v ) tv run LABOR UNITED WITK TRUTH AND ACTIO N iSKJNG, CROWNEO OR "UNCROWNED VOL. I. HENDERSON, N. C.,$EPTEMBEU, 20 1892. NO. 1 1 "x f .-. t " I " . . - - ' - ' .-" . - i . . . LFTJ Lzz: U li rf you want first-class work in the dental line, call on Dr. Boyd, No fa nc prices. Foir Kent. A Storehouse for rent at Gillhntg, N. C. with a nice Two Room pottage and a Small Farm with it. ' y. j !j S. G.-.Sattekwhite. Call at Rowland &. Powell's nod pay up your; subscription as early as vou can. You will get receipt for same - Mr. Lewis W. Barnes, buyer for the Clothing House of Barnes, :vStainback'& Co., has returned Ir&ra the Northern Factories wheiVihe has purchased the larg est anS best stock of Clothing, Shoes, Hbjts and Genis Furnish- , ing Goods 9Ver displayed in Hen derson. TrjuPr stock . is selected and bought direct from the fac tories for the kPk casn thereby enabling theOn to snovv 3'ou the finessj8nTtnient at a lower price tfit,- nJV would be com petitory fevery , manr-voinan aniLhV V wnt'Vermoneyr by. first iroino 1 to t be Uotning House The speaking here last Satur- Largest Stock of II a id ware in day was a howlinir success it Do von wish to buv or m11 Every " body go to Raleigh with the excursion. i The indiation are more and more favorable to Weaver and Field. i Be sure to go to Raleigh on the wagon excursion next Wed nesdav to hear Gen. Weaver. j So to work if every one ' does his dudy; from now until the electon, Weaver and Field will ! - t surelv-be elected. i ' " . i i - - ! ! John Perry (colored) ;who stole ahorsefrom Joseph Brown ;iour miles from Franklinton also' a pair ofsfioes. He was ar rested by policeman Mahone 'and, carried to thecounty jail. he county at S. & C. Watkinsihind? Certainly you wish to tt i .t . ....... ......... r. .....i ........ nam ware store.. Three hundred Kegs of Nails, 90 Cook and Heating Stoves, 423 Bedsteads, 382 Gallons of aint, at Watkins Hardware. lt!C!!MONl AND DANVIl U; II'V iVTU UotM) ! IIailt. Lr, irv-aitir i 3 n ui . . i protect your family and projn ertv bv insurinr:. If t;oweid vim? vou to rail oil Mr. Jan ii I L.T. M-!lLro., ...;12 lSyo Young, who lias a long ami mil- A..r' i2?:f&! -JwoSE e i . . j l'.orkeUlr 1 7 4 p in VAIIVI III HI IT UUMUW i.itiauni 1U 1 d ii r and will do well bv vou UjtWsh 3Uu :. 4tu I.T. ttr.-tu... ( HOOptw) (tltb Ar. uiiHm. ... I lu iji ii tii- ii. i - ... V -4 tt Hardware tins the New Front. Farming Implements, Carpenters Foul Mcudku but Eugene U ; NOUTll 11UCHI1 j P1- rxruujMi. i lt .11 a m.la il a tools, Builders Supplies Cutting, Falkn.-r es-ajKHl by kwping.the V - KSISSC-J "Ha 5 5 tTIS Woodwure, Crcikerv &c, Good In-st whiskey in town. Call on K; :::! .SSiSSt ur-.t Goods Low prices at WatkinH liim aTJackson's old stand. VrVunr::! 