The Vance Farmer PUBLIHIIED EVERY TUESDAY. ' PLUfilMfcR G. ROWLAND, - Editor ADVERTISING RATES: WEEK. 1 IK. 2 IX. 3 IN. COL. 1 COL.. 8.00 11.00 15.00 20.00 1. r" 2 Mth. $1.00 1 1.50 2.00 $ 4.50 1.50 ..2.50 3.00 2.50 8.50 5.00 3.50 5.00 5.25 7.00 8.0O 10.00 6.00. &.00 11. OO 16.0O 25.00 The above rates will be doe monthly in advance after first insertion. Local ads 7 cents per line for first insertion, and 5 cents for each subse- sequent insertion. Professional cards and legal advertisements at usual rates. . SEPTEMBER, 20, 1892. NATIONAL TICKET- : "" FOR1 PRESIDENT, .' : . JAMES B. WEAVER, of Iowa. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, j J i MES G. FIELD, of Virginia. . i STROUD, of Chatham. . . FHR HllVfJItRRH' t " - .1 STATE TICKET. FOR GOVERNOR, Dr. W. P. EXUM. - j LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, j It. A COBB, of Burke. TREASURER, - j . V. 1. WORTH, of Wake. K SECRETARY OF STATE, Dr. L. W. DURHAM, of bhelbyj 8TATA AUDITOR, f . TrB. LONGXshWville. ATTOyGENEUAL, RI.lxON, of Bladen. SUPT. PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, f Rev! J. W. WOODY, of Guilford Col. -JUDGE OF SUPERI0R"C0URT, ' .W. II. MALONE, of Buncombe. : , 'ELECTORS AT LARGE, v - Hon. HARRY SKINNER, of Pitt.j ; MARION BUTLER, of Sampson! COUNTY TICKET, j FOR SHERIFF, : -' 1 WILLIE H. SMITH. j FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS, A ATTTT-.V T P!AT(). FOR L3ISLATURdE, ZACHERY T. GARRETT, ! FOR TREASURER, - - j SOLOMON G. SATTER WHITE, j FOR SURVEYOR, ' JOSHUA W; COOPER. j . FOR CORONER, j THOMAS T. HESTER. j TO THE PEOPLE OF VANCE . . COUNTY. i .... . 1 "Public office is a public trust, lor the benefit of trie public," Grover Cleveland. Was Mr. Cleveland sincere when he uttered these words? we believe he.wna, we have ho reason to (lonbt it. 1 Do the board of comfuission ers of Vance county share this sentiments with Mr. : Cleveland? certainly not. AVhy do we say this?: Because at; their regular meeting on the first Monday in &his months (September) where about to appoint the judges of theeleetion for'the several voting precincts, in this county, tney were requested to appoint one of said iudseateach precinct jn the county from, the Teoples party. Did they comply with this request! No. Was this re quest .a reasonable one? Yes. Why then did they not grant it? Only . because they did not be lieve.' with Mr. Cleveland .that "public office is a public trust," to be discharged iu the interest of the people. What did these commissioners do in this uni tier? They appoint ed the registrars and two of the judges from the Democratic and two from the Republican party! and of those appointed from the Republican jmrty some of them can neither read or write. - .Was it kuown to these com missioners when thev appointed these judges of election that some of them could neither read' or write? Yes.. Why then did they appoint menjto this high trust, to this most important, 'duty when they knew, from delict of education, that they Wre hH:a li able of performing the dUiies in cident to the trust reposed in them by the Jaw? . . . Were the Democratic judges of the election 'appointed, by the commissioners at the same time they appointed illiterate Kepu b lipan judges of election able to read and write? Yes. What then was the object of the commis sioners in appointing competent Democratic' election; Judges and' incompetent Republican judges, and resfusing to the Peo ples party any judges of electiou whatsoever, whether competent or incompetent? Was their pur pose in this, holiest and fair? Did they desire a ("free ballot and a fair count") or did they desire and expect these shrewd, intelligent, educated Democratic election judges to oyer reachand take advantage of their stupid and ignorant Republican colle- ues. In the enforced absence of any judge of election on the part of the People's party? Are these commissioners honest.and faith ful depositories of the great trust confided to them? Do. thev hold and administer this "office as a public trust for the benefit of the public"? or have they betrayed the people in , the interest of the party? " , , ' . -: , Fellow citizens! these commis sioners are not 3 our masters yet! they are your servants, see to. it they remain such. . . Do you desire to remain free? or will you basely Surrender the noble heritage of freedom be queathed to von bv vour fath- 1 .,,- mm. evsf it von desire to be tree, U vou intend to remain free, then vou must see to it that at the hext,and all suceeedingelections the ballot is free and thecDunt is fair; Remember that "eternal vigelance is the price of liberty." j Money at 2 per cent and issued as per demands of the Farmers' Alliance upon . products, is a necessity for our starving rob bed millions of farmers. Both old parties demand a high rate oj interest.. Where- rates of uiterest'are high the products of labor are low. As4iionev is with- drawn from circulation by. th bond holders your products and labor are not used because no money to pay for them. The Republicans are for pro tection which tubes ou t 340,000,- uuu dollar) from tbe pockets of the eople. The Democrats be lieve in a tariff ior reveuue onlv which takes out from the peo- pies pocket, the same amount. . 1 . .Can you tell us the. difference? If 100,000,000 dollars in gold is sumeient collateral for o40,- 000,000 dollars in treasurv notes, would not 425,000,000 dollars worth of iigriculttiral products be a letter sixuiitv or the 1140,000,000 tlollurs 'irs per Sub 'Treasury plan of the Fanners Alliance. rri... c.1 1 . .... xue cuue ucKer nominated by the People's party is a good one and is not comtiosed of either Democrats of KepublieuiirTas the Mir t isa n pa pers a ml spea keiu a it) y1."