I henterson. GATEWAY to I'ENTRAu CAROLINA. year CHINESE REPULSE Smith Will Not Be Candidate For Presidential Nomination Reveals Interview Held With Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt Earlier Today URGKS REPORTERS TO STICK TO STATEMENT Declares Nothing In State ment Given To Press For Release Today Makes Him Candidate \r» York. Feb. *.—<A»*)— For n»»r Governor Alfred E. Smith d«- r'trnl today that he la not a caa .liitatr for the Dfnocmtic preal j. ntial nomination, and added iMI nobody had ever been nomin- n i n | without a pro-onvention cam ;»aign smith revealed in an Interview thia «**frnoon that he had called on Gov ernor Franklin D. Rooeevelt after the funeral of John R. Voorhis, 102-year great sachem of Tammany Hall, today It came out when somebody asked Smith what he and Roosevelt were talking about in their whispered con vocation at the funeral. The governor asked me to come up to his house.” said Smith. Did you go?" he was asked. Tec. I did.” said Smith. When he was asked what happened. Former Governor Smith then grinned, winked and said: 'lt wa< purely social.” Then, he added: We didn't have time to talk po litics. He was leaving early and I was in a hurry- myself." Throughout a lengthy Interview in hi' office; m lb? Empire Bt*te,build- ! this afternoon, former Governor RmSfc repeatedly adjured the news paper men to “stick to the statement”. A reference to newspaper editorials which referred to his announcement in the morning papers today as a “win (Continued on Page Pour.) LEADER OF GANG IN NEW YORK IS SLAIN Vincent Coll Victim of Ma chine Gunner While In Telephone Booth NVw York. Feh. 8. AP> Young Vincent Coll, who was poison with a H-dol and most feared of the Gotham gun got his load of lead In a tele rhonp booth at 12:15 a. m. today. A machine gunner chopped him ''"wn roolly and deliberately In a West 23id direct drug store. A single slug tore away the nose r, f the 21 year old hoodlum soon after Ijed turned up at his deadly rival, Hutch Schultze. and the Schultze p* r Peddling domination in the • ion*. ,\ line of |«*ad moving like a <aber cut through the flashy coat a ’ l '* VPSt and into his chest. No murder more carefully planned been done in New York in years. Graham Gets Into Race r or Lieutenant Governor **"■'* (>l*»itrk Bnrr*l< it* . " ,fcp s 's Wnlt«»r HetcL p RT J . r - UAHKKKVIM. * eb S A Graham of * ro s P*aker of the house in the am asspmb| y' today formally dirt At ,nr , c<l ,bat would be a can tion f f °, r the nomina te ° f eutena nt Governor in the Jun* primary. Th s,r n H. ar, ! on CRm * »» no distinct i-.., r ! ‘ince Graham's friends for *„ llM T 0 have believed that he nfr. r „ * candidate for this k*pt H, P ’ ,r ,hp sacs that he has Bvt . rr *c f ly silent about his plans, of is P ir 48 the 1929 session msa n<ral when Ora sP*aker of ' m Pressive record as favorino- «.» * house - there was talk ? VPrnor and even as a l*sg si ß for Governor In f , ha ’ time this talk has P r ,ted 80 that <*" ~«re his form- 1 * r * today when he made A»KS hpr of the iaa^ h * m was not a m * m * ha* remii T? 1 Keneral assembly, he »h. situ-n ln€d ,n c, °** ' touc *» with h.; *" Ra **h because of Budj e t Coi^* hiP ° n th ® Advisory Commission, which with the •Entiirrsmt UaUtt ® tauatr *Wd wiki brrv in or THK ABSOCXATaP Sb 1 ,v £ ul ! IH9hF rM ' SI is |k > ,-*> Hm ; wX'hl : Vlfil mM a. ** 'P* 1 r» «i % \-^ ,t \ jyr - Hs m if m,. tul JIHp r '\ ill -» Ll| SaiJ^vJL - ,v wm -a. I EFFORTS TO HELP CONDITIONS BEGIN Hoover Anti-Hoarding Cam paign Opens And Dawes Group Starts Work Washington. Feb. 8. - (AP; -Move ments to place $1,500,000,000 of hoard ed money Into ci*c!ulation and to ex pedite aid to ta*.neris from the Re construction Finance Corporation gained impetus today in the Captial. Col. Frank Kn.ix, publisher of the Chicago Daily News, who has been designated by President Hoover to head the anti-hoarding campaign be gan a round of conferences with gov ernment officials immediately upon his arriva’. Meanwhile a congressional delega tion from mid-western agricultural states requested the Reconstruction Corporation to set up a division in its organization especially charged with making loans to agriculture. BRINKLEY RESIGNS POST AS ATTORNEY Lexington. Feh. B.