T 3 HENDERSON (DAILY DISPATCH SIXTH PAGE IT dJ Webb, t Durham. re rKLB:B:iJ l;rrB.I B:i I:a:B K I B B I B H udlug tbc holidays with tbeir par- & PERSONAL MENTION SI ! fc l ALL THIS WEEK P rmcess Starting Dec. 29th. &tre ft tlf iT Ti tJr THE AOAMAG GIRLS COMPANY -Featuriner- THE FAMOUS ADANAC CHORUS A Dashing, Peppy Show We Believe You Will Enjoy. Elaborate Costumes and Scenery I'Tr,yJ. T.Smithwlck, of Louisburc. ,wa iix Xbc city Saturday. ones wont In (:irl1mpf E ''Vi)"r? to' i iMltcud the burial vt Mr. wrjyv- aMdlll. KiHJeorge XV. Dunklcy left Mon day Tor Greensboro for a few day's stay on business. GAINS 24 POUNDS! Mu Mua Cooper, DrMey Gallon, j CurrlQ Oven. Elliabeth NMm Am.i. jLandis. Edith Ho will and Surah t at, nadr are at home from tcbool tu ru- Pugh Says His Rheumatism ! ir ,b holiday. i rt.i nr i-i r: . .rwe ana uuicr iruuuics wi;nlllll an. aDDcarcd After lakinc win.hineton. d. c. Tanlac ; holidays with their parculs, Mr. aud Q Mr. Norma u It ur well a Miw hva Moore has returned; .., ilvd lwt.Iv.rOHr pouujH by MImm .Myrtle and Margaret Fag-,,. 2 from Iranklinton. whero she spent aknR Tau,ac -nd my rhcuIuuUsm 10 teach in YoukrstIIV. ore M,e,.d- ? Uir.stmas with her people. ,and oher ,roub,M arc ow Kone.. UK ,he holiday with their parent,.. ... . ... , 1A . :aid XV. U. Pugh. a well-kuown i'r- ,ll Mr. J. M. Fagan. . Mr. Weslev lckers. of Durham.' ... .... . .. - --.-.va......... 111. II . .. .... 111 1 -. ... .m. IT .II.... .11111 . hlUtll Ul DVI IICI UlllilKU UVfllUf. .. null, 11 IIIMIIl K Webb, Ernest Hunt. Junius Cooper. 2 years" he continued. I'I,UK, I'aruain nun r.uuui;a Ilrri. Mr. iid Mrs K T Viekers and suu"ttreJ fro,l rheumatism and stom- j are al borne from school for the lioU- J Mr. aiid" Mrs. KrVd'iiarword hav re-jach trou,,, 1 weakened and crip-ys. turned home from a visit to relatives ; uc.u ,m so 1 coum no1 -"mmi io my i. nanu-rq-r. B i business thluK r. Mr. end Mrs. G. II Phiiiit-- m fl al f - 1 iwr. iiuii .vi i m. j. i. .iitii, rir- - -w . - .. . ... view rami, visited her brother. Mr. jbardly breathe. My appetite was l:- Jr- arv "l"iu!iiiK the holi'Iny a 9 A. li. Kimball, and wife at Greons-! poor, i woui.i nave smolherinK r,,,,,""l pareiu.i or JIr. & hui o lust week. J spells and would get mi nervous 1 hillips. spending a few days in the cityjf. , .,, J ,,en .ith his brother, Mr. K. T. Viekers. Na.!:,'Vl0 Te"a- .. , I For two years h Wit s put iaour idays with relatives. (yFrPA 5 I L. Field, of CkrlaaU. 2 fcFi Cb'lV S ? Ml Nurma Uurwell. of ? h J Nk SILtay Q2' end ip.crecissdv each wselc foroi? weeks at Durham. it. a . w i ait iiu Pttiuu iu ji ----- " - IS BJ ss properly. After eatlnn any- nJ Lor. da ShaiaWrRt r are viit- C Kas would form in my stomach :iuR ilrM- Taylor. ? ' ; A v i Wi 4 A MATINEE DAILY AT 2.30 Night Shows 7:00 and 8:30 Admission 44c i could hardly sleep. My lees and' T,ie t'brhlniajt relebratiou. Iuh ?Irs. II. M. Lewis, who has beeulknees hurt so ' I could hardly get ,H en umler the aupic-i ,f fv. taking tre-itment at the Saruh i:iiza- about at all. rivc d. pirtment t.f t!u Voi.i.i! lieth Hospital, has recovered and is "Soon afler I started tnki:ic: Tan- ,,u, nch year, was hfld In Un able to be out again. ; lac my appetite picked up and my courthouse ChriMma mo. Talk nerves became quiet. Now I can eat ml by the ministers of ih? Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Catcs and chil-janythln I want and the smothering !low. and C'hrhlma can! were dren havo returned from Ilillsboro. spells nnd fluttering of the heart have by the high srhmjl child ri n uu whre they attended a family re-have disappeared. Itesides gaining 'cr ditertluii of Mr. J. IS. Itooih union at her former home. i in weight tli rheumatism hat en- MNh Mary Imiis U at Imuu tru.i Stirely left my le-s and kns. I sleen school for the lioli I.iyn. Mrs. V. T. IJatts and children. I like a log and can attend to biisines.H lr. nnd Mrs. Kdmund Vhit. William and llartwcll. of Kim City. ' without any trouble." .MIm.s Lucy ami LMith Curwi ll cr in,- visiting her sister, Mrs. O. XV. j All druggists sell Tanlac Adv. ih Mr. and Mrs. J a men Hon.., .Mayo, on Itowiand street. ( . i. . .. veral days 1'hriMnias. 1 HOLIDAY SOCIAL NEWS r.mma Foushro. of Durham. AND OXFORD VISITORS U V"llZ2r'S?. C" lh lUy me pre-iioi;oy -Vih;h al )li.i. ...ii . . . . ' '" ;' were umut1 in the Sir! of t 3 9 a a . a i i V u ? L the You can have mon?y ar.tl xu tan ytr.tr i hi! ihen by joining cr.ir ClirLtma Ilankiiiir Ch hr S read 1 mm& F I USE I for IMiMW im&&&Di for f PROFIT WWMiiggia SnESULTSl S b i iii mum in i iiinraatawwTOaMBMattMMiBgiMMMMMMMBMMMaM 1 RATES ! ('Iiarge. ft On; Ce nt Per Wcid, Eaeh 'Inseriiyn. 2 Cents Minii.iiim When repiies arc c Ve sent in cxire of Dispatch OIIicc2 Cents I'er Word Each Insertion. CRDEP. Mr. XX'. L. Solomon of Charlotte. after sp-uding the Christmas boll-; uas with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. I , , ', ' i- Solomon, returned home yes-; ' ' " ' the weik by a breakfat parly l.v tl - E terday. (terlan Sunday school bad a Christ- :dumeMlc Ieuco Juniors. Th- girl .mas tree Tuesday aflemoen. An at- showed unusual skill both in rookui;; 2 Ds-. V. R. H n ri.s returned Sunday ; tractive program was given und.-r and ft-rviiig nl much cr lii u . from Jefferson Hospital. Philu- the direction of Mrs. XX. D. Dryau. .Xi Do?gs for their exrUci.t train- delphiu. where he ha-i beon Tor the- Th.? laptist Sunday school gave lag. S:ist three weeks undergoing anhheir Chri .trans tree Thursday eve- Th art i!epjrti.i-nt Kai a bu.ut operation. jiilng. It was a large aud beautiful that n Heeled gn-.it credit to ih. .tree. . . leather". Mis r.lhh. Many heiU:ifnl Miss Mjiuie Stikeleather. who has' Mrs. Nelson Ferebee entertained things were di-.ilajt-l inrlud'isg been spending the holidays here with .Tuesday evening for her cousin, handpniiitetl china. eiusie!u.if i anj Miss Ruth Solomon on XX'illiam j louis Cannady. who is at hom f rom ether t!e-orat 1 c work. Mo t of th "street, returned to her home iui talent College for the holidays, and aiticle.t were sold at once and ut,u i cnarioue yesterday. i her houso guest. intnu diately ghrn for more. " M;.sS Mary Sbotwell is at hum" for A studio recital wi gitru .:..u. XX'on;;n eopying clerks were firM the holidays. ,Uy afternoon bv iiiiie of n... In. Miss Lelia Cnrrin Is at home for m-diiie piano pu:i5i at M'm I!!r-r a the Christmas holidays. Klunev. Thi- rrr . ti tn...i..r. a a a 9 10 cents, 5 cents, - cents or I cent is all you r.cctl to stat with. You increase your dcooit the same arcount tacli wee;. In 50 weeks: 10-Ccnt Club Pays $127.0?) 5-Celit Club Iays Gl.: 2-Ccnt Club Pays 23.50 1-Cent Club Pays 12.75 Or you can make the lan;e.-i payment (iil :.ntl decrease your deposits each xxeek. You can pul in 50 cents SI. 00, or S5.ol iac!i week ::;:1 in 50 wteks have 2j.