PAGE TWO State College Trounces Athletics Here Saturday Collegians Outhit A’s And Final Score Is 8-2 Henderson Scored In Fourth and Ninth Innings; Branch Leader With Duke and Biown leading the stuck the State College busebatt V-ju» jumped on the offerings of Her vey "Red Oak" Edwaitk*. As pitch ing outf%rtder. and Averu, a newcomer, for a total of lf> safe blows while the As cowM touch Mcl-awhorn and Seitz for only eight .-afeties in the game here Saturday afternoon at league pc Hi Stair College had two big innings, the first and the sixth. In the first they taMed two tuna, and came back In the sixth to score three more to mid to their total. Henderson was able to score in the fourth and the ninth, with one run each in these two innings. Branch topped the Henderson batters with, three hits with Pahlman pushing him closely With twe hits out of three trips Score by innings: R.H.E. N C. Suue 201 013 001- 8 15 0 Henderson 000 100 001 2 8 > Batteries: for State McLawtiorn Sietz and Puller. Henderson Edwards Avers and Parrish. Guthrie. AMRRK AN LEAGUE Club W. L. Pet Detroit ...» 9 3 ,7.y Washington 8 3 .727 New York 6 3 667 Cleveland 6 6 .500 St Louis 4 6 400 Chicago 4 g 333 Boeion 2 8 200 NATIONAL LEAGUE Oak: W. 1.. Pet 8 2 .800 CYtloago 8 3 .727 Pittsburgh 6 6 .SOT Cincinnati 5 7 .417 New York 5 6 .45.* Louis 4 7 364 Brooklyn 3 7 300 LOW ROUND TRIP EXCURSION FARES APRIL 28th HENDERSON TO Washington $ 8.00 zßaltimore 10.0( Richmond 2.75 Portsmouth 3.5( tVla Norfolk and Boat zVIm All Rail Tickets limited May 3rd For Infffrntaitoti See Ticket Agent 11. E. PLEASANTS, |» P. A.. Balelgh, N C . Thone 270 f MM Odd Fellows Bldg. Seaboard UM railway BIG SISTER Wanderlust . . S.r*U j'S sPQ'N><3 weather. tmere:s The old rwer suppims oim oovJn}Th\s etreaiv\ to tne SkS?otj I GETS iNj-rO BLOOD' V**' .* ‘Ufljfci lT 3 W/VV OOvOKi THCCXJ<OTr3V AMOOM OOWM TO TrlE AND FQOfM THERE ! MAwiEE a NAAN) V rew ME WERE )&J 4 I '}f{' TO fHt SEA. VP A FELLOVO JOST MAD A HOOSE SAY NOVJ-' MO BBS' PLACE IS TOOT EAR. FOOTLOOSE AN* . PAMCY free TO Vj // • boat what AT(ME he COULD hate I ~jrp FSOM ARW'ER.’ WHY COULDfJ'T VOE- BYGEORG^ I Vi/ME RE FA saev leads. ,wf V (J THAT'S AT IDEA ANDI BEUEVE VT WOULD tnmi/Ti ■ 4 -rVvU/A:ts; -A K BEW 1 - I, Milk*, kTWteTY BE POSSIBLE! other fol<s . j flwtn*'.' t MATE DONE VT 1 I Mi. I ■iri i I 1f... i p. Mil m 7HE GUMPS —QUITE RIGHT m A . ■ r%ME CERTAINLY SHOOUD B&-A | /L J ~~ ; M |hE TOKNfiD OUT jy - [ M^X^FortonaTeon a BAM bßuw^S To Mfe A WONDERFUL - I V*isM ) COWID/1 dpi __ | Yo ,>T \ *lPfc KOA TOAA - f UCMT OLD DfcPRWtPN j l/' mA\>/ ._ IsuCMA \NtPE- ( Davidson Sends Net Team North For Heavy Play Davidson. April 25.- Davidson Col ge's tennis team left here today on ts longest and most strenuous trip >f the season, which will carry them is far north as Richmond. Va.. and will keep them away for an entire veek. They will open against the Uni versity of North Carolina at Chapel 4111 on Monday and them play four .trong Virginia team before returning o Davidson. The match with the Carolina team Monday will be the only one in North Carolina for the Davidson racquet vielders. and Tuesday they will play ■Villiams and Mary College at Wil lamsburg. Va. Wednesday will be an >pen date for the Davidson racquet fielders, and Thursday they will play i return match with the University >f Richmond team at Richmond. Fri av the Wildcats will play Hampden ydney College at Hampden-Sydney, md close their tour on Saturday gainst the University of Virginia, at ’niversltv, Va. 'ION CONFERENCE GAMESARRANGED Bulldogs Take on Norlina Here Tomorrow As First Os New Series With thttr conference games be iind them, the Henderson High Bull ogs will meet teams from the sur ounding towns in a number of games hat will carry their schedule up to day 10. The Bulldogs meet Norlina tomor ow at Leagaie Park. This game was riginally scheduled to be played at he Warren county school, but has een changed at the request of the lortina club to Henderson. A number of good ball players in chool have been absent from the •oster of the local nine, since they /ere ineligible for conference play, nd now that that is over, the high line should be considerably strength *ned by these men returning to the club. It looks like Harris will get the call o the mouna for the locals since nscoe worked out against Cary Frl ay and lost his game, 13-9, and the nfield has been bolstered up con lderably to make a smooth combi na lon. The Warren county lads have a trong aggregation, it was said, and • good game is in prospect for Tues !ay. Remits NATIONAL LEAGUE Philadelphia 2; Washington 8. Cleveland 14; 9t. Louis 3. Chicago 9; Detroit 10. Boston 2; New York 9. AMERICAN LEAGUE St. Louis 8; Cincinnati 3. Pittatourg-h 3; Chicago 12. Philadelphia 1; Bouton 2. N(>w York 7; Brooklyn 2. HENDERSON, (N. C„) DAILY DISPATCH, MONDAY, APRIL 2o I»S2 ** Tiffer Track Stniad Limbers for Relays - aiaK««» Thu- :ine action picture shows some of the tracts stars of Princeton University as they practiced the art of getting off to a flying start at the athletic field in Princeton. N. J. The men are preparing for OUKE AND CAROLINA; SPRINTERS LISTED: I Brilliant Races Expected | Wednesday; Other Duke Matches For Week Durham, April 25.—John Brownlee, of Duke, and Rip Slusser, of Carolina, will continue the running duel they NEW STUDENT LEADERS AT U. N. C. NflVvvooD week? ec doniel, j* Charles G ROSE.jg &iu.v ROBERT BAGMETROBERT MfISON NUTT PARSLEY ] fIRUNPO CATE UJF66 COUfTT Chapel Hill, April 25—Pictured above are 10 students who have just been elected as leaders of the out standing organisations at the Univer sity of North Carolina for the en suing year. They formally inducted Into office at a chapel ceremony held in Memorial Hall last week. Tow row. left to right: Haywood Weeks, of Swansboro, president of [ their participation in the Penn Relays at Philadel phia. Above, left to right, are: J. P. Serfas, W, M. Weaver, fc. D. Qaeoon and D. D. Johnson. All are shining lights of the Tiger track squad. started last year when the Tar Heels and the Blue Devils Stage their an nual track meet at Duke stadium here Wedne«dav. Last spring Slusser beat Brownlee in the Duke-Carