1 .,- - - iaiyour Advertisement J v S 3 If WHO CAN NOT : y , , uc wieaJBea With rpnlta: c 25c. a Tear; I PAPER FOP. !!! PEOPLE, V . a 7car vol; vn i HENDERSON N..CVSATURDAY, DECEMBER 91899 NO 37 : : TU - U V 1 I Afford to subscribe far this l paper at the extremely ! low subscription price? I t niAw jruu. win r - 7 1- . , 3 25c f . -f i " ... X 7 A SMILE in EACH; ItV sometimes easier to throw out'n bluff than to throw out . a bluffer. . " .- No,v Maude, dear, strange as it may seem, a person cannot turn an. honest penny by tossing coppers. , ' This is rough on me" remarked the: hobo, as he r.ui his hand over the three days' growth of beard on his chin. lEven the crown of success sometimes' pinches. ! The man who says thinks is often silent.- what he (The servant girl question: How long will she stay?" . When M washerwoman.,'1 dies she's ,a sort of dead wringer. Even an . athletic . can be wound around a woman's finger1. Empty compliments -are poor satisfaction to a starving, man. . ;The i latest thing -out is the fellow who goes horne at"four OjCiocKiu me. morning.. Turkev cooked in 'Gree-e aSid I a - a ssrved in China snoula nave a lijtle I'hili tsauce Thtaverage married man be gins; to economize by cutting down his wife's allowance. A' public office may be a public trust, but,! unlike most trusts, it is.bv Jio means amonopoly. I:.. - ' . ' VV hen a . woman- takes a man for better or for worse she has only herself ': to blame if she gets the worst of it. ' t A - TheBible tells us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. But there were no apartment ' was houses! when the Bible written.- . ' It's a wonder somebody doesn't write a' book' for girls, with the last chapter. lirstj i. I : HE GOT INFORMED! ; -' i j A man who does not take, his home ..paper, but occasionally answers advertisements in "story papers" has had some interesting experiences, says an exchange. He learned that by sending one dolfar to a Yankee he could net a cure fori drunkenness. Sure enough he did..t It was to 4,take the pledge and keep it. - Later on he sent fifty two-cent stamps to hnd out how to raise turnms successfully. He found out "Just.take hold of the tons and pull." Being voung he wished to marry, ! and sent thirty-four one-cent -stamps to" a Chicago . THE MAN TO HELP. , So many of us forget that it is the weak fellow who is in the ditch, rather- than the- strong man who is on the throne of partial or pronounced prosperity, who most needs, the helping hand of the influential and powerful. So many pf us are ready to help the fellow whose- pathway is easy, while we will 1 pass by the unfortunate who really needs a neiping nana, o many ot us are prone to sneer at, if not been in ying to do better to make a new man of himself while ve will throw SHE DON'T DRINK WATER. There is living in Guilford county, in Summer township, one good, old lady who would not be bothered by good, bad or indifferent water if she lived in Greensboro, for the reason that she does not ' drink it. Her name is Mr. Nancy Hodgin and she s eighty-seven years ;old. Water of any kind doci not agree t ith her and she has ! not MARRIES ONE WOMAN TWICE. There is rather a singular case in our county now, says the Concord Standard. Somewhat similar to one which appeared in the New York papers quite a while ago, involving a lady in an adjoining , county. The case of which we speak is thatoj MrWrsfa Craver, who BETTER THAN PLASTERS. It Forms a Coating, Penetrates -and Relieves Pain. Atlas Medicine Co., Henderson. N. C "I had rheumatism in back and should era. Ouc application of Atlas Aconic Oil relieved it and have had no. return, of pain in four months. It is the best lin- crush; the man whohas b error and who - is trying firm for information as;to how to more material help into the lap ...uv. cm imjjjtasiuii. uiicu ;inc oi me siaiwnrt citizen. Aujrusta answer came it read, "Sit down on a pan of dough." That jwas a little rough, but he was a patient 'man, and thought he would yet ; succeed., "The next advertisement he answered read, 'How to double your money in six months,". He was told to convert his money into bills, fold them, and he would see his money doubled.;. 