—(AP)-W. F. Brankley, Davidson county at torney, resigned here today fol lowing the fatal shooting early Friday of Sheriff Leonard. Governor has general supervision over the State’s finances and over the Purchasing Divisio nand Division or Personnel. His term as speaker of the house and several previous terms in the general assembly has given Gra ham a still deeper insight into the operation of the State government. Graham also served as Executive Counsel to Governor Gardner for sev eral months, so that he also got some first hand information on the hand ling of that office. As a result of the experience which Graham has had both in the legis lature and ns a member of the Ad visory Budget Commission, his friends feel that he Is well fitted for the duties of lieutenant Governor and that his nomination and election to that position would enable him to render a real service to the State during the 1933 general assembly. The only other avowed candidate for the nomination for Lieutenant Governor is D. F. 'Giles of Marion, who has already announced his can didacy. There has been some lalk to the effect that Mrs. E. L. McKee of. Sylva may be a candidate for the office, but few here take this talk seriously and believe that she will ac tually become a candidate. ONLY DAILY SAYS HE IS NOT CANDIDATE Alfred £. Smith NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THIS SECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA AND VIRGINIA HENDERSON, N. C,, MONDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 8, 1932 Says Japs Are Not F igh tingToSecure Control of China Tokyo, Fob. 8 (AP) —Japan'* new move to revise the nine-power pact and establish neutral zones around China's chief commercial content should convince the pow ers. a government spokesman said today, that Japan "has no Inten tion of attempting any measure of control In China proper except in concert with the other powers.” MISSING CHILI) IS HACKED JO DEATH Body of Seven Year Old Girl Found In Vacant Philadelphia House Philadclph a, Fob. 8 (AP)—Attacked and hacked to death, the body of {teven year old DoDrothy Lutz, w*ho had been missing since Wednesday, was found today in a second floor room of a vacant house a few doors .rom her own home. The hody was found by two police men who were among several hun dred police and firemen engaged in an intensive search of tlhe north Philadelphia neighborhood where the child lived with her widowed mother. The ch Id s head -had been almost severed, presumably by an axe. The body lay on the floor of the bare bedroom. Police said the house had been tak en over by the city last weke for de fault In the payment of taxes. A negro .family moved out of the place last Thursday, they said. Efforts are be ing made to learn where the family has gone. BODIES ARESEEN ON SUNKEN VESSEL Diver Sights Two Bodies In Sunken British Submer sible Today Portland. England, Feb. 8. —(AP) — A diver investigating the hatches of the sunken submarine M-2 in the Eng lish Channel today flashed his deep sea light Into the open conning tower revealing the bodies of two men. Although the motion of the water caused the bodies to sway towards him in a ghastly fashion he was able to say that they appeared to be thoee of higher officers of the craft which sank January 26 with all 61 hands aboard. JAP ATTACK ON WOOSUNG AMERICAN SHIPSAT SHANGHAI fIRDERED UP YANGtSE RIVER One Sent To Augment Nank ing Forces And Another Dispatched To Chingkiang MOST OF AMERICANS AT NANKING EVACUATE Two Mine Sweepers And Converted Yacht Arrive At Shanghai From Manila, In. creasing U. S.Forces There Washington. Feb. 8 (AP)—The United States will reject any plan suggested to It by Japan to de militarise* the principal port of Ch na. Washington. Feb. 8 (AP)-Two Amer can destroyers have keen or dered from Shanghai up the Yang tse River, one to augment forces at Nanking and the other to be stationed nt Chingkiang. The destroyer Parrott will pro ceed to Nanking where the de stroyers Simpson and EdsalJ are now riding at anchor. The Bul mer will he locate# at Chingkiang about 20 miles below Nanking. More than 160 Americans, mostly women and children have been evacuated from Nanking. The navy was Informed today that the mine sweeper* Finch and Bittern and the converted yacht, Isabel, had arrived at Shanghai From Manila. KOONIMMEB YOUNCE SUCCESSOR Governor Gardner Announc es Appointment Follow ing Resignation Raleigh, Feb. 8 (AP)—H. L. Koontz of Grenaboro, will be named solicitor of the X2th Judicial District to succeed C'c'rgf; A. YotmCe, Gover nor Gardner announced this after noon . Mr. Koontz will serve until the gen eral election in November. He will be commbiLoned later today. Younce resigred yesterday after a coroner’s jury ordered lAn held along with W. F. Brinkley, chairman of the Davidson county Democratic Exe cutive committee under SIO,OOO bond in connection with the shooting to death early Friday of Sheriff James A. Leonard, of Davidson county. MILLSNAME SENT TO SITE AGAIN Name of Ballentine As Un der Secretary Also Offer ed By Hoover Washington, Feb. B.