ASSOCIATED AND CENTRAL PRESS BEBytClTj Colored Institute Suffers Heavy Loss In $25,000 Fire Main Building Destroyed With All Its Class Rooms Auditorium and Music Quarters in That Structure; School Work Will Be Resumed Monday by Using Library, Gymnasium, Y. M. C. A., Other Space Fire of undetermined origin, but which started In the attic, destroyed the administration building at Hen derson Institute, a school for colored children, here shortly after midnight this morning. The loss, including the building and its furnishings, was esti mated today by Dr. J. A. Cotton, head of the school, at around $25,000. It wits the third dliaatrous fire the tochnol has sustained in the last 15 years, and was the fourth fire of consequence in the Henderson area in as many days. The burned build ing was partially insured, the exact amount being undetermined today. The building that was destroyed con tained nearly all class rooms of the Institute, together with iU auditorium, the music department and the ad ministrative offices. Very little was saved, though students and others did get out most of the records from the office and dumped several pianos out the doors. Dr. Cotton said today that, despite the serious handicap'imposed by the fire arrangements would be made for the resumption of class work next Monday morning. The new gym-* nasium. erected a year ago. will be( pressed into service, as will the library which adjourned the burned structure but was undamaged, and also the Y. M C. A building and other available quarters. In this manner art effort will be made to complete the work of the present school term, which has some six weeks or more yet to run. The property is owned and the acluiol supported mainly by the Unit ed Presbyterian Church of the North, and is expected that, with insurance available and such other funds as can be gotten in hand, a new administra tion building will be planned and erected in time for the opening next fall. The Institutes enrollment is nearly 400. of which about 100 x.-t boarding st ; dents. An ov>vv :'>>m the city and county colored schools, mostly children in the upper grades, are cared for in school training by the Institute, under an agreement with city and county school authorities. Charles Store Hoys’ Knickers. QA pair vwV Below, We Offer The Following Odds And Ends In Diamond Casings While we <lo a strictly whole sale business, still to close out these, we will sell them to any body. If you have an old model car that any of these tires will fit. you will do well to call on Us immediately as we want to close them out ut once. Double Diamond Casings Kt» Price Ka. 33 30x3 $3.00 18 4.50-20 3.54 Diamond Casings 7 4.75-20 4.34 11 5.25-20 5.50 4 30x6.00 6.80 4 30x6.75 9.20 3 32x6.20 7.25 2 33x4 5.90 3 34x4 7.65 Heavy Duty Diamond Casings 6 32x4 1-2 8.50 5 34x4 1-2 8.50 7 33x5 15.00 1 34x5 16.00 4 35x5 15.30 Henderson Grocery Company Corner William and Montgomery Sts. pharmaceutical excellenence The Logical Place To have your prescriptions dispensed is here. Parker's Drug Store The Rexall Store Three Registered Pharmacists and under that arrangement three in structors nre furnished by State funds. Iturnl children arc transported from their homes in buses each school day. It was about 12:30 a. m. when the alarm came in from the fire. Fire men responded quickly, but by the time they arrived and made their water connections, the building was burning fiercely, and there wa.‘ little chance to save it. The dircct.on of the wind carried the flames and the sparks away from other buildings on the campus, and firemen directed their efforts largely to saving adjacent property, including the library, which was the building nearest to the burn ing structure. It was not damaged. The burned building was of frame construction, and was one of the structures erected when the school was established here in 1893. It had since been enlarged and extensively repaired, however, and several years ago the exterior was given a stucco treatment. The school is more or less a center for Negro activity In this community, and has filled a big place in the life of the colored people here for many years. Dr. Cotton said the building was valued fct about $12,000, and that equipment in it would probably amount to about that much more. Comparatively few people were at tracted to the fire, probably due to the hour, when most people had gone to bed for the night, and the dis tance from the main part of town. W. S.GREEN STORE LOOTED BY THIEVES Quantity of Foodstuff Is Taken by Robbers Who Entered Last Night Itobbcrs lust night entered the store and flour mill of W. 8. Green In South Henderson, adjoining the Vance Mills property .and made away with a quantity of groceries. Lard, cheese. ;ugar and other foods were the object of the robbery, as such items as that were