'The next time he sent for twelve useful house hold "articles, and got a package of needles. He was slow to learn, so he sent a dollar to find out "how to' get rich" "Vork like the devil and never spend a cent." That stopped him, but his brother, wrote to find out how to write a letter. without p,en or ink. He wa.vtold to use a lead pencil. He paid five dollars to learn how to live without work, and as told on n postal card, "to fish for suckers as we do." Herald. AN fiDlTOPS OI'INION. agree with ner and she has, not (lives, orffatthc Bila mill. Quitement on the market and is the tasted it in twelve years, while a number of yearsgo he married only liniment that has cvtc she has not eaten any supper for q lady. They bf Ume separated afforded me relief. ' twenty-five years. It is also said and after a coriderable period G. W. WRIGHT, Carlton. NC TO COTTON PLANTERS. umberl ind, Mi., .Nov. 21. 1S9.. Mrh. Jok PERgox, Kittrell. N. C. Dkak Madam: The undeiKiirnetl haviutr for Kum vfek in.-it iven a' iir iriai xoyour remisiy nn latnlly hereby fully recommends. It .a un admirable Aperient, ait excellent Nervine and a ready, bracing, Tonic. He hopes it loay ht- intro duced in tliis community. Your very truly. ' " JNO. W. A VIItKTT, Kd. The Evening TimeR. that she' has never eaten alr im u-.r:ri v.;t. tomato, at ' least since early in that his wifeas dead, he mar hfe, and has never had a lamp in ried a ladynamed Miss Lillie her home, using the old tallow- Blackwelde. v After his second dip, in use everywhere from time marriacre tiittrt wife wa fnnnrl immemorial. . to be livinpajid he was now a '1" P?y. you as much, for Her health is said to be first- husband to two wives. " In order sccd I,nt cotton as ou can rate and the prospect is that she not to not riolate the law. whirh Cct on any otllcr market. wilfpush a century very closely, would have been dangerous, and X) RA.NE . Greensboro Record. BEST ONEAUTU. ' i . AtlaH Medicine ro., . Henderson , N C. For Home time. I have Buffered giving the. light to the cae in regard to hltt assumption that .the first wife was dead, he was at the last term of court granted a divorce from his first wife and I the second marriage was de- Kittrell. N. C. . TRY THE . . Hm7Eo:iE"SEyoui!)Zi;!E. -I r - ' , , , . itself a-Ld-the Stat A; SunJay-school seholar . being attc-mp-0 to induce asked ihat became oi ,nen who pcndent 'manufactui - We would remind you Davis Varehouse is the place to sell your tobacco. Every pile i is run to tne very top notclr ' The old reliable Davis Ware house will get you the highest greatly from pain In my left side. Clared null, bo on last Saturday I was swollen in that 'side and not evening Esq. W. J. McLaughlin. uuie mgei up. voum Hcanreiy gei who lives out at the Bala mill ji n-iinil hriMith nrt lont mm. li-lWn ,lvcs oul Dia mill from work. I Just thought-! would performed the.ceremony uniting dJxAtVwC,VywS Pflf bottIe of vour again Mr. Craver and Miss Black- that ,tv .vira .k oM -.. welder. ISow Mr. Lraver has rany work. va also reatored by the answerer to tnree . marriage ameiiottie. l regard it as being the vows., vet with onlv two different must Iiave unother bottle, i Yourn truly. 1. M. DICKEItSON. VIcksboro, W. C. market prices your.tobac vince you. ices for eW ccb. A tp erv grade . o al will con ladies. Go to the Globe Photo. Co. , for the verv best likeness. ESTABLISH A MILL. . We Jbelieveuthat the - ive ws A papers ot JNortn Carolina . con sume a sufficient quantity of paper "to keep at least a small paper mill running,, and if the l-.r ii r- . i ? n a ' - It is -a mistake Jto imagine thathorcn aroiina rress association nil HiP nW mrls who used sDin- wou aeal a Dlovv to tne irust & ...j i. : i ...ri nine Wheels were spinsters. aim at uie bame ume uenent some inde- deceive their fellow-men prompt-i mi th,, Stat.' With the ly exclauned Europe. . , '; . " assured, in' addition to outside You "can excuse an ofd maid that could be obtairied it should for wanting to go to