—(AP) The name of Ogden L. Mills to be the sec retary of the treasury and of Arthur A. Ballentine to replace him as under secretary were sent to the Senate to day by President Hoover. The resident sent the nominations to the Senate last Friday but the Senate had adjourned over the week end before they arrived, necessitat ing their transmittal again today. WEATHER FOR NORTH CAROLINA. Cloudy and wider tonight, pre ceded by rain on the coast; Tues day partly cloudy and colder; fresh west shifting to north winds. A Sketch Strip History of Japan - Begins today bv R. J. Scott, the noted artist, this graphic, con die story oi the rise of Japan is at once eutertaning and in structive. Grownups and children alike will euiov itl Ofl to Hawaiian War Games Starting of? for Hawaii for the grw., arm> „.,m hum.-uv. an« also to be a little closer to tile storm-center where some of their countryman and women may need assistance—members of the 30th lnf « n c7 s^r" l -tF- S .- Army arc * hown hoarding the army trans port St. Mihiel at San V ran cisco The battU fleet sailed from San Pedro at the same tim r - —taking nrovi«on> and ammunition for one year, in cast of emergency. British And French Views Clash At Geneva Meeting Separate Theories Regard,, ing World Peace Cause Pointed Clash At Arms Parley FRENCH PLAN TO ARM LEAGUE IS ATTACKED British Spokesman Includes Abolition of Submarines And Chemical Warfare for Abolishing War Fell. 8 ((APl—Great Britain and France clashed point edly at the World Disarmament Conference today over two dis tinctly separate theories about abolishing war. Sir John Simon, Rr tilth spoke*, man presented Great Britain's plan for disarmament, Including abolition of submarines and gas and chemical warfare at the same time sharply criticising the proposal of France for arming the League of Nat onx. Sir John In sisted that the scope of the pro posals discussed be kept withnt the field of the disarmament con vention drawn up before hand. He declared the British proposals remained within this field. LITTLEISINI ON FARM RESEARCH State Stands At Bottom In Allotments For Agricul ture Research Raleigh. Feb. B.—Though it has a farm population second only to Texas. North Carolina stands at the bottom In funds allotted for agricultural re search among all the States studied In 1830 by the office of education of the United States Department of the Interior. The amount is less now. Dr. R. Y. Winters, director of the North Carolina Experiment Station, says for example that when a Vir ginia citizen pays SIOO in taxes to that State, he contributed 28 cents for the advancement of agricultural re search; when the North Carolina cit izen pays SIOO in taxes to this com monwealth, he pays only six-tenths, of a cent for the advancement of agri cultural research. ■ - • If only the money -given to State College for the use of Its research work were considered, the termers of North Carolina would he getting less than two-tentbf pf -a pent as State support for Ut« agricultural work conducted by the North Caro lina Experiment Station. Butr in ad dition to the $60,000 which the State Department of Agriculture *- Is sup posed to appropriate to State Col lege for this work, PUBLISHED EVERT AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY. American Marine In Shanghai Slain Through Accident Washington, Feb. B—(AP)—The accidental killing of a United States marine in Shanghai thro ugh the discharge of a gun held by a fellow serviceman was re ported today to the navy depart ment. The report told of the killing of Julius R. L. Men of Los Angeles, hy the accidental discharge of a pistol In the hands of Private Phillip W T . Guernsey, of Bell Flow er, Calif. Both were marines. MISSING FLIKB FOUND IN IIKART OF DESERT Algiers. Algeria Feb. 8 The French aviator Rcgiensi and two companions who have been missing i nthe Sa hara desert for six days were found Sunday by comrades in good health but tired. ROBBERS BLOW SAFE TO BITS—BUT ALSO LOOT. Topeka. Kans., Feb. B.