it' j MKNDKKSON DAILY PlSI'ATTM FIFTH PAGE v f I OvtVuc. Couple Married. OvtVu'c; Couple Married PRETTY BRIDGE PARTY write their own name ami to guess the name of Santa Claus. A very ..large and jolly looking Santa Claus -descended the stairs with his mor- inous duck liiled wan tors and a. ; large basket on his arm containing a ; present for. each one. He carried a 'hand organ and played it as he IN HONOR MISS PERRY, moved among the guests, distributing 'the gifts. The slips of paper were S. I Cooper Entertained collected and Mrs. C. II. Turner was the only one who guessed the correct name. The guests came around : eager to see Santa Claus as he re- Mrs. Sidney P. Cooper gave a beau-! in0Ved his mask, and it was a com- "it. I lev. It. M. Andveus. Rev. R. M. Andrews,, of Greens bri, president of the North Caro lljjf 'Methodist' Protestant Cont'er nr ?. will visit relatives in the city cake, salted sand- Among the out-of-town guests at ;the party were Mrs. Iewis Cooper. What Is It? PEPSATED Tcblcts of pure acpirir com pounded with pepsin, retain ing all the mecicinal proper ties cf aspirin, but produc ing no bad aftereffects on the stomach. A valuable remedy for colds, neuraJ-ia, ir.fiucn.-ra, rheu matism Cr.d hcaduche. i lwham, Dec. 29. j. w. Hob .o.mI and Miss AU-y Bell Day were uiotly married Saturday afternoon Mis ;.i :;:.;u o'clock, at the home of Mr. Twelve Tables of ISridge in jsJid Mrs. WT. W. Walters, on Hollo- Honor of liride-Klcct. t-nriuuiiy oeing per formed by Rev. A. C. Wilcox, pastor Ol IrillltV c.hliveh TVio.r i tiflll hrirlir nnptv Sntnril:iv :i f tprnnnn I ..i i ...i ... ;n -- j iiieLt? turpi ise 10 every on wneii inev , fended by Miss Callie Ilobgood and:iu honor of Miss Mary Perry, bride-! discovered that it was Mr. It. O. Kit-. Crudup Uobgood, sister and brother, elect. The decorations were Christ-; trell, the groom-to-be. Just as he of the groom, and Miss Mary Daymas emblems, the flowers in the tliu-!removed his mask, he called the sister of the bride. Among their i"R loom were red and white car- name of Miss Mary Perry and pre friends to witness the ceremony ; nations. The table cover was lace sented her with a special gift from were- Coy Parham, J. D. Carnes, B. j and the lights were red candles, the hostess. C. lira inc. Casper and Earl d itcher, Ribbon and holly was used in the The prize was given to Mrs. Tur all l" Oxford, x. c. They motored ; decorations. ;ner wno presented it to Miss Perry., to Durham in automobiles. Both1 The guests were met at the door Misses Elizabeth Cheatham. Lucy : the bride and groom are of prom- by Miss Martha Evcrette and Miss : Cheatham. Lucy Kittrell. Elizabeth incnt.laniilios,- the groom being a son Elizabeth Cooper, and were shown Rose, Martha Kverrtte. Elizabeth and or I '. B. Ilobgood, and the bride a i into the library by Mrs. D. B. Kim- Nellie Perry Cooper assisted in th daughter of Mrs. R. W. Day, all of, ball, Mrs. J. D. Rose, and Mrs. ning room. A salad course was uxioiu. :ns. uongoou is a Inst George A. Rose served punch. Mrs. 