- lv.ery oneiKtaiids on the Omaha plutform-and it is well known that neither a Dem ocrat or a Republican can stand there. Goodbye old party Good bye." : The present Congress (Demo :rat) spent only about $44,000,- 000 more of the people's, money fiat " the Republican Congress which preceded it. If the second session of this congresscontinues, at same ratio, it wilt lead the billion foliar congress (51st) by nearly 100.000.000 do hirs. Hadu't you better try another . V 9 - party 111 congress? One of our Democratic daily's asks are Southern Fjirmers ready to contribute 1.500,000 bales of cotton annually to pay pensioners? It says if you do not, vote, for Cleveland. It is well known that during Cleve land' administration the num ber of pensioners were greatly increased, and that he . siffueil more penson biHs than any one of his predecHorH. To save that coiton, you will have to vote for some other party and soine oth er candidate. . The platform of the People's party is so.plain that any man can, understand it. The financial plank especially is the one lcad- iug plunk for us to secure first,and the one which causes the great and determined fight against the people. The enactment . of that one plank into law, would drive trusts, combine, speculators in agricultural products, and the "Shylock" who loans inonev at such a great interest, to seek other professions more honora ble and better for their souls. Select men for your law-makers and executive officers who are redded to this abqveiill others, and the safety of our homes from confiscation,' and .of our lives from slaverv will be secured. More money in circulation and a lower rate of iuterest and the keeping of the hunds of the money powers from our crop, will be a boon, a blessing to this country. The demands of the Alliance have been endorsed by the Peo ple's party. . No other party has done so. The People's party have buried the bloody shirt by phi.-ing Weaver a northern man at the head of the ticket, and Fields, a southern man, on second place. The People's party recognized the fact that the war is over 'that -the hatchctt is buried, that the northwest ami south have joined hunds against the encroachments of the east headed by Harrison and Cleve land. Abuse and ridicule, instead or arguments sh ows the weakness of a cause. That is the method inaugurated by thechirfs .of the great Democratic party, which is being o lavishly disphived bv tffe partisan press of the State. The President of the Atate Al liance is receiving his share of this dirty stuff frojn his dirtv tradtuets, but this is one conso lation; there is not an editor,nor a writer of all these sheets, nor a political boss of the bid ma-! chine part in North Carolina dares face him in debate. There is no over-production of cotton, wheat, corn,&c,or labor. There cannot be while thou sands, yea, millions, in free America are without clothing and food, and thousands of in dustries need to be started and kept going. Money hoarded by bankers and land sharks, grain speculators, cotton stealers, and shylocks playing their illegal trades is what's the matter with this country. Goto tfie ballot box and crush these conspiracies against the rights of the people and all will be well. - Those who would prejudice you against the People's party, ... call vour attention-to matter which they state as a-fact that the ticket nominated by th People's party had put a num ber of Republicans on it Now we wish to state right here that when men went into the Peo ple's party, they renounced all claims as Democrats "or Republi cans, and one man has just n much-right to be nominated in our convenuon as anv other mcmlerof it. Do hot let the enemy make a fool of you my brother. They swear they will drive nil former Democrats back to the Democratic party, and all former Republicans back to the Republican party. That dny'ia past. 'Thepcuple are thinking and acting and "don't vou for get it." Be true to the princi ples of reform. Stand firm osi on election day in Norember make the result show.- Uave you noticed that tte same plan is being purueJ against the People's party that . has been against the AIlinLct? No arguments can be brought forward to meet our phi t fore so they think they will down it by slaudering the nominee. Go a head with your mud ingin-. The jeople of North Carolina have learned your tricks, m J you cannot own them by anr such villainous methods. Xcitb- vf.. ''oii wu, vtJKe nur others of the DeiiKH-nitA: 8tn:e ticket and other opponents will we misrepres-nt villify or hland er. All that we have to Kiy is that we regret they are on a national platform that they nor their so ealleJ friends ure able to i !e rend. -The Democratic state conut; tion of Kansas, endoretl the entire People's party statetAktt, electors and all. That 'mean 50.000 majority furlVopleV party in Kansas. ThuHM,m,lv good politics the tv 0 wcakJt r. jwiiuu iunvs to dowu the big aind corrupt 8tate bullr and machine inan!pMin(or8 r. gnnlless of Hiecinl pan.xSffn- his iniH.sion is the sarm- Q l)reslill?JVPuntl ?lw flptu is against him-Dal L list. COL. 'JOHN S. CUNNLNNj1AM says: I take great pleasure !n recommending Mrs. Joe Per son's valuable remedy. I have known several persons who have suffered from Dispepsin to have oeen entirely relieved by taking this excellent vegetable Tonic. One of my neigh Iwira who was a great sufferer from scrofula used the Remedy, and is now a well man. I believe- we shouM pat ronize home industries, and e ecinly thoso who have leen so well and favorably known for years to merit public approval. For hef rn'reonrl liability Mn. Person is -endorsed by the bet citizens of our State. John S. Cn.v.N-iNfjirAJL Cunningham, Person co., N. C. F or Sale by Ilundcmon Druggist D. E. AYCOCIC, I di LI 0 PRINTER HTTTrDERSOIT. . 27. The Cheapest Printer in the State, write for estimates and lyou will be convinced.