missed, and in comparatively small amounts. Several cartons of cigarettes were taken. Deputies J. L. Cash and G. N. Tucker were called to the scene short ly before 7 o’clock this morning when the robbery was discovered as the business was opened for the day. A large crowbar had been taken ap parently from railroad property near by and the door prized off. The thieves lhen helped themselves to what they wanted. Officers had little to work on today, and no arrests hud been made early in the forenoon. LIONS VAUDEVILLE AT THE STEVENSON Will Be Given Next Wed nesday and Funds Go to Needy Children The Lions' club vaudeville, which will be staged at the Stevenson theatre, Wednesday, March 23. In con nection with the super-feature pic ture. "The Champ," (This picture is considered one of the season’s most outstanding attractions. Starring Wal lace Berry and Jacky Cooper,) prom ises to be one of unusual entertain ment value. You cannot afford to miss this side splitting rip roaring comedy, wiitten and performed by your local Lions club. Rabbi Wester will give you the latest angles on marriage, which alone is worth twice the admission. Chicken Mixon will also give you a lecture on the yps and downs of his life which proves to be a scream. Hon. Benjamin Bull Neck Moose Face Hicks will do the announcing throughout the performance. Another added attraction will be a comedy sketch by Waddell Gholson and Bob Faulkner as tramps. Sam Alford ‘‘the whiffle dust king.” will endeavor to mystify you with a few of his latest stunts in magic. There are many other Important ItenbcrarmßaUg Btapafri; City Will Be Combed For Jobs For The Unemployed Unselfish Service One of the finest things that Is arising out of the unfortunate de pression In America Is a new spirit —the unselfish spirit of helping fellow Americans. In the War Against Depression Campaign now bring waged by the American Legion, the American Federation of Labor .the Associa tion of National Advertisers, liter ally hundreds and thousands of or ganisations all over America, are cooperating to bring about just one result—jobs for a million Ameri cans. SOWING TO FLESH REAPS CORRUPT! Subject of Sermon at Metho. dist Revival; Rev. Mr. Nelson Is Heard Those who sow to the flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, as the Scripture says, declared Rev. D. E. Earnhardt, the pastor, in his sermon at the First Methodist church last night in continuing the revival meet ing now tn progress there. The ser vice was attended by another large congregation. At the morning service today at 9:30 o'clock, the sermon was by Rev. E. R. Nelson, Baptist minister, whose text was from John 6:35, “I am the bread of life.” The pastor will preach again this evening, when announcements are to be made for the week-end and for the Sunday services. The subject last night was “Sowing to the Flesh and of the Flesh Reaping Corruption.” “Sowing implies aggres sion.” the preacher said. Those who •to evell are not content to go Into their devcilmcnt alone. They are de ermined to carry my boy and my girl with them. If they are to land in perdition they want plenty of com pany. For that reason they are plant ing the seeds of corruption among us. They will strike the roses from the checks of your innocent girl and leave her to kill herself to find release from her shame. They will gamble away your last crust. They will trade you jut of your fondest aspiration. I have no confidence in the flesh. Without •he grace of God we are below the level of the brute. “Flesh in the Scripture means hu man nature apart from God. This same human nature shot dice under he cross glambiing for the robe worn by the dying Christ. Have no surprise ’hereforc if the same human nature carries on an orgy of devilment In this community arid undermines every church in town. Human nature cor rupted and apart front find will dis grace your home and then muzzle every preacher in town daring them *o open their months in defence of common decency. "The corruption spoken of is the corruption of bodies, souls and in ditutions and society. There is no need for exposition on this point. Every man in town knows that the devil and his crowd will putrify every thing they touch. Not only will they •lo it they have done it. Men wear tores on their bodies and scars on their souls as standing monuments to the purification of sin. But here comes the cross. Jesus invites the sinners, though vile to itand under the blood. I see them 'oming by the thousands and their leprosy spots arc cleansed as they ap proach the fountain.” Rev. Mr. Nelson, In his sermon this morning, said Jesus gave bread for the body and bread for the soul. He brought light, life, peace, pardon, bread, according to the human need. Jesus saves men not to die today but to live tomorrow, he said, adding that St. Paul