PAGE FOUR HENDERSON DAILY DISPATCH Ifniii 11 AmmmM A IM4 hMkM Bvtrr AfttrMM ■■■•■* aunißiMON oamca co* no at II Imm Itmt P"’ MKT A, DENNIS, Praa. and Mdjtor L riNCjH. Hac-Traaa and Bbi. Mgr. ■AUortal Otf tea » ImUU Bditor *• •• •}• Bmlkmi OCflca ....... **» Tha Handerjon Dally Dispatch la a Malar of the Associated Praaa. N»ws« paper Enterprise Association, Oouth m Newspaper Publishers Association pad l\« North Carolina Press Assoola- The Associated Press Is exclusively •atitled to ase for i epubllcatlon all haws dispatchrs ci edited to It or not alberwlse Cl edited In this paper, and also the ne*s published herein. All rlahta of publication of epeclal PHaatchea herein are also reserved. lUßSUtimot PRICKS, rerahie HrPtlr la Advance. ■as fear >u Months >-*• Three Mentha *••• fsr Copy v* NUTICK TO Ml Rat RIBBH9. st tbo printed label on your The date fhereon sbov/s when {as subscription expires. Forward year money In ample time for re newal Notice date on lube! carefully aid If not correct, please notify us at •ace Subscribers desiring the addles* SP their paper chonged. please State in their communication bilb the OLA pad NEW address Ssllesal* Repreeestallvce PROvr. LAN I*l9 R KOHM Mt Park Avenue, New York City: I# Hast Wacker Drive. Chicago; Walton Miidinu Atlanta: Security Building. Pt Louis. •afvrcd at the post office In Herder pen. N. C., as second class mall matter fcg «■«■* he* ■»«**.■«* tat snerA* PaWlfc 1 FAITH AND WORKS: Trust in the Ix>rd. and do good: so shall thou cwell In the land, and verily thou shalt be fed —Psalm 37:3. POWER OF FINANCE BOARD President Hoover himself hardly has more power than the newly cre ated Reconstruction Finance Cor poration. which is headed up by Charles G. Dawes. The act places enormous power in the hands of a few men, who have uie aumority to lend money in great gobs, if they like, or to parcel it cut to make It go a long way and rtach many individual concerns ■ The new corporation will be man aged by a board of directors consist ing of the secretary of the treasury, the governor of the Federal Reserve Board, the farm loan commissioner and four Other persons appointed by the president with the consent of the Senate. As a matter of fact, the cor poration. In a sense, is these seven men. It is their job, as Mr. Hoover has said “to d.op deflation in agri culture and industry." Half a billion dollars thus far has been placed at the disposal of the corporation, which has the right to lend the money to r* t ' r "».nd hast stirred again in us the desire i Thee. We come, O God, to Thee. We ask nothing save that we may live once more in Thy light. Father, wilt Thou now re ceive us if we come? In deep humi lity and in contrition, we pray that. Thou wilt receive us. Amen. Whose Captive ? His enthusiasm a.- a war corres pondent has placed Edward Hun ter. International News Service, in a difficult position. Arrested be tween Changchung and Harbin, Manchuria, Hunter is a prisoner of one faction of the warring orient als. Japanese authorities say that he is in Chinese hands and Chinese say that as they have no troops in that area. Hunter’s captors must be Japs. -Meantime General Araki, Japanese Minister 6f War. has re quested General Honjo. Jap com mander in Manchuria, to try to effect the relen.-c of the adventur ous scribe. Byrd Hero Jobless Hk 4 j A Byfi ns I SH §L lg§ I ■ CtPt. Frederick C. Melville, skip per of the City of New York, base ship of the Byrd Antarctic expe dition, who led the rescue of Ad miral Byrd and his party from the Ice of Little America two years ago, is jobless. While watting for shipping activities to open up, he U writing a book about his south pole experiences* at his home in Lynn* Maaa. ' HtwVell By Central Pres* New York, Feb. 11—Balancing the Books: DEBITS Time Wasted—Looking again at the catching the show at a fourth rate Second avenue night club; HMenlng .to "Minnie the Moodher” sung by every orchestra leader in town while his players make vague discordant sounds on their instruments; watch ing debutantes and would-be debu tante in the somnolently smart places corttort