Hates of Adrertisin. . One Dollar nMnntuM vJr(- on, and fifty cents per square for each 'sub sequent insertion. - ; T , Ten -line's (one inch space) or less ' consti tute a square. , . -i-eauction inaue in favor of contracts as 3 Mos: , 6 Mos. 12 Mos. $15.00 20 00 2'.00 S0.00 po.oo One Square, $r.oo $10.00 10.00 Three .15.00 18.00 .22.00 45.0Q 14.00 18.00 30.00 Four . " Half Column One 45.00 G0.00 , 300.00 f Unless the number of .'insertions be roark-?.-n?ViC rnaauscnpt, it .wiUfbe inserted tjl tor bid and charged accordingly. fecial notices or advcrtisemerjts required tfe inserted on inside or any. spjecwl place, .vjll be charged 25 per cent higher than the above charges. ' - ; Courl, advertisements i inserted 6 weeks tor $10.00. i The fast increasing popularity of the- "In dex makes it one of the best advertising - 7, V.wwwttvHii injtayj. ! availing laenistiTes ot the superior hicilit'is onereu oy ine index. Letters must be addressed to . ' . . 1IEXDEP.S0X, 17. C. NKW ADVERTISEMENTS, j- Our friend A. W Rowland, has just returned fcorn the North, (or jsdme other city) where ho - replenished his. Stock of Drugs &c., &c, throughout.! eeps the bct on hand, at all times,' and is ever ready to wait upon the public, . ' -W Jones, Sect'y. Henderson Lode Ko 229, calls a meeting of its meuibers on tjie 8th45sfc. ;' - ; " " - Sec change of Schedule of Petersburg Railroad. . ; ? fe 4 , , w . JTobacco.4-As our Tobacco begins. to come ' in, we will call the attention of far mers to the several reliable houses adver tised in our paper, both 'of Richmond rnd Petersburg. v; if H is d'esired to ehip to Richmond, the Tobacco is put on the cars at this depot and does riot charm ut cju; going ngut through to that city.--, The prices in that market thislyear, hare teen very good; anl cttTt remain so: .Good quality is now-in demand. . The" Petersburg market sustains itself :re would suggest to our farmers thJronrtv nf Tno Wfrui II iT -wvw - 0 J " T ii i housQS represented in .it, in Petersburg, rdchmondj Norfolk and Portsmouth We will vouch ftr them all, for wc know CKcm personally. . . Personal. Wo- were nrcry glad to ffrafD bv the hand our much esteemed , l) v 1 .friend,' Oapt. E. G. Cheathatn, of New "-York -City,- Tho Captain is looking re markably well,- and shows .'j4 fine keep ing." lie was called out carljer than he ' expected, by the sudden severe illness of his mother, Mrs. Ishani s Cheatham' near this place: Wc sincerely hofe that her illness may prove slight, and temporary. We nlo had th'i pleasure of meeting our coteuiporaryy Capt.r armg, of the Charlotte IHmes, a few da'ysago,I while passing our own on his wdy to attend the Deiuocratic Gouvention Capt. W. . goes as one of the- delegates," in-thc Press of our Stale in vention. . represent ttb CdH- Ta?r tl V m : j iEw wheat. ihis article ,is now coming, m rapidly, and in good cuanti tifcsV' for shipment. We leitn that the yield is not quite so good as was first ex pected, 'owing to the,' rust having taken it, just before maturity. Our J, II. Lassiter shipped -the townsman first new Wheat of the season to" Petersburg, but whtVrt! sold for, we" havcf xoz.3 yet lcarucq.-. The prices seem to ringe from may' realize good profits on' their crops this year. It is sadly needed. ! Tufc Citizr.N's of the town of Fayttte villc will have tC -4th ' of July celebration of , the Aniversary of American Inde pendence". We would be pleased to see our people in this Section' takq more in terest in such matters. It j affords a pleasant pastime, .and brings back to our. memories, happy recollections ct a hallowed; past, of days, and of men whose equals we fear are hot,! nor will not be, again. ; -This Machine rfcda bcA'uica during the present harm.