PAGE TWO Dispatch WANT ADS 0«t Results FftflfTlONS ON iX'HAN UNKHS; Europe. Or.ent. South Am«rie«; %w*d pay, »nn-ri.nw uuim-r—ry; emv J cent stamp K Areulu* tmpt 132 Vernon N T 23-37 FOR LKASK STKAM HKATRD iieven rtnaw h»ni.<r nn Montgomery street hiMfiMoii at onee vN*ll ASI-W Mis C S Hr*ww 28-4 U. QUAJJTY JOB PRINTING AND prompt service No Jo'> too small. Rhone 2*2 now «n«l our repieoeuta flva win call immediately Hender son Printing House. Wed-Fri. ts A T,P*rt « PEHSO-OIXGER WIIX end your Indigestion. or your drug gimt petit refund your money. 18-30 t. FLAN YOUR GARDEN NOW AND start early. We have full line of Wood’s garden seed and fertll.zer. Also Vlgoro for gardens aiul lawns. Kiurell and Harris. 27-2 ti. THIRTY EIGHT PAIRS OF FLOR stieim shoes and oxfords. SIO.OO values, reduced to $3 9S and $4.98 pair. They're all good styles. We have other good makes in genuine Calf skin leather at 52.98 pair. Wat kins Store. 26-2 ti. RADIO TROUBLES DIAGNOSED AND quickly corrected. We rlv* factor} per eke using newert and mod mod erh equipment. Parts for all radios Mixon Jewelry Co. 14-ts. FOR RENT-FOUR ROOM FUR niahed apartment upstairs. Lights water and phone furnished Phonf MB 26-4tl. FOR RENT PRIVATE GARAGE on Zene Street Apply at Joe Smo lensCy's Store. 27-ltl. ONLY A FEW MORE DOORS LEFT including one mirror door. Also sev eral tables. Iron safe and several pieces of beavrrboard Act quickly if you want these bargains. Hen derson Auction House. William Street. 27-ltl. VISIT ’THE PLACE OF VALUES" for new building materials! Ceiling flooring, sidir.g. shingles, doors Windows. beaver board. locks hinges brick. cement, nails, and 5-V crimp galvanized roofing Alex 3 Watkins ‘ Where quality NIK and prices Sell " 26-sti. FOR RENT SECOND FLOOR apartment. located .on Gholson Avenue For particulars apply to Mfs Goode 'Cheatham. 25-ts. SfONfcWALL APARTMENT FDR rent. Steam heated. We pay for fuel and fire the furnace. Also for rent to gentleman one yteam heated rOom bath adjoining. Erie G. Flan nagan 25-6 ti. LOOT ON JANUARY 12—FEMALE Beagle hound, tan head and ears xtYrtte ringed neck, black back, bushy tail, white tip on tail, white legs up to body, white nose, getting grey under eyes, age 6 years. Reward. J. P. Duffy. Greystone. 27-3 ti. PHONE 29 FOR QUALITY eoal, prompt service and correct weights. Also dry pine wood. S. H. Watkins. 16-ts. FtJW RENT— TWO APARTMENTS frext to Dr. Upchurch's residence Belle Street. Each has private en trance garage. P. H. Rose. Phone* 111-352-W. Fri. Mon. Wed-tl ■KYRA SPECIAL UNTIL FURTHER hdMce. We will give a free greas- Iflg. With every brake lining job. Aulbert Service Station. Phone 193. 15-eod-tf. WHEN YOU WANT COAL consider quality, service ■lid price. We have all kinds. Hight's Coal and Wood Yard. Phone 158. eod-tf. JUST RECEIVED OVER 200 NEW <knrs and windows at “The Place of Values.” Alex S. Watkins. “Where Quality Telia and Prices BH1.” 27-2 ti. ’ why ~uve!n a cold home. Modem heated house for rent reasonable. Dr. A. C. Yow. Wed. ts. Everyone must have a trade —why cot mate yours PRINTING. The Printing InAMfiy offers exceptional wages. In ftrftctton available. Monotype, keyboard and caster. Linotype. Hand composition gni Press work oa modern pre—ea. For fnS in formation write the SOUHERN KMXn. OF PRINTING at 1314-11 Aoulb fit.. Nashville. Term. Mifice gs sale or AUTottoßfuc SEIZED IN THE ACT OF TRANSPORTING WHISKEY Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned sheriff of Vance County, by authority of law, will on the 13th day of February. 1332, at 12 o'clock, at the courthouse door i n Henderson, N. C., offer for sale by public auction for cash, one Ford Coupe Model A, Motor No. A-2021150. License 234-426. This car was taken from the posses i,M of Forest Smith, who has been convicted in the Recorder's court of Vanee County, for transporting liquor In aaM car. and by a judgment of said court said car has been ordered qpn flsestei and sold. TWa 27th day of January, 1332. J. E. HAMLETT, Sheriff of Vance County. Democrats Hope To Balance Budget By Slashing Expenditures Rather Than Increase Federal Tax Burden Stewart Gives Probable Course In Face of Elections < Editor's Note: Thl* Is the flm of , • series of .hr" dispatches on the tax and rpiru;»r.v.:u:i'. problem la c«m --1 gives.» By CHAKLFR F. BTEWAKT ; , Central Proas Staff WrKer Washington, Jar. With ni3 ex penses around a billion annua!!