V! I cm ! . . 4 i ! E.HENDEBSON INDEX. ED DT CICEKO Tr. HAP.lllS. TUESirAT, JAN 26. 1866. THE NEWS. Gold closed id New York, on yesterday evening, at 1.3o .Cotton -was ,quotedat "Korlh'Carolioa'bcnds: New C2 Tho. preparations for war -titt&eontintie 4it Athens. The banks have loaned tbe rgorvefnuietJt twenty inillion "dollars. Ku-klux on the rampage in Tennessee. 1,668 fires-in .London last year. , --. The Abyssinian war -cost England about 45,000,000. Lieut. Brainc; of tho Tlate Confederate Dav as-kcen -released : under the recent amnesty .proclamation. . . George Francis Train Is lecturin k at the Cooper Institute, New York. Mad dogs in and about Richmond, Va. Peach trees in fori - bloom in Florida. Jt is complained -that the remains of dead horses are gathered and buried as soldiers in the -national cemetery in East Tennessee -by'thc gtnrernmetrt agent cm- 4 Eastern di.naches renort a nmrinlipfi ion between Turkey uid Persia. The Ploed 10 eatIser aad J the bodies of rSuKanV ambaisaddr. hasten withdrawn dCad 80ldierS- from the Persian canital.1 and iPursh. ? 1 Ifc is positively stated that the ScaWrd ..massing .troops cln her WhesUrn rrad'liaan6ke Railroad will soon change -frontier 1 . I lts terminus -from Portsmouth to Norfolk, Returns from the elections "in Spain cunning from Suffolk to the latter place 8how an overwhelming majority in favor the ..Norfolk wd Petersburg Rail of a monarchy. JJu.ce of Aonta has renounce! 'the 'Italian suoccsaien in .favor of -las -sister the 'princess Clotilde. 'Southern Empire, British ship, 'bound Trow iNcw Orleans to Liverpool hereto obe rcpo tsditost:is1now reported safe. road. - iThrs ehangc, if -made, will be due to the legielation of Portsmouth, which makes the Seaboard road pay a tax of ten cents on each passenger carried through 'ihevcitv. pie having the means institute and carry whether that be ITilkboro, Grcast', OUt such a ruinous and suicidal arstem I nf Mm mV( m T.?s this, and how long think jou could they I thus advantaging the Rmlcigh and (jastoa exut as a community? Why hbtory is Railroad some tea or twelve miles. J If it nie wuu examples of the yndcmablo be esteemed desirable to extend tht road fact, that the gradualdccay and filial cx- up through thu coal, dixus Juid mineral Unction of a place in most instances date sections and it does , seem 4o us this from the uupprcssioa of, the rights of the ought 4o be done the rout bj this laborer. It stands, to reason that such place would be exactly so convcuieot as wouia do the case. Labor goes with co- to take in Oxford, Roxboro, YanecyvUle. Ionization, and strikes the first blowjn Wentworth, and on -so to Mi. Airy, in the formation of a settlement. It U Surry county. This is tho very point to true that capital does an important part locate the northern tcrminui let uAave w the work ; butj s labor" can succeed it t Henderson by all ineius. Consider better when aided by capiul, so also can ways and means, put your fcds tccth- the latter more largely extend its opera- er, men of Henderson and Orsiville tion by awarding to the former that-en- county, for it as beneficial to thepco- couragemcnt and remuneration without "pie outside of tow u, in the country, as t which