WEATHER WATCH LABEL Partly cloudy Mon night aiH.1 Tuesday. Temperature same. j our ufr, a&d nAlm al&l SIXTH YEAR, NO. 115. HENDERSON, N. C., MONDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 29, 19111 THREB CENTS. A COPY. REGULAR EDITION . TODAY'S NEWS TODAY. MEMBER, ASSOCIATED PRESS. I INVESTIGATION OF IS STARTED AT FRAM LYNCHINBw W. B. WADDILLYM C. HALL GOES OFFICIAL CIRCLES MTU! SUDDENLY PASSES ! ON" SECOND TRIAL ; 0L1G1T0R: AT HIS HOME HERE- AT MANASSAS, VA. BY LADY LAWYER GIVEN SHAK NG UP RAILROAD FORCES FED NOW FORMULATING AGENTS THEIR PLATFORM ERAL BREAK INTO NEST POISON DEALERS a Important Facts of Lynching j Itself Are Brought Out Be fore Coroner's Jury, But No One Is Implicated As Being In -Mob To rn MOB MAKES OUICK WORK OF MURDERER MAKE DEMAND FOR EXTRADITION F! Death Came to Him Most ! Prohibition Inspector Ac-Miss Alexander, One of Two Chiefs of the Four Great Three Men Arri Ycrls Charged Vilh Help in to Spread Wood Al- cohol Beverage Over Five States Unexpectedly Late Satur day Afternoon After But Few Minutes Illness IB EMPEROR HAD ONLY A FEW MINUTES VARNING cused of Murder Is Again ' Lady Members of Charlotte Bar, Starts Action to Oust Representative Pharr CHALLENGES TITLE TO BUT ONE OFFICE Arrainged. in Court Had Mistrial Last September (By tlnr Associated Press.) Ma.'iasscs. V;i.. I)ec. 20. D.nitully Brothcrhoods Gather at Washington to Define Their Position cn Anti-Strilcc Bill fUy Ihe Avm-;;.! p... i Wa-. h i r. st on . 1 1 e. z - . - V h ; i ijoiui i u:irrr mu ct.ui. lh t Negro Who Shoots Picture C 111 -w ww IATfhrkii4 I -a - AT 14X11. Tf 1L11UU.I tlliaLl" fication Is Swung Up To Limb In Less Than Hour aud Town . Resumes Its Nor mal Quiet ! Funeral Services Held From British and French Govern- j Waddill Home on Sunday ments Agree to Take This Step As Soon As Peace Treaty Becomes Effective Afternoon and Remains Taken to Carthage For Burial Mon day Afternoon m ubuu,::,s a factory jury was : Contends That Many Office u ;7,u:tUC; J' expected to dcl.ty the proceedings tf lj C. . A r I ... dirtv.,.j; n,, j..., u r; when William C. Hall. prohibition. "OlderS in tate Arc VI- .thncrrucn kl,, ',.- runr. : dating Constitution By Holding More Than One Office '.Inspector, accused of murder, went en trial for lh: second time hvrc to day. Tin: jury wa. unable to agree ut . Hall's fir.t trial list September. 1 1 a ! I . who is a ecu i.e. 1 of having iu.e t-scu 1 .ilraI fin t;,ii.i:.ii..i, .bills bete today in pu i.rt l.i c.;. rilUtf minor i!L4i;nc.iivuit ct.d "Ihe way U -..... It-rat... 11 of the a,;.. huforUul unli-Mri- pri,,.i .1.. The action of tho Cuaunins meanure. LifU r.-.l...j Franklinton, Dec. 2:. Following the , lynching Saturday night near this place of Powell Green, the ne gro who an hour before nau shot and instantly killed 11. 2l. Brown, one . ' 4l., , t ...... , . r 1 . , 1 1 . . 1 . -, ; u l me yi VJl it iui ut nit; uiuue ji:v.