I gvTEWAY to J - CENTRAL CAROLINA- nineteenth year JAPS PREPARE FOR * ********* **** Hoover Urges Reorganization Os Government Support For Program Is Sought By President In Congressional Message Necessity of Drastic Econ omy In Present Crisis Makes Action Import, ant, He Says FOUR NEW OFFICES WOULD BE CREATED Major Alterations And Changing of Title of Four Other Departments Al*o Asked of Congress Washington. Feb. 17.—(API—- tsking support for a wholmlr ir >rgmnti»tion of the fovrmmrnt. KrrsWrnt Hoover today dlspetch- H a special meaaage to congress rv-nit mending the creation of liiur new federal officer. Ilr requested, simultaneously the major alteration and chang ing in title of four other federal departments, t'nder the eight new Mil altered divisions he would (<Mt»»lidate present overlapping activities in an effort to subtract "millions of dollars annually" from the tax burden. Asks Authority. Aithonty also was asked for the chief executive to transfer and con solidate executive and administrative pmups merely through the Issuance r-r executive orders each to lie be fore congress for 60 days before be coming effective. In the present crisis." the presi dent declared, "the absolute necessity (Continued an Page Six.) MARKETING ACT IS DEFENDED IN TALK Member of Federal Farm Board U Heard At Fayetteville Fayetteville. Feb. 17.—<AP)-W. F. Shilling, of Minnesota, member of ’h* Federal Farm Board, defended •he Federal Marketing Act in an ad dress here today. He spoke at a promotion meeting •>f the State Producers Mutual Ex change. a poultry cooperation with headquarters at Durham. Tell the critics of the marketing Hr| ' (he government will get out of 'he farm business when it gets out of '•‘her business." He advised several hundred fgarmers of this section, who a'tended the meeting. POSTMASTER TO FACE EMBEZZLEMENT CHARG Wilmington. N. C., Feb. 17*— f \l*>—A warrant was placed In •he of United S**«*es mar “hal* today for the arrest of »«iram B. Wades worth, former ,M, ‘tmsster at Nonenta, \\ (!., who '*■ r harged with ••M's* Tti<- i-ni- jnt of aiic^-d missing d, was not gi c., Ummmitt Will Run For His Old Office Again UMiy iMtpnlrl Harraii *kr Sir Wnltrr Haiti. n.K,: J - V- "AIKI.I.VILL r. ' *>**• 17.—Attorney General nn ■' r ' Brummitt. now serving his i.nd f our year tprm Attorney formally announced today * h< * Wi)l **• • candidate for re lation in the June 4 primary. h , l!i ar,ion came as no surprise r«HIs S !w r * 11 haa generally con _ hat Brummitt would seek re ">rnmat,on ever B , nc( . he announced m °ntha ago that he would not nr ( m lf /^ n,l,dale ,or the Democratic T na,ion for Governor. * t ‘-kin®°. t w* r Cand l da tes are already r;* n f. » nomination for Attorney e_ from Brummitt, namely UK*™" Johß «<>*> Baggett of o l **™ l * l count y. and State Peyt °" McSwii ' l ot 3*“«>y. 'ii'iatr, d roun| y- Both of these can it Wa annou «ced for the poet when . ?eriftr allv belie> ed Brummitt ’inn tr,r £ candld.v.'. for the nomina i K “ OV * rnCf ‘SS"" 4, tO<Uy ' Mr * Heniicrsmt ■pTSi 0 " Roosevelt Manager? Homer S. Cummings, above, one of the McAdoo floor leaders in the famous Madison Square Gar den convention of 1924, has been reported as selected to become the national manager for Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt, of New York, in his campaign to secure the Democratic presidential nomi nation. The report has not been confirmed. Cummings, whose home is at Stamford, Cornu, was chairman of the 'Democratic na tional eommittea 1919-20. ASSESSMENT BOND HEARING APPEALS Two Companies Fight Against Increased Assess ments For Taxes Raleigh. Feb. 17.-(AP>—The State Board of Assessment today heard ap peals by the Norib Carolina Mining Company and the Nantahala Power and light Company from Increased tax assessments in Wayne county. The North Carolina Mining Com pany property valuation was raised from $25,000 to $175,000. Property of the Nantahala Power and Light Company was increased from $383,959 to $411,962. TWO SOLDIERS HELD FOR ABDUCTING CHILD Islington. Feb. 17.