it languishes. An opposite policy, the town itself. A Ute. Lold a mcet- will, as we intimated before, precipitate ing. put some promiueut tuaa or cotiniit- a crisis ia tho industrial relations of a tee forward lo act for yo. Don't be community, whereby labor-Ja forced to outdone by your jounger an punier enigrte, -bustociss comes to'a sfsnd, and sister. capital is compelled to Jook abroad Jbr investment. This looking abroad for everything "iu the manufacturing line, baa been too much the custom with Southern men. Prior to the late war tho commonest ar- HOKE ElTCOTJSJLGEJrENT TO H03EE IE-DUSTHY. 'In Congress.: AVood Introduced these Lt isia sensible saying that "good ad- tlces 10 -""ported from tho Nertb, x - . Vicecarmot be too often civen n , The or Irom r'ur0Pc tue Ssouth thus stulti A'bill prevenring, the loaning of mon-l raiportance of a subi u-hpj-P frrrat In. KytlS ner hoasted pretences to State HaYTX Iimj.B XX0JL2INZ TOS IT3- When Ontcard first apjcarcd, after giving it a -cursory perusal, or rather after having cursorily read some of the short articles, we pronounced it. "Very good n We are reluctantly obliged on examination of the sccvod nuiubot to make a retractation as to part. It. i$ a on United States lesral tenders and terests arc at stakft. i w pride, and to State chivalry, in . her forbidding national banks paying iuter- soned by repeated appeals. Some jour- virlual acknowledgement of the iufcriorU ,JT6'ptcal bcaoty. Some est on deposits - nal sts -iwQ r fMr,n tv of her -own artisans. S noe the- war w luc iKeicnc are enwnaroing. a lew A bill enabling LouisiaEa to receke portance as conservators of public opin- the practice has been in a great mcwure 01 lhcm Mlul'i or the poetry i public lands .donated by the United ion, are apt to obtrude advice in such a abandoned, but we are apprehensive that .mc P00 States frr agricultural colleges. manner as to render.it unpalatable. t1u- a groat deal of this bas been owing to " '? P,UIW vo uiwaavcrc ,we :Shcrmrmfrom the Finance ,:comtiiit- aginingt We are inclined to think P0"" 01 h0 Waganoc and ought a tce. .rei)ertcda bni ie1ra1iiuff oin con- haos by reason of their rnTinInn that if the same means were acaio ac- ln:rrou,cl ior pum w ve pc- . S i .. O . I - f . " . w . . ... f . . . , . I ;c v.o...t.,o. i c;.4 (4;a ... r -i . t. l.ocC;il ,mt ::.ii iiucai in cna racier i is wretenca a millions annually from customs for the they are too ready to thunder their ad- uld be resumed. It appears etrangn gua oi wrcng, a punwwcai payment of interest and reduction of monitions upon 'the ears of a startled how any Southern man of capital, proud U"C"'K 1 wi u pwr priucipal of the public debt, authoriz- public, in the shape of stern and em- of the tact of bcmg a boutheroor, .and r ' . , r " . 1 , ing The exebenge Jf liwful-.money for phatic. mandates. A bolt from their chivalrously contending far the " sacred the pabulum dealt out to the youth now:tentorty-hve per .cent,', gt&l bear- 4read artillery" in Tefcrcncc to the sub- doctrine of -State rightu, can act so in- 01 America UMcruo oame ot niera. 