i r HENDERSON DAILY DISPATCH CANVASS FOR LOAN IN THE WAREHOUSES Committee of Two To Be On Floors At All Sales Dur ing This Week QUOTA IS $464,000 Names of Buyers, It Is Announced - By Committee, Will Be Pub lished, Showing Who Buys and Does Not Buy. Vance county's campaign for the Fourth Liberty Loan got well under way Monday, following a meeting of the central county committee held Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the Chamber of Commerce. Plans for carrying the drive to every part of the county were discussed, and some of the measures adopted were gotten under way early Monday morning. It was decided to send committees of two to each tobacco warehouse in the city all this week during the sales. There the matter of the gov ernment's appeal win be placed be fore the farmers wno come in to sell their tobacco, and the necessity for t h e i ichasin g will be impressed uh them. The meeting Sunday Afternoon named x one man for each warehouse, and left it to him to se lect his partner. Those selected Sunday included C. S. Brewer at the High Price warehouse, S. B. Burwell at Smith & Knott, W. T. Watkins at the Planters, E. G. Watkins at Harris & Young, and George A. Rose at Cooper's. All of these men, with their assistants were on the job at the opening of the sales at each place Monday. It is the plan of the committee to place in each warehouse a roll of honor. On this list will be written the name of every farmer who buys a bond. It is also announced by the com mittee that the name of every bond buyer will later be published, the idea being to show to the public the long roster of patriotic men and wo men of the county who -come to the aid of the government at this time. R. B. Crowder, chairman of the committee for this county, officially announced Monday that the quota assigned to Vance county by the ixaie committee, -was aennueiy nxea at $464,000. This is something like $40,000 less than had been con templated, and in a measure simpli fies the task that faces the county. Nevertheless, it is the largest amount ever asked of Vance for any cause In an effort to getall that is due the county in its drive, the commit tee, through its secretary, R. E. Ran- son, has written all local represen tatives of foreign corporations, ask ing them to have their companies make their prorata purchases thru the local Liberty Loan committee, so that the county may get the credit for it. Those in attendance at the cora- eluded the following: R. B. Crowd er, chairman, R. E. Ranson, secre tary, Rev. I. W, Hughes, Miss Leah Perry, E. G. Watkins, George A. Rose, W. T. Watkins, C. S. Brewer, S. T. Peace, E. M. Rollins, R. C. Gary, D. Y. Cooper, R. S. McCoin, G. C. Davidson, S. J. Lane, C. P. Sellars, J. D. Cooper, A. J. Harris, W. M. Young, H. E. Chavasse, A. H. Cheek, and S. B. Burwell. HOWIE GUARDS GETS GUNS AND SHELLS Equipment Received and Will Be Distributed At Monday Drill Guns and ammunition to equip the home guard have been received, and these are to be distributed among the members at the regular weekly drill exercises Monday eve ning. The shipment, which came Saturday, include sixty guns and one thousand rounds of ammunition. The guns are understood to be a lot 'of rifles that were made by the United States government for ship ment to Russia last year, but which were held up when he Kerensky gov ernment was overthrown and the Bolsheviki came into power. Rules governing the distribution of the arms are to be announced to the company Monday evening. THREE MEN ARRESTED CHARGED WITH BURNING LENOIR COUNTY BARN 1 PERSONAL MENTION Mrs. Mary Stone, who has been visiting Miss Zola Duke, has return ed to her home at Bearpond. Mr. W. A. Hunt has returned from Chicago, where he attended the an nual convention of the American Bankers Association last week. (Special to the Dispatch.) Raleigh, Sept. 30. Deputy In surance Commissioner M. Jordan reports to Commissioner James R. Young that he has just procured the arrest, of Frank, Sherman, and Hes ter Hall, three brothers, on the charge of burning the barn of Will Gilbert in Lenoir County because of malice against Gilbert, who has re cently been convicted of distilling on testimony of the Halls and others. The Hall brothers will be tried at Lenoir, with J. F. Spainhour prose cuting. The evidence seems to in dicate thtat the trouble between the Halls and the Gilberts is a dispute over a line between their lines. FOOTBALL AND BOXING STARS AT CAMP SEVIER They Contribute a Great Deal to the Athletic Activities or the Soldiers. Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C, Sept. 30. Bob McWhorter, who It will be remembered made an envi able record as a football player with the University of Georgia 11 years FIFTH PAGE . I mem in me country. ,ng the 2;tth signal 'battalion now Carey Phelan, one of the best; forming at Camp Sevier and take known lightweight boxers In the their pick of such operator,, w country wno nas a string of victories over many celebrated pugilists credit ed to him in Philadelphia, New York and other cities where the game is In high favor Is now In the army at Camp Sevier. Besides put ting out an honest day's work dally operators, ther would have no further worries along that line. Among the signal men In camp now are quite a number who great i were formerly on the wires for the Associated Press and other great news - gathering organizations througoat the country. Hif Turnip and Potatoes. Mr. W. G. Falkner, of Sandy Creek Franklin county, raised a sweet po tato this year which weighs 3 pounds an Irish potato weight 1 ?i pounds and a turnip he says rounds up 9 pounds. But Mr. W. S. West, of Oxford Route 3, in Vance county, raised a sweet potato that weight 3 Vz pounds. Mrs. J. B. Morris received a mes sage Saturday informing her of the safe arrival overseas of her broth er, Mr. Ray Vaughan Moody, who is with the American Expeditionary Forces. He took his training at Camp MacArthur, Waco, Tex. COURT IN SESSION FOR BRIEF PERIOD Only Motion Cases and No Jury Trials Called Before Judge Kerr Superior court was to convene at a o clock Monday afternoon for a very brief season, at which only mo tion cases were to be called. Judge John H. Kerr was in the-city to pre sied and Solicitor Garland E. Mid- yette was to represent the State in such matters as came up for 'trial. The regular session of the court for October was cancelled last week by request of the local bar, on ac count of the press of business which is being attended to by the attorneys of the city in assisting registrants with their questionnaires. After the session really convened, it was expected that only a few hours would be required to dispose of all cases that were to be attended to at this time. There were comparative ly few of this character,, and the others that were pending were to be carried over to the March term of court. SUCCESS OF THE 30TH DIVISION IN FLANDERS ORDER NUMBERS FOR THE FIRS! 100 GIVEN Remainder Will Be Mailed To Dis trict Draft Boards And Distribute ed To The Local Boards. Washington, Sept. 30. General Peyton C. March, chief of staff, has made some interesting statement concerning the advance of the Allied Armies .especially the part taken by the Americans in the battle. In Flanders it was the 30th Di vision, comprising men from Ten nessee and North and South Caro lina, which contributed to the suc cess at Mont Kemmel. The 32nd Division Michigan and Wisconsin troops commanded by General Haan, took Juvigny and Terny Torney, near the Hindenburg line. Radio. ilsoFT. LONG. SILKY Sii By using Heroljn Pomade . H !"f- which la oeiignu unjr yci.uv. -the best preparation ma.lo for product heauSul soft, eim. straight, lone fluffy hlir iust the kind you want HeroUa feeds the scalp and makes kinky, nappy. Stubborn h.ir sot, lonf and ,us- SSTltS ;Vany style" It is "four Natural risht to have fine, lovely hair, and Herolia HEROLIN It makes short hair grow long and beauU ftilT stops itching scalp and oandrutf. for cenis j Herolin Med. Co., Atlanta, Ga; 4 icmtv fe your own juu " AulirilO We noaie you a liberal offer-. Below are given the names of per sons whose names were included in the first one hundred numbers drawn in the draft lottery in Washington today. 