- ture show here. Coroner A. F. Johu son and Solicitor II. E. Norris on Sunday afternoon started an investi- ; gation of the affair. The coroner's jury is composed of R. P. Taylor, C C. Hudson, S. C. Foster, V. J. Coop er, J. S. Howell and R.L.. Peoples. Hut the investigation had up till last night failed to reveal the identity of any of the lynchers or in any manner to implicate anyone in connection , with the mob which made quick work 1 of the negro. The investigation was begun in the office of Mayor Ford, following a visit by the coroner and his jury to tho scene of the lynching, where the jury and the officials viewed the ne gro's body before it had been cut down and removed by Sheriff Kearney. The handcuffs had been removed by Chief Winston before the ed to a limb had been cut. At the mayor's office ' where the sitting of the coroner's jury was held a number of witnesses, including Mayor Ford himself, were examined. Important facts in connection with the shoot ing of Mr. Brown and other incidents leading up to the lynching were brought out, but no one was impli cated' as having taken an active part with the mob. Xegro Shot Jiiown While In Custody. According to evidence brought out Green shot (Uy Paris. Agency.) Emperor the Associated Pies.) Dec. 23. (By tho Havas; Extradition of former William will be demanded l Charlotte. Dvr. 23. ; killed Lavi rcace I), lludsou and Kay-j Miss Julia M. AU xaud r, one ut Un "union t"iclaU t-rr Kito-rl-.c u, i- GET 'KING PIN" IN ALCOHOL TRAFFIC Fr-cnds at Hartford Asked That They Ba Sent Some Christmas "Boore and Twenty Barrels Were Shipped to That City, Tis St!d This entire community was crt-al-;,li"ad s,,',ck,,f,'r, J'iriiiJ! a revolver two womr-n m-inbrn cf lln Cliar-' ''-""d thn ronfrrru. t. u : .1 ... 1 At . . iuuei iu- no il aui uu i.,,,. 1.... ... Inslllullre nao warranln IV shocked bite n:it 11 :i ? f I f "I'll t 1 11 1 . . .1 r . ... 1 1 t t . to learn of the very sudden and - Z'V.r Z m ' TT.. V Proce,'dl Kc?r.,cUllc M - I I frcm Holland as soon as the treatv of to and trench governments, Paris newspaper. TOIJACCO STK31MKi:V TO i.ocati: ix ;oi.isi;ouo dill which occurred at his" home oiiit,c'cnsc llls p'ta; iurweu avenue. .Mr. U acldill ap-i n-i I. 1..1 1..,. ...... 1. - .1... t ness which was of but a few minutes duration.- and the community had not the slightest warning that hf; was threatened with anything se rious, much l-ss that he was likely to pass away before sunset that day. i r a m . , liite Hjliry lu 1-- j-ur.iM-,' a , ,, lo th labor rlau.-i In H i- . 1. : Kd.-ir W. Pharr lo try hi title to th .bill. Chiefs .f llu- fur ti .1 rjil(i.ji r" 1 n at r m f anBf peace becomes effective, according Parenuy nau been ;n His uiual lualtii .111111 MM hf n V 1 1 "pJrs v&nsz nnol bAo. lwAol .. OP GHARGDALTYPE rat in the Ftat IIouie of Iteprcsen-, tatlriH ha rauMd considerable com-' brother hoed and cf ttu ;-:T;!utcil ,r- un.inr JiC rr.uvx-i ah a :rtrr:st, a l.iior ilokr r.J j u.5.VrtaVr. f-c4 tb cbrr" Urioi ? 1 biii-oj : ?air roBir.l:k.r.rr ti i: -Site Will Soon Ite SoIccIimI and thc ,So ra as ,s known be himself had no Stenvniery Will lie lUiilt Kavly j premonition of approaching death In the Xew Year. 1 until just a few minuses before he ; j was suddenly seized with a despcr- Goldsboio, Dec. 29. Arrange- j ate illness and died within the next r.ients are now under way for the se- . - , . . , . , , ' The various industrial enterprises n villifc Kfl. c Oil" itI l Id I MADE Bt A WOMAN IV 1 . . ... unMii 11 in in icxai circir. jKaunaucnj cro cai;-i; in n-.n j ai - .Ml;- Alexander lta been waKini; a ciock id aiii rnut.n - .. .... . m . . . ... . ' I V. n 1 , . . . f-uii u. cainpaiisii urjium .isariotie , nmwu ork.rj r''.iuri i attorneys who bavo been tiol llng to'r,Ka to ll Riiti-lrlkf rni ly.. 