3n(ybn,U tr ho JtUl fnr Hm nnmnv. iect embraced "in thfi mntmn ,iA consietently. Where ia the Dride that turc Mayne Rcid has n this aecoud -"n - r r - - - r ,. i A . n i i - U kch, nn .n.nmnt mn nrefrchm a Tauot nU Kr JlVr.Ur tn I acknowledccs an inferiority ? For . sar Hncu dios woiuuy laucn suon., ox I . - - I . .i . I tK l.-ftir mftvV lift ttmiiwl f Tlx a & .ld bearing notes ;not exceeding the come out m this manner," You mi ht vre will, it is an ackuowlcdgcincnt . J 1" ? . , T ;om in the treasuryj to "be used for the protect your home labor!" We prefer of inferiority, when by our patronago of ' i . ' J ' , purchase in the New York open market the milder method, as experience has strangers, we depreciate the value of our , . . 7; aV . i . , . , . L..-i.1-..t .. , . . r ! ' j .i , . do not -expect northern writers, and )i six per cent securities, nut ine amount us uiat more can uc eiicctea dv wwu u,uuiav;iu,ts uu.ucvrj iuc sm . 4 entreaty than by invective. Although of our own workmen. Protection to J J . WM "I Hew Advertisements TO THE TOTEIW OF IIENPEJ'OX TOWNSHIP. I hereby announce mvaclf as caoditLkte for CLKIikl U this Town! J p. a2G-u s. r. j. UAnnis. I P ES!t)NSIDLE AGENTS WANTEp . to dr of guaranty fr tL sale of iLnuca sua other valaalte proprt ia dif ferent pfU of the UciUrl SUtm. IVoCu very htxaJ, easily eSectad aad too ki ofti AdJrt, J. T. MILLER & CO., janiat tkx 4.1MX I'uft lmi U J. mllOMASVILU: FEU ALE COHEQE. Tnoarasviixc, N. C. The Mith scskn rf thU Inntltutimj Hll cutnntc uu Tuc3Jix,4h imb tly of Jan 4iary, 1SC3, aaJ cx-fiUnu? tneutr-ouo etkt. TLfiX-i; IViard,pTrtKnth,exc!a4ircof lights. $12 00 JJaUv-iTUUoO fee, per cai &, 1 OO Engliafa uija, - $liio 23 00 Muic, - . 22 60 Latin. French aiJ German, each, " 6 00 Oil touting, -mm 00 Drawi!;g, 10 00 All oiler kin.Uof drawing ting! at nnj erate prices. Fjich pnpil tu atjwy 10 n rr teritig awl Uj balance at tie t of l)e ci4. Thi is by (r the cheapest chjul of ita grade in the South, and tTcr alr&rt tages efjual to tliue ol any other LVIlee in the ct.uutfy. Tle family U full, and coro pced of aUW aod luog expvrivnced teach er. Tho course f iut ruction ta catenaire. embracing all tlj ar.litl au.i t.n.a:roUl branches wonllr Uurl.t In female cvllrra and high kIk.-U in the L'nitcl Slate. 1 ouiig ladiea cornnlerinc thla evnre of ttklv are rt-uUrly mduaUt accordtur to tbe I autWity of the chartur. ITu collcse u locate.! on Ue North Caro ma CVtttral llaihvad, Uteen NaU,tory ud GrcenmUW, ia one of tlc ut bcaotf SU JToIin's CoIIc-c, DOAKDINO AND PAY SCIIO TOR 1X)U.G LA DID. ' THE NEXT SESSION of THIS SCH'br, "iU Cvaaeuce February 1, lC9, ixh a full corpe of evn peter it aud expericxl inatroctora in the Ei-luh,CU:cal, aanl Ornamental rtfwirtnicr.t m:v. j. il riuLLin,rai3tti:xT. llKV.IL. IL MA!H. " Vlior. F. A. DOULUAN, and Oryim. - rnor. j. ir riiiLur IHS. J. A. bTR.PLEV, Juyker JImLUK mmd J!tmHttit. MIrvS HUAA A. PCNCAN. Drimj. Hx liWi yw.-;. XlL'vS C A. PE.NlS, . ircncA mn4 VJl. mhs. j. ii. rim.i.irs. : Ml IS. H'TAItWItO. Tltii new and elerant Iotitoin U 1 t."t of lrick, U fcr tn b'ub, hx tt t in the main VuiMmjr, ail 10 ia the aiat i 'i KcXiJ-c, It U Ur'aevrJ tJt tli i th Ur ot, Iml arranged. aoJ m t leuufulU .l cUMihutcnt m Nufth Caihrka. Oxfvrd U in the hill vutttrr, aul t r. tl (,r iu lrr Uhfulora. aud k Ujc iour.utu expended for this purpose not to exceed the amount of legal tenders surrender ed for : new bonds. The bill also au thorizes national banks to issue gold bearing naotes 4o the extent of ixty-fi'o -per cent on the amount of bonds which they may deposit as 'security, regardless cf'the prcseut restriction oft Uhe .total circulation three hundred millionsi J3utlcr kitsroduced . a bill concerning negro churches at the South. 'Bingham one providing for Ihc ad misfjiou of Mississippi, . . A joint- resolution removing' office holders in Virginia' and Texas who can not take the test oath within thiriy days from .passage, 4 and providing that dis i trlcticommaiidcr-s axe to fill their places with Jtu.ee who can tate 4uo oatu was I passed without division. The Sapreme Court has decided that i greenbacks and cerjificates of indebted i ucss arc not liable for State taxation. I Uingh am'a bill provides for the ad f mission of Mississippi when its legisla ture ratifies the 14th amendment and shall remove the disabilities imposed by i the;! 5th 'section arid 7th article of the constitution! It declares void the disa I bilitics imposed by tho 3rd section of the " 7th article of the constitution. 1 Serious earthquake in Calcutta. The Sultan has instructed his ambas sador to sign the articles agreed upon at Conference It is ! thought Greece will accede to them. fliw n-nxr o nrnn t- n 1 liAiTin induct rv UTAorMi tTiA rrwwi imnnr. i i j i i . L c . i e l- no miahly bear tuch obloquy as ts - , . . . i ji .i i m .i heaped upon their lost cauc in the atory cess of an uadertakme, vetve have the nirc TtTcwea that tlw -advocates of the I , i J -- .i . i iirniripf airimii itrnnu-r more HKeiy to succeeci, tban if we bad pucjiiee, r iuai incir cumenuing ior TTXTTRAXCZ PUELICATIOS. adopted the imperative mood, aud with I" s naught but pretension, lhe doc- 1. The Xulionul Txrancc Adv- it the imperious manner of the thunder- J tna ot ctate righta repudiates with con- J ca(e er. Therefore, believing that "must is tempt tno ideaofrxcfcen. Itknowa 2 TJtc louth's Tcmjcrxmte Banner. for Kings" freemen having nothing to no favored class no curled darling," xnc5t rc monthly publicationa of the do with it, we address ourselves to men n0 wouW rroSale to tucmsclves 4he National Temperance Society and Pub- of public spirit, possessed of the means S(le wnents attending ita practice. iue r,cation House, New York. The AJto- adequate to render them pTiblio benefac- doctrine of. State rights is "no sham Ulit tn mye periodical tt the clat tors; aud in a tone of mild entreaty e no system originated to benefit the few radical prohibition to which it belong, ask of them, "will you encourage your at le expense of.the many. anjt n0rth of the Potomac no doubt has home labor V ' I . 1 ful atid healthy tom in the State, aikJ i muun Ma mik- ol i runty, one uf the lt male rollects in Uie State, and i alto within two mile of llcltma celcljratctl Cluilvtte Snnnga, where, at the vi,liH.iJ o-t of 24 cent icr day, an v of tl youux: ladies U th c.uege, win inajr Ucave a, can have, during the warm weather, the cunUnt u of the water, which baa mturcd to rl hralth a ,Trat many jcttmi. ericn!y adcxtnl with Mrrotula, n-ae of liter, Ac lrun bar ing iu charge the elucati.n of Vton ladica of thlicate health Would lo well tu cviid.T Ute aluTe fcta Ildigitntt AJcantages Vn$nniJtci The a i - joung ianra are retjuirevl to alien-1 unday bth-l and Frechinz every SUth. Aht LocerumtHl ia arrnai mild, but firm and all are require I Uiol-nretrictly 1 . a.ii. i a .... a a . t-MUiiaucu usjira ana rules of inc College. . 'Hie Anic atlvantarrs of fjtcrarv S rietic aud lihrariea are ti.vcl ljerc a elewhcre, Tlc kuru of forty dollars baa Ut-n given by two IriemU of U ctJUfe vclMe medals tu be presented to ncriuum young ladies. All minhters datighters will Vc rrcrircl free f Kugluh tuition. Ani any nre send ing ten paying pupil can nhJ the deventh free from all charge except Uk and U Uvnery Addrms ltav D. It UKUTO.N, jati'JC-lawlwr Indent, tLe IjjcHvIi ard C!acal il-jsrt;rrr.t frrt charge. lira literal nviKft f i'k Grand Iale of Nth Carolina, ti tcrf Ucceaaol laris are intrurtcl in the lui lih uA CiaMural department Ukx of charve. Nu charire fur Vt-al Mumc. txkxs rta riox or TwtsTT wi 1 k. Primary Kus!Ih, U.cn lltltcr, 20.00 Higlier Knr!Iht Ist!nand French. 2',cl Latin and Krmh, each, - lo.rm Wuic on lYano, 7 fi Painting, Wax kt Irawii!r, e.i)0 LVe of 1'iann, Prd, Puel and IJIit., Ti.ul flch Iirdcr Wl fumhh m.e Air . f slieet, two pi'.UVvc. w n;Vtn.l number ( Uwt!, zT-O eitra rlrcr.-l-rtietit.i4)e half in alvanre, balaniY at Vtd of evtu Pruvui.u ULctt at nuiikit ratr f Jmvutj 10th, 4 ouisuuno rr.MAu:cou.tuu When we set cAit to write this article, many admirers. It may be asserted that the object of we expected to be oriefj Out tha sub- The JWA'a Temperance Banner U a home industry, has been advocated so jeet admits of too many arguro en ts to be good littU child's papr, cheap at 125 much, and written about so . often that it treated of in a single issue. In sustain- cctlta per annum. The price of the Ad- has become wearisome. This may be the ing our position . relative to the mutual vacate is 1. case the persistency that always should advantages derived from protection to Better than either of these is accompany the efforts of the reformer, home industry, we would have to Cite eo 3. TU Iriend of Tcmiteranee, are no doubt distasteful to "people who many instances bearing on the subject, weekly literary, news and temperance lack the energy to become co-laborers, that a style of brevity would be a diffi- journal, organ of the Order of the yet this by no means detracts from the cult matter to attain The defence of Friends of Temperance, published week importance of the enterprise they are home labor is too important a work to ly at llah-igh by It. II. Whitaker, at the called upon to support. Although the be treated so cavalierly. . In concluding j amazingly low price of 1.00 per an cold shoulder" may be given, and our remarks therefore at this time, we I num. 'public good" be regarded as public j intend not, by so doing, to debar our- nuisances, by such drones in the hive of selves of the privilege of again resuming I 1 l 1 .' I l.n -t.V. ,!''' public industry, yet inans uodk mere 1 " eu,giv'- are still some left who are far from con sidcrips objects lookin; to:the weal of our common race as tiresome on account of reiterated appeals. To such we look THE AltTXXCAK 1STXSAX . ne have received a cotv of tai 1 M Weekly Journal of arta, mechanics. manufacforcs, chemistry, inventions and patcuts. It is published by lirown, confidently for aid in our attempts U industry and general tightness of the the construction of new railroad THE TW BAIL&0AD THE TntMliri WHEBE SHALL THET BZ 1 Despite the losses by the war, despite Coomba & Co 18y UroaJway, Xtw .111 1 . 1 r I 1 tue iacK 01 capital, iuc paraijBaiion 01 1 ork 1 We nave received tho tracAricArn 2V i i ro w Napoleon Congratulates the.powers on: spk m behalf our fellow workers. times, the construction of new raiUoad k. Dctltcjlland vnd r Schei't. ct the result of the conference. M tbe bencfits amending a home labor hnea is just now the mot popular busi- h namcd published In Negotiations for the purchase of Cuba prycuug puucj were, one ucu m iuV.r ness in uis ciaie. . n e arc iruiy giaa york . pfirdlni. It is intend the United States are said to be operation, we would feel less interest in to know it. Railroads are the M Oennto famil? rspcr. .i i: 1 . tz . I t .1 i. 1. z l- r Til w m m auvuuaiiug ii , uui, us c are urui iu our i lenes laruugu wuicu puur lu uooie by iiendi;i!r. rThe democratic caucus has nominated belief, that the advantages derived are strength and volume the wealth cf a peo THE E0UTHZ25 PLAJTEB ASD rABHia. W W m . a a Henry C. Murphy for United States mutual employer ana employee, seller pie, carried oti trom tne near and circu- The. January number of thia adnira- and buyer, eacn in : tncir respective lated in ncn umusion over me wnoie sys t,0 raagaxine was received last week but spheres being gainers we feel moTo con tern. . . got mhlaid. It is as clean and beautiful fidence la urging its claims to the favor- Wc understand ati effort is being -in typorrarh and as able and tasteful in abie notice ot, men Ot liberal views and made to get the Uxlord branch o! tc J its conduct as -any of ita predecessor. Senator from New j 1 ork ; the ; radicals nominate Governor R. 15. Fenton. . ' In Indiana Caniback gets the repub lican senatorial nomination. In Maine the rads. nominate -Ilanni-bal : -Hamlin,. Ex Vice President, Vice Morrill. ; . .; ; . ' . Capture of Vilctta and destruction of the Paraguayan army confirmed. liberal means. "Labor is the BOOrce of "wealth," is a doctrine bo well estab lUhed, that its refutation at this late day will be hardly attempted. If labor pro daces wealth, it is surely not asking too The Catholic convent and priory at nucu tuai wcauw, suoihu oi hs aowii- TitufctiUe, Pa., -was destroyed by fire on dance, .requite in part the obligatioti it is under to its producer. Wc speak of honie labor-let foreign labor look tofor- ti. a r . JfwT that : , A UJUICICUCU III IMUH", v.