themselves into pretzels after the current dancing mode and reflect ing that they are simply doing the old can-can without fire; listening to peppy young ladies who have a phrase, a cliche for everything, such as “white tie” for dull dress, "champagne-tea” for cocktail party, and so on. CREDITS Time Well Spent—Watching " Noble Sissle’s eloquent Hands in the Park Central Hotel grill; eating onion soup at the Lafayette, soft scrambled eggs with sausage at Childs, pot au feu, or what have you, at Charles'; get ting a moronic delight out of the in imitable “Popeye”iin the comics; view ing Madison Square Garden's arena when empty, vast and silent and full of ghosts of thudding gloves, spinning Wheels, skimming stakes, mara(hon ing feet; looking straight down from the tower of the Empire State build ing; watching Ramon and Rosita dance—Rosita being the little Waco, Tex.' girl, who found fame as a Span ish dancer in the night clubbs of the world; feeling the thrill of receiving ietters from readers in towns which have just taken on this column. HOP, SKIP AND JUMP Anent my comment recently on the thirst of radio execs for fresh slants and new ideas, several people have pointed out to me the mazes of red tape which must be unwound before a newcomer, with or without the goods can get a hearing. They may have had hard luck, or their moans may mean something.. .There are only about 8 per cent of all the telephones 'ln the world which you can’t right by picking up yours and placing a call.. Bus barkers now point out to tour ists the amazing resemblance between a plaster saint on a comer of the Riverside Rockefeller church and Professor Albert Einstein... But the figure’s mustachioed curve downward, if you’ll notice, while Relativity Al’s gc, slightly up. . .That monkey puzzle printed here recently has unloosed a CROSS WORD PUZZLE I L 3 < Z I;? 1,0 TT iz [l3 jl-f Vr Snjtb Zl i|Jff iff 33 LbSi ■IBB 47 -»8 70 ACROSS r Italian lady 8 Black gibbon 15 Marched 16 Crystalline product 17 Sun god 18 Mire 19 Nacre C<> Prefix with Cl S, Amcr Indians C 3 Japanese coin C l Begin 26 Vericgated 27 Pile 29 Long cut 30 Attention 31 Roofing material 33 Greek letter 34 Giggle 86 A frolic 38 Hebrew god 39 Midday 40 Ostentatious 42 Perform 44 Mining tools 46 Bottom layer 49 Newt 61 Spare time ‘ S 3 Sailor 64 State of worry 66 Arouse to action 67 Three united 68 Tree 60 Marble (dial. I 61 Utah city 62 Printer's half meas ure 63 Kindled 65 Armpit 66 Them (colloq ) 67 Retributivs vengeance 69 Inversely ovate 71 Ancient galley 72 Euphonised DOWN Jk Liam soporific spec tacle on the stage of Earl Carroll’s beautiful theatre; taxing through the ‘maze of trucks parked in solently at 45-de grec angles In narrow 47th torrent of demands for the solution, with many answers subm.tted. . .The only correct one opened so far stems from a bright lady in Terre Haute, 1nd...1 flunked the blame thing my self, I may as well confess, on the first five tries... There is one radio station which doesn’t boil when an occasional mild cuss-word slips into (the mike.. ."Aunt Jemima," the ether is a grace ful dancer, despite her ample build.. The Chinese and Japanese really don’t look alike, as Ive discovered, study ing photographs during the present Eastern fracas...A New York paper queried thousands of girl readers thus: "Which would you rather (have, a hus band and babies or Greta Garbo’s fame and fortune?”.. .Ninety per cent of the answers preferred the domestic setup... How honest were they?... You say, I can’t. 2 rersiaif 3 Depart 4 Hover 5 Musical work 6 Color 7 rublic notice (abhr ) 8 Mimeograph device 9 Masculine name 10 Tunes It Sheds hair 12 One 13 Variety of mica (chem.) 14 Tert. to glottis 19 A fuel 22 W.-*xy substance 23 Luminary 25 Malt beverage 27 Slim 28 Rascality 21 Hail (Norset&nd) S 3 Railroad descent S 5 Wheel part Answer to Previous Pussle is l^MgM^lpnoTsleMATNmui IcBU I AJsIsIL-^BN 1 Irrrrl iS^Hasl T BL I 37 Kind of leather <1 Comb, form denot ing presence of nitrogen IS’ 42 Birth 43 More frepuent 45 Tort to Siam 48 Onion-shaped root *7 Natural simplicit* 4* Curried a horse srt Sn.