FOURTH PAGE HENDERSON DAI LY DISPATCH HOW IS THIS 009 FOR a1 Am HI' MEN'S HEAVY GREY SWEATERS. These are worth $3.50, while they last, only $2.00 " Here is a special in Huck Towels for the week, assorted sizes, odds and ends v 10c and 15c (Two Dollar Limit.) Ml FRENCH IDOLS Glowing Tribute Paid Yan kee Troops By Editor Who Visited Them AFRICAN SOLDIERS 1 06 CLASSIFIED BY Paris, Sept. 28. Leon Daudet, nf A 1 Vi rrt ctk TV wtl&t n nrt prl i t nF of the Action Francaise, recently visited some scenes ol American ac tivity behind the lines and his en thusiasm is unbounded. "What cordial frankness they show," he writes of the American soldiers. "To the inhabitants they offer their bread, preserves and cigar ettes with a charming gesture which seems to say 'Are we not brothers?' They are full of politeness to every woman, no matter what her age, and of kindness to every child. "In a station, in the middle. of the night, I saw some poor little kiddles, the family of refugees, sleeping on the floor. Two American officers Britisher Commands Americans. Washington, Sept. 28. General March announced today that Allied and American forces operating south of Archangel have been placed un der command of General Poole, of the British army. Ilaig's Men Near Douai. George Roberson, It. 5; Henderson. Vernon Wester Edwards. R. 4, Henderson. I Claude Roberts Abbott, R. 4, Hen derson. Edward Barney rarrish. R. 4, Henderson. William Grayson Padrtck. Hender son. Leandie Joyner. Henderson. Matthew Lee Allen, Greystone. John Henry Tucker. Henderson. George Arthur Aycock. Henderson. Walter Barnes. Greystone. Ford Vlrlan McFall, Henderson. Henry Hunter, R. 2. KJttrell. Ollie Henderson. Henderson. R. 2. Manson. Gandlson Crews. Henderson. Sidney Hart. R. 2. KIttrell. Sankey Overton. KIttrell. Robert Henry Kerr, R. 1, Hender son. determined, In some Instances by the' JBraes Anareir Jefferson. R. 1 men themselves, were made public m . Monday by the local draft board. Th E?arl,e Drame- R- Henderson. list includes 63 who hav Wn nUrM I A0 Te7. R. 7. Henderson. in Clas I. PVPn in ri.. ti a J Perry. R. 2. Henderson. w - ... .14 . r,1 m X LOCAL DRAFT BOARD Fifty-Three More Added To Class One and Seven To Class Two 45 IN CLASS FOUR Work of Determining: Status of Registrants Is Proceeding Preparatory to Heavy Drafts Soon to Come. Names of 106 more registrants whose status In the draft has been! AIRMAN KILLED IN FALL AT COLUMBIA lane Were Manocurrring Otcr South Carolina Capital City Dur ing Ixwin Parade and one In the fifth Odls Henry Hall. R. 5. Henderson George Washington Person. Hen derson. Alfred Person. R. 2. KIttrell. Class IV. division. The work of determining the 1ubm;u. x ucjr ciuj'jx 11, iuumu, suuuk . 6 KIttrell their heads, then without a word, rapiaiy, preparatory to tne neavy threw over the youngsters their over- drafts which are expected to come coats which they were carrying on during the next few months In the their arms. They themselves sat course of the expansion of the army, down near by and waited for two which Is to put a total of our mil- hours in the cold air of the dawn. Hon soldiers in France by mid-sum- "A French aviator, instructor at mer of next year. . . . . I it .i a m . . a nying school lor Americans saia me si announceu ior puDiicauon to me, 'They are remarkable pupils, Monday follows: their docility and modesty are won- Class 1. dcrful. They learn rapidly and re- The following men waived all for exemption and were British Headquarters in France (Reuter's) Sept. 28. Field Marshal Haig's forces today captured the town of Arlenx, five miles south of tain everything, and their gratitude I claims Douai. Levin Person. KIttrell. Kemp Dudley Pool. Henderson. William Kearney Leonard, Hen derson. William Taylor. Henderson. Harry Grover Stalnback. KIttrell. CUm V. Johnnie Allen. R. 1. KIttrell. Gouranl'A Army Still Gaining. raris, sept. zs. General Gour Columbia. S. C. Sept. 2S. One aviator was killed, an observer seri ously Injured and another slightly In jured wnen one of several airplanes irom t-meron field manoeuverinr over the city during a Liberty Loan f arade Tell two blocks from the main business street, and only a short dis tance from the State Capitol. TDe pilot. Lieutenant Godman. of Oregon, was almost instantly killed. The plane was guided away from the inousanas of spectators who lined the streets Just in time to prevent a catastrophe. EXPERT GARDENERS WILL SUPPLY OUR HOSPITALS New York. Sept. 2 S. That the milk and fresjj vegetable supplies of American military hospitals In Eng land and France may be Increased and- Improved, the American Red Cross will dispatch a detachment of expert American dairymen and mar ket gardnerers to Europe. It i an nounced. Lieutenant H. L. Frost, of thellu reau of Hospital Farms and Gardens, who has been located for some time at American Red Cross headquarters In Paris. Is on his way to this coun try to take charge of the mission. Be on the alert for fire and acci- Jdent prevention. It will pay In con- 3SC Ing to be still advancing. INSURE YOUR TOBACCO You need Insurance on your tobacco In . your pack barns. As usual, we are prepared to write this insurance for you In one of the best Companies In the United States, noted for fair dealing and prompt adjustment of claims. j Insurance Department, Citizens Bank, A. H. CHEEK,Manager. INSURE YOUR PACK BARNS NOW "r: The rates are reasonable. Henderson Loan & Rea! Estate Company. Phone 139-J. to their teachers is extreme. They placed In the first class: M-narapagne sector, after capturing burn to avenge the devastation of Edward Thome Alston, Jr., Vance ' mtne-py, was reported this morn France.'" Hotel, Henderson After speaking of the American Loransw Tew, Harrit Mills Red Cross hospital trains with the Robert Lewis Davis, R. 4, Hen greatest admiration, Daudet con-1 derson. eludes: Fred Douglas Brame, R. 2 "To the French, to the English, Stovall. still full of valor but exhausted by Johnnie Lee Henderson. R. 2. four years of terrible war, the Amer-1 KIttrell. icans are bringing their fresh blood. I Sylvester Hendricks, R. 2, Box 97, The older fighters, seeing thi3 glo- Henderson. rlous aid arrive, understanding its Cylde Reginald HlgM, Henderson. valor and vigor," have felt their William Cherris Ross. Henderson. forces revive. Hope, tha certainty Clarence Johnson Gresham, Hen of victory, have bounded in a single! derson, Harriet Mills. leap to the marvellous level of the Willie Wheeler, Henderson. beginning, and by victory, I mean Alston Hayes Cheek, Henderson, the definite crushing of accursed Citizens Bank. Germany. I do not know that the Isaiah Hampton Murphy, R. F. D., world has ever known a sight so Henderson grand or one that even resembles Tom Woodlief, Dabney. it. im7 iu us onenstve in tne servatlon of lives and property and averts disasters that Involve loss of places of business and homes and possibly lives of members of fmalilies fi FORCE IS ONLY THING TO USE, AIHMAN AVERS Itene Fonck, French Airm.ln "With CiO Planes to His Crt-dit,' Has Killed. G7 Crews. (By the Associated Press.) Paris, Sept. 28. First Lieutenant son. Cyrel Julian Wyche, Dabney. Grady Bullock, Henderson. Andrew Hargrove, Townsvllle. John Lewis Mundy, R. 5, Hender son. Pressley Burroughs, R. 2, Mlddle- burg. Wyatte Dillard, Harriet Mills. Samuel Francis Peace, Henderson. Zebadee Brandon, R. 5, Hender- g 1 D n I 1 fi H h 1 1 1 13 n WHEN WE APPRECIATE A GOD HEATER MOST! Most people realize how hard it is to have to get out 'of a warm bed on a cool frosty, morning; 'and build a fire. Listen, take our advice, buy you a good Coal Heater and enjoy the winter Just before snoozing time, drop in a nice scuttle of coal and when next morning comes, you have a nice warm room and fire to rise by. Our Heaters saves you time, worry and money. Look our line over. Washington Hot Blast Crown Oak Washington Gray Oak Simmons Wilson Enders Oak Cozy Washington Washington Parlor Dash Volcano Rex Laundry and then some :Hj3 g Rene Fonck, of the French air ser vice, is officially credited with the destruction of 60 enemy planes, al though he has actually forced down 97 since his first flight. August 6, 1916. Foncw used one machine in shooting down fifty of the German airplanes. "I have had the joy, the murder ous joy, of having kflled 67. crews, Fonck wrote recently, and I must confess that no nightmares disturb! son m y sleep. The more I kill of these James Lee Hunt, R. 1. KIttrell. assassins the happier I shall be and Charlie Matthews, R. 1, Hender- the more convinced that I have I son. worked not only for France but for Junius Robert Grlssom. R. 2. Kit Phillip Alston, Townsvllle. George Kearney, Townsvllle. James Watson, Henderson. FInley Joseph Bell, Henderson. Class 1. Charlie Matthews. R. 1, Henderson James B. Glover, Henderson. Hugh R. Davis, R. 5, Henderson. Willie Williams, KIttrell. Willie Johnson, Geystone. James Kelly Hart, R. 5, Hendcr- D I humanity. 