insisted that men are saved in order to pass from the pre sent bondage of sin. "We may be saved also from the by products of sin," he said, and “one of these is anxiety. Jesus was troubled but was complacent. God saves from fear and timidity. Timid women and backward men can be made hold and powerful in righteousness. God saves from doubt and supersititlon. If you doubt you are a Christian, go to God with your doubt, and he will make you doubt your doubts. Superstition will kill your faith, but faith In God will kill your superstition.” acts, such as banjo and uke solos, singing and wise cracking through the show. This show is sponsored by the Hen derson Lions club, and the proceeds will go to the underprivileged children of Vance county.—Reported. Mendaiian heredity has been proven to hold good in the case of mail over and over again. Charles Store Ladlee’ fuH fashioned pure thread silk chiffon and service weight hose. -. Every pair sjq guaranteed Oniy OtrC This campaign is not seeking to employ only Legionnaires or only Union members. It la endeavoring to hunt out the unfortunate jobless Americans and to put them back to «uork a regardless of color, creed or party. It’s a campaign that you and every American should support. And your reward? To light a fire in just one cold hearth. That Is sufficient reward for all of the ef fort that can be put into this cam paign. Will you do your part by finding jast one join- TODAY? IDLE CONVICTS AT GREYSTONE CAMP Quartered at Old Structure For Lack of Room Else where In State The State Prison convict camp at the Greystone quarry of the Raleigh Granite Company, which burned ear ly Thursday, was used to house idle prisoners for whom there was no room at State Prison In Raleigh. The camp was an old one. and until re cently had been used for a force of convicts employed in the quarry. None of the prisoners escaped and none was injured in the fire, which is said to have started in a small guard house near the main barracks which ac commodated the prisoners. Informa tion today was that the men kept there were transferred to another, camp operated by H.he State Prison; near Durham, and gp*. to Raleigh, as was understood Thursday. George Ross Pou. superintendent of State Prison, said that about 500 pri-.; sonera were being maintained in i these old camps because there was nothing for them to do anywhere else. “IT we had been able to go ahead with the construction of the new pri son plant as we had planned,” Mr. Pou said, “wc would have been able to take these prisoriers out of these old camps. But for the time' being there is nothing else for us to do than to use these old camps. HOW MUCH IS too much: If you are paying more for a service than is necessary then you are paying TOO MUCH. * 4 * Dig up your receipted bills for the last few months covering lighting, cooking and refrigeration. What is your average cost per month for this service? If your cooking and refrigeration are done electrically through SEPARATE meters you are probably paying too much. Our Combina * tion Rate will, in most instances, afford exactly the same service for considerably less money ... so don't pay more than is necessary when the best there is can be had for less. If yours is not an all electric home there is even more reason why you should make a comparison of costs. In your case i'. would not mean the same service for less money, but more satisfactory service for less money. Why such a statement? Because Electricity is not comparable with any other fuel: No smoke or fumes; no blackened utensils or smoke stained walls; no ashes, soot or residue of any kind; no heat where it is not required; no waste in foods as a result of excessive shrinkage. Since electric service on our Combination Rate is bene fiting others, why is it not reasonable to believe that it will save money for you? If it will, you are paying TOO MUCH for the service you are getting at present. Residential Combination Service Rate HOne of the lowest rates in the Caroiinas for combination ’uyhting, cooking and heating service. CAROLINA Power A Light Company ———— ... i i -- SPEAKERS TO TELL ABOUT THE PUNS \ Will Appear In Churches Sunday and at Club Meets Next Week RepresenDatives of the American Legion, which is sponsoring the un dertaking, and of other civic groups cooperating, planned at a meeting last night to comb the business and residential sections of Henderson in the next few days in search of jobs for the scores of unemployed people in the community who are anxious to work but can find nothing to do. The employment campaign is alsd to be called to the attention of congrega tions in the churches next Sunday morning, and also again at various club meetings in the city next week, it was stated. Representatives were present at the meeting last night in the Henderson