'or three public position cf a minor Prior to ih rt: . nature. Her orixli.! rca.-.on for of i-t.iI 1 ?r tbi-M' MCtlonn wba Kald lo bat born . broilit rho.S i-.-t,. ..:. . t;.. rr..-. . becju." wot.H-ii cm u not Ix appoluted lhal lh' f''!I"-ri t- .. 1:1 ; '..j i ,0 notary publics in this SUlr. ,rinn or ; Kiv..ral f' t,fri, l....l.-r : ll;n f t h.- In. fl il.i S .i ilrikf I !; rmt'trtci kf pr ....,. . -. !i A' -I v. .1 h !. This Mask So Valuable to p Armies in World War Was the Work of Mrs. J. B. Garner, of Pittsburg -- : i.nsi s I.l'. ! w .... .. ...a and ofJicu holdeni in all oth-r coun- " ' Stat.-, ore aNo notary " IaU r I,r,,i" "n ' ," r -r ! tho 1 over which ho presided beinc closed 1 .tobacco stemmery to be built in this 'down for the holidays. Mr. Waddill city during the new year, with the j was that afternoon at home with hi possibility that two more large stim-i f3miiv. Late in tin- arternoon. meries will also be built before the -while Mrs. Waddill was out in Ihe tooacco season opens next season, ulininc: room, her husband railed her 1111.1 iiMoimaiiou nas neen gien out and informed her that he was sick., on the use of charcoal for the &b- iby the secretary of the Golasboro j stating that ho never before felt just 1 sorption of hlcMy po..or.&us Rases, cnaniner 01 commerce, wr.o .as re-.i.fce lc ,ud then. As soon tit-H of nbllci. The Statu Supremo Court ban ruled that a notary public la an otfice bolder. The State CouAtitutloti I ,.'.tr (P.y Iho As..oialel Pi;.s. Pittshuigh. I"v-. 2J. -It is claim ed that the f.rt ku.h nrisH bawl p. yt-.iffixut-gyotovtea .SHiCieaTnrierficovercd 'that as sbejfioiii tho atmosphi f. the prir.ripl hat he ! w ft fch' ii'i iiVtLal prtU-t.rt' us fd ypIi a., .11 the interest of tae toregoing ; was desperately ill and suffering ! able to the nnnb s in the world war. project, 11 oeing unacrr.nou inai me . qroatiy. She at once summoned Ihe ioail bv lb., late majority 01 siccM.oiucrs in uie new j family physician who came in rjuick- Cariu-r. .f Pitts!trgli. enterprise will De Virginia capital-jjy, ln find that the palitnt was su!T ists. It-ring intensely from an acute attack VNv'v'w --ry. ()f trouble, and could afford shot and killed Mr. P.rown. thc:,,iin mtlR or rcn,.r. within the streets were filled with men and i ncxt fcyr n,5mit,.s j. ,iavSl.i away. crowds flocked around the guard ; Jt is s,a.,.,i lnat r. Waddill had rot bouse. The mayor upon advice from; been subjected to such attacks and the sheriff of the county, directed the: that so far as the public knows thi.s chief to rush his prisoner to Raleigh. : was the. lirst one of 11; : kind he had When he reached the street and en-: ever had. deavored to put his prisoner in thai As the news of his ieath spread prohibits iho holding of more than one oJTirn by ono p-roii. Wommi art sImi prohibited from holdii.K f flc? In North Cnrolim. With t'licso facts in mind. Mi-n Alesiandcr bind four Charlotte men .fur IJon each last year, fcrr coulen (Ion 1m in: that tiwre lliia oin. viola tin-; the Stal". The four were notary i-ublic in additl QTDMP.0JT DlilTQ IIUIIULUI 11ULLU GUARDING AGAINST C..- -p.r.rinc tf .vr :-.,b4 n..kiv lbrt.c;:.i.ii fit,- ulSctrl .Site- -RiM-ia IL rat ttu uaj. Oc'.h ..! I.:.? liini t.::..u.