-, by Mr. gtcveu I i i i - r r .... . uwv-o..,, . -r- rr' might arise." in the concluding para Fatisfactory. It is a nc? invention, and- -JPLu fnnrtu i, rrt K.1 , , v. t - .' . grapn, lourtn column, UrviKsitions. labor-saving. In one operation itwilljJ m -H;An. ,r 1- tfiresht clean and bay the ' wheat ready for the market, and do it much'betfer than any-other machine- now in use. Two gizes are made, the smaller having a ca pacity of 200 to 300; 'bushels per dayj Mr5. Burroughs will be prepared to thresh ."nd clean for all who may wish it. He guarantees i y ,aifej' patifaetiA- ' a ujs iAKEoriO house. While in at tendance upon the Editorial Convention in Raleigh recently, wc cf course become the guest of our friend Mr. Blaif.Vtbe unsurpassed proprietor of thw IIoteL It is needless to say that we did ho wil lingly, as we have been the recipient, of his gentlemanly courtesy, and" hospi tality before. The universal omnion expressed of Blair, and his house is, thathe is equaled by few and surr-isscd by none, which opinion we hcartilyen dorse. "Thilcthe several Editors were in the city, lie hot only tendered thenr the.?ise w?f s lepQD.t . Parlors to hold their Convention in, but also prepared for the special benefit refreshments ad mirably adapted io the state of the weather. The Convention .was. tendered an "Ed torfel DinBr," Friday, but all except one or iwo, were compelled io leave "atd 'tares. fi- mained, and says that he enjoyed him self muchly. As spon as Vour" legis lature .meets, we will give friend Rkir another visit. .Importance of News Papers. It has been truthfully said that the newspapers ?.fP ra comer-stone, its very hfebUod - Vt ith-wt them it cannot pres. per.t The better they .are supported at home, the more powerful their influence will be abroad..' The newspapers have done more to aid the building up of towns-m;whkh.they rc published, and to. aroose their business, than- all the merchants together. To the rnerchants they arcjhdispensable, as those who have usod them as a medium through' which to reach ths public well know.- ;Anl they contribute largely to the prosperity of cv cry citizen, for the! influence is felt in a thousand different directions; Let the people of Henderson realize these, facts and wc guarantee that a short time only will elapse before a marked im provement will be seen, in every branch and department of business. . " 4 j8 . .. . A Citizen or JMeckle.nduro , Cv'tT, frA., while-under the influence of liquor, jumped from the third story window of "the "Gurley House" in Petersburg a few dsys since, and so injuring'himself that he died in about four lioiirs. ' It is supposed that he got up during Tie night for the purpose of. going down stairs, una being under the influence of liquor, mistook the window iior the -doorauii shouTdIleia":futiT- timing to tosc who are in the habit of drinking. Tbj Hemprhirc Gazette, of Northampton, noy in flic eighty-second' yc;irof its publi cation, records the death of EHphalet Pack ard Esq., formt-rly of . Cummingtcn;; who "has"-been a regular suhseriber j to that pa per from its first issue," and observes .that "it is doubtful if to the day. of his death a single copy has escaped his nojtice." ; The above must bej encourageing to our readers icJto kavs txsid vn. Tf rou . 