- . , to encourace' insurrection within, Q prif elg protection for it must be admitted vatecrihg dnd military expeditious against j that rf domestic industry, fails to rvecive the terxities of aifriendly State, is a, that compensation to which in eowutoH violation- of international law. justiceit eotitled-, that U wvH seek Sumner h Weu re-elected to the markets where tbre a ehae f it Senate from Massachusetts, ' claims being more generoTy apprecia- Hon. John Scott. P , take ih jiooo . such ao eVcnt. the prostrath; Ofjiuckale; in the bWt. . M buincof a- community, and a, i John Bedell receives ths demoaratftr acuJ connection. tWcewitk tl uL- Isotuinatiou for Governor of New Ilamp- tibiafe downfall of -it prosperity, w,n be Baleih and Gaston Railroad -or an en tirely new road, wc cant learn which to Ftart from ManHD or Hidgeway. K very. body knows that Henderson is the best terminus on this side, and it teems to us very yinguTar that our citirms have not pressed their claims with that degree of assurance that the desirability of tbq location' would ieeta Ao all for. Hen dcrson . is ao oVl settled place, with au enterprisfng population, aw eligible location-, o-nd every eircwrastante in her fa vor" to Mrdace the noil hern terminus here. We once thought there was bo dealt about its coming here. Now som vet disposed to put in- the dai. cf tlx r itw faut city" ss- precedei foxrs. We woV6 hear ft.. jXtavy aitanfage IliJgc way enjoys wc enjoy, and more Hcu- ( the iatvitablc ccustuuice. Ltt a pto-, dason is ucicr the wc.tcta terudnus Frank G. Ruffin, Kwj., becomes co-edt- itor and Jdo. M. Allan, Kaq. Horticul tural editor I TUE NEW ECLECTIC MAGAZINE. PoblUhwl by TURSDVLL d iWHUOai Mtlwrxe. Thia map ad ne is tioUncvd by the yne. of America Vt be Uie mt grorrally intcr esting and attractive munthly now pallishel in this country. It is a large Uru of li' pagrs, brantifully printcil vn the t-ct toun! iatT, with han.U nje cuter in t cvh-r. 'lite contents are rnale tip i.f the lrst arti cle -Irctt-d from the marrfnes and rrviews cf Auivrir, tMjcloi, Germany antl Francr, ionics mKli oiixiiuI matter. Jl tLusci-m biiK-a in ine the tt frturos of all Uie rcri t lical itibUcaU) of the davi Swal care is taken V) make each number varied an.l intcriting. Itkigrsphjr, EKtifn, HUb.rv, Poetry, kicnce, Art, Wit and Humor, Lite rary lUrxiewrs etc., are TtircentM In iu paca. A hajphwrne strel-ibt iortrait of .nuc uitiinnunrxi prMoage, prtarvu es- tx..iuy UjT u.c ;aguor, accorttpautra ecl liiuiiUr. l"hc work u arrauol to bind in M-iid-nnUal iluriM of TtJ paesracb; a title-pace and Uhle of cuittuu fwr evrrv nioine Uiug int u each iubcrib r Tl.e vuluuuw-a form a nKt vahuble Comprtidium oi imi rumft currciit pniical htcraturc. Single sulscrii'ti4 ho advance pcr an nom, 54 ; Sinl copies ZZ ceuta. Twu suUcri.Uus to ct addrrsa, A 7 00 tire - - JC 00 T ' ' ' " " CO 00 Each aiJ htKm.il rcpy 3 CQ l'JlEMIU)!ij:YoT every new prtv rjing sulMrribvr, 5? 1 1 for fuur ntw prrpajin j; scriWrs. a gratuitous Uc.ffi, 1 on year; fur ten, $12; fr twctitj-Brr. S0 U'T rifty; $70; V 00 e buudrc!, Thc I'tctuiatna art otTcrMl to any at! a!l wfw iil r.-uirujor plirtt fr rts T?.yaf payable ia cash, ye in Uk, fsnry rt W, or general mercbaixlisr, all if whicti ill be stipIml at ten j-cr cext leas thsn retail ratcn. Krn-itUncr are rerfectlr safe- o; n)le by t-odct oJr ct draft ou Lalii more h"pc-inen numlrs f The AVsr jyUdlc Mayiztn may be at this t-Cice, anl lle cUiur til reenve ami fTrd auUenrtioa. For f-tther iifrmatioa saldreaa tle pub Ii.her. TtKNDLLL&MUniHiCII, iuJM lUluruure. Tlr 5jrir Mtori will tpcr January ?th. I55D, in charge of Trf. U. r. Aut cmss. TERMS t Km'un cf ZO wctkt rkcinl, waohinzartd lixhUeaclodrtL $C2 ZA Tuitiva in Senior and Juviif rLtHM, Z) tu Sfj.brr.rc cISmt, - - FW cL- M Pnparat.ry ilep-irlmrut, l 1 2 U3 u Mtuie on Tiann, $2t ) GmUr, I'ayment fr linl rnfirt in alr.