(J, ."().()!) or 250.00. Come in am! join NOW: Ytui v. iil receive I per cent ir.tent. ofHces CASH W ITH (Invuiial)Iy) I Ad;-: addressed eare of Dispatch are strictly cor. !iriei:t::.I; ratist be -1 aiisweved by Loiter and Advertiser must cull at this ( i.: :e Tor re- plies, i X .... in, loved in the psiblic Cnnudad in ISTfi. n r m wm . 1. ft 1 . M . k . - rr1UK i-aruam. ri mw i orK. win eti aim rt-rerte! much cri-du u U-.. .1 m si c suiaaoie lauy. much beiovetl sjm nd th. hol!ays w ith his mother, thorough training received in Ibe ' rn. uartment. m till LMtim (MriUCnt I TUHJV frfi'n IWamUr I V.' ,, ;,VCS ,nar da,,ntrnt-:arc spending th holidays with rel- ih- roliege l!eing roe.m wa. Hn- .i im.isi estimable lauy. much beiovetl . spend th hol!jy by everyon in Loui.ourg which j Mrs. A. C. ParhVn: i!a:-e had lven her home since child-' Mls.-.ss Sarah at II. A. Page and Mi.-.s Sallio I atives in Mocksvllle. Msants. of beauty aud holiday cher. Th I.CST V1:DM:sDAY XiGUT STICK DAILY DiSI.T 11 OX S.XLK AT pin wllh ar.iethyst ani several American Cafe and at Gresham's. pe;;rls. Reward if returned to Rrafl Dispaicn wiiiii; yon wait, tf Hi van I... .Ionian al Kerner !)ruz ' - r.tore. i AiMKieen; Mrs. L. K. JIKsc Julia Minor, of W'tmhmn .-.-.t.... .1 i .t 3 v;;;;. Sou,h .mm uuy by i ' - " i- i ...... ...avw .it. 1, trtajS' a ' 1 1 .-- of L rin. am M f nn.t V If ., .. i if Pieussiiis. cf Louisburg. f . , ; Vi .k T, . 7 L . f,'rn- nr' ,P-ndinR the holidays wUh f. o:: tne Method church Saturday t rc,;v.s , Oxfonl MKse Mary fi t r-ijt i i .'fi'o:k - b v .Minor, all.l IIOtlin Ilirlt nf nlh f -. r . I .1 tt 1 1 . "Carolina College for XX'omen. Gnens-veted hear ih-V-b-V rMr- iboro. and Elizabeth Hicks, of Fsd- student lodv. Vt ft n 91 ft 1 9 W'T ! rt f n TWO" DKLiXERX' P.OVS XX'AXTKD at onee. Prefr-r thse who cjmi lead, write a;id kn'v the town. ll:eyc!es l'UDiisiif-d. (Icon wa's for tlu- ri:;ht boys. Apply to P.ailey's i'reiising Cinli. L'!t t j;ovs: a c;ood cm.wck to .make your Xnias money sellinji the Daily Dispatch, with ehaiwe t f getting a route to carry. Onh' l.'oys who mean business wanted. Sm; Circulation Manager. Daily Dis:jt(,h. "It comes easy with real hustlers." IS tf. rou s.xj.i: one m:xv ford with starter, on:; Dodg- in good eoudition and several other ears. P.argains to early buyers. iioa ieisun Garage. '11 Ct S.T. TKISER A; SON' DO Mil HAVE to chan;;. their poliey owin?.; to I iie government's new ruling as their goods have always been marked in plain tisu.es and they .always have had one prire for ev erybody. D&GU2-13-tf. XV.XNTED SEVIORAL SALES LADII'.S and salesmen. Good pay. S. F. Teiser & Son. 2!) It; Gl 30 It. PHONOGRAPHS OF ALL MAKES repaired at reasonable prices, i Furniture repairing and unholster-. ing done right at right prices. J. XX'. Partin's Shop, over Henderson Furniture Store. 27 4t AX ANTED, MOXD.W OR ANY TIME within next few days, about .r0 laborers at 40 cents per hour to handle cotton seed. Apply to XX II. Johnson at Southern freight tie-, pot. or call phone 320-J. 27 3t. FOR SALE 11 SHARES CORR1TT l-Juggy. stock. 2 fchares Farmers & Merchants. Owner leaving city. XX'. T. Cheatham. 27-4t iLOVE LOST SATURDAY A FT El t noon somewhere between Central Hotel and City Barber Shop, gentleman's left-hand black fur glove. Finder, please return to Frank Page at Vance Barber Shop, for reward. 