1 . . r. T 4 a v 1 . iuvj, ut uu, uuu pay rcguwriy and in advance. It yqn dont, j we would nt be Surprised if good, many of ycu don't good, many ot yci die. So look to your ; interest, friends and fcttoic-citizcns ! - Tue. Seasons for the past several weeks havo been unusually fine,! and we are pleased to learn that our farmers are ap preciating it in a proper manner. We hear that the crops rio.w rfeivery promis ing and our farmers generally arc very hopeful. May they be amply and fully .rewaJded for their labors. ; L Error. We stated a week or two since, in speaking of the burning of Mr Wm. Hardy's Tobacco barn', that he was not interested in the Tobacco lost. We ... i learn mat ne owned nait ot tne crop that was lost. Severer on him. thin we ex- pected. We deeply regret it. the Sabbath School Pic-nie! at Ilodwell's Mill in Franklin County, next Tuesday." Shockoe, Cpkcsbury, Liberty Ilill, and several ethers will le in attendance. We aro'reqtestid to extend' an invitation to the several Schools- in this place, and at other places, to be present ; also to the various ministers.. A. happy , time may be expected.' ;A1! who go must recollect thcir'b?skets. EiRATA. bevcral typorraphrcal er rors in spite of our very teeth crept into our rerrrrVfrfMr. Harris7 1 address pub-' iisuea last wces two only of the gross est 01 wnicn wc Have space to call attcn- tion to: ii 11: tuiru.- column ior r it TilZK .y cmenc.cs h" "j1; " : ! 1 ou prepared for any ; emergencies that read M proportions. " Tfiese corrections in justice to Mr Harris. - Those C10A&3 that our friend Rowland has on hand at his Drug 'Store, are first rate. He.is a cfever fel!p7."and ideps clever Cigars. - We have f. pulled' both, IMPUDENCE. YTe despise such brazen-faced minxes and drasie-tails as Elizabeth Cady Stan ton ho sends us her paper, the Revolu tion, in order that our contempt may be weekly fed, and Anna Dickinson, who proves that a woman . may be a jactas3. Such dii5ustinbloomc,,, ifihey were not so contemptible, would bring their sex into discredit j as it is. lhcir misera ble foolishness and revolting boldness on ly serve to make the purity and modesty and virtue of true American woman shine with the greater lustre. Yes, we despise sueir creature?. 1 omen will gain their rights by the radiance of their own geod, ncss. by the mapiu of their own beauty and charms, by thaIivine light of their own love and chaste -affection," not by shameless exhibitions oh the rostrum and in the lecture room; But, holding thebo opinions, we nevertheless wich that there was some'rc-a$s. cither by journsdLra cr otherwise, b: which our women could oe- Icasionallj .sort-c tlit? illiberal and imrwU- aria8.-;u'K-j fccnlkrs theoretical raen tor, afflicted with the cacocihes's scrilervli seem to feci it necessary to be continually offering the other sex counsel and advice which if our women should follow, far supeMcr to nen as they, no-v -ire, even where there a cbarming spice of the devil m them, tlcy would then be so near the angels that not another mother's daughter of them I would consent to be joked to a man. Listen at this from nn exchange: : . I .. . Gardtnin 7 for Ladies -T-l-" teds cdrh trly in the morning; sew buttons r husband's shirts, do not rake vn on vour any grievances ; protect the young and tender branches of ypur . family : rairt a smile of good temper. in four face, and carefully rc out all ancrry feelings,' and cxnecUi