Merchants Association quarters from a number of civic groups. It was said today that 122 persons had registered for work, and that jobs had been found for six. Mayor Irvine B. Watkins presided at the meeting last night, and, after some discussion, it was decided to place the residential sections in the hands of ladies from the various or ganizations, and to be under the leadership of Mrs. J. W. Jenkins as general chairman, and four captains, as follows: First ward, Mrs. T. S. Kittrell; second ward, Mrs. L. D. Wall; third ward, Mrs. W. H. Fleming; fourth ward. Mrs. R. C. Gary, all of whom are members of the American Legion Auxiliary. Under the captains members of every organized group of women in the city plan to work each jlock systematically. Each person will be given an opportunity to provide a certain number of days of work, and if they so desired may purchase ticket books, which can be used to pay for work. Every organization having a meet ing in the next few weeks is asked -o have brought before it a speaker who can explain in a few minutes the plan adopted, so that all will be fa miliar with the project. Telephone calls to 205 or 581-J will bring such a speaker, if there Is no one in the organization familiar with the plan, it is stated. It is expected to have | FRIDAY, MARCH 18, lag ■, Vance County As Whole Well Within Its Budget Three More Months of Fiacal Year Remain and E* penditureg So Far $46384 of $61 t 639 Appropriat ed; Unexpended Amount $17,482 on March 7 Wkh three months, or one-fourth, of the fiscal year yet to run, Vance county departments and institutions, taken as a whole, are living Well -with in their budgets, according to a com pilation as of March 7, made public today by G. W. Adams, county accoun tant Appropriations for strictly county purposes amounted to $61,639.22, and of that amount $46,884.62 has been spent and there Is an unexpended Bum of $17,482.39. Over-expensed items amount to a total of $2,727.79, it was shown in the report. The report revealed that of the $31.- 429.97 appropriated In the general fund, $22,184.59 has been spent with $9,672.43 still left, and an over-ex pended item of $427.05. No road fund was appropriated, but an item of $2.- 300.74 has been expended, which re presents an overdraft of that depart ment and was for bills that were left over and which had not been paid at the time the State Highway Commis sion took over the roads last July 1. about three minutes devoted to the subject in all of the churches next Sunday morning. Speakers are to be announced later. It was said today that the public is asked to remember that the Ameri can Legion is not asking favors. This is a patriotic and united endeavor by all American people for the good of all the people. United petion is the only thing that will save the situation, it is believed, since the country is in a national emergency, the like of which has not before been seen or experienced in times of peace. No citizen can say honestly that he is not concerned. Neither can any one per son or group change the situation, not alone, but those active in the cam paign believe that a million doing the same thing at the same time can turn this darkness into light. It is made clear that the entire pro gram in this campaign is to do simply and directly the one thtng needed to restore normal conditions. More than 7,000,000 are out of work. Many of those millions, too, are said to be in a condition of absolute destitution, and many bordering on desperation. Above all, they need jobs, not charity. | The workers who will call upon every citizen within the next two weeks are giving their time freely to help find and create jobs, and every individual is asked to “do your bit and do it now.” of hC s9 9^J U, ' d a " of $9,964.08, and has spent $"22571, with an unexpended balance of 17' 637.38. In the salary fund the app^C priations amounted to sl4 199y> which $10,612.44 has been spent, wiS $3,587.48 left. The health fund Wat appropriated ip the sum of $6,047) 2s and $4,460.15 of that amount has u.. spent, with $1,585.10 left. The report also goes into muc L greater detail In showing appropru tions. expenditures and unexDemUs sums. The $46,884.62 that has £ spent is several thousand dollars fe*. than three-fourths of the years budget, though three-fourths of the fiscal year has elapsed. It would seem from this that there is a prospect of a surplus of some amount being saved by the end of the fiscal year. It was found that in eight genera tions of the Bach family no less than fifty persons showed eminence i n music. Stevenson TODAY ONLY GRETA GARBO “Mata Harr —With— RAMON NAVARRO Added Comedy Children .. J.. 10c; Adults lie COMING MONDAY TUESDAY “HELL DIVERS CLARK GABLE —WALLACE BERRY Coming Wednesday—‘‘The Champ”

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