—(AP)—John and Tom Harris, Fort Bragg soL dlers, were arrested at the mili ary reservation near Fayetteville this morning and wtU be brought here by Harnett county officers trying to clear up the mysterious and brief abduction of Helen Bowling, seven year old school child. “I will be a candidate for Attorney General in the Democratic Primary of June 4, I seek renomination on my record for seven years in that of fice. Without immodesty, I can say that they have been years fruitful In successful service to ihe State. "There have Loen hundreds of of ficial opinio"..!, of which the baiu-t few have been reversed by a court. There has been a s large, or larger number of advisory opinions given local officials, aiding them in the per formance of their duties and develop in a uniform administration of the law. There has been litigation of tre mendous consequence to the State, conducted with a success in which I find an intense and abiding satisfac tion. “On the record ss made 1 <Hand. Upon it I ask for renomluation. Os it, I Invite the close and honest scrutiny of every citizen. "My views on public queetions are reasonably well known. As occasion offers, I shall continue to state them with clarity and definiteness,” ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER HENDERSON, N. C., WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 17, 1932 GARNER'S BOOM FOR PRESIDENT EMERGES AS NATIONAL DRIVE Sturdy Texan, However, Re. fuse* to Take Part In Movement to Put Him In Office SENATORS OF TEXAS SPONSOR CANDIDACY Promise Full Support of Texas Delegation And Forecast W'ide Backing From Other States Washington, Feb. 17.—(AP) - The Gamer boom came smasruug out as a national drive today but the sturdy Texan stuck to bis Job as speaker of the House refusing to take any part In the movement that seeks to put him In the White House. formally the two senators from Texas, Sheppard and Connally. offer ed the speaker as a Democratic presi dential nominee candidte, not as a “favorite son" of the Lone Star State, but as a statesman, supremely quali fied in national affairs. They promised hi mthe solid vote of the Texas delegation to the Chicago convention and forecast that his can didacy would gain wide support as Democrats all over the nation learned ■nor* of his service and character. MMETO BE TRIED IN MARCH Judges Daughter Charged With Misappropriation To Be Tried Soon Raleigh, Feb. 17.—The case against Miss Lola G. Harwood, daughter of Special Superior Court Judge John H. Harwood, due to come up in Superior Court here, has been definitely post poned until the March term of crim inal court, hich convenews March 7. Solicitor J. C. Little said today. Miss Harood is charged with the misap propriation of $4,828 of State tax funds while she was an employe of the State Department of Revenue. The trial set on the calendar for to day, was postponed at the request of Solicitor Little and not at the request of defense counsel, because of the congestion of the present criminal docket. It Is not known when the case against Judge Harwood, now charged with being an accessory after the fact in the misappropriation of the money his daughter is charged with taking, and with altering and changing rec ords having to do with her case, will be tried. Judge Harwood waived pre liminary hearing in city court here yesterday when he appeared in an swer to the two warrants that had been issued against him. The charges in his case must now be presented to the Wake County grand jury. If an indictment is returned, as is expect ed, he will probably be tried at the next regular term of criminal court here following the March term. POSTPHONE HEARING IN DRY RAID CASE Two Men Arrested With Truck Os Whiskey To Be Tried Friday Lumber-ton. Feb. 17.—(AP) —A hear ing for two men found hefe yester day with a truck load of whiskey, was postponed today until Friday at the request of their attorney. Former Congressman Homer Lyon, of Pike ville, who asked time to prepare evi dence that they did not know what was on the truck. The two men who aid they were Walter Scott and George Allen, of Detroit, told officers they delivered the truck *to unknown parti©3 at Whitevllle for loading snd were told their cargo was fabrics. Their truck carried a Michigan license. Recorder John Proctor reduced the bond of Scott and Allen to *2,500 each. They bod not been able to make them this afternoon. Batlu THiapatrlr PUBLISHED IN THIS SECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA AND VIRGINIA. MAJOR OFFENSIVE AT New Supreme Court Justice 3 • Y ii . > J P" - ~ 1 .-c-Aifes. * . ... A rv.v excellent portrait ol Benjamin Naiiiun Cuiuozo, Chiei Jy.-’ice of the New York State Court of Appeals, who has been apponted to the Supreme Court bench by President Hoover. Justice Cardc.ro. a Jdk and Democrat, succeeds Oliver Wendell Holmes, re cently The new justice is the second Jew appointed to the Supreme CcuQ bench, the other being his colleague. Justice Louie Brandeis. Japs Sense Os Honoris ' '■ -.