- ia ti u'. Tin- tl.f n rr ud i.Srbt Aia ti 9jt- Av.o:h i' a M-l htl-u uiui- ej-r ilfjj. 1; J4m Ut u. .;... a l.r--lljn ur.ijrr l.k-r. u-l Su;,t- K. btb. I'.f W n ilrrrri"!. Ums s.i !;:. tait-.;ili lo Ih.bW. t lh- J.i..e .:: l-i ih c4 alrobol lj"Tr 1 I ui 4t.!:i hn. artcvid'&C l1 ( I. rl r uu. in-ir. a ti in l x U . i-jrl la b:rl;ii t- rrjf.. il hu rT-!''l: "l .im riad jt-ii h r'' 1 1'". 1 I J.:.u. bet fJr tiua .ji" '.-t"l kiiI ra- la lVcirt! tt. I u "l jr.l to I- hifim!. J.y tuu n!-5"!.d ia a'l lb- f-i. last year, i;-r romiii- II RnnnTII tn I I n t P H -- 1 "4u i-1 muih -iiii ii ni l Constituticu .f llwi""" W,'',,u' ---'w m i.;: tZ 1 uTT t- I m I M j.altM. ITach .but none ban been Iri-d thus far. The Milt Mr. Pbarr for after the car a crowd gathered around and . rapidly over tho city at before the coroner's jury, and killed Mr. Brown former had been taken into custody boldly took the negro away from the by an officer. In fact Green was in officers twice, but he was retaken and charge of Policeman Johnson when tue car whisked off at a rapid rate, the fatal shot was fired. Following r,ut -the men who were determined the misunderstanding in the picture lial anticipated the movements of show between Mr. Brown and the nt- tne officers had gone on ahead and gro, which appears to have been bad the road blocked just in front brought about by Mr. Brown reprov- of the residence of Mr. O. S. Wil ing the negro for scratching matches Hams. The car bearing the prisoner in the picture show, Green later, it Avas stopped, and after the officers appears, followed Mr. Brown frcm na(l oeen overpowered, itie negro the theatre and an altercation be- vas taken. He broke and tween them occurred out in the was soon recaptured and a rope 1 late hour in the afternoon, it wa a source of a very great shock t: all and espec ially to Mr. Waddill's large circle of friends and acquaintances through out the city and community. And it was indeed a terrible ordeal for bis good wife and children and bis im mediate family connections, who bad barely the slightest warning of .nn. J . II Til. ineiit is made at Ihe Ml-IIoh Institute ..f 1. 1 aml.-r Ut these four Mrs tsamrr. it... v it.. ..r ii. .lir.. 5 oip'nled to the Superior Court tor of ii-s-'arch i;f an i mportant i:a tur;.l i:.s eo::in.(iiv !i re. I m r .11 1.0 iu- Irn-Metl in the eKperivmnls or i,t.r ! rharKlnR him ith hoMmR was eo:nlurii:g in roum-r-" uuttr lhan one office Is now -.tiding, lion it'i tb- gns.s vbkb pi that ' I" Superior Court. Tb quo warranto . liiuo. rally in 131... had appeand on lr wiian nar o-ch in-nvu u" r,.j..:jll t,a . ... ,.y :: .. lh.. battl, r,.lds of i:urepe. When-lop of Ihis nrlh.11. The State law Trra ,it i,,,..,,,,,,. ii iiii iim- w is one- i i juiiMuo. , im w e.i. -i - 1-. fn-rlnj: ll.'T ma;. Ir lr ri me iiisi-.iui-' tect irel. Airs. Liarnor j-uti agaiusi inn nueKr nuiaiur " :.,.- r ; Strong Measures to Pre vent Intoxicants Enter ing Country From Foreign Ports IP II..- A W;ilun,-I.'i.. Ir. Z :-'.f. .- do'."n nesigiied ana m:ol" a masks of the con.stcr Jun". 191.".. they were to the r present at ivi'S i: America of 11 r.ih me i:oJiMlliHion wins in nin or n-r . .,., .,r,,..,. i.,..,. lyp. and in contention the plaintiff hall be rl'' ;slorr4 ,(.I .. , -. handed over S20 by the defeudant. th biutl..r : c -: f H. - lu lb quo warrauta proceilinc -,.1,,,,. 