MARRIAGES PAZrtU socul Acmm To EatoMa Club. Mr s Henry M»n|um la hostess to h at htl ' home on Bp4,e Auxiliary To Meet. Thf regular monthly mating of the American Legion Auxiliary will be held Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock ,n the home of Mrs. J. C. Cooper ea South Garnett street. Society To Bwi The meeting of the Ctrl's Friendly jtocietv will be held In the Partsh House Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. A:i interesting program hits been plan ned and a Urge attendance la desired. Members ure requested to note the change In the date of meeting, from Thursday to Friday. C lub To Meet. The Meredith Club will hold the February meeting tomorrow after noon at 5 o’clock in the home of Mra. W W Parker, and will listen In on the program broadcast from Mere dith at t» 15 o'clock celebrating Fund ers l)a> All members are requested to be present und bring all otagon map coupons which they may collect. Community Club Formed By Girls At Meet Monday A group of girls met at the home of Mrs. H. E. Chavasse Monday even ing for the purpose of organizing a\ community club. The following officers were elected: president. Cora Bell Williams; vice president. Maggie Robinson; secre tary. Daisy Day: treasurer. Flora Kubinson. , The purpose of the club Is to work for a better community and to co operate with other organizations to this end. The club will meet at the home of one member each Monday evening and will have interesting and help ful programs. At the conclusion of the meeting, the club was invited to meet with Miss Harriet Mitchell next Monday During the evening. Mrs. Chavasse served fruit to her guests. Christian Church True Blue Class Met On Tuesday The True Blue Class of the First Christian church Sunday achool met wi'h Mrs. J. E. Parks and Miss Mar ram Davis at the home of Mrs. Parks Tuesday evening at 7:30 ■ cl beautiful women admired for their youthful complexions. Stays on long *-t Banishes shiny noses. So smooth and fine it blends naturally wKh any complexion and gives a fresh, youth ful bloom. Purest powder known. Ft »-venis large pores, never Irritates tk i n Buy MELLO-GLO today. Barker's Drug Store.—Adv. > "' v - >l »t;!i/in«*s «»n Sak> Tomorrow movie love MIRROR MIRROR *•••1 Your Copied Early 10c At Rose’s 10c Stevenson THEATRE LAST TIMES TODAY Tallulah Bankhead —IN— “THE CHEAT” Added: f "MKItV— NEWS EVENTS < liildren ... 10c; Adult* ... *#o COMING FRIDAY VICTOR MCLAOLRM ELISBA LAND: in “WICKED” SOCIETY jAulfarof -DAD'S CIRC •mm .nd'we PWtrtnftED- I "1 might have known yen wave aeme kind of detective," the amid, scathingly. CHAPTER 34 UAVID MOYER was finishing a ‘ ;ry late supper while he talked to • is mother who sat at the table with *.m. passing him more bread, and i.'tening to his account of the day. That was a long-established custom m the Moyer household, from the smallest child In school to the eldest one at work, to relate to Mumsy the high spots of each day's activities. When they aat around the dinner able altogether. It was a general contribution. These days, however, with Marcia writing of her activities by letter, and David staying late at the office almost every evening in his ambitious zeal, they had grown to be more or less private accounts from each one. “Aren’t you working too hard. David?" his mother inquired anx iously. “Is It necessary to give so many hours to your work 7" "It la In this game. Mumsy. It's the kind of work that Is never done. ■.r ll|C Paint, and P.iro. 10 (or 5 C Brushes To 5c Each 111 10c and 25c Dress Slides and Furniture Polish Buttons H Large Size Bottles 10c 10c and 25* be given the members of the M. E. Philathea Class during the month of February. Plans were dleeueeed as meaaa of raising money for the Children's Home and College, lire. W. B. Hight was made chairman of this commit tee. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer. During the social hour, a contest was enjoyed, in which Mrs. T. T. Powell was winner. The hostesses served a tempting £gig&) WHY? It’» a rich man’s coffee at ft poor man’s price. •■■•••a. a. ............... a a aaa a a■» aanaaaawaamaaaaaaiaaaaaa.aaaama.a LUZI ANNE] REDEEMABLE WITH COUPONS i OCTAGON SOAP COUPONS mmsoß Boomoe AsxotnrosHiißß salad course srfth coffee and home mad ecandy. Has Operation. I Mias Closs Peace underwent aa op eration for appendicitis this morning at Watt’s hospital it was learehd to day and is getting along very nicely. Mrs. Lotto DL Mrs. E. A. Latta is confined to her home on Young avenue by illness it was learned thi smorning. PAGE THREE