-. v. •„ » .. . . - Appea led T o By League Bank Resources In Nation Decline In Reports For Year Washington. Feb. 17. — (AP)— Aggregate resources of 6.373 na ti"i«n hanks in the United States on Dse? V-cr 31 were $24,662,286,- 06CI u dectxase of $1,063,776,000 slnco September za and a drop of $4,137,398,066 In the year. The deposits of the banks ag gregated $19,244,347,000 on Decem ber 31, a decrease of $1,135,037,- 000 since September and a de crease of $3,627,299,000 in the year. LAVALSUGCESSOR SOUGHT IN FRANCE President Doiimer Expected To Name New Premier Before End of Day Paris. France, Feb. 17. (AP) President Paul Doumer took up the task of finding a new premier of France early today to replace Premier Pierre Laval, whose government re signed yesterday after it was defeated In the Senate on an issue of con fidence. ’ The president's conferences with chiefs were hurried because of the situation prevailing in the world of international affairs and it was considered advisable to establish the new government with all possible speed. The president was expected to offer the premiership to somebody by tonight in which case the new gov ernment might take office early next week. NEW AIRSHIP TO BE NAMED “MACO!*‘ Washington. Feb. 17.—(AP)— Chairman Vinson, of the House Naval committee, today said the navy's new giant airship would be named the "Macon” after the Georgia city. The new airship, already under construction, will be a sister ship o fthe Akron, world's largest light er than air craft. >_ wiathlT FOR NORTH CAROLINA. Rain this afternoon and tonight In east portion; colder in extreme west portion tonight; Thursday partly cloudy and colder; fresh west; shifting to northwest winds. I Appeal To Halt Hostilities In China Is Made By Lea gue of Nations Council COURTEOUS NOTE IS FORWARDED TO TOKYO Council Members Announce They Will Not Recognize Validity of Japanese Occu pation Os China Geneva, Feb. 17.—(AP)— The League of Nations Council pub lished today an appeal "to the supreme sense of honor of Japan" asking her to cease hostilities in China. The communication which was given to Naotake Sato, Japanese delegate to the council for trans mission to the government at Tokyo, said: "The committee of twelve earnest ly trusts Japan will admit her ob ligations and justify the confidence reposed in her by the powers of the world." The council members said they could not recognize the validity of a Japanese occupation of China because of Article 10, of the League Covenant which guarantees the territorial in tegrity of league members. "Thee Shanghai incident,"’ the com munication said, “has made a deep Impression upon the public opinion of the world. It has exposed the lives and property of many citizens to dan ger, augmented the world's present economic depression and it threatens to menace the good progress of the disarmament cbnference now in ses sion. SHORE WILL HEAD MEDICAL SOCIETY Raleigh Man And State Of ficial Gets Post At , Meeting Today Raleigh. Feb. 17.—(AP>— Dr.-<5. A. Shore, director of the Laboratory of Hygiene of the North Carolina State Board of Health, was today elected president of the Tri-State Medical As sociation. The next meeting will be held In GfeenvillAi N. C. • Leading doctors of Ncrth GtroUna, South (JajoUna 'and Virginia .are members • of the body. The three day convention of the association wax brought to a cloee with the buslnes* session and election of officers today. PUBLISHED EVERT AFTBRNOOM EXCEPT SUNDAY. Heavy Gunfire Continues As Japan Prepares Planes * . •$ v For Coining Aerial Attack Japs Warn Chinese To Leave Shanghai Or Be Forced Away Toyko, Japan, Feb. 17.—(AP)— Iho Japanese government author ised the issuance of an ulUmatum to the Chinese at Shanghai today threatening to drive the Chinese army away fro mthe city by force unless It withdraws voluntarily. At virtually the same time the government received official ad vlees from Washington saying Sec retary of State Henry L Stlmson, was preparing to protest formally against the landing of Japanese soldiers In the international settle ment at Shanghai. MAN CONVICTED? MING BROTHER David Hyatt Found Guilty By Jury In Waynes, ville Court Waynesville, Feb. 17— (AP)—David Hyatt, on trial for his life for slay ing his brother Buell, In a ease brawl here last August was found guilty of gaarystaughter ,in Superior court here today. » The jury received the cai.e last night and returned its verdict thir morning. Judge A. M. Stack deferred passing sentence. Hyatt shot his brother to death dur ing a fight. His counsel attempted tc build up proof at tne trial that he was temporarily insane. SLAYS FAMILY AND THEN ENDS OWN LIFE Stout, lowa, Feb. 17. (AP) Nan no Andreeesen, a stock bujer and farmer shot and killed four members of his family and then committed suicide Andreesen who lived ulx.ltt si half mile from this village had driven Into town about seven u. in and had left n note saying five persons would he faund d>*ad at his place. Andreesen had lived hern all liN life. He was about 45 yean old. The authorities believed financial worries were responsible for his action. SHORTAGE CASE IS NOT CALLED TODAY lUMth, Feb. 17.