1 1 .;- the British government. They wni the plain HIT rerrlves 110 damaK-j (rt,nr,. h,,,,. 1;.. . ! . to Knglaud. ai.d from this f.rst dc- pbotibl Ihe case h- won. Ihe proceed- port. u j.-rt t.' -.t ;t .-.!. Uign miser gas masks were made. ,,Ks H-R m.-rely to lest the rlRhl v,i r,.l;, u el- t ' 1 When tho Culled States entered r offirf bolder lo crupy the of-: while Ihe hlo hi l twt"t hilthe war full di tail- of the expert- .,, ulilrh be ha Im-cu eb-eled r c,,,M -.i,, i'-,- rrrctati'.r . al". aeparuuc irom eariniy scenes, ureai 1 cental work, titid al! apparalUH that 1 1.1.-1. .1.-.,:.- 1.. I..r.u.n m - t' ill lken f.vl lnr cnnituabi- rji.MU vith ltr.:au Hi. ItobtM iLl. ; i d M alty Sab-by. lb- tlfUKr.-l. I'arr. lit l !-l ll.r l'.iu''r h -l";-l l:.l :o:a. rttf t4tr! - ti . I 1. 1' '. utr i j- b-l l".u J" '."!" -I ' llarl.rl. COAL COMMISSION SEES SEC TUMULTY AT THE WHITE HOUSE . . 1 - t i. .;riu 1: " 4 ' j y t - ... . I -- r ta. I "...i-e.t.-n llirly lit--ill lo 3Ip j I'ncum '4 lli Uutk in .d- jl-4IU WJ.T1 VlHT street. Two omcors veut to them around hi neck and wa. dragged i f," V" ! 'T " " and trled to 8t.p the d,sll,hace. A ahot,.. before he was l . t III! sympatliy for llie nereaveil one.s is:iia(j jM ,. employed were supplh-d t; ti... .,P4-.,--ii,,c bavt. bt-eii broiirbl ' ail..n of wm- r.-.l .U. n.-aU on . I f ill rnvi"ie. nil :ilt li:ilils Xlr. .., .................. 1 -.1. 1", a-,,,.r u I, . . .... . . , I .. ., ran out: - . - , ,v Mi.v Alnkaiiii''r in ine uatm ti tio-'omc mul kimt - - ---.- tied!"auum vas " ,,rvu nusoami ih a h now 01 me sit won : s , )f N(lTJ Carolina, bho havlni;; EsceMe l..rj..r M-..-, i . !... t Keyvarcn. tiled a year .1..,, fr..... Hw. iiuitir .tut! .!.!. .m- mi!.: rl lo li- policeman grabbed Green bv the left strung to the pine sapling arm and neck. But with his right I11 the streets when the mob was arm still tree, the negro quickly striving to get the prisoner the negro drew his pistol and fired pointblank showed fight. He demanded nt Mr. Brown. The bullet took effect bands be released and in his left breast and Mr. Brown fell! chance to defend himself to the ground. Green then attempt- ne would whip the ed, it seems, to shoot the police of-; In less than an hour fieer but was prevented by the latter ; shot was fired the town wresting tne gun troni his hand. as a baooatn atternooji. A lew men Chief Winston, who was in charge 'remained on the street for a little of Green, quickly communicated with while and went to their homes. Sheriff Kearney at Louisburg, and Offered Xo Offense, upon "the latter's instructions very: The evidence of eye is soon started to Raleigh with his! that Ir- Brown did not offer any of prisoner in the hope of preventing ' fense to Green at all. The trouble any further trouble over the killing started when the criminal started to acquaintances was unusually large. Women preachers of the Cnited Funeral services were conducted states have formed a national or-. from the elegant wauaiii nome ai paiiization to promote fellowship, to' .Malned this iM-rtui.vduii StMe Attorney-General upon the de-jure. posit of a bond of iZZO to Kuarautee! Liquors pr.; ialy ".. d the State against co.ts. etc. .n-iwrnwl i a U,. ,r.n !