-nre: f-- tuition, half tu alarr; lalaurf at tin? mi l- e of tlc otoQw Each Utrlrr U rmuin-1 b furrmh Ikt own towel iar i.f shfrt and 4ll(w cjm-. Awuuikt u'pini of thrr.n1i in:mrtiu Iti all the I r a!h !. of the mruUr ViA'rr n-nn. Ait.ti .n i farticularly cal!M c.rs!rM rilu--tii in charg IVvird tid Tnii ! atjH'Uutiiijr, f Ue o, to 812 iu Uianl, aiil in tle two kiwrr cLsc, rtts.l itiy, M f. IlKl J IV HI lUUk. Pur furthiT parlKur a;-plv W. Y. AUiKItMAN. janlS-tf HENDEHSOK CULLEOIATK LVsriTLTC Prof. m. prrn:u. a m., i .. . . . rm:ii. a. nrrrKii, a. 1 'H- CnitLia ys-TTva, A. R, AtwOant. Tbe llh srii A thia srbocl will ren menr on the 11th -f Jsrmry, . l'r.f. M. Eettrr, Utcol Ue L'tiirVatr of N rth CaruUnt, lias aaMriatl -matM-T.llr u ins mt in iLr vMt ot ibtroct4. rnnaif ilrjarttutx.l, turrrucy,) t'-0 Eri-li.h. with LJrhet ilatLrcutks. !k1."u1 eai-tiw. lVrd, i-Kln l.x;- fil arj light. t rrrralr. iirrM puf. 11. pETTEii oc men. a. nxn-j:. nl2-tf Granville Uouuty, N. C. 1 U I N I T Y COL LEU K. 40 (- 1 ! ei U I-e Strinxsri'm etnmwr JannsTr. StmlrnU can etiU-r at any tin. Tli iwut e:UiefeUy nearazrL TUte are xil . t!k-N in Iji-inecriBj. lkaJi-Kat tt aiL w ben w.. t i n-nrr f stndy !irrl, muI receive trttiL- ratr nr AtyVnnA. acrnvilin t j alTAitttii.t a.l itcuxs t Pinr B.CUAVEX. SCUEDfJLK NOTICE. The Democratic Almanao for 1SC9, published by Yan Evrie, Horton h Co., No; lC'i Naitsao St. iew York, at tire cheap price of 20 eta , baa be-en received. This is a valuable publication,- grriftj, beside? the caleolations asd eaUndrs fwr every latitude," a Iare axnomt ef Histo rical and Statistical matt?. Send for it. .; . . WasniNCTO, Jaw. 10. Senate Mr. Thayer intrtrJocrd a joint resolution pro posing constitutional aroendmcut fvr un ivcTil manbixxl suffragci. j 31 r. 3UPoraU iDtrodaced m bill to t conjplctc and perfect the railroad betwecs. ithc Pacifi: and Atlantu Oceaua. i 1 caarta a. s!r. ww. j. aaij Cn.VBOAHD atl EOANOIIE I:. II. with BISHOP & EZAXCU,' GICCEU isJ Crvnl OIIR55I IECI15IS. No, 105 Sycavtorv Street, PctnbBrgt Tsu We are feeparecf t pant tbe nual facHi- Tralrm bri WeUoa daily, except uu Ly.) aa fUt"s: ' Mail Train 41 Tl.rvti-h Prrt.:!,t TraWaJ Way rhvTrsk.t 1 Aaai.i(TitTira: - IfaliTcia a 7.10 v lUtiic-iiw i iraiaa 11, IS a. ra. fr t'tri:bt Tria at lxt p. r. TL tea.1 Trir dm ae I'..rin,utU Z p. m. 5 a. cu ZZO a. ct tie U tnwie, au4 will pve our pen-al J with tbe IUy I hUarrta f- lU'.iiiwr, areutirti U the so! of G4trm, 1 otaexoyi rUla.Wi4.ia, New York, al all p! U brat, t'cn, ie. A full hLk of (i!UK.E- Iort!i. -a atJ rt. I11E6 aiwaya.4 haa4. fnl V1-, 1 freitht trains-ovnert with tr-anr ' t daiiv fr lUiuutKa, ne htoea a wrk fr WOTia:. All tlo luJeWi a us, by Ytk, (mit XrJt each wk f -e at wa I we ct account, will i&e rocae fur-1 ik'.pLia, a ad take each rk Ut l-ti. rd and settle. We trar.t cvc.ey. I E. G. till lit. 1? 25LUiU.i- i'AILUAU. 1 Err?i2:te-.-!.iclTiau.w:taUi.x. I i v 1

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