'served with ice cream cousin of Mrs. W. W. Walters, of :w. B. Parham, Mrs. S. T. Peace and nuts, candies, etc. v'l- Mrs. Alex. Cuuper served wishes. Then the guests found their places ; of Greenville, a recent bride; Mrs? ; at the tables which was marked with , Clara Caswell, of Taunton. Mass. I Christmas toys. Bridge was enjoyed and Miss Kflie B. Rirji. of Anderson ifor an hour and a half. Inthe mdist W. Va., who has recently moved to richt than l.y day. Thi. I.ting owing 'of the game, the hostess darkened ; Henderson. tno fact - thr.I at n'gl.t the pr- tne nouse ana turned the light on the lCV i 13ujj it int.E-icIW . - - ... . Everything ls lu-iua cjual. e prtimrnt h.i shown that medical remedies are i.ior. efiecJive in th: T Me tvc'v I.H;c i y other nuinc Man, will do well to buv l.U Supiilic-r-, Farming Implements. Caninj; and Tooh Now. as pt -:cc5 arc steadily advancing and many articles aiv he coming scarce and hard to get, due to strikes lahor con ditions and increasing exports Our Advice to You is to Buy Early. We can Save You Money as most of our stock va hor.Iit month? ago some items ncarlv a vear a-'o Compare Quality and Prices Buy Now! IS CI 122 MI The Quality Store M&irdlwsijre If It's Hardware, We Have It a.:d preaeli :it the Methodist Pro ti -!.'.:it ehur.'.h here next Sunday. Mattliews-Moi-ton. Christmas tree and announced that - The Johnston Shoe comnanv. of Santa Claus had not only been good ! Jamestown, is a new enterprise ; to the children this year but had ar- starting life with a coil hundred rived at the party with a gift for thousand. each guest. ' . ' Slips of paper were passed around and the guests were requested t vy.A i.X ai:;orpt bin sMe pi icl.eiM'd and th.f of ::i ab.i'ed. For the s;.m re:i!-.9ii ttie pii.-:-:i of dr ls i greater at nights. Vbn 'l"i.- I. mi., ni ri i : ls ji in t;. nn. I fc, l.i .i I...- i. Mi.. co-I or labor. He May" tlu.IJor.l ro.ijil'.. ar,,.,.l.!.c I.. m- r atde in wtar wotdn o-k r . .. . . .... p within Mlary. UuU rn-nir. an.l &cif-u Wd THAN Oxford. Dec. 2'.). A social event, of much interest to friends in Vir ginia and North Carolina was the marriage of Miss Alice Carrington ".Morton, of Oxford. X. C. to Mr. Ed ward Gilmer Matthews, of Binning-, ham. Ala. They were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Morton. Jr.". the Rev. Mr. Oglesby. of t ho Presbyterian church, officiat ing. Owing to a recent bereavement in the groom's family it was a quiet af fair. The marriage was preceded by a wedding breakfast given to the bridal party. Mrs. Matthews is descended from the most prominent families in Vir ginia and North Carolina. Mr. Mat thews comes from one of the oldest families in Alabama. The Matthews have for more than a century been; f5 leading citizens of Georgia and Ala- I'-very Druggist in I'. S. Instructed 1 ttri!,!'i!ii'-nm,,ttMP!i.!"ii!M,!ii'!!'"r"t 'WW !fn!nrT.;ill!T'iins?',T1',,,'T!i!!l!,M!'il!Mr,','',i,K!;i'r,,"!,"'v',''i',r'1 J trr.... ..,., !Jsllsl!!!il!!;!!!!!iyb SKEY FOR I GOLDS AND FLU I New Klivir, Called Asphonal, Medi- 2 rated With lintest. Scientific Kerne- tlies, l"scl and Kndoi-scd by l'uro pcan and Ainei ican Army Surgfons (f to 'ut Short a Co hi and IVevenl Complications. bama. The bride entered with her father, Mr. Matthews came in with his best ! man, Mr. Edward Outlaw Hunt. The to Refund li h e While You Wait -g at Counter if Itclier 1Kks