ... i a writ ofcrror; that a pronussorjrte is Ua cCLtrar-, Mr. KldkidgiT morel Tnr1rl vnwl iw nnv change olutt nf- I o make the nnnh- ir.vriAn . . ..uvas... - - j j a- t i . . .. .uuu. x ni i w ter its dcliverv. In the case onlriai' it IRpWNrox moved to make It r.. Cu'Ui' -rr . . . . i September had been etricxcatit and 'October 11" substituted as theite, af- Pctt a favorablo tr one c and without his knowledge or ejbnt. " cuaic g0 desperate a came cf K!nf ' The court showed thas it was jdile nf I a v i ........ pared to render it the best support . of the common law, as far back as i reign the late VwK J ,C'? l?forc Which we are, capable. But- we live m of Kdward IIIL that an vnsch. deed his own hook ind ,r.,u rr13" 6a Jirtrw Trnvrrfuiiv lfivhiintr tilt rriiii- I rniih it nurt R.im- mli JI Wn I rr i. . i - . . " IKrta "v v".7 " P "T . -,r ;v . I J uauuW me jrtn. ha. kit rni rt-nivin nrnvinenre in Trii.- nir hi hi n .mTUnriif to rnmmoni srvr i ;...! ..1 ... . . sorestrhocr of need:- lit hav 1 ' I llth nnd usurp the clf.ee of Present frod the duly elated can JU a to cf thc fx'ojlc. Such is tlic prospict Ixfur'o us if tuese conspirators shall not bi UugU to quail before their design arc Coubummatcd. Xal'lncl InUUiaihctr. The New York Kvching Post, (Radi cnl.) givs Corgrws the f.Uorin firrT rate notife ! The wreUrhcd conTuflch fn which our A . 1 . it rm. uj laws uw arc u wen Known, incr farm l med!oy rot a srstcni. Thev cbn?bt of a long scries of rcL, b ruc ceiirc national lculrturcs. each rr- p:a!in portforls of tbbc which preceded it, and each confounding and pcrT'lciihg tne meaning of all thc rst And the rdminitration U worthy of the law's. It has no rcspon.iUe head. 14 chief oSc crs tho Secretary cf ths Treasury and the Commissioner secui tj tpcrd racrt of their time in writing letters far the newspapers, each to' throw the blame of the iueuiclcnt and corrHipt service UDder' thcrS cpn the other, of tfpen thc Presi dent' and Scrttf. They seem O.agrcc in notbin- except that they are them selves the innocent captains of a great gaUg'cf thieves, who are plundering the people without mercy, and that not one half of the taxes impeded by liV ctct find thdf way into tho Treasury. In hrt, not only the public prrse but the public morals are su?erir hourly from ills which Congress alone fan remedy. The Post is nof reminded" of the Denl by tbt cT things, bat it ad vises Congresj tp adjourn at once. noiLrr Tdrgruj.hUi the ICth. trqlearn cj cui jut escaped t bloody Y . t " v "fM ana wbiteson tbj unday prerioas It aro- from tho -rrt ui a colored can .named-Nobie. wuu. maucmpung to quiet a ooarrtl between two cf hi fnVn 4. . . i . . . k uaoce oa I' r I n -Wo-trr Rfnolr f 1 Va-lMi,. "M r.rifr. Tfilrt Articlr Ho-rv an 1 .WiW Y" f in.l,r have U-cn rrccrstlr l.v'C a'l of whi ly a Rirprrr of the trtn. ine fjr vwure!rr. IIendrion 1 AUtl rt A. w. noivL.B n, Ju1y3rd, I8C8. V w A. TT. iioVvIancI, c HAVE jut rt-rnvM r,.l i fTr 7v .r2(a-romp!cte Hock ct Drc V ' cii-j, Oili, 1'Air.U and D)e Muf"1 trot it t th! naikct, lun f5r caih.ne juij viu, WINDOW GLA. VJ -ad brtie'at BOX US French and Ainerirn wvr iizrti, just received Dtug Store of A. W, CO , July 3rd, UCB. W T iGirrMNo tlx rsrtnt'vrnrK liUd destroy tI, July 3rd, Di LAMPS AND; LAMP ASPIEXDID wrtir.c iraprorcd tutur rr. K : W TTiwilv- JtOR UIUARS: CIG.tLS!! a poc-1 article, aprj A. W. HOWLAN f ti4 rrat ND Juc cron, Jrx! Crdivs Petersburg Ra: t trttn... utiiess he moves promptly, in. tie matter feigning to thc change exti of the Georgia prisoners lie :; will act liability. The alteration u ASmxtiTOS, June lit . ibe Jf rcsi- material alternation in anyi dent bas informed Oeneral Urant that J paper witbout tne consent til party uits his til date: himself. 1 whether to hasten or dclavfie tie of Colonel Lamar, who has been her and payment, has b?cn uniformlielio Ik! to New York in tho interest of these pris- j material.- To prevent-and hnil such oners; leaves tor nomc to-nisut. .rroin- tampennri me law aoes ncieri'tha innnt lawvirs in -Vow York havA vnlnn- Uintiff to Wl hai-k unon tH r.nlt .:.!.'.' , . ' piaioa, . la i i - A ac ii la i l n i rri r i If U v nuwMjme same rum to thc tonledcrate Oovernmcit a n i property. This decision forces tV pur chaser to pay twice for the same s!ive; and once . to a northern preacher; This decision is not only a hard one atrd mani- u; viujust, vui is, m -our MThc President's ?pecial agent sent to stern but wise policy, it anL tlin- ucorgia is an cnieer, ani Pictner ot uumcni as to tao pariy aruti be states Government unaoie io prevent the setiuestratioa emoney.it ought itself to ray the , - 7. : ana in re- lurB !oyl to adversary. Ea,lT Sunday morning a mob of armed tegr, dcraia f l Nolle from thc oiSccr who had him in conbeetnent. .Being rcfus. a Ur.. and more excited mob was speedily til "" lce cauboof; the alarm IT . " . J cociem lirrftamb.-ririo armed, and a bldy coilisioa secraed inevetable. u .iier a v&uc tbe ne-rocs dLperseI. but kept the ciry in an alarm all s,!.. w'St. The whale city vU blkd with armed men, and runners were sect into the country fjr other ? ?nost proTidantially. ih exeiteaient pass! vv tuyub acuiaicouuiva and LlocxisiicJ.- .... .ichigax is ?n lutt. gfce serdr ca J Governor acd F.orida a senator of the United Sfsfw- It U matter of re-ret it-c10- aad tlondathat whilst dlichigaa may be most warmly fclici- uiei tbey ca caljr- be f Ui-Xich. a . Trtmbur-. at COO a. m. P. CI. No cLkrrr r t T- wcn rrja-Aqr-A Crek;cr U - D. FLU RAM; Ge: July lit; 15 i5. r-n Vub upt,. Va. T l!flAIfAn nmrn I - t ill 44 j I Iif!iU'lVf: ri- . -v- ...... 4 4 t AU at Tan I ROOK AND JKWnd lien IcTioo, Jua 2C, l?c; STOIiE. AT GREATLY ItEDUcri PRICED ALDATA srOOXS AN.1 $HKS. 1YO. - ... lillliA. Jct recti red at ths ' I w . jeweuvItobe. dzz sta, 1:53.

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