/ moi» than hU yearly income, Unci* Sam must retiinch, Increne taxes until l* hurts lik-i sixty, adopt a middle couise Involving txth expedients or go on the flnenrial rocks In the mighty near future. He will adopt a middle course; that ulready virtually is settled. k The ways and means committee of the house of representatives <tn which »ll fiscal legislation must originate) is deciding now on what new taxes to pile on. The appropriations com mittee Is wrestling wit hthe problem of a general cut In expenses. The ways and means committee has i before It Secretary of the Treasury Mellon's suggestions outlining the sort >f taxation program he favors. The committee Is not likely to keep o It very closely. The secretary naturally had more nfluence with the last congress, since t was strongly of his own Repub ican faith, than he has with this one, lue to present Democratic dominance, hough by a narrow margin. Mr, Mellon wants a “broad taxa ion base”-that is, small collections rom the maximum number of tax payers. There is considerable senti nent among the DeemocratJc legisla ' Board Ruling Is Made To Protect School Teachers (Continued trout Page One.) collecting,” said Leßoy Martin, sec retary of the eboard. “It Is also hoped that this ruling on the part of the ooard will make some of the districts and counties realize that the State Treasury does not have an inexhaus .ible supply of cash, but that it is just is difficult for the State to collect the noney it gives to the schools as it is ;or the counties to collect it." This ruling on the part of the board :s not expected to cause the closing >t many schools that have been op erating an extended term, since it is >elieved that now more of an effort <vi)l be made in these counties and dis tricts to collect the taxes levied for .he extended term. There will pro bably be a few districts in which con- | ditions are such as to make the col- i lection of the extended term taxes I difficult, in which case the length of 1 .he extended term may have to be reduced. But in most cases it is ex- i pected that a majority of the schools i will be kept open. i For several years the idea has been 1 growing in many sections of the State j that the State should not only sup-J port the constitutional six months s school term without levying any local taxes on property, but that it should also pay the cost of the extended term. The growth of this idea has un doubtedly contributed to the practice in the past of using only the State money as far as it would go, und then let the matter rest. CURB MARKET Aluminum Cto 52 fl.-2 Electric Bond and Share 11 1-4 Cities Service 6 Ford Ltd 5 5-8 American Superpower 3 1-2 NEW YORK COTTON (By J««. P. Cum *"A Co.) New York, Jan. 27—Cotton futures closed steady. Open High Low Close January 7.44 7.44 7.41 7.41 Marah 6.88 6.68 6.62 6.63 May 6.83 6 82 6 80 6.80 , Ju4y 7.00 7.01 6.97 6.98 October 7.24 7.24 7.19 7.19 ' December 7 40 7.40 7.35 7.35 i Spot steady, 6.70; unchanged. NEW ORLEANS COTTON (By Jm. F. Clark and Ca.) New Orleans, Jan. 27—The cotton market closed steady today:. OR&n High Low Close March 6.68 6.68 6 63 6.63 May 0.86 6.85 6.80 6.79 July 7.00 7.00 6.95 6.97 October 7.17 7.17 7.13 7.13 j • December 7.33 7.34 7.31 7.29 : Skeletons of gigantic animals were dug up in ancient days as well as to day, and It is entirely possible that whereas the naturalist of today as cribes the remains to this or that ani mal ,the people of the long ago na turally took these to be the remains of gigantic people of a giant race. BIG SiSTER ~ The Knock of Opportunity *gy FORGRAVE wrrwTWE jel-5 scrr Tt, keep ok) meres some, more hot- r il.u» . ■— TRAMP tM FEEOtkJ& HIM ‘Til I THtNJ« OM! WHV-WMV! VOOVE Vs\ DATs MOT A. raAD In /ret _TTZI . 