eodcroj;0f liapfiiness. Now suppose wc take the other side and give a few plain dircif.ons which wc will call: Units to Jlmlands.Go t3 your (Kd between suppcr.'tiuie and daylight in the morning y.scw your wild oats before you take to yourself a help-mate ; do not be a rake with a sweet younj wife ; : riant the healthful seeds of a good example in your own family ; carefully rp pVt fr0m your heart the spirit of distrusi aud fault nnuing ot your patient wife's little fail- vciir"nr.itinnirn in to dignity and respect, that your children. uiajr ne uew n under the shade of her lov ing presence ; twine'about her thi f-rsh ?earc and ifrdure of your.urvivided love and fidelity and exWt aboantiful cron Iof Lm'!rc.? .y?rf.?f and dc voted tcrrdcr- siiocK-neaaeTTToow, chewing, vrcrldy minded, unappreciativ. "lords, of crea tion.5'. ..... I If men performed half as "well the hu man duties appointed by God, and labor ed hajf as earnestly (to prtnvjto earthly! iiappuicbs uuu oania evil, as women, then indeed would this pocr, harassing fitful life tc better worth clingin-' to, and then all humanity would no longer be dry dust and ashes in the face cf the infi- nitc.- Therms not oho beav.Uful,' lovely, noble thin on the U earth beneath tho mans nature, that is not . fostered and cherished by woman's devotion, aid that docs not wither ind pcnsli under th rude touch pf man.. Xcres not a tea 0 tear of bittcrnef. a broken heart- a head bowedj witi shame and disgrace, . that dees -not bless the poothing grace of wo 4 " i m man s bare and pitvj and has not cause to curse.thj cruelty of men; There's not a flower. die,d and dead upon tho tract of the past, otCrgcttcu gem buried beneath its ruins, mat woman lias not cared lor and wept f)r, and man ha3 not trampled under heifoot inl his onward march of ir, ..! ,t- seinsu i 'progress. The f.Uye is well put, but ws that fellqw eve married Scsrrcfus. Report hath it that Fivrrnin of the In 'fx his recent iv become verv mueh interfstefin the Eri Market, pref'aratory, is, presped, to a plentiful stocking of his lararr 101a ceriam event. How 4inld the irr.rket in Rleleh7 Wofld i ilike to swap tcbaccu for eggs; m 7 lAvoro Southerner. Ah ! iBiggs, ours was an "mterert 1 f , htfmr 119,.; , vtttaTi3 any use lor eggs just now, wiwust decline y cur offer, but, how- ever, wej will trade, and give you ti me: but minf you, we shall cipect a'r.ijle and sat isfacbry returns III Eh ? 1 . At tie regular election of officers for Henderson .Council! 2so. 8, Friends of Tempciancc, the foloT?ing were electcJ. j Prcidcnt C. V. Harris. Vici-Prcsident ll E. Youn. Assfciate W. Vi. Young'. Chaplain D. E. Younr. , cc. Sccty.; F. S. Woodon, f: ttJi- tt nu. ccyty, iiaru ii arris, 'rcasujcr-r-ilarvell Harris. 'oudustor John E. Weaver. i. Con. J. K. Harris. I AS Wra. Finch. S.-David iUGlll. t ie Eittkell SrRiNcs Female Col- legc. the closing! exercises of this de af th2 occasion .rill appear in our next. RixKiors. Tho Rev. Mr. Hunter fill fill hU regular appointment at the inga,- wtiilc your own depraved nature is clogged by black sins aid vice; pru'ic oj the unsightly brancJicc of ,sclfl,hness and conceit; devatci vcrrnnT,nninn ;. lat TIiiTiday, with a degree cf cu '".L,,,,', USbly' factory .o iu tfo, Pre.