I "hestlkrson, Llteway TO CENTRAL CAROLINA. nineteenth year Peace Effort At Shanghai Failure flan for sale of GOVERNMENT BONDS 10 HALT HOARDING Campaign Plans Are Out lined By Col. Frank Knox In State ment Today DETAILS FOR DRIVE NOT YET CERTAIN Only One Difficulty, That Os Shortage of Needed Bonds, Is Expected By Leader of Effort n«hinct<-n, Feb. IH.—(AP)— I'lins for i* government bond setl in; •anpaign to derretute hoard ,.l; iMtlernetl lifter tl?e finvt llb .rt> loan driven—were announced tixlav bv C 01. Frank Knox, chair man of l'r<>sident Hoover's Anti -11 >ardnig Commission. The securities to be issued by the treasury are designed specifically to liiva money out of teapots and safety deceit boxes. Knox said, and will be in low denominations. Details of the issue however, remain u be worked out at a conference vith Secretary Mills, of the Treasury Department today. "! anticipate only one difficulty," Knox said. “It is in getting a suf ficient quantity of securttiea from the Treasury Department to satisfy the demand for them.” VOUNGDEMOCRATS POSTPONE DINNER Jackson Day Meeting Not to Be Held Until After Primary Election llal-ieh. Feb. 13.—(AP)—In the I. ipe that the Democratic presidential nomine*’ may be brought here as the principal speaker, the Young Demo ciats State organization has decided rf> t to nold its Jackson Day Dinner nntil after the National Democratic Convention at Chicago. Kdwin M. Gill, chairman of the Jackson Day Dinner committee an nounced the decision today. Explaining that all factional lines vi'hin the party in the State will have t'-’n erased after the primary. Gill x'd the dinner committee had de f'ted the affair could be of more value to the party if held prior to the general electio nand following the primary than before the primary as w: « originally planned. 11N BELIEVED KILLED IN BLAZE Others Injured In Fire At Kansas City Grain Elevator Today Kansas City. Feb. 18.—(AP)—Two '"■man was believed killed and ten >*r> were injured, two of them dan >-* rousiy, m a fire and series of dust ■OMons that destroyed the Central l of ,he Kansas-Miasourl elevator h( *re today. TV body of William McDaniels, rn er of the First Fire company to VP , was A>elieved burled beneath ,r> ' 1 # of debris. N oon was burned probably n' y Prank Stark another flre- I ‘ r< ' p * v «‘d severe injuries when he ronrl a f °urth story window, r/y. T l ' nlt destroyed contained 100,- amn 18 0f wheat a «l » large amoun » of machinery. H,NF -S IS OPPOSING extending policy V " sshingto^ - Feb. 18.—(AF)— Ad minlstrmtog Hines to n Houw Veterans . Ma ‘ nHt *"* furth * r «- ti..„ cy rpderml NORT H CAROLINA. o, oody, slightly odder la Frw? ®, nd **** Portions tonight; the? , oudy '®««wed by rain In n portto “ i *"■» Brniirrsmt » a TS^M«»S.c, lap Reservists Set to Fight jggjLjH Bp* 4M. wS jKk * «^ n !^ he r P /, P,ng . timeS ° f ppacwn. CHADWICK TRIAL IN RICHMOND DELAYED Wilmington Man Not To Face Trial For Larceny Until March 10 * Richmond, Feb. 18.—(A P)—A hear ing for David M. Chadwick, Wilming ton, N. C., broker charg ed with hav ing in his possession b onds claimed to have been stolen from a Philadel phia bank was contli/ ued In police court today until Ma’rch 10. Chadwick was arr»uted here last September after he e>j changed a $lO,- 000 liberty bond for b onds of smaller denomination at the {Federal Reserve Bank. GANDIIUOWER GETS PRISON TERM Miss Madeline Slade, Daughter of British Ad. miraV, Is Jaled Bombay. Ir rila, Feb. 18.—(AP)— Miss Madclin > Slade, daughter of a British admii t 1. who deserted a high place in Lon * on society to become a disciple of Gandhi, was ar rested today and sentenced to three months in j i il for refusing to comply with a go i ernment order to leave Bombay. The or