MARRIAGES PARTUS SOCIAL ACTIVITIES A STRANGER’S TOMB. Whe" Christ was born in Bethlehem jio shrine was His nor diadatn; • And when He suffered Calvary's doom They laid Him in a stranger's tomb. A stranger’s borrowed tomh. lit would not try for earthly thrones. He would not turn to bread the stores, lit would not leave the cross till dead He had not where to lay his head Save in a stranger's tomb. put now He knows the Father’s smile. The glory of the “second mile.” The fellowship of hearts that pray The high reward of that dread day That closed in a stranger’s tomb. Vul M»me would nail His bands to creeds. Those hand.- so rich in loving deeds Would carve Him cold in stone and glass And bury Him in rites, alas? So like h stranger's tomb. Today within His church He stands And begs it to unbind His hands. Led. false to love and faith and truth. It stifle still His deathless youth. Itself a Stranger's tomb. Henry H Ban,tow. Spend* raster | n Raleigh. Miss Louise Norris is spending the Easter holidays In Raleigh as the guest of MK* Frances McGehse. Guest* of Miss Elsie Cheek. Mrs. Eddie Cole and Mias Frances Cole of Norfolk. Va.. are the guests of Miss Elsie Cheek on Belle street. G« to Richmond for Easter. Miss Sadie Bells Boyd and Mias Sue Southerland are spending the Easter holidays In Richmond. Va. Easter In lUckssand. Misses Itacbells and Dorothy Lind sey are spending Easter In Richmond. Va. as the guests of their grand mother. Library To Clean Monday. The Perry library will be closed Easter Monday. Books due on that day will be due on Tuesday, March 29. it is announced. Guest of Mrs. T. 8. Klttreil. Miss Kate Caldwell, of Charlotte. Is spending several days in the city as the guest of Mrs. T. S. Klttreil on Church street. Visiting Father for Easter Mrs. Ransom Sanders and little daughter. Alice Cheek, arc visiting Mrs. Sanders father. A. J. Cheek, on Belle street. Visiting Parents Here. Mrs. Henry Lansing and two sons. Henry and Jimmy, of Sytva. are the guest;- of Mrs. Lah sings parents, Mr. and Mrsf J.' K. Singleton. * Here from Duke. Edwin P. Finch, a student at Duke University. is spending the spring holidays with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Finch, on Andrews avenue. Spend Friday in Greensboro. Mrs. R. F. Thompson and Mrs. M. W Coghlll spent yesterday r.t Greens boro vitdting Misaes Mary Frances Toung and Josephine Parham at North Carolina College for Women. Min Nancy Singleion Here. Miss Nancy Singleton, a member of the faculty in the public schools jet Washington. Is spending the Eastfer holidays here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Singleton. At Home from El on. Miss Eugenia Boyd is spending the Easter vacation here with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Boyd, on Burwell avenue. Miss Boyd is a stu dent at Elon College. To Entertain Children Monday. Mrs. T. S. Klttreil will entertain the members of the Nutbush Society, Children of the American Revolution, ala party Monday at 3:30 p. m. at her home on Church street, celebrat ing the Washington Bicentennial. Miss Bowen to Wed Army Air Officer Announcements have been received as follows in this city and elsewhere: Mrs. Batiks V. Bowen requests the honor of your presence at the mar riage of her daughter. Mary Cottlng ham to Wilbur Erickson, Lieutenant. Ended States Army, on Monday, April the eleventh, one thousand nine hun dred and thirty-two, at five o’clock, p '*»t Chapel. Fort Leavenworth, Ranges.” Cards reading as follows are also rnriosed: Lieutenant and Mrs. Wilbur Erick- M> '>. At Home, after the first of June. March Field. Riverside. California.” Bowen is known to a number °f friends in this city, where she has often visited her mother since the latter has resided here. She is a grad uate in nursing from Walter Reed hospital. Washington, D. C., and for •he past two years has been at the "rmy hospital at Fort Leavenworth. Lieutenant Erickson is from Omaha, Nebraska, but at the present time is Rationed at Chanute Field, RantouL Hi He is in the army aviation ser vme. and formerly was stationed at 1 ‘•avenworth. After their marriage the couple will • ome east on a motor trip and will v, *it Mrs. Bowen In this city btfore -‘‘•ng to California, where Lieutenant Erickson is to be stationed. U S EVIC K PLAN y; soc Easter Styles of Yesteryear and of Today ANTICIPATING THE EASIER PARADE vs * -If, \ : \ -v \ \ i IK IB, . l|k:.: TEfHBBPr jf| IflSßßS^f^H Kathryn drawford, screen actress, seems delighted over this stunning new, frock which is a oart of her Meredith Alumnae Meet in Warrenton The monthly meeting of the alumnae of Meredith College mem bers of the Meredith Club here met Thursday afternoon in Warrenton with £li*. Walter Gaidm-r at her home. Sixteen members