the Philip- prove a paying investment; nines vi a nurse when . you con- uurnam neraia, ..... siller how many engagements are !. . . y t ' t. reoorteU'iroiii uieic. - . . " JL f i 'hiuionv how would verL, r n J , . . . i- ' J $ v f ' '. - - - f like in be married to that little praiir sisf LNJ ,L i, w ; - : : J In orilerto make a change in myliusiuess I shall offer A X A .N E 15 h: lo w cost . - j t FOR NEXT 00 DAYS, IMbs' Dress, fiooils from a Cotton Plaid to All Wool Cashmere. A Lnr'i Lot of Very Desirable and Kryl!! While riding on,a train in Kan- s the other ;day Miss Ma Jtsurns. ot Ualtimore. fastened a like in Do marneu to xnai. uu balloon1 to-a diamond brooch, nibsey Queen, of Ho land? Would vued at $ OQ her . .object it not. lOM great? ' Naw. I b - 'eb -amus child. The wbuldnxMe Uncle' Ike mar rinA a' i'irl wid- a hundred and rlillnm and she aint never letf 'im say his soul was his uwn. .Cleveland Leader. 1 w . Gloxious Nes Com t. from -D. B. ( argile,- of rashita. I. T. He writes, "lour bottles oi Electric Bitters has Jrrl Alr Hrewer of scrofula. Mr. W '...rhirhi' had - caused-' -her. erent Iter, In HlllVl' - I fiufferincr sor years. e i i car . window was open and a gust of wind carried the balloon and; brooch out into the open. A reward of $500 has been offer ed for the recovery of the iewelr and the cowboys are all looking for it. Also a large-lot of Ladies' Underwear, both Cotton and Wool. Also a large line of Ladies' Misses and Children's . -1-SHOES - I also at the! same time offer a large lot of Men's and Bov's Shoes, all sizes and style. A very handsome line of - GENTS' AND BOYS HATS AND CAPS; . from wool to fur. A Life and Deatli Fight " ! - "" . : 1 - A -'Hines, of Mnnches writing. of Ins almost Terrible miraculous; Escape from death 1 1 1 I. .v.. Ii I . l,H viuiuiii'ii frnni iiiduk oc anrf8 IVOIHU urt'lllv ui vn hci nnrv i-j.jwovi i.vm .ii.-i.i heoi and face, and the best doc- induced serious miiir trouble, tilrs could give no help; but her which ended in Consumptitai. A fine line of PANT GOODS and MEN'S UNDERWEAR I both wool and cotton. ; All 6f. which will be sold at and below cost. There is no catch' in this, the good must be sold. Those wishing to obtain bargains will come earlyi ! v Yours most respectfully, j' . , H. THOMASON. ( Henderson, N. C, Sept. 28, 1 899J ! GRAND GIFT DISTJUBUTON. TUKMOBTKKUAlXiDLS OTTXS. BTEJI MADS OV K KCLXADLIC CONCEBX. w. IEditoh The IIlstlth: Pieaso annouuee that for a limited time vre will give absolutely fret; to every married, lady sending name, address and a two-cent stamp for postage, an elegant triple-llrer-plated Snffar Shell. Such good m-1I In Jwelery stores nt 7" cents each. This Is the most ex pen i re advt-rtU- liuKwehare eter done, but It will make us thousandn of friend and permanent contomenc. Tiiere U nothing ti pay. except ti two-cent stamp as a Mort ofguaranty of good faith. The Ilome-FuruUher. our own monthly publication, showing our line of hlffh-grade-llvcrware and furniture, will al le mit free, Bat one Sugar Shell to n family. QUAKER VALLEY MFG. CO. Morgan and IlarrUon St, ' Chicago Southern Railway THE t,7.nEHJCBtuuRSi's;:.,'5 ftwiar HtchiMtwt mnuicv ana imu . prtc bIor 70a parch aa to olixT. tie tor v:ii mm vizixi ao.f ORJL2fart2ZJLS3. ' Soar,V.T. CUecto.VL Ct fOK SALC BY ' DAVIS Jk ROSE. ' Henderson. . - X. C. ru JZL -M. SIX m in - l V COPYRIGHTS t31W I OBTllir A rATOTt Tor a II V H W 4k CO.. who kT kd Mvir ir.y rV ot fill. Aim cmtaiarM Of I ttou Btrtctlr tmfilwiual. Alltilkwwkbdiw lorwM taiaU teal and tatnUfli knokj Mat fna. VLmt taaaa vkroa Man M Co. raw r9aLai aoUea La 0a Kr1atlt Anrrlr. fx. m cnaa to u tirrantor. Tbia rvK tx3il rair aa1 wU7. ill aat rat mi. Lm h7 (w 1 larraai froalaOoa of an actanUfic work ta Ua crt4. S3 Ttf. (vannla nra at f rar. ariiaa. U 1 eacta. Ewarr aaiaVr ccitatu baaa- tuai t4i. ta motarm, and fMr ai. ta molar, and vaonTtaa of tv kovaaa. artCa piasa, mnU mg WiWn to tbo ibt lafrt daalna aad iw autra-ta. AMmK . AtVajfi CU. XfW Tobx. 3 SI AwuviT. J 0OT0U WifirlQ BAKE 5300? . We. want a local managi r, lady or Myrnrisry.,? RniJinnii n centieraan. In own town er county; -- v I no cflnraMbz reon rvd. -The SOUTH Ym can devote full qr spare tim: or eye- nlnir unlr. In rnnnrctlnn vllth rutir The dirtd line tO jlllPointSlrezulnr vocation. 