-Mm..' n uj'j .ucv. . j. lucaiCK lull r.ctiprt 1 TtoilD CnARxrr?. ThcTOun"1 T lauil .tafcntlemen of Iranklinton. pro j zc Cha .dc! benoi' g: Z a; series cf Tableaux, ou the 'JOth rostr. for the Franklmtori Council No 10, rriccl Temcerance. We do not hnoti any! of the dramatiqat talcnta of thise flr, but our knowledge of tlicir c-II in other respects s-tis-Cc3 us 4hwr .effort in this will be satisTy successful. Our crowd ed fpac? lids that we fy moro just noc-J there is much in this conncct'o Awe would b? pleaded to eay. - TLtjung ladies set an exam ple that 1? I worth emulating by those cf other Ci'tnitiefl. . t TiuJ?its to have i t; XJqilT t AXTASTIC SCCSIS a strong hold upon our this, time. Mr..Du:- young rf gan, wii 1 Isaid 'thoroughly undcr iplcs. of. this delightful n. S1.(rl n tl.Ta .1MA stand.1 t!iO art has rr rn"tt3ctrwith verygood daysJflTe loesoni. YtV-irill al lude tfgain. Ry-thc-by, would'nt we cut a 'figure" on tho floor I Wc tLirii Ex T tor New York. Several of our ns, have availed themselves of tho rtunity to attend the Dcmo- cratio time. entioh. VCe wish them a good havedxen promised a corre upon "tho subject," by a . Our readers may look for rpond skiilfi somct interesting. iog(uinerent Kinus or love: "The swce a mother's love; tho longest, a. brotlj love ; the strongest,, a wonians love be dearest, a man's lovje; and the swec, longest, strongest, dearest love, a ldof a bonnet.'" Sjc of the liuanohe Xcics, and our EclfMecZ considerably at Kittrcll, this wed .Ue bobbed, . wo bobbed, and botibobledond it was high bob, lovlb, and (we reckon) dumpty ; - . 1 . '.cnl Grant has tcldrrrarhcd Gcn- crlcDowcll to turn over Arkansas tq c.vvl authorities aj soon as it h OBITUARY. IounAlcad on tho morning rf Ihn inst Y Acparh.Vllf ned 1 year, 4 mos. 17 days. -L ftorc distressing r.tUmity hn m.! dom viH "our ccinnni5tv. I-.iuiii'ul in 'Vi ( .1... 1 .1 1 ... .. Tr7. J.cHure, spngnuy anu aucctiun J acv y-.lluUT )'u VVa't W-'H cakuU. jrfXcc- mates u ill U- '-"Ctti'f innocence ana gl-.-e, whiJrus musical voic! has night after i.i"lit.lrAt iliuubtr far from our c vcliils His lfhly end has citshroiidetl iu Klm.m the iiirt of one who fondly huped to sc 1. -. 1 1. 1 1 1,.. ..in .1 . . ..... . r 1 ; . r . UlllIMtlll HIM I'llUC lUVlillV v 1113 llllwlll ) i Wea not, stricken mvurncr remember thatjiy loss s his gain. No more bhall that ,vea .urm be distorted by buffering or iorrc Vac: is at rest. . ! A FRIEND.' 15 5crson, July Gd; 1SC3. -i - -- Advertisements Cheap Goods. TlX IXWIS 11. KITTLE Ji ant WM. name and wt. KITTLE, trading under tl stylaf LewU H. Kittle ic Rnjiher, at the old $nd of Levxia 11. Kittle, ITfnderlon N. C, V) inform the public gcerally, ar.d the fcers of cheap uoeVU in particular, that tin; v wc tit bor. J e a few gools on hand which vere very low.' Inasmuch as they arc paidtr, we just intend 'to fcell thhn for cash-t what price we d-Wt care d itraw. Wre young men j!t starting in life, and iTiQdustry and fair dealing will support vi dont intcnd4 to periih. We have am-' rie flilities to ' net any thing our friends and itrons may want in the way of gjuds or rnVhandfee, ot, the . lowct cah irice. Wc rit know 'crcdit;7 it's ueleM talk abbult. To all cah buyers we ar let us kno4vhat yu want ; we will do all in our pow'.fU) sve you. e exjcct to kevp bU'.li twU as we think the wants of tU rx?tpllwill mostly require. Such :u G Meal. l.eon.u"Ar- CufTe'.. MoIxskS. SaJi. Hcrriofe, JVts, Shoei, FIardwae,. llat, Cn!Uiiu, and all Dry Good that the that wiuiuitfty. Givers a calu . . KITTLE Lgfl; - Ml M. B. CRU.MP. will resume her : :hocl cn the 1"Ui f July, and clctc first ti. in Lccinbr. fSRMS ER SESSIOS". aryClvM, $10:f. cr English, 12.00 . kratury, 1G:00 and French each, , . 