11 VoSSf11! f We unucvn that n straight - 1 aaolta 7 iA! w - v mm An Tilt ra niAniit-uH nmliinua ' I lilt ..0 UIUIIVI kUUIIIIIIl O ae ctmcerned thev do not care the dcst in the end. A little which1 of the two is elected Clev serv now friend Bo the monev is sometime made on 92T7' m li t . i r l i i j T r clcy wnemes anu uouuiiuu rjfhfDuB. .... . . , . eland or Harrison. Both r . , - JkAiS.wi u tf.iS?. P,.1? d,'d,'-,lk . Jenternriscs. but a r5ennnnent ii!iriIlHJ?"r!!!f IL1.!' e their, interest, U'emna , h5 p . : . . .. . .. business can onlv be built un bv j.i5in.d it n,h ..L' has the inside track. His ... - Un io (s a m;itutn iu:.Vm 7rirkMll s worked, in harm on v with ' . . . . .. .. . i:cmooa B4 iLaiHk. it. i .iL rr . r A rarnuin ix. h aim is 10 merit tneil,yJ y - ic Key.,i.i dal)y rxrrpt ss'Reid in the House to defeat . . HanaAjw.nifc vnrumm o-j p m 8HVer bill. . J?7lT"x,. 1 Itt. Dsr- . : speciiUty is Uents , Ladies', Mm . K.j.tiu; lf riSS 1 CUU1C B IH11 I I r lit ilK 1 1 J LT llll- I ft III. . - -w Asot. not advertise insiection' of our stock and we A business' failure means dis-will guarantee your money h V j ex. boo. Mi:nriHk. 5 Upn H ntf. S ,ts p q KmnkltotOD. SSNpo Klttrrit. QUpm Ileo0ron. . A o p m Warrrn I'Ulna 7 5 p m iloD. 7 II t m rrlrr WrlJon. B 15 p a White Linen Bosom Shirts. x n nuigtuv. u n.lL. 1 A.A.AimOTT was our pleasure to spend a few ... I, mo. Ti,ltt;. DEMOCRATIC ILVTIFICVTIOX .1 lo be the 1 josses of the tobacco There is nothing much between ness seems to be lively, especially Sam and heaven, As all who will look will see, MEETING AT DUR HAM, X. C. ranch, at the Alliance Tobacco Factory. And all thev ask to sustain the rnis iactorv is runnincr to its aiut, .r .1... ' . . 1 1 . ! Ill W 3 -1 I A V IIUU L 1.11 U1MJI C &JIlT21fll JII. Lilt? I5ut tne mgnest prices ior an - 4nnA Ia to Lriven fair ,j 5 r T, ' . iuii ijuibjr , vw I'uunun I , j iilCU III UIIU CC 17UI1 VlliU IW. IV., Will j ; 1 ti-ii . r? ? I chance. I 1 r 1 v r i At Harris Gooch and CTs. ! na? anu Ar. uoiuy, ine einciem uikuhi iu uuruum, .u,umi 1 i 4. i 1 : I ... Irtnrn from nninti within ji lea Sam e older and muchr uuu ",,rsU,u&a "mn,,r len Uwen wan young when he , " ! " ! tells us he is unable to keen Pace start.nl out. racnous 01 nicy mac. u,ie, T " .1,. , . 1 - I T'... 1 1 r a.A.t 1 , . Followimr rates will uonlv . . With his nrrlPPa "hPr mnnnfnn. U 1L 1U 118 SCIIieU UftWn in " ,inan ms junior partner j - . . " from pointH named: From Hen- But that will not effect the price - - - "Mce ' ..f. . . t derson, ?2.45 Rnleighl.G5. You'll get at. Harris, Gooch lteGj wn,cn -not be. beat, - . From intermediate pcints in andC's. ! apd anldvetern m the use of And took unto him8elf u wSfeeame proportion. For every load of tobacco this the weed can tru1 8a-v . thnt , The Seaboard Air Uric wil local will bring, -: (Alliance Red) is the best chew- And now my renders if you will sell round trip tickets to. Wnnh To Harris and Gooeb we will """-o!cu. . mgton to tne .ationni encamp try, - When any of our boys get An avail yourself ol my nl- ,Ilent of the G. A. R. for one firs To send you this paper and not dry or thirsty, be sure to call on k -it u . class fare. Tickets vvill be on J i -c -n, T . , lou will carry your tobacco to charge any thing, Eugene Falkner at Jackson's Davis Bro.,' sale Spt. 13th to SOth inclusive From now untif the election goes old stand where you will get the An(j you will surelv be satis-Kod for return passage, unti by. c 'very best. , fied with the price. October 10 