29 2t. FOR SALE FINE FARM, (ON- tains 330 acres on C. & O. Ry., 200 acres cleared, 20 acres in alfalfa. Farm lies level, some saw timber and plenty of cord wood, 20 miles from Richmond, 1-4 mile to R. R. station, ' post office and stores. School and churches near by. Soil light sandy loam. Fine for bright tobacco, clover and grain. Resi dence 10 rooms, tenant house, horse and cow barn, and necessary out buildings, in fair order. Price SS.r.00. Terms easy. Address XY'r.i. Dale, 212 E. Gary St.-, Richmond, ' Va. 29, 31, Jan 3t ill1 LOUISBURG WOMAN SUCCUMBS TO DEATH iftenmon at half past two. conduct-! -d bv her pastor. Rev. G. F. Smith. "V , ' ... , ... : . , , ; M.irli" Me;:i!os. M .' t ie inte'rnent was at Oaklawe ., . -mttery. The pall-bcarcrs were Honorary, M?ssi W l.i-.l W 11 M.. If II 1..-IJ :i;l I fl Ujn II.- I I.- t-. i e ;srs. 1. P. Hicks. Mrs. XX'ocdjl wa temlerrd a u t" r XXcdnlay Yrnlng bv rvr-ral and Uulli Shaw, of lis- colb-.. slrl.. The ;:r!el r.:id Jo.e- as n :.uM hapnv om. rcl-.l lupi- M S IUtK-i 4!U " i-f IV.iutb'ul Ihutit, Wr-f.f.ri. - ij Jr tiZ'- phlne Craven. Dorothy Hoier. Active. M . I . Z".' I"' u ' f ! vr tr..i:..- 'i i.u t'rili i-u.mn I-, y-. t. R i,.. I'.i l v, Illn vrui.. . .. . ....... . .... rs. P. N. Kgerton. G . J,arKar,'t Capckarl. ere spending ih.. XVdne ..lay eveiwnic by lh upi'. in """' ' ' n " . iiuiiiij;. .h wun re i.i lives in uiori. voire ami expn--.i..ii. a mri - ocior. lie - cw.i. i Chnenee Crewr-. who Is lnying to- rh;r:n'i.g rntertininrnt. R- v. XV. J. Ji . ... u:i ( :s. l.n.l--. bacco tu hi ktn this jcar. It at bom- Tbnridv etenii.c the hf llir j s fit cUlh g , 1.3 - : . Mi . .. . . t . i - - ' I i: r- King. F. . .Mr Kin li ie. XX'. It. for lh" holidays. reciial rtv n by pupil of Ml TJ.e rhitf'h . lrji,f alii i Mrs. V. If. P2is;ii li.- , . - - i(,;:-. Friday at Her inii Their j ; ' e.ir. Mills. P. A. Reavis and J. M. Allen. J- ayur. oi narioiie. ami I'.rne... r and Mr.. XX i d!l. and r.rh tx'rl v:ih i ! rl .tin- n r Ta.-r. Among those from out of' town to ; lVasley Taylor, of Wilmington, are i:uuile-r hbnwnl th i-inlb nl and ar- " al'ar a :-iL3t ltr -I Lo:;!shurg. Dec. 1'.). .Mrs. V. II. : t".ml the funeral, were Messrs. II. 'I home for the holidays. tlt'e Iralnieg rf th pupiU. jr"- n. l:cS?. Gi h tn.!..! . Pkarants. widow t f tb- c;.j,t. A. Page. 11. A. Page. Jr.. Frnd C. ! Janis XX'hlte. Thcria-i XX'hlle anl . rar.til. tn ct ! r.ml in:-r itvg V. H. PlePbantK. died at her heme Page. Loe R. Page and XX'm. F. Page. ' A. It. Taylor are at heme for the KWtrlr hulhn Lshlel from a dry fuljf f ih- tn'siiK t!i" lri on Main Mreet Fiiday mtirning, in from Aberdeen, and Cart, and Mrs. holidays. Ictitry .'..rm nianN limih tu a tr- th-t II t!e f r I x.,,l ier 77th yer.r. Mrs. Pleasants was Mevcrly Itoyster of Oxford. . Miss Frnncen XX'ebb. of New York, rrntly pjlentid iiinn for mourn. 11 in II.- liti! ; n:. ) i . el ' IM r rv . 4 Pitllll El Resources HENDERSON, INF.O. Oveir lam? ffmrujr,.'; xUMXKBMiiiu:mA' . WE ARE PANTING FOR $2,000,000.00 MORE THAN THE HART EVER PANTED FOR THE WATER V BROOK. COME ON ALL YOU EDWARDS, WE NEED YOU TO PUT US OVER THE TOP, MM D 3 U "1 oyiL livlil iiu S. T. PEACE, President. F. B. ROBARDS, Caoh-cr Si f ? Li 2 wl U?.U n H n ti 3 n n a u a s a a a n 3 n q ..i. r. ! ' . i I -I tl i. : - :. I. . .. . J.. . , II.. Mf. i;jiM' I.. i ". ' ' ' ll. . ' " c i ; ! I . J 1 1

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