1 HUGHES-S1AW FURN. GO. "The House Furnishers." B n 13 g D ri u a a u a a y D n 3 "The only thing to use with the Boche is force." BASEBALL IS POPULAR AMONG MEXICAN PEOPLE Leagues Organize 1 in Mexico City and Other Hijr Cities, and Bas ketball is IMayctl. trell. Frank A. Burwell, KIttrell. Joe Blacknall, Henderson. Willie Perry, R. 2. KIttrelL Ottis Brandon, R. 2, KIttrell. Ban Ballard Stone. KIttrell. James Sneed, R. 7. Henderson. Lewis Martin, Greystone. James Jenkins, Henderson. Henry Clements Dixon, Henderson. Archie Arnold Ayscue. Harriet Mills. John Speed, Henderson. Rufus Melvin Strange, R. 2, Box Thomas, R. 1, (By the Associated Press.) Mexico City, Sept. 2S. Baseball is taking a strong hold on the popu lar fancy, especially in the capital, 136, Henderson. Vera Cruze, Tampico and other of Ralph Williams the larger cities of Mexico. The I Henderson. opening of the schedule arranged Alexander Peace, R. 1, KIttrell. for a league ofeight clubs In Mexico James Willie Gill, R. 2, Hender- City was made a sicial event and son was attended by leaders of the capl- Alexander Peace, KIttrell. tal's society. Basket ball, especially Gellwood Earle Satterwhlte, R. 1, among students, also is generally Henderson. played. SOLDIERS CLUB ILS REAL YANKEE DESERT Dublin, Sept. 28. The "American Soldiers' Club" established here by the American Red Cross is probably the only place on thi3 side of the water where real American dough nuts and ice cream are part of the! son. Zollie Perry, R. 2, KIttrell. Howard Garner, KIttrell. Class II. Eddie Lee Farmer, R. 2, Hender son. Tom Allison, Henderson. John Henry Tyson, Henderson. Kemphus Hill Hunter, Henderson Vann B. Butler, Harriet Mills. Andrew Frank Bennett, Hender bill-of-fare. The club is located In the center of the city, on King street, and Is open daily from noon until 10 o'clock at night. American women are con stantly in attendance and there Is an information bureau, competently staffed. The club is In charge of a commit tee headed by the Countess . of Granard. u IZBll ::b::b::d.j FOR SHERIFF. To the Voters of Vance County: I am a candidate for Sheriff of Vance County in the November elec tion. If elected, I solemly pledge myself to fullll the duties of Sheriff ' In every respect to tne best or my y1 ability and will do all in my power ior tne morale upuu oi me county. Sept. 19 tf. P. S. ELLIS. Walter R. Trogden, Henderson. Class IV. James T. Elmore, Jr., Henderson. William P. Gholson, Henderson. Thornton Oscar Wilson, Hender son. Peter James McMillan, R. 3, Hen derson. Wallace Drake Cooley, Henderson. Eddie O. Young. R. 1, KIttrell. Lewis Smith, R. 2. KIttrell. Thomas Gill. R. 1, Henderson. George Washington Williams, Henderson. William B. Champion, Townsvllle. Emmitt Foster, R. 1, Henderson. James Newman. R. 3, Henderson. James Edward Day, KIttrell. Archie Elmore Harris, R. 2, KIt trell. Willie Sydney Strange, R. 2, Hen derson. HENDERSON BUSINESS DIRECTORY Big Vinol Display Mr. W. W. Parker, the Rexall druggist, has arranged this week an attractive display Vinol pro ducts. Vinol Is a Cod-Liver and Iron Tonic, with Its fomular on every package, and thousands of peo ple everywhere can testify to Its efficiency. DR. T. B. HENDERSON IJt Qarnett 8L Phone 114 Henderion, N. C. PRACTICB LIMITED TO TUB ETB. liklU NOSE AND THROAT Quick Service, Prompt Delivery You can save money and time by letting as save your Bole. We nse the Goodyear Welt System. L. T. HOWARD & SON'S ELECTRIC SHOE SnOP MIXON JEWELRY CO. JEWELER A.VD OPTOMETRIST Headersoa, N. C M?e examined and Glasits Fit ted by Modern Methods. We ETtad our own leassa. WELCOME FARMERS We are prepared to serTe you with the BEST the market affords. Thank yon In advance. CENTRAL CAFE J. P. MAJiE-NTH. Pro. GEORGE WYCKOFF m m t H. C. UmCIiL WATCH I5HprCTO CarrlM a BplsndU List of fTstia . Ctoaka mm Jrveiry Watan Btalrtag m BfedaJty HENDERSON STEAM LAUNDRY AT YOUR SERVICE Phone 246 L A. SKINNER Prop. Henderion Candy Kitchen Farm era Meeting Pla. A hearty welcome awaits yon and the best of everythlnc to cat and drink. Lowney'a candy, the best on the market. If yon want It, we have got 1L Thanking you In advance J. B. GEE, Manager. FRANCIS A. MACON DE5TTAL SURGEON OFFICE IN YOUNG BLOCK OOce koars t a, m. to 1 . m S to C p . as. Borne none OSse 111-1 ANDREW J. ROYSTER Cleaning, Preeslag and Alterlog tor Ledlea and Gentlemen Prompt Service Nlfht and Day 123 Oarnttt 8L Day rfcone 170-J. Night tU-W. STANDARD GARAGE Undersells Everybody on FORD TIRES Call Phone No. 636 DR. A. C YOW VETERINARIAN' Phone No- Office C24; Residence 8SI-J. OFFICE WITH P J. O'BRIAN iiKiiKiiioiiiiBiainoiiniiiiHEaiiiii KuniniBiBioioi