—(API— The criminal case against Miss Lola Harwood of Bryson City charged with being short $4,838 In her ac counts as a State revenue clerk was not called In Wake Superior court today. It had been docketed but was passed over as new indictments will be sought. Few Candidates Seeking State Elective Offices Dally DtepeteH Baraka, la the Sir Walter Hotel nr j. r. barkknvii.i. Raleigh, Feb. 17.—With jobs of all sorts admittedly scarce and with *4,- 500 a year considered a better salary than in quite a number of years, po litical circles here are frankly sur prised that there are not more poten tial candidates seeking the Demo cratic nominations to the various elec tive offices that pay for the most part *4.500 a year to thei rincumbents. So far the only elected state of ficials that are goin gto have any material opposition for renomtnation are Secretary of State James A. Hart ness and State Auditor Baxter Dur ham. Former Commissioner of Insur ance Stacy W. Wade is opposing Hartness for the nomination for Sec retary of State, while Chester O. Beil at present chief auditor at the State Prison, is expected to run against Baxter Durham for the poet of State Auditor. There will probably be a spirited conest for the post of Com . missioner of Labor, although Com missioner Frank D. Grist is not seek FIVE CENTS COPY SHANGHAI Biggest Air Display Since World War Is Expected In Next Few Days TWO BRITISH MARINES FATALLY WOUNDED Number of Shells Fail Into Area Patrolled By Ameri can Marines Britishers Wounded'At Riverfront Shanghai, Feb. 17. (AP) Shaken by the guns which had bombarded Chapel *ll night, Shanghai was quiet early this morning as the cannonading came > to an end. More artillery was being brought up to the lines of Compel and Woosung but there was no conceret Indies.rm that the ex pected Japanese offensive was ready to begin. On the contrary both sides had renewed their efforts to bring an end to the fighting. The Japanese command indicated they would give ample warning before launch Ing the thunderbolt and leading Chinese officials were trying to agree on a basis for peace. Shanghai. China, Feb. 17^-(AP) —Japanese and Chinese gune boomed away at. each other today In an earth shaking duel that continued over from last night and the »«t-to was followed to night by an announcement from Japanese headquarters that the Chin caw would “be given one use (Continued on Page Six) FOSTER ACQUinED BY GUILFORD JURY Verdict of Not Guilty Re* turned In Case of Re* publican Official Greenboro. Feb. 17.—(AP)—A ver dict. of not guilty on all remaining counts, recorded by a Jury in United States district court here late Tues day terminated the cases of the gov ernment against W. H. Foster, sec retary-treasurer of the Republican state executive committee, charging solicitation of funds for political pur poses from, federal office holders la government buildings. The verdict was announced two and one-half hours after deliberations be* gan. WET FORCES CALLED TO ACT ON MEASURE Washington. F«h. 17.—(AP)— 'Executive committees of the House Democratic and Republican, anti-prohibition blocs will be ask* ed tomorrow to approve a MB to legate beer of S ■! percent alcohol by weight mid establish a tax that proponents of the measure say would raise SSOgJWOJWO a year. ing the renomination, but is running against Senator Cameron Morrison for the nomination to the United States Senate. Two candidates are al ready in the field for the Labor post, however, —Major A. L. Fletcher, now deputy Commifwioner of Insurance and Clarence 15. Mitchell, head of a printing concern here—while many believe that L. L. Lawrence, president of the State Pede ratio nos Labor may become a candidate for the poet. Law rence last week vigorously denied re ports current here that he would not run. and indicated he was attll J con sidering the matter. But so far no candidates hs9 ap peared on the scene to oppoqe Da A. T. Allen for Super»nten<k*n* df Pejbi|c Instruction and the *5,000 * a Jsnr salary that with ft, or to Seek the post of State Treasurer now held by John P. Start man, pr the offlbe of Commissioner of 'lnsurance, Idd by Dan C. Boney. Nor dr*s it seem likely that Stanley W.i.Uwtrte will (Continued aa Pegs Btx). 8 PAGES TODAYI

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