5:00 with uc of instxuiivint, 17:00 tictioa. in any of the ornaintnUI branelii given at tlw uxul prir . prepared to &ccouuiiitc s;x ocxti- .rnia per month, ir.clcdjojr tja;hm L0O. .Thankful fr p.t retro-" are. 'cctfully solicit a conuuuai.ee cf tie sine. Tletlerson, June lfth, IS 8 Kail Instate Agency, Ur . Vatf SV'ckel. tOUXD CEoOK, N'Lw JtfcsET. The rivr.ee r e ince for the aale of Southern t 1 & L - mads bJervyiacu. Southern I ind vjLcN by P. H. JOYNER; Agtnt, C Jua; 12th, UGS. 7 tf T 05AD ALin Au t vir -c ar nd LxIjl? manuilic turr' friers, by . . . . J'JKUAA" CA1UV, UrujpiU, ' Jus; 12th, le03. ?tttrCTh" AHGE ARRIVAL OP . Spring Stock. We are now Opening " and shall ccnticue recti tic g, cur Spring and Summer Supply, which is now bcin selected by oca of our firm in the Ncrthcm markets for tbj season, with great caro fcr , t OUR SPECIAL TRADE. . It will cociiit cf the ucc lu:e is we Uiiily A FULL SUITLY OF. RE.iDy-itADE men's and dots' clothing, Manufactured to OUR SPECIAL ORDEIt AUo, yaszt axd domestic dry coow. ROOTS J S119CS of all descriptions ti.i.-i.i.uij, uixTj rwikSisnixo coops. And a Urgo variety of EMALI NOTIONS, not gcneraJly k?pt tr H busc. ON ACCOUNT OF THE SCARCITY OF MONEY . Worc determined ta seUoufrnodi . AT Amir SHALL PROFIT. And holJ out induccmcnU for the pallic in general. 13uy from uj at JACOB KULL & SONS; V Corner Sycamore and 6ll its,,' Tctenburg, Ya. May Cth, 1SC3. v Oil of Bay leaves Is the lest and most thjant preparation for the hsir la inc. It cures diseases of the scalp, Prevents the hiir from falling offer turn iSgrcy, Removes Dn!ruiT, , Makes the hair soft and glcsr. And causes it to grow luxuriantly. Sold by Druggists and Dealer ia Toilet Articles. Trice TCc. per bottle. Prepared by JORDAN Ar CARli, . Wholesale and Retail DrurgifH, Juae ll'th, lCji. ' Itcrburg,Va, Tfrcorxti. n. c; rim Jeter & Harris, COMMISSION 3JEUCilANTSr tShocko4.Virfhous Irxmt, 1 vtrilVdVti VI . t SOLI OLICITS CU N 1 1 N ii KNTrt OP TO- icto, Wheat, Corn, Uati , aiid all other COUNTRY. PtfODCCK. ? Tobacco cnsignel to rj storM at Sca brook's Wttrehou-e, ami insured by Oty of IlicJjnyivJ, free rf charge. !i.r furnished Ivr all grain fire., upou ap plication. May JSth, 16CS. . , , . Cm J. 11 VIZSADLE, & CO. COMMIS'SIOX XrnCUAXTS BUT AND SELL OS COMMl5IOX. Tubacco, Wheat, Hour viions and Genera yo. 3 izqx rao.NT KciLcrxat; -. STCAitce Sracrr, - " .'..(..,,i-f V jos. E..vryArix. T.-D WILLlAVtOX, unrav m. williamsox April 23rd. . 52 Jrn. w IUiil-Ifco:itlr House, Kittrclls Spring, . C. J1TY houc U now- open fr the reception JUL of a limited number of riitor. Thoae wifkic a iralthy, pleasant and (fUiet wo mer leso:; fhould apply immediately Term m4erate: accvmmulAtion fco"!. lUlf mile fixm the Female G-ilegiate Inni tuto, au l within a fevr hundri yarJ f MUjj Fancey'a aelect S:hool Lr arnall chil dren. G W BLADvXALL, June 10th, IPCS; ; w'LLLva n. rLiyi, CEXErJ.L. CO'MXlSSlOS JfLItOTAXT, 13th Street, Ktweeo Main and Crr, . tlCtlilOJfD.TA. TO.tT! prrmrl CTt'r.tion toa?WLileof int Manulcture4 AAuacoo, tcai, Cottoa .'H-Jur, and every varkty of Country Protluce. An exrniie of f.artcm yean in the CrnruUion branes, m tkn Oty, will tubh? nv ilav t eUin the h.ch ts rr.ariret price ( aXI ccfinmita. Binghain School, - UEKASZTILtr, 5. C- PALL TERM EGIKS JULY C2L AiJrc;:, . "I . COL. WIT. EIXCEAM. Xcne y.th. iece. 3k'J.r.l C. H.Ck5 A. C. MILUAtO. GEXEiVL CUMMlSSiOX MERCHANTS, i'crguoa Si Milhod'i Wharf, .. SOtfOUC, TA. - Jure Ci, 