were present and three visitors. Misses Kathenne Moseley, Margaret Blaylock and June Parker. Misses Moseley and Parker being Warrenton girls who are row students at Meredith. Both have been recently elected to important offices at the college. They told the club of interesting events at the college lately. Readings were given at the meeting by little Misses Patsy Rogers and Peggy Parker, daughters of club mem bers, and Monroe Gardner. little son of the hostess. The program was con cluded by the reading of some current events at Meredith by Mrs. James Irvin Adams. Mrs. W. W. Parker, president of the chib, rsui a lette:' of thar.ks fiom ETTA KETT The Show Begins —By PAUL ROBINSON \f \ MtUO ECOE- WOVIS r* I’VE COME, To TOU VUtVA A W JW SOCK C" V4&LL-VOUQ£ AN TH SO 'fcrtJfti PATMtB X,*/ p™ •? Ou rn VNRUL— iTT3CPQS»>IOH-M1 DAUGHtfeC K I OOHf 1 UCNS MAKING ] Vou TO rofc£HT THROWER ' \/ ag!./ Ff -^c< 1 is cttArf AOour a Go* n amco ] 1 \nanT tou To make mn girl . LI vfouMG mm - v *tu- vll /V y toTAkI ' Iws EDWAfiDS-m AFPAiD GEr^W ' S rv/ a HEfrNN QAf c TO ™*g elopb ir J stand s 1 GeouGWr tTrAS ptCTuPC J ViwtN Qoi aid him -in facv o-il ge T HENDERSON, (N. 0.,) DAILY DISPATCH SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1982 TELEPHONE 610 Easter wardrobe. Note the mod ish skirt with its billowy flounce and snug-fitting top. Miss Margaret Peacock, secretary of the Baptist Student Union for shrubs and bulbs recently donaUd to the col lege by the club members. A word of greeting to the club fro ma former member, Mrs. W. C. Martin, of Wil mington. was also read. I fThe fnembers voted to take as many as possible of the juniors and seniors of the Henderson, Warren ton and Middleburg high schools to Meredith for the first week-end in April the occasion having been set aside as hospitality week-end. The hostess served a, refreshments course of sweets with nuts using Easter decorations and this was fol lowed by hot coffee and wafers. Dur ing the social hour the club was in vited to hold Its April meeting with Mr*. Hi A. Moseley at Warrenton. Spending Easter Holidays Here Rev. and Mrs. John H. Bunn and children. Master John Thomas and Elizabeth, of Lnwrenceville, Va., are spending the Foster holidays with Mrs. Bunn's mtAher, Mrs. G. W. Finch. ICTV NEWS /: Miss O’Brien Is Guest of Honor Misses Sailie Lou Burchctte and I hclma O’Brien were charming joint hostesses Friday evening at the home of the former at a surprise birthday party honoring Miss Marie O’Brien. Quantities of cut spring flowers were artistically arranged throughout the house, emphasizing the Easter color scheme of green and white, which was further carried out by com ported of green and white mints. The guest of honor was the re cipient of many lovely and attractive gifts which were opened and displayed on a table in the living room. After dancing until a late hour, the guests were served an attractive salad by the hostesses assisted by Mrs. J. L. Bur chette. Girl Scouts Have Meeting Thursday The Girl Scouts of Troop 1 held their weekly meeting last Thursday at their cabin on Gary street. About forty members were present. After roll was called, and dues* col lected, there weer classes in nature held by Miss Carrie Burton, signal ing by Elsie Powell and sewing by Mrs. Jack Carter, first aid hy Velma Johnson and tenderfoot work hy Ann Watkins. Several tenderfoot tests and signal ling were passed. After classes there was a candy pull which was njoyed by all. The meeting closed with the singing of "Taps" and the scouts returned to their homes. JOSEPHINE MARTIN. Scribe. Home From Teachers' College Miss Sailie Lou Finch, who is a student ait East Carolina Teachea* College at Greenville is at home for the Spring holidays with her mother Mrs. G. W. Finch. Returns From Lawrencevlfle Miss Pauline Finch has returned to her home after a two weeks' visit with her sifter, Mrs. John H. Bunn, ol lawrencevlfle, Va. Wife Preserveis Water spots on a dress may sometimes he removed by scratch* hig with the fingernail or a stiff brush : HOURS 9 A. M. TO 12 NOON Goes Agolfing ■B3 V ' v B a 4: V I 'H* 1 a Mire I’olly Potter, well known in New York social circles, goei ■golfing in a popular South Caro lina resort. MEETING IS HELD BY ROYAL AMBASSADORS Royal Ambassadors of the Final Baptist church meeting wKh E. V. Bunn, last Monday, studied tith ing. Morris Capps, Billie Dunn, and Frank Full ell took part on the program. Mrs. M, B. Garrett read the introduction and fin* Chapter la Treasure Hunt, a mission study book. Refreshments of popsickiee and ban anas were served by the host and hie mother. Everybody present expressed to the host the enjoyment of the meeting. Four of America's President* were Unitarians. Huey Long Is Impressive In Senate When He Makes Oratorical Dehut There By CHARLES P. STEWART Central Press Staff Writer Washington, March 26.