-ead to dry 52 Skidded «.« I.ozenge »7 Crossbean (arch.) 59 Tower up 6! Cabal 84 Edge •5 President's nick name 66 Musical note 69 Hindu ejaculation 7n I -and measure The Backward Student The police department here has 220 goldfish on its hands, confiscated in raided speakeasies.. .One Harry Ros enthan, of Scarsdale, has offered to buy them, but the Aquarian society protected, on the ground that the gentleman in question once tried to introduce the vogue of dancing slip pers trimmed with New Zealand gokl fish, and that he has made shoes out of frogskin. QUEST A postcard in this morning’s mail Leads Search for Sub H^B BBf JH BB JjH SbHf JSjH HB Sir Bolton Eyres-Monsell, first lord of the British admiralty, has been directing the search for the British submarine M-2, which dived to the bottom of the Eng lish channel with a crew of 56 aboard. Hope of finding any of the men alive was abandoned. Here's the great- Wm m M M est value in hotel M m M history I Choose W w ony 3 doys you wish—and come lcpMfl|fg \ to the striking * new Hotel Plymouth for a real vacation I 3 doys of fun, interest, enjoyment—a If for $lO complete. INCLUDES EVERYTHING • |nf octotMnwlfliHotti, • Has wait, *arvad in Mom Oiaiig ‘in *SnM»iii>| trip around Now York • Fra* admiwtoa Is famaui tory Thaafco. • Vtaw of city fro* booutifui OiryUar Tawar. A FINE HOTEL! ( £gfj g|3m* wy 3 Medto of ss £lgj gl|| oea hath .*}{ Sj dRI Gradual lea Water *C|J Si . Jlvi iAMo In Ewer Soon |bi 8 jßsyfi __ _ tfll Ask yoitf NoHit t§oscy m wH* Gnu. * ** HOTEL • * * PLYMOUTH 49 ri> St.J M N.W M K M r from Bob Ripley, the “Believe It Or Not" lad, who’s on his way to the South Seas to meet and interview among others. Queen Vaekeha, of the Fiji islands, who hss 500 husband? “That’s a place where one family out of work means depression.'’ Rip says. FASHION NOTE My scouts, who never sleep, report that tflie new hats ere being trimmed with vegetables this year—springs of parsley, chic groups of string beans, baby tomatoes and so on, while a smart boutonniere featured by one shop consists of a bunch of miniature bananas. One of those Mds below off the other day, I am told, and when the crowd Aspersed it resemb lod a brown derby. One of the diners, forewarned, carried a salt-cellar. NOTICE OF AUCTION SALE Or COTTON GIN By virtue or power conferred in the will of the late A J. Parkinson, duly recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Vance County, and a deed of W. W. Dickerson, the undersigned will sell, by public auc tion. to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door in Hender son. on Monday, Feb. 29th., 1932 at 12 noon the following describ ed property. Begi nat the north east corner of Mrs. Frances Goodson lot. run thence eastward by Speer’s line 2 chains to north west corner of Woodlief lot. thence South along said lot 278 feet to middle of road, thence westward about 123 feet to Mrs. Goodson line, thence northward along said line about 252 feet to the beginning, containing: approximately 3-4 of an acre, being known as the Gin lot, on which a Cot ton Gin is located, just east of Kit trell. The Gin. machinery, and building will be offered separately, and then all the property as a whole. This 28th day of January. 1932. OSCAR H. PERKINSON, E. H. PERKINSON, P. J. PERKINSON. Executors of estete of A. J. PERKINSON. desea^ed SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY TRAINS LEAVE HENDERSON A" FOLLOWS NORTHBOUND It* 188—8:33 A. M. for JUrhm«*nd f Washington, New York, wssu*- tag at Nortina with No. 18 srr**- ing Portsmouth-Norfolk 12:16 f- M. with parlor-dining ear nerrirr. 4—2:52 P. M. for Richmond. Washington New York. 192—8:38 P. *M. for Richmond Washington and New York. •—4:28 A. M. for Fertsm®e*h-W*' Mk, Washington, New Yack. SOUTHBOUND Ha 181—8:48 A. X. Fur Saw—k seavflte, Tampa, BL *' 8—8:12 F. BL for Raleigh. SanfoH Hamlet, Columbia, Savannah. *•’ wlaaiL Tampa, 84. Fetenhun -191—7:88 ?. M. For Raleigh. SeoaamLh, oawfcsMiville. Mia®' B—*:Bfc LM.IU Atlaata, *** Tm tufermatlM eafl mt R *• *** WR DFA., R—gh. I. C, • 4- »ppa. TA* Hill nils, N. C.