Not j Come Within Two Minutev. bride was attended by Miss Janie! IcliK,.,tf"1 .TilU l""eliato Holier, Outlaw Hunt. They left immediate- Warm-l. ly for New York and on their return will reside in ."Raleigh in the i L. Morgan, and was witnessed by ;ny relatives and friends. ine sensation oi tiie vear Haiiis-JambiH'th: oiniuie com auu cougn reliever, an- Mr. Eugene Harris, of Townsville. thoritatively guaranteed by the lab-;f aiul Miss Marv Eambreth were mar- oratories; tested, approved and most ; 55 r;d Sundav afternoon at 3 o'clock enthusiastically endorsed by the high at the home of her parents, Mr. and; ost authorities, and proclaimed byg Vrs. w. h. Lambreth, in the countv. ; the common people as ten times as The o.-rcm'.iiv was performed by Rev. lick and effective as whiskey, rock -g anu rye, or any oiner coin una cougn g remedy they have ever tried. ES All drug stores are now-supplied s with the wonderful new elixir, so alli you have to do to get rid of that'HH cold is to step into the nearest drug's store, hand the clerk half a dollar . fcr a bottle of Aspironal and tell him ! to serve you two teaspoonfuls with : foi'r teaspoonfuls water in a glass. ' With your watch in your hand, take h the drink at one swallow , and cali fs for your money back in two minutes : if you cannot feel your cold fading ;away like a dreaw within the time limit. Don't be bashful, for all '5 druggists invite you and expect you! to try it. Everybody's doing it. e When your cold or cough is tc- : Moved, take the remainder of the 5 ; bottle home to your wife and babies, h for Aspironal is by far the safest and inost effective, the easiest to take rE and the most agreeable cold and: i cough remedy for infants and chil-;E dren. Adv. I TUL CHEERFUL CHER3JE) 1 - 1 VOvldTVt TTil55 Ty S0TTCU5 I love LotK woe 'fcjvi TKi5 S't-a.-terfveTNt rcty sovrvd F00I15K Y)vt "tWt 5 ike w-fc-y i Feel 1 ETTI3 f VI ii 13 WW fj T-i tn i.n t-tJ mm W Nt Hi IM 0) Jll U km 1 Kl y m 0"5j."srisug 3. Home IT ID .s.u Si ft. 2 rui ml wm AT il:00 A. iVl. We Will Sell eautifui Plat of Land in Garnett Street KNOWN AS THE if n w a w'i it .i r ROPERTY WHICH HAS BEEN SUB-DIVIDED INTO SEVERAL LOTS !5 ! -t I I 1 A f - Start The New Year Right KV Having That Old-Car Repainted and Repaired IJy Men Who Know How Spring Will Soon Be Here, So Prepare Now. Moore's Auto Paint Shop Church St. Henderson, X. C PRINCESS 44c LIBERTY lie TODAY, DEC. 29TH The Adanac Girls Comedy Co. "KADIUM MYSTERY" No. 10 Also Alsrt RIL1.Y WEST COMEDY SPECIAL 2-REELi COMEDY TUESDAY, DEC. 30TH The Adanac Girls Comedy Company Also HILLY WEST COMIHJY "FATAIj FORTUNE" No. 11 Also Special Comedy Picture PRINCESS Matinee at 2:30 Every Day This Week. The T'lra. e atres ess fc-: IS IMMEDIATELY AFTER THIS SALE WE WILL SELL Several Small Farms In West Henderson Opposite B F. H arris' Residence. THIS SALE OFFERS GRAND OPPORTUNITY OF SECURING PROPERTY HAVING CONVENIENCES OF THE CITY, YET THE PLEASURE OF COUNTRY LIFE 1 FORT REALTY COM FANY, Auctioneers r3 f I t i t --i ! " i F" ? t -j. t I J i -1' t i L .i t - : t i t- I f - t - : ; 3 i -. : - . 1 wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmsaaem ,tt'm'I!,'? lUUitU' 'illui.ui. 11 j HtMIM MlllTlfr I T .