—Huey P. Long touched off his first bomb In the United States senate the other day. : J Ever since the beginning of the cam jmign to play him up as a pa jama clad freak, I have had a suspicion that an attempt was being made, by interests I surmised be must have attacked as governor of Louisiana, to kill Huey with ridicule. Inasmuch as potent Interests seldom bother to go gunning for small game, I Inclined to 'classify him as probably a man of real ability and independence. I think his first speech in the sen ate bore out this theory—both as to the senator’s quality, and as to the likehood that there are' influences in the land which would be happy to destroy him. Space Is lacking to repeat here much of what Senator Long said, and there is no necssary feor it anyway; the nub, at least, of his remarks doubt lessly will have been quoted already. Nevertheless, he employed one rhetori cal figure that I would like to recall, as a representative utterance. “It is easy enough." quoth the sen ator, in effect, “to see what is the matter with this > cquntry. “The water (meaning the national wealth, as fast as the workers are able to produce It) which ought to be available for all mankind to swtm In, has been siphoned out, for the benefit of a very few, until nothing remains but a puddle so small that only stagnation can possibly exist in it." An orator who can evolve, off hand as picturesque comparisons as this naturally docs not need to worry lest he be ridiculed out of public life. On the contrary, Senator Long un questionably has accepted what was intended to be ridicule as first-class publicity for himself, and made the most of it. His enemies, aiming to injure him simply have invested him with a per sonality—an eccentric personality, to be sure, but all the better for being so, to an individual like the senator, who so fully understands how to turn eccentricity to his own advantage. This was evident as soon as he arose to address the senate. The chamber, which had been ne&r- STEVENSON THEATRE HENDERSON. R. C. (One Day Only) g Id 1 f W Aw 7 ’ I Com,inner Bennett at her he*t4n this modern wlory of a girt, too rich in WdklUfcLToo poor in love Added Comedy and News—Admission 10c-35c See the new Paris creation s, worn by Miss Bennett With Sidney Fox and Bela Logosi Easter Greetings (Change of Program Dally Thin Week) MIDNIGHT SHOW M ” N "~ *m. ht —Showing— “MURDERS IN THE RUE MORGUE” With Sidney Fox and Bela Logo*! THRILLS! Admission 35c I I TUESDAY. THURSDAY FRIDAY “Murders In The “Freaks” “Graft.” Rue Worgue” —with— —with— — LELIA HYAMS wai | Ri!)GIS TOOMEY WEDNESDAY WALLACE FORD K u E CAROL ReC _ k ' e ON THE STAGE buddy tiogers “Punjab” ON TIIK «TAGE PEGGY SHANNON Know* all See* all “Punjab” CHURCH SOCIETIES ANNOUNCEMENTS ly empty, filled up immediately. With in a few minutes the galleries were crowded. Lawmakers even tore them selves away from the Lax debate in the house of representatives and to tHe other end of the Capitol build ing to listen to Huey Long. * Everyone was curious, because of the advertising he has had. Os course the attention he was at tracting imposed upon the new sena tor the necessity to make exception-. ally good, or his auditors, disappoint-, cd might have tended to acquiesce iri; the valuation which his foes have tried to place upon him. However, he did make thoroughly! good. Not. indeed, that he pleased all his' hearers. » In fact, he gave deep offense to, several staid, conservative old sena-j tors by his bruaquences of manner! • which, they consideredr should have i been, in a freshman,*far more mod est and deferential. But Huey does not strive to please Modesty Is -anything but conspicuous in hiii m^ke*up. He j exuded self-confidence, during his talk, like a four-term veteran. For all that, he is not ridiculous; he is formidable. It was obvious throughout his entire address—not a long one—that even the huffiest of the okl-tlmeni did not care to enter into any controversy with him. One or two of them got up and went out indfgnantty and a number of them sputtered In the cloakrooms for an hour afterward, but there was no attempt to answer the Creole State solon. Clearly Senator Long has Ideas and he expresses them forcefully. He possesses especially the gift of effectively de-bunking mere palaver - an immensely useful gift on Capi tol Hill. HENRY L. LELAND, 89, OF AUTO FAME, DIES Detroit. Mich., March 2«. -<AP)- Henry L. Leland, the “grand old man” of the automobile industry, died at 5:30 o’clock this morning in Grace hospital, wnere he has been ill for several weeks. He was 89 years old. PAGE FIVE

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