—Safe blow ers wh itried out their art here Sat urday night on the vault in the gro cery store of Fred Fleming were suc cessful in away an din away they weren’t. Student Publication At State Attacks Governor Dally Dispatch Barns, In the Sir Walter Hotel. UT J. C. B ASKER VIOL. Raleigh, Feb. 8. —The resentment that has been growing at State Col lege against Governor O. Max Gard ner ever since the 1931 general as sembly passed the bill to consolidate State College with the University of North Carolina and then decide to reduce the pay of the professors and instructor 10 per cent, has finally boiled over Into the editorial columns of The Technician, the weekly col lege newspaper published by the stu dents. It has been known for some time that Governor Gardner has been intensely unpopular among the fa culty members at State, but this is the first tangible indication of the degree to which this unpopularity has been passed on to the students. This editorial, entitled “Governor’s Wild Oat” and smacking of juvenile journalism, attacks Governor Gard ner because of his parole of John M. Brewer, Wake Forest banker and says that “Instead of discouraging mis appropriation of public funds. Governor Gardner stoops to aid a criminal and in so doing stamps him self as An unworthy alumnus, en couraging crime by bis action. Ha 6 PAGES I TODAY| FIVE CENTS COPY CHAPEI NOW QUIET ASATTACK CENTERS ABOUT NEW SECTOR Efforts Os Japs To Extend Holdings In Woosung Resulting InStiff Battles BRITISH VOLUNTEERS BLOCK FLANK MOVE British Throw Up Sand Bag Barricade To Keep Japa nese Out of International Settlement Today Shanghai, Feh. 9.—(AP)—A* the firing serosa Chapel petered opt early thia morning a* it usually does a little after midnight, Chinese head quartern announced that a machine gun battery had mowed down 500 Japanese during the day’s engagement. It appeared that the Chinese had led the enemy Into a trap lying quiet behind their sandbag barricades while the Japanese pushed out an advance column. They let the column get deep into Chinese territory then open ed fire on them In front and on noth flanks. It was a slaughter. Only a handful of survivors were aide to get out and these fled as hs»d as they could run, headquartei * said. When .’a;; > headquarters heard about this announcement they denied that any such thing had e» r happen* d. Shanghai. China, Feh. 8 (API- Fighting with a spirit they had not hitherto exhibited, the Chi nese army todny repulsed a Japa nese attack on the fert at Woe sung and renewed the bombard ment of the enemy bluejseketa hold jig Hongkew. , ’ The Ja|>anese already baa oocu- .> v (Conti'-ued on Page Four.) lONAS NOMINATION ORDERED REJECTED Sub Committee Recom mends Confirmation of Appointment Be Denied Washington. iOeb. 8 (AP)—Senator Walsh, chairman of the subcommit tee appointed to consider the nomi nation of Charles A. Jonas for dis trict atotrney for western North Caro lina, recommended to the full oesn m.ltec of the judiciary today that confirmation be denied. On motion of Senator Scfaall, an other member of the committe the matter went over until next Monday. The Walsh report called for rajec- Uon of the nomination. The action of Senator Schall is aimed t© give Mr. Jonas another chance to fight the objections of Senator Bailey, of North Carolina, who is opposing the nomi nation. breaks the very law t/hat is mads by the commonwealth for her protection. By his action Grwemor Gardner places a premium upon dishonesty and has taken adva r tage of his power of parole for a purpose for which it was never intende'l.” While the paro'/j given to Brewer is represented as. the real cause o£ the editorial out break, it is easy to read between th/e lines and tell that the underlying cause is the resent ment that has existed against Gard ner at State (Jn Uege for months and which has buirt into flame within the last few week s when appropriations, not only for state College and'the University rj North Carolina, but all State depaitments and institutions, were ut oiV again beagse of a short age of revenue, because the law com pelled thy Governor to take this- ac tion and reduce- appropriations in or der to preserve the credit-'of tbs .State and avc/.d a deficit. . 1 \ That the Budget-utting' and salary cutting u the real reason’for the .edi torial and parole of Banker Brest-r only an excuse, is indicated in . this pa -agraph; “Bank failures refceoed the CCci*t)cu'-w uu iPe~e Ftm)

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