20O to $V) J can ' Ibe mode before Christmas and It will- require very little titnf. It U not necemaxy to have had xperieuce. Send stamp for full pnrti ulars. Address, the Bell Company , Dept. B., Philadelphia. Fa. , TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Advertiser Let your wants eiire is complete and her health is excellent." This shows what tliousahds have proved, that fcctric Bitters is the )est blood .u"riier known.- It's the su- pi'rem remedy for ecze,mu, tetter -,ilr rheum, ulcers, boils and running ores, It "stimulates , liver, kidneys and bowels, ex- pels poisons, helps uigesuon, tnilds up the strength. Unly J50 wars. Sold by The Dorsev Prug D. Guaranteed. The business of Davis Ware iiouse increases every day. V hy ifi iAiiMt farmers nock to to this i vrchouser it'seasiiyexpiaiucu Most net money, clever treat nt andV fair dealings. Try O wen Davis NOW, and you'll be I had frequent hemorrhoges and; coughed night and dav ' My loe tors said I niust soon die. Thni I btgn n 1 6 u se D v ; , Ki n r 's N c w Uiseoyery for :. Consumption, which completely cured me, I would not be without it even if it cost S5.00 a., bottle. Hun dreds have used it tin my recom- mendation and all wiv it never fails to rure Throat, Chest and' Lung troubles.,, Regular size SOciund $1.00. Trial bottles free at The Dorsey Drug ('o. J Now is the time, to let the people know of your, great- bar gains Plant your advertisement in this paper and you rech the people. This is an undisputed fact. Try 'it and you will be pleased with the results. 1 IRE YQU 6GIN6 ' 1!0 ffilW ? columns 6f lottictlj FIRST 'CLASS Equipment Ion All Through and Local TtaIdb: PLllmn Psl&t Sletplog Cn on Mil TU K UU b lLhlt be known through the 1 If so, write the Southern Paint Company, of Pinebluff, N C . and secure, their price list, 'ihev can give vou a id better paint at Iessmoney than you can get elsewhere. g They, do not belong to the trust and call sell at less price $ should.be patronized by Southern people. The publisher Q 5 of this paper will arrange to secure paints for any of his K 3 subscribers, who would like to order through The Hustler. S j3 This paint has a thick, heavy body so thnt buyers 'can . jl ' jy add Linseed Oil aad make the paint go further and save " R money, as the oil will cost about fifty cents a gallon, i p jjj Write to the company telling them what colors iyou pi y want and how much, and brice will be rivn tu S 5 contains th best matciial and a guarantee goeswith 3 cverv can. barrel and package of paint t Q Nlgbt Trtdna; Fstt nd &&fe SchedA ales. . Travel by the Southern and youl are assured a Safe, Comfortable and Expeditious Journey. . APPLY TO TICKET AGES T8 FOB TIKE TABLES. BATES AND GENERAL XJVrO&l I UaTIOX. OB ADDRESS R. L. Yerwa. F.K.Cir-7. T. F. A . O-F.aT.A. CkArtotU. N. U AkrtHl. K, CI 5o TroaU to Auwtr Qottoas. Fraak S. Casaaa. J. fl. Cl?. . A. Tsrk jav.P. a 0.Ma. TraLUaa. O. P. Al WASH1NOTOT. D..C Our circulation will reach the people who will do you the most good. It la a fact that NevrapR per AdTertlslcg U it kind that counts, and John Wanamaker is a lirlnglllastratlon otthkt fact. yScw Cream Cheese, at . , HORNER & POWELL'S pack-ag.. or paint $8 k VZZX TO START. Read the advertisement of H. w want intelligent bw.M. orxren. t0ths ilo.ishnld RemedifH art guaranteed.' You mu-t r Thomason. He 1$ going to I tie men. to accept prtn.tiiett poI- change his business somewhat n In own town; adar. to start , . If 3 a week, guarantied, an 1 tore: and otters you greai Dargains. mU-ions. Many make fr in 12 to to $24 a week, loacan evotc nit eisher revive a cuiv r benefit or ;;aney will be refunded, N other ni di"in.i ives this irunrantee. Try C H. Ross when you want orjoor lm9jpt anything in the fresh paeat line. pany Dept! Phlia dcipuia, Ta. 1 i. J .1 t 4. A j 1

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