1SCS. . tf Greenbacks for Sale. - T It AYE a few CrvrVuks which I would tell cheap for r A b lrer. j r.DWART FASVACIL licticrjcn, Juuc Wx, 15. Reaii JL'. TIIE BUCKEYE IMPROVKD 'SUT KY CULTIVATORI X; THE DUCKEYE ' MOWING ANt) RAPING JIACHINE3 1 ': - ZLMJUXS jrilEL 110 LSZ 1UKT, .... J. VT. Card well i Cot, Geiser Threih cf, Separator, Hone Powers, C --nd lTieat Drill. The Buclieye or I 3CL57Z S CXA KTZOl ITrxiT; r?.r irf - - WE have &mttcl the Azrr.e alove cekl ratnl Mehmfv aji'l Ira- pleramU, frr the CAmntica.of fS ran Till'. Warrrn, and Franklin N. CL. nl vn vtM. burg b., Va. ; and are prrpaml to furoUU allcn!r: T)r are known and ackot eil to be th bc ia xxt; arI as mch, gUlly commend the a to the frmtr cf thi Bcctioa. ' . 1 . . BURWELL & PARIIAM. llcnaerton, N; C., May Sth, 18CS. TO THE TLANTERS. OP'GKAN- "ILU, WARREN, FRANKLIN, AND PERSON COUNTIES! We are prepared to fumih a mrJne ar ticle of Penman Guano.- and.thf r Frrtilii- er, suld at-Northern prir with frnzht d Jed RLKWELL d: PARIIAM. IIaj 5th, lfcCS. 2 tf Notice. We arm tirre thj Indebted Ia u. f.i come fmardaraimak immel;ate Mvmnt. mvuiltf. BURWELL 1- TARILVH. May gih, nSaconl Bacon! Lard! Holass.l A LARGE SUITLY OT Til JJ-a, withtth?r ir-rr"V 02 XJl ilcrclixiid.w. , Z m RURWLLL L PARfjLM; ilay ?th, lbC3. or bale. 6VALUARM: MULES AND nOR. RURWELL lAnUAilA Henderson, June lvth, 15i. A STATE OF NORTH CAjVoLLNA. w rRA!CKtl5 COCXTY. Superior Ct:rt of Law SanTcm, 15C? Adrllca Ajkew, ts. libel fx Ditorc. WniUm Akew. )' t It ttpprarinz to tba aatitfAcUoa of Cha Court tijit the defendantia thU caoje U eith er a cco-reidetit of said JSLate. or o CKjrzxlt CLttun Corn, rrolh'V1 lL? 1 ' . UJ j cannot be n-rred ca him, cr LLiti.e b4!y al Merchanu2e, I refu or ntglecta Li apior, cr aajwrr in the prtmiM; and proclamat'oa un h:i tp- C trance Laving bern iaoJc. mrccti.x to w, it H ordered by thcCurt llut pubi na tion t ma!c f-r three. rrxitiC in tL WV ly In '.ex. a Lewi rrip-Y' published in the Town of HeTidcTK,a ...entity cf. GranTillc, buto af. repaid, notifying the taid" dfcndAiittl.at if bo do L"t apcat at the cet term of th Su potior. Oouit f Uni tl ! Wd al tho Court )uc in tit Town, tf Ix::sVurr, , Courjy afr.M. .tr ll.c c . 1 M- . Uy t tcr C! f-urth Mn-uy of tetetnber Leaf, ' and Uica and there. jloL az-cr cr demur, julrn?at will be prm fait hm pro tftr; .. Witne. U. lurm-n, a:ikefaali. Court, at cf:xcn XnnwX nr?. tl.c 21 Ma day After tl: VJi Mtr.d- r f Mrr!i 1. W. H. i CniAN, cs. a Jatt ITta, H3. kZz STATE OP "NORTH C.VROLLKAr ua4hllx txiAir; .Prham, 1 Uhn A:CLalLarn. V Adm'r. cf I V. LlCl IywU Tarhaa, dee'd. ISrml fvT ryiLcl TS. AtaC Parhita aa l --i i . i i mi 1 I wn ... 3 I In thu cr it rrade 0 arpexr ta - 1 the Mt:ifacUea-c tl.z Ccirt. tLt I)r. Jim 1 R. PU llriai Locr T. hi m., AtUr. Cr.iT, tat aivtrtUersmt be raor? i-jt tir wcrki t:ect,itt:7. in t:c Ilerrrv l Vkj. a'-tifyic?. the aai 1 defendant tf the hg cf LLu ruuon, ari that tinvci LLfT prevr At th Lrxt terra cf this Cvlit; 1x4 a&ter th petitino, the'pame wit w Ltkrn pro exfctti aiwl heard tr jarU aa U tbm. ' AVitxw, AtrtLjy Lirdl, Orrx'cf aal Cocrt, th Ent Mcriy of May. A. D. 1K3 A. IJLNDIo, CCU J-5 Kti.lSOS. IT. S. Commissioner HAVING Lrcn arpc'ited Uiv! Sutat fWnmLjiTrNr, by the Dutrkt Court f th Ib'rc. cf :rth CAf.Urva, at fa ltt S.-4J-,, I an now prepafel tttiTUii, til . rxfitifma. in Iiiikri:t,trr. Liltir. tia u artl I 1 y . a 1 - tb3 Iran taction of all buiti under tbo juni..U 3 cf Cd G::: iw xi. c; nirrrs V Cw .