- !. ....... .r ml. Mi-.: n vi l !t iro-:i 1 11V l.ill'.-M I 111. . ... " , . - . . .... j - - may ll f rx :rn 1 1 t rcini inp f-niTLi lit .111 111 1 1 iiwitiv. tr-i iiit:i nn in nriunniP ii nwkiiin i i . . . . i . t v t.t that his nt. i,vir" ' """ .V."'V " . ..I. V aiider In bringlnK the quo warranto 10 ca-.. - - li.-m o nuvn. 'uui; -j M'lurt! .Ml nil irni'M.lMM li I lltm I'M . , n f ,.rr.-,l fl-r Nil k r V I .""'I - he be given a hlfl li:isir u1,, , v. Thomnson. ! ' ,.1 ... M1NlBra.P lrH-tlln?H nr.- unknown by n.. m- lr rr ev 1 i t r . 1 , saying that! r t " Methodist Knisc.onal , " " lu'tU. w-rk.fn of the Charlotte bar. eietpt that ! cum,. , . . - ' " whole d- bunch. church ot lllis t ity. assisted by llev. i, " mlnislrv. perhaps ban lme dilUht-d - ' ' .... ,.1j;f. after the fatal . Moruan. of the First Baptist by reaon of the delay in trial uf the !'- ' ' was as quiet church r Henderson and were al- in-st known aud most successf ul , lour suit in SuHrlor :ourt. j ' n ' , , t . . fl cr,..iir lie was .mi.ih Aicwnucr, -; , . .il.lU-' V "I tended large assemblage manufacturing enterprises llty A'ialcl l'; Vahlnf:lo, r. !4r l.Uti .f !!- iimc!I to-3n.Jti nmii by 1' Wil-rfu Wtir lb rol jJrii." j;r--n:t t.l. l lnrtifaio i;r. ' and :io iu ib l. orotcou ; toal ii !a li. evctcrrt'I wilh ST- 'l.irr Tumulty l Ibe White llouw? 1 I ty. Tfc' eo:a Minion 1 rtectt4 lo lay o'tl a riratu for it woik at it-, ri'-itia locay. n t f Ibe ecuUr roiinil t.. .f lt:e bit ilmtuout Cl Icdoitr 1 I 1. in l!.n riiy lo-lay. and it a . t-'.f-l lhat Ihe . ralori woul l 1'inlir I Ik lr i.-rf.-'tar.c to Ibi r'iuiiiisin iu i-ptfW'i.f tpwitioft 1 h. 1 has l-t u iuat3o by the bitutsla tju tl iu'J!itry. neighbors and fircr.ds. The remains ja ,nan uf great energy and bad a! know 11. has never male. opplltation j Jtnj.1J.K,jlK )ari;'.. , ;.,t. . t t l:.,-.:t.r !- were then conveyed 10 me union great capacity lor r.anuiiug a larne ior ihm.hiiu-iii mt r itbo rountty and i..- - r.i'i- station and were taken on south-J volume of business. He was untlr- but she is understood to be an ardent ( J i.- ' 1 h-'-- bounu seanoartt paFseuger irum . nig in his maKeup aim naoiiH ai.u suoporier 01 inn uun t n,r..i.i-1i wl.'r1; i:...i. 11 to Carthage, his former home. attaJned a where the burial took place Monday At the time high degree of sticeers of hi movement. Her allegations in Ihes j rear h at 12:30 p. m. They were accom-tfor a number by the negro of Mr. Brown, apparent- light a cigarette in the show house. panied to Carthage by Mrs. Wad-; that time, he of was ly without any justification what-; Mr ever. When Chief Winston had gone ' kindly informed the negro that about a mile from town, according ; was not permissible to smoke - in to his own testimony, automobiles ; there and not to strike the match as blocked the road at the crossing in : it was dangerous. This infuriated front of Mr. Williams' home. Some; Green whereupon he begaii to curse man unknown to the police officer ' the deceased. Mr. Brown informed then stepped upon the running board ' him .that he would have to leave the of the car in which he was conveying house. They both went out together the negro to Raleigh and demanded j the negro cursing and threatening the prisoner. He was quickly fol-jthe proprietor. Mr. Brown remon lowed