PAGE TWO I SERMONS MUSIC M TO HAVE VISITING SPEAKER L T. Henderson, of Brother, food of South, To Be Heard Here On Sunday L T. Henderson, secretary of the Baptist Brotherhood of the South, 4a to t>«* the special speaker at the First feaptiat church tomorrow. It was an nounced today by the pastor. Dr. H. A. Ellis. Mr. Henderson is said to be a |lft*d Speaker and a well known and loved Bader among the men of his Genom- Inatton. His message is announced as ene needed by nil men. He will ap pear at both the morning and even lag preaching hours at the church Services, and in the afternoon will ■peak to men especially on the sub ject. "A Twofold Challenge to Men.” Men from other churches are Invited to hear his message. On Monday. Tuesday and Wednes day evenings, Mr. Henderson will give inspirational talks on matters per taining to men and the church, and may take up the study of some book on methods of dealing with men’s problems. It Is an educational and inspiration series, and available for all men of all churches of the community. At the other churches of the city, the regular morning and evening ser vices will be held. To these the public lb Invited. FELLOWSHIP OF PRAYER#- I DAILY LENTEN DEVOTION •• prepared by §H£REVDW/GHT J BRADLEY SPONSORED BY WHE FEDERAL COUNCILOR THE ttWRCHES OF CHRIST IN AMERICA SATURDAY, February IS “He Was Dead, and Is Alive Again; j He Was I.ost and Is Found” • Read Psalm 91). •'Home is the sailor, home from see, And the hui» er. home from the bills.” Only, we we»e not sailors or -hunt er?. but merely 10.-;t chi ldren pretend ing to be “men of the world.” How futile was our sophistication. But here we are. home again. How bright the world now seems to be. We know, of course, '.hat there is darkness still tn many places, sorrow In many liven. We do not wish selfishly to enjoy this Radiance. We would Kke to share it everyone, everywhere. "O glcrv of the lighted mind. How dead I'd been, how dumb, how blind”. That is how we had been—dead and dumb and blind. Since we came back and reentered the Light, we are *Uve ag.ln. we are awake, we can see. PRAYER: O thou in whom there la no variableness nor any shadow cast by turning, grant we beseech Thee, that w» may dwell in Thy Light and behold each day the brightness at "Wiy llt be. we pray, that when l s is night we may see Thy star of hope, and the reflection of Thy Pre sence in the sky. Grant also that Thy Radiance may so fill our lives that from us too. shall shine the light whlfh is from Thee. Amen. SUNDAY. February* 14 “The Use Was the Light of Mm" ♦ Read John 1:1-14) «fW»en God comes to meet us on the way He comes as a luminous Pres ence. dispelling the darkness within •pnd around us, suffusing us with pure Joy Then we discover that His Pres sure to made manifest in the form of a man like ourselves in appearanee but so far beyond us in the Radiance of His Being that we know He 1* more than merely another such as we. It is CTirirt who comes to meat us—a living Christ, the incarnation of re deeming Love. He Is the Light, and ro long as we are In contact with Him we need fear no evil nor will we again lsee our way In the murky shadows of despondency. Os this we may be se curely confident. PRAYER: O Living Christ, Thou hast found us and Thou hast brought ur, out of darkness into the light of a new day. Thou Thyself art the Light that light eth every man. and Thou hast restored to us the Radiance of a quenchless faith. Be wl‘*h us always and Ift us abide with Thee throughout all the rest of our days that in Thy Light we may see Hght, and seeing •nov; never stumble. Amen. COBr.CLOHITRE BAIV ' By virtue of power contained in a deed of trust executed Sept. 9th., 1929 by A V. Jones anl Alethia Jones, his wife, and recorded in the office of th« register of deeds of Vance county in book 1M at page 500. I will offer for •ale. at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in Henderson. N. C., at 12 o'clock, ■oon on Monday the 7th day of March IMB the following described property: All that tract of land in Vance County. N. C., containing fifty four acres more or less, being in Sandy Creek township, and bounded on the north by the lands of Lawson Carroll, on the East by the lands of Charlie Dickerson, on the South by the road from Coleys Cross Road, to Southland Kill <R. M. Abbott owning the land across the road) and on the West by the lands of William Roberson and George Jones. This sale is made on account of de- Hart In the payment of the debt se * cared In said deed of trust, and at the request of tbs holder of said debt This sth day of February. I«t2 T. 8. KXtTRELL, Trustee'. AT THE CHURCHES TOMORROW Jesus slid the Man Bom Blind Among the many persons made happy by the heal ing miracles of Jesus wore a number of blind, whose eyes Jesus opened Our lessor, tells us of a man born blind, who stood near the temple beg ging as Jesus passed The disciples of Jesus were curious to know why the man had not been blessed with sight at birth. I What’s Dotnq *** Churches PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. W. C. Cummlng, pastor. J. Harry Bryan. Sunday school su perintendent. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. with Bible classes for men and women. Morning church service at 11 a. m. The choir will sing, "Lead on. O King Eternal” as an anthem. The sermon subject will be. “How Can I Suc ceed?” Among the questions to be answered will be. Is it necessary to get money in order to succeed? and what are the tests of success? The evening service will be at 7:30 p. m. The choir will sing the anthem, "Beside Still Waters.” The sermon | subject will be. “The Ethlcopian in the Fuel Supply." Come and worship with us. FIRST METHODIST. Rev. D. E. Earnhardt, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Worship services at 11 a. m. and 7 SO p. m. with sermons by the pastor and special music by the choir. Text for the morning sermon. "Thou .halt worship the Lord thy God and Him only shalt thou serve." Subject for the night sermon, “Condemned >r Justified.” Some points in the night sermon: Who has a right to condemn? Why !o people condemn themselves? Fo.‘ vhat does God condemn? How may ,’ou know whether you are condemned >r justified? May one be justified by he Almighty and condemre.i by his leighbors? Who is the nan who is justified? At the morning service, the choir will sing He Shall Lead His Flock,” jy F. F. Harker. SALVATION ARMY. Alexander avenue and William street. South Henderson. Commandant and Mrs. H. K. An derson in charge. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m. Young People’s Legion at 6 SO p. m. Salvation meeting at 7:30 p. m. The revival spirit has been burn ing. with conversions at every meet ing. Last Sunday night eight souls melt at the Salvation Army altar. The public is cordially invited to ittend these services. HOLY INNOCENTS EPISCOPAL. Rev. I. W. Hughes, rector. First Sunday in Lent. 7:30 a. m. Holy Communion. 9:45 a. m. Church School. 10 a. m. Men's and Women’s Bible Classes. 11 a. m. Morning Prayer and Ser mon. 6:30 p. m. Young People’s Service League. 7:30 p. m. Evening Prayer ahd Ser mon. : L St. Mission, North Hander son. 2 o’clock Church School. THE RISE OF JAPAN A Sketch Story of tbeSnn-0 rigin Kingdom -No. 6 sty J* sQ()tt At the Washington conference Japan suffered the worst disas- A crisis arose in Japans rela- The Japanese government main. . Jw»’s ideal of a military and r •«* s' v M M2l-’*2 JapaiTplaysd a leading ter sh lt» history on Sept. l. 1923. tions with the United States in t® ‘ ned acaJm front, n J i** 00 **" «H»»d»y |rpr-i C n Irad-r Zrt NaviXStatianplaced J*- when a great earthquake and tidal 1924 When a new American imml. proceeded with caution. Follow- h«u4«g reeßzatton. With a pow- “i**’ ,Uoa ‘‘* □an on a iJ.J ratio with the wave partially destroyed the cities gratlon law became effective, car. ng t ha affair Japan expanded its to her , n cr-sla yoae and [***._, . mtkA rn fjit Britain at Thkki and Yokohama Aodtox- rylng a Japanese exclusion clausa naval air forces, and resumed no- treaty limits, and a weti-trained J a punas; army ttmttnl that te The latter nation fearing Japan’s uagtofy 100.600 persons were Japan fHed an official protest and satiations Soviet Russia. But “”*!** becarrve th ® dominant *P rc **' dl ’Crga? hL SeSed kuEi however. the American reply failed to sat. ** rescued a bitter enemy of nation of the east. From a farm- <* f w-fL-lnlatLtatni* set Shout reoairtn* lafy Japanese public opinion. Ths B ®viat Ideas as opposed to Its own ,n * notion she changed to a c,ar< * J u boycott. Then Jt; units in tho Pacific. Japan built repairing «nrOT«je p ias ly Industrialized «ruck Shanghai was inverted her navy up to treaty strength. tho tremendous damage iitumoa.v ■ I * Mint) HENDERSON, (N. C.,) DAILY DISPATCH- SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13,1932 ” FIRST BAPTIST. Pastor, Dr. Hugh A. Ellis. Sunday school meets at 9:45 a. m. with classes for all ages. Clarence E. Greene, superintendent. Morning service at 11 a. m. The secretary of the Baptist Brotherhood of the South, L. T. Henderson, will speak at the morning hour. The choir will sing the 23rd Psalm, music by Hubert McNeil Poteat. Evening service at 7:30 p. m. Mr. Henderson will speak at this service. A mixed quartet will sing, “My Faith In Thee,” by Wells, the group being Mrs. H. A. Dennis, Mrs. R. H. Duke, Wilson Smith and W. B. Harrison. In the afternoon at 3 o'clock Mr. Henderson will give a special address to the men of the churches, speak ing on "A Twofold Challenge to Men.” The men of the other churches are specially invited to hear this gifted leader amongst men. He is decidedly a man with a message for the hour. SOUTH HENDERSON BAPTIST. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. V, H. Roberson, superintendent. Special music is expected. B. Y. P. U. at 6:15 p. m. Prayer service Wednesday evening at 7:30 o’clock. Everybody is cordially invit ed to come and worship with us. FIRST METHODIST PROTESTANT. Rev. L. W. Gerringer, pastor. 9:45 a. m., Sunday, school, C. F. Tankersley, Jr., superintendent. 11 a. m.. Worship and Preaching. Subject of seimon: "The Supr*nu Work or* the Church.” Th» choir w»il sing "The Lord Is My Shepherd,” by Koschat. 7 p. m. ( Junior Christian Endeavor. 7:30 p. m., Evening worship. Ser mon subject: "Are You Steering or Drifting?” 7:30 p. m., Wednesday. Mid-week devotional services. Auxiliary circles, one, two, and three will meet Monday afternoon in the church at 3:30 o’clock. Circle number four will meet in the church Thursday evening at eight o'clock, and number five Monday evening at 7:30 with Miss Cathrine Faulkner. Come and worship with us. It will be worth while for you, and your presence will encourage others. All who can be sure to attend the community prayer meeting at the First Baptist church Monday after noon at 5:30 o’clock. FIRST CHRISTIAN. Rev. R .A. Whitten, pastor. Sunday sehobl 9:45 a. m. C. D. New ihan; superintendent. Worship 11 a. m. Subject, The Broken Box. Text, John 12:3. Junior Christen Endeavor at 2 p. ~m., Mrs. L. V. Pedman, superinten dent. - | Senior Christian Endeavor, 6:45 p. ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON —tu-Joln, o,l*ll, ’ in ■ " ■‘" r lESSiS Jesus said it was neither the man's fault nor his parents’, but that God’s power might be shown in his healing "When lam in the world, lam the light of the world," said Jesus. Then "he spat on the ground and made clay of the spittle," anointed the man’s eyes with it and told him to wash In the pool of Siloam. Jesus and the Man Born Blmd THE WEEKLY SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON .Che Golden (Text !?T * v * -" V SI \ ißf f John 8:12-— 1 lam the light of ths world: ha that followeth ms shall not walk in darkness, but shall have ths light of life.’* By DR. ALVIN E. BELL (The International Uniform Lesson for February 14 is John 9:1-41, the subject being "Jesus and the Man Born Biiml" and the Golden Text John 8:12 "I am the light of the world; he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”) Our golden text gives us one of the seven great ”1 am's” of Jesus record ed in John's gospel, viz: "I am the light of the world.” This stupendous claim is illustrated nnd vindicated by the miracle which followed shortly m., Miss Margaret Davis leader. Worship, 7:30 p. m. Subject, A great man but a leper. Text 2nd. Kings 5:1 Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. Choir practice Wednesday evening at 8:30. WEST END BAPTIST. Rev. E. R. Nelson, pastor. Sunday school at fO o’clock, S. W. Oakley, superintendent. Worship at 7:80 p. m., led by the pastor, the subject, "Jesus, the Uni versal Stnbearer." m TBttffrl I ill - | ■ t The man believed and obeyed Jesus. And even though it was the Sabbath day, he washed his eyes in the pool Os Siloam and for the first time in his life he was able to see. As he rushed home to tell his parents, the neighbors gathered in amazement, hardly knowing whether it wa* he or tnmo stranger. in the opening of the eyes and the giving of light to the man born blind. Jesus makes no claim he can not substantiate. His claims, furthermore match our direct needs. The blind man’s supreme need was light, and Jesus met it as “the light of the world." A bit later when his spiritual leaders excommunicated him for his defense of Jesus, thus closing the door of religious privilege to him, Jesus presented hlmseif to him say ing “I am the door.” In that same connection, as a rebuke to the false . shepherds who cast this man out of the fold. Jesus made the claim “I am the good shepherd.’ Thus to his friends Mary and Martha in their be reavement he again met supreme need with supreme claim, "I am the resurrection and the life" and vindi cated the claim by the raising of Lazarus from the-dead*. , 1n the miracle befdrc Us, physical a-nd spiritual, that of the healed and that of the JKBjfwgßi • who opposed Christ and ex^KfWttirr'' cated the man he healed because of . his testimony in behalf of Jesus. The 5 first fell within the power of Christ I The man was so happy over his healing that he told everyone he could concerning Jesus. But religious leaders who opposed Jesus closed the door of their faith to the man, because Jesus had healed him on the Sabbath day Jesus then pre sented himself to the man saying: “I ant tr..- door ” And the manworshipped Jesus. GOLDEN TEXT—John 5 IV as the Hght of the world because it offered no resistance of unbelief: "When I am in the world, I am the light of the world. When he had thus spoken, he spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and anoint ed his eyes with the clay, and said unto him, Go wash in the pool of Siloam ...He went away therefore, and washed ,and came seeing." Christ’s command was met by the hearty response of joyous faith and willing obedience, and his word car ried grace and power and blessing. The spiritual guides of this man re presents a far more malignant and stubborn type of blindness. They could pick no flaw with Christ's graci ous work of mercy except that it wa? done on the Sabbath day. But they viciously sought to malign Christ and stifle the testimony of the man he had healed, and, failing in this, "they cast him out.” When they said of Jesus "As for this man, we know not whence he is,” they evidenced a spiri tual blindness worse than that of the blind beggar. It was the blindness of stubborn, murderous unbelief. Eyes Sealed In Judgment. Upon these blind guides of the peo ple Jesus pronounced judgment in the stern, severe words: “For judgment came I unto the world, that they that see not may see; and that they that see may become blind." Thus he sealed the eyes of those who persis tently refused to see spiritually. They caught the sting of his sentence and demanded, “Are we also blind?” To j which Jesus replied, reaffirming his f judgment "If ye were blind, ye would i have no sin; but now ye say, We see: your if in remnjneth.” Truly, “there are none so blind as those who will not see.” For them even "the light of the world” can do nothing but officially and judicially seal the eyes they themselves have wilfully and persistently closed. PRAYER GROIiFTO MEET ON MONDAY Organization Formed Fri day Evening At Meeting Held At Library A group representating the va rious churches of the city gathered in the basement of the Perry library Friday evening and organized a pray er meeting group which proposes to hold- prayer services indefinitely , =SsN r lP onß at »au-o’diaak. Theeb, Wsß JVfecusafon of plans and Jjhe result wtitoßßmt an agreement : J to hold the services In in the several churches, in *aTpFW>etical order. The first meeting will be in the First Baptist church next Monday It will not last feuch more than 20 SUNDAY ' SCHOOLS By tl.a Rev. Alvin E. Z t \\ And Alfred J. minutes, and the public is invite t 0 attend. The idea is to confine tin programs to prayers, Bible reeding, and & few hymns. No .set talks proposed. The prayer services arc with the idea in mind of center-in* the public thought upon a greater d* votlon to -God and religious pm,, ciples, and to intercede for diviu guidance and help in the present stress of the world. LAMDRITH SPEAKS IN CITY 11 Allied Campaign Group Here In Interest of Pro. hibition Cause Dr. Ira. Landrith. publicist sm orator and member of the Allied Cm paigners touring the nation in the tn terest of the perpetual of the eigh teentih amendment in the Feck-ni Constitution, 'will Apeak «<in.gttt. a 7:30 o’clock In the court house her* His address will be the second of th* day. Oliver W. Stewart having ad dressed a gathering at 3 o'clock tin afternoon in the First Baptirt church Dr. Landrith. baa spoken in th.scitr before on prohibition, having appear ed here some seven or eight years ap in a local church. He was ht-ard kr a large audience at that time, and 9 expected to attract a large crowd ths evening. The public is invited. SPECIAL LOW One Way Fares HENDERSON TO Tucson, Aris ..*6502 Los Angeles 65 02 San Francisco 65 02 Denver 6502 El Paso 65 02 Salt Lake City 6502 Tickets on sale dally from all Nor'H Carolina Points until April 30. IH3J Aak for Information regarding splen did winter eight day cruise at l«* rate via Eastern Steamship Company from Miami to Caribbean Ports Cruise Jan. 25. Feb. 6-22, March 7th • For Information See Agent if. F. PIJUBANTK DP A, 566 Odd Fallows IWdg, Bsletfh, N C. Phone STM Seaboard AIK LLN 4 AML wav

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