inclusive. W. A TURK. UfflJWAcnt. . Harris. Gooch & Co., are stil in the field, and. all " patrorts of - Fri(Jnv DrnwOobdiinml Tri.nn.inp., and -JWiyS'i'iWiSSS'KK this paper do well to try them I .11 ,, . . wunllow.no one to Knrpnssud in kjo p .w".ir,s7SS,Vo'i"i with thir tobacco. They imve giving tne xraue goous 01 xne JA u TATLO, a road beyond reproach and are ovb watch our locul and ad "'K111'81 Bmuuru vniuc t nw ,i,-; " '. " - - ; u -e6TUniiu TOO" : '-Xi 10 vvfeL priced: Our ralland Win- well known to farmers of all cuiumus iuu, j 1 ..." A-iH it rnn lini'O i..nnf rtlUT OlOCK OI ICPftC MKt 1 I e8 IO 0 "Hl .. .. I (i Ia. j.v l 1.1 nuu it juu umc (i li uiiitict iui i oi tJarnes1 ii , Koend geuier wun loining, iiaxs, un icii a ji A- i i j i:v i:j. 3 i i. . . . . ... fnspeetI,er&esinumosr'cwm be sure'to tell you the lest ,,erHllirt8 -0larrt tJulis, ?.eck pjp?HLocK. ior rat men, ouori thing that helps the larmers in- thine to do wear, Trunks, Lmbreuar, dec, is Men, Long Meh,bhm Men, Large terest and ;theirs which areL And where to tro to nend!t nurpassed bytionc. The Lassi- nf c?, n r . v i "o I I o . i i . . . t i ..oumuiuui I identical. Thev intend tobe with friends. ter, rarnano. carry rue mrg uu vuiminisouiio. . . ... ... it ht riock oi ucncrai AiercnanuiHe iea Dy no man, out win steanuy .. ... . , . x ... . f-;a '.;,rAn cor ... - x . . No business man is wise who will in the county.. All we aM. is an h''" ,uj vmuu D"" pursue their own course olncrht. quality of shoes can be bought , , , 1( . .i V: i .Everyman shall have his full RT.T.nfi iifioKer ftrnrp rom rwfinrv- lllicjfina nil Vwnr oil nil Sn 4-1.1 An I ifnlmi ve to nftv per cent less than J - . j hlLlt - . . i I . . . - In i . i i I iiiinfiiva no - nnof o ri ro f i io i o wisp Tfwinv linn ninwf nn any other store in. town, uai .wtC : Fou Kgxt. One Store House and see us. . "Equal rights to all and special ue"JV nnilmro- 9fir:ift r:n.M1 ILmI mir. tnvp nn vnup "nrnrvp An 13 Room up stairs. For particulars Call and examine Barnes. . ' "i'PO lu , uxioro is a in Stainbock & Cos dy cents KALEIGII & GASTON II. U. In fft Sondaj Avg 7th. Ibfcj TRAINS UOVX50 NORTH. No. 84. No. 3 11 n. 11 4o mm I J Oi p o l J 4 3 p a 1J T. 'j p m 1 S'c p ta 1 47 p m 2 45 p m TRAINS MOVINO SOCTH, No 41. No. ttflit Lftf wflJoB, 1215 pm pob. 113pm Warrrn Pl&lo 121pm llmdrrw)B( 2 f Mi p m Klttrril. 2 41 p a Krantltotoa, .1 IV) p m wki Ssipm MUhrook. 3 44 D 13 rtrt 4 p ta BSOtn 7 a m H 14 (fl H r I D M43l a v:h i o d 4 ra U)ULSnUK0 KA1LUOAD. I-oibnrw 7;.V) ra. 1 1 .VI a. m rlr I rmakllotua. 23 m. m. 12 . p. m l T KnukllotooM 3 imi n. tm t)3 d. m Ht LottUUorjt. p. m. :40 p. a Taking rffwrt ro Po4y. May 20th. N'aa. atul 41 tralaaoftKr RaVirb arv4 ruada wdl rait dally. Noa. 34 and 45 Intfli of tea RaJ4h Daatoa Uai'road wi;l roa Cily exrrt'i day. DURIIAM AND NORTH El IN UT Arrtva I'mnort.. Ltirbara,-.. . lrT Dorham. A rri Crw.l mor. lIdrrott-.. C.I 5 asr.2.EO pea an 3 4f pn y.45 axn.4J pa. .10.2D anuS.lo .11.17 ta. .10 e Sifcm J. J. Loughlin, the Cash (Jrr cry nnd Liquor Dealer is still nt the same etnnd, ami would lx glad to see liis riend!, GcJ eold on close margin for Gwb.