1 *tM£ HCXJSfe OP mv t O SET That Burst yOuR COAT ! MOW , 4»OEA A-TAll KtO (o 1/1/ k / —K *■ S&thisAc MtEATSAMv i-srt*T tmat too- ** ft NOW.' ( § Sf* E «&<*r rM . A LOSS TO MORE,! M AFPAiO hEll I'LL telu YOo‘TA k e. it RUSMT %L r 7 7- r _y AR *- ™ KMOW HOW BORST. AMD *Lu «T Wm>lE flTrr Som-T*’ \ * • JOS6T y—~r— lS i M fM'/.y ' (WTU ) <Clf[l COAT / ->r y ////}>, \ 3UT A / I^l HENDERSON, (N. C.,) DAILY DISPATCH WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27,1932 ’’ /W<UAL The Dors hold & consultation. tors for a "soak the rich policy” from which, however, there are some nota ble Jeffersonian dissenters. President Hoover has sketched a plan of economies which he urges the appropriations committee to put into effect. It includes recommendations for drastic cute in allowances to the vari ous governmental departments, espe cially the war and navy departments, which are the most expensive on the list, anyway. He also proposes a consolidation of many government activities, with a view to the elimination of duplica tions of effort. It is a scheme which undoubtedly will save an appreciable number of millions—not as many mil lions as if the activities the president wishes to consolidate were to be dis continued altogether, but quite a num ber of millions. Democratci members of the appro priations committee are friendly enough to the Republican president's schedule of reductions, as far as it goes, but they do not think it goes far enough. I The Democrats' recently-acquired , majority in the house of representa | tives and their near-majority in the • senate have given them an acute sense ol responsibility to the voters this win-, ter—with a national election looming so close ahead. I If they do not have to harpoon the i taxpayers too deeply, they are hope ! ful that it will be kindly remembered | = = ==-??—•- A penny could, nave saved him/ Poor anti improper feetl comes hiph at any cost, often re sulting in the loss of many young chickens. Be safe, feed Purina Chick fttartena and Baby Chick ChoW, two perfectly balanced feeds. Feed Your Chickens Right and Make Money Kittrell & Harris Henderson, N. C. Phone 33 of them at the polls next November. Consequently the Democratic dis position is to balance the budget by a minimum advance in imposts and a maximum slashing of federal ex penditures for the coming year. No DeTnocrat I have met has been willing even to discuss a slash of less than $150,000,000. Senator Pat Har rison of Mississippi has demanded a slash of $300,000,000. Senator William H. King of Utah has stated that It must reach at least $500,000,000. Os course every taxpayer is bound to hope that Senator King is not in sisting on the impossible, becduse the deeper the slash in appropriations for the 1932-3 fiscal twelvemonth, the less Uncle Sam will be compelled to exact in increased taxation. But is $500,000,000 impossible? This question I took, for reasons to be explained later, to Representative Louis Ludlow of Indianapolis. “Well," said Ludlow, "Senator Al drich. the foremost authority of his time o nthe subject, used to say that the government, run on business prin ciples, could save $300,000,000 a year. "It was spending a billion dollars then. In a decade and a half the total has shot up to more than five billions from sll per capita to S3B per capita. If $300,000,000 could have been saved out of a billion, it would seem as if $500,01)0,000 could be saved out of more than five times that much, wouldn't it?” (Another Dispatch Tomorrow.) THE OLD HOME TOWN Stam«y p||pp fcpEN /THE " w * * — i" 7* A RADIO SALESMAN CLEANED THE depot Platform of snow today QUICKER THAN ITS EVErR BEEN CLEARED IN THtE FIVE. YEARS i DID YOU KNOW? -- - By R. J. Scot~ w~ <• Ml fe> y ISUDYARD KIPUN^ WOULD NOW BE AM AMERICAN CJtTxEN, BUT FOR HIS UNFOR.TuNAT'E SERIES QF QUARRELS, wrfh HIS BgOlHEft <H-LAW, BEATTy BfcLESTiER— -1692 KIPLINQ SETTLED VJtTH FAMILY HEAR BRMTLEfcOR© /ERMOMT; AMD PLANKED To SPEND MANV YEARS / Etrr THE QUARRELS FINALLY CAUSED HIN\ TO RETURN TO ENGLAND A>ah Numskull PSA* NOAH IF -rxs SOLDIERS WANT To Know vsiwen they NNILL <3CT THe NEYf I.gAVC.WOULD THEY HAVE TO SET r.«—a in- formation? s *H Nt> A4NCS MCCARTHY YOUR EUFAULAs, ALA. WSAM W - - X*NOAM DEAR NOAH —TIAVE ■ THEY EVER FOUND OUT WHO KILUED -me DEAD SEA. -5 ! STEPHEN W. JE*Z, 'Z. nanlaSka » ■— |T — AMO «-TAfcLE NEAR. f 'ft'Wk ARE \ sueues w by a. asr ff. />? *«ask3moa sw ( Hi', ARISTOCRAT*- C_y \“ -BIR.-TH / DEAR NOAH* A Sftocee caul hi* SCALES*am»3«H # * BECAUft THMV. !_)» in wwßirr’: HAR UN DEAE NOAH* WBER3 CA H I RND A <*o4o DPt»- MAKER TO M M<£ WRAPFBEt FOR MV CtCARS? r*n tcis oteucicu*, tahta port Richmond, hh. '* ,n * T **r! i «*Nf» *N W* 1 IORAS • Aoah Numskull. #"7v aonc, I WCIGHC 0 jnSb*^ / /laJ tT O® 7 " fliw '**£&/} ' 'v A& * //Si * \ D&AR NOAH * Could Y*U WfiThSM A FISH WITHOUT THE SCALES? wooduawn, TCAIN. DEAR. NOAH IF GAASS HAS NO SHOULD A WINDOW T John . PC»WA PEAR NOAH v S ExPECT<m<; > #OU To Doyeuft. Bit- send »*• A P**i nomß Notions now - TMIS PAPgt_

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