1. Samuel Jack Wright, Hender son, 5. 2. Russell A. House, North Hen derson, 1027. 3. Horace Turner, Middleburg, 1697. 4. Bertha D. Royster, Henderson, 438. 5. Lonnie Eaton, Middleburg, 904 6. Herbert M. Church, Middle burg, 1523. 7. Norfleet F. Crews, Henderson, 1240. 8. Elijah L. Puckett, Henderson, 1907. 9. Alfred D. Nelson, Henderson, 20. 10. Frank Davis, Townsville, 1255. 11. Walter Page Harris, Hender son, 739. 12. Van Alston, Henderson, 535. 13. John Wright, Townsville, 219. 14. Cecil R. Hight, Henderson, 625. 15. Porter Alston, Kittrell, 72. 16. George S. Harris, Henderson, 832. 17. Malcolm K. Hedgepeth, Kit trell, 964. 18. Tom Allison, Henderson, 348. 19. Charlie Savage, Henderson, 4. 20. Walter H. Finch, Kittrell, 1961. 21. Matthew E.. Allen, Greystone, 134. 22. David C. Vaughan, Hender son, 395. 23. James B. Satterwhite, Hen-. derson, 657. rv ..i " , I , . tue u- Kankin. a cartoonist and position of boxing instructor at the' illn.t mtnr .,. . ago. is now In the military service Knights of Columbus hall in camp is now at Camp Sevier li. u . and is stationed at Camp Sevier. He.and Is desirous of giving further ser-!ber of company 1 L Sfl h inf,! Is a captain in the 50th infantry and: vice to his country by learning en-' Private RanVin r,a. kJL !w , his old pep and interest in athletics.! listed men all he know, about hnS.urJ Ice 1m March "nl especially football, is still with him. j ling his hands. Already a number' was formerly i!th the When Captain Bob was with the of men .from various organisation;; Plain Dealer, the Chicago Newl Chi Georgia University, every football, have put themselves under his in- cago Inter-Ocean PhiLdnhu game in the south was all their own.struction. Danny Whalen of boxing! Pre and other newspapers over the For three years he was selected as.fame around the rings in Phlla-' country, where he did cartoon nd tackle on the all star southern foot-jdelphla town is also at Camp Sevier! general Illust.-atlng . DurtncX ast ball eleven and he was regarded by and has given quite a number of ex-few yean, he has been a member of 1"eu' ai",tl,v- "i'1'" " u"c i lue.uimiiuH uuuis ior me ocneni or sol- the artUt's statf of Cartoon's Man greatest football artists the country, dler lads. There are to be found In xlne and the Red Book ever produced. There are many foot- various organizations In camp, morel 1 ball players from all sections of the especially in the 4Sth. 50th and 90th country among the soldiers of Camp Infantry regiments many soldiers who Sevier and Captain McWhorter is ex-' built up big reputations in civil life pected to give valuable assistance in by reason of their cleverness with picking out the best of them and to the mitts. assist in whipping into shape in this camp one of the strongest football who are short of telegraph operators (will say the effect is not worth ugBregauuns ai any camp or canton- couia oniy nave the privilege of visit-' while? - .-rir i - s. A lii Special attention to proper instal lation of heating apparatus In busi ness houses and In homes of North Carolina this fall will go far toward very great reduction In th inf.il r If newspapers over the country, waste for the year in the State. Who 1918 ?;R0USE ABEOS Inc - a J" The Economy of Good Style Truly economical clothes must have more than good wearing qualities. They must also retain their shape so the owner is able to wear them to the very last That's why you save money and get the most in good looks from rCHhR3rOOTlHHES MADE BY STROUIX St BKOTHIKJ, lc., BALTIMORE, MO They are made by a house whose long experience and nation-wide organization combine the best style information with designing and tailoring of admitted supremacy. Your own good judgment will tell you that you can have pleasure in wearing clothes of this sort. Among the showings of "HIGH ART" garments you will find that suit of which you can say a year from now, "I never grow tired of it it never seems to grow old I wish I had another like it." SAffl HENDERSON WATHNS STORE in. no "THE HOME OF GOOD CLOTHES" NORTH CAROLINA and show rou. cow Mt -