by a number of others, and al-istrated with him and told him to go though Green was in charge of six on without trouble. Both of them officers they soon found themselves j started to walk across the street, powerless, according to testimony. Brown in front. Just before the op Other witnesses, including Mr. posite sidewalk was reached Chief Williams near whose home the ne-' Winston came up and took hold of gro was taken from the officers. r the negro, but before he could realize seemed to corroborate the testimony ; what had happened Green had whip of Chief Winston about the road be- ; ped out his gun and shot, the ball ing blocked with automobiles and I striking his victim over the heart the crowd taking Green from the of-' and going through that organ. Mr. fleers. Mayor Ford, who was ques-1 Brown fell to the ground dead. In tioned before the coroner's jury by (the tussel with the negro the chief Solicitor Norris, said that immedi-i came near being shot, he grabbing ately following the killing of Mr. the pistol just as the desperado had 1 - ! .I..m.-t..- roi ut:. r-. i death, and in fact , charges brought have becu that since j.juid r fre-hm tt 1 r al. ytars previous to the position of notary public in t,r- wtmbl I-- .i..;i oj- nresident and murh of nn office that a woman call-1 ......... i-c.i-b - - - - - - - . niiriuiiii, . . - li... I - . ........ 1 . .. r Brown happened to be near and ! dill and the three sons. .Mr. and 1 general manager of the I aroiina ;i,0t 1m appointed to II. It Is thervlore on aruUli.i 11 it! Mrs. J. II. Brodie. Iir. u. a. .eese. 1 Buggy Manuiaciunng lompany. one-n 0mc of Kumcieut public nature 10 m --. . T r H iur. uscar uiacKiey, ir. utuiBi: Uose. Mr. C. S. Brewer. Mr. Alt r ' . . .. at 1 T Tmov siiiil uupri , .v. . w..a-.F, ...... v . . ... ....... ......... .... - . .ir. tnurruaiuuiiuin i" ii.k The active pall bearers were C. S. the leading spirit, perhaps, iu the or-1 j.,. of lhv state U gLslalure aud a 'IIUKHJ ,uuutai.tuiiuA v nn OI11C? Ol Mlliieit Ul iuuiiv uaiu.v- ' A. 'of the more Important establish- j make It prohibitory for a notary lo POAL OPERATORS X.J ments of the sort for which Hen-. hold any other oiT.rf. I mcCT AT PHIPAGO r. iderson has become noted. He was! Mr. lharr aside from being a mem-, Mfc.t.1 A jtr S. ! the leading sspirit. perhaps, in the or-li - of ... Klate u.KLsUlure aud a FOR CONr CiViir Brewer, George A. Rose. Alex Coop-1 ionization of the Henderson Knit- j notary public Is a1s.i recorder pro er. T. II. Hight. 1). A. Neese. S. T. tjR Mills, of which he was also pres- l .. ,, v( Charlotte. Mis nbirct .f I','t ' U YEGGMEN SLOW SAFE CT AWAY WITU $15,003 f l:- lb.' As:fKlatd l'rt?!i.) I. . fl.trr. Va.. Vrri Zlt.XKC f. 11 t.'i!y Cut laurnler blew epea lies ,at- .f lb slotc cf J. 1. l'erkla ;.:i mI Mirt!i"t-, liawiid.n cotii.iy( '?ti-l i" a...- cway w-iitf tao:,r r tad UI.I..J. lo l!. :.uoaltX HZ.)!. 11." it t made ay in au aato- ::-.'.sb: a:.d itt'i t.O Vlng J-JUiLt 1 .. '.nt- ( P i ihnrp. J. Jones, and Ur. R. T. business munity. He Peace. R Ppchurch. Mr. Waddill was about liUy-one years ot age. He was born of ex cellent parentage in Moore county where he lived until he came to Hen derson some thirteen or fourteen years ago and became identified with J ness man in whom the. buggy manufacturing ousiness. He married Miss Ella Petty, a daugh ter of Major William Petty of Moore county who for quite a number of years previous to bis death was president and general manager 01 the Carthage Railway. Mrs. Wad dill and three sons survive him. He also leaves one brother. Mr. J. E. Waddill. ot Carthage. ai;d two sis ters who live at the same place, j ascribed to him manager. 1,M Alexander allegcf. He was a notary . a high degree ,... i..i .iin iaclslaiuro and i ident and general which he attained - . 1 i.t . .11 t I or success tinner ins mreeuou. .. WM appojnlcti rcCordcr pro tern i Mr. Waddill easily ranked as one- h c commissioners sometime; among the very foremost citizens and election as a Ucprcscnta-. 1. .. : ftf fliln iit utt.l rnn.M Mioubl IV Tin-it" AUitu le T.- wanl SpvtUI onnue- Iltv the Aoela:r. P-' 1 t-htraro. IV-. lMt.-;.:-- mili fW III it r I in v w.j - v j was the type of busl-i , ... At,.wn.lrr!,. f rv,l owratan. In th- l"i'.i- the business! . ,, ....... . ..u. .i w i .ivii i!.-";" kicri! .mi. 1 u.ii """inwus H"'i THEFTS THIS YEAR , IN NEW YORK CITY GREATLY INCREASED ;hmU an. I 3In-j AiuvaaJinc lo Hate IVrti Mole l!tK'rtiioal. " " fntileiwU Hint world has great confidence, and is , a.Utu,lc t , Bdo;.;..l l y H - he never in any way atuseu al ai.yi. f Kv . rinillltln ,hn r.ndints of ll - .S"' time in his entire life. He was al- , ; nr..-.!nt..I bv Prr-i.i:. roonirnlTMl wrSl.tlUlUir lit: U uu .Vfeaa . .r" . ".UU..... .n.n,wli,l ftttvon n rppnirnlll'il leader ,n bis chur h. and was always to accept the election as Reprcscnta iound at the forefront in every move- "vc. HoldinK these two public : of ment for the uplift and betterment ! l rlhr ioK ' of the community. Indeed a long State Constitution by accepting the list of splendid qualities and achicve-i appointment of recorder pro tern of pelves as lo arc yinj: m ru. r ments might Justly and truthfully bejthe city. ny decbion lh- I r.b..n. r..,.. Wilson lo ndj't i"''f after the etil ucr.l of tl - n-- n nationwide sllik.'. 0h ra'or-. a - it that Ihey bare not cuei.uitt.-d U t i- Brown, it was plain to see that the cocked it ready to fire. The chief j These are Mrs. J. V. Larkin and Mrs 'meant with help that had come up immedi- I ately took the prisoner to the lockup crowd was very angry and business." How the Ijynciiiiig Happened. 'which is just across the street from In a few minutes after Green had 'where the crime was committed. W. C. Wilcox. On first coming to Henderson Mr. Waddill soon became identified very prom'.i'ertlv wth nnm of the cltv's n Vor. Inc. :. Ci.rr.iLilj i:t ln ll...-iaiit4 'iNiralc IbHts rV?Kd tl. pK c f Votk of rah td lu I.0.t(,o lfl-r--f 1!. nccr!i;K lo Ibc Nw yiK Tiibun- r.f lolar. Tin -tirj;at. i sin by Iho i!Tl of iMriy-l burplary it-uranc; f'M l. lb; city, who lht lb ;...r et.uin: has b-n 1 sot in ai 1 r.? la Ihfir !.Ki.rj. l:ob iV:i. j !t- J-Ar lnr-ad tjote jinl will be In the' Sh would haV nun oumeo irumnon may i ... u 11 hi mlclibors and itne once 01 member 01 mo ix-Kiia- . . '. ... - . ... .. . t .. m m,.l 1 1, l a ofTia l.t i r.-il raralit. cue bUbliC 0!f.C. nint oVlum'O bVtrulshe wlu Uo tore idm to resUn I This ca U not hkMy o r?ct: ,o .Bl o.r "JZZ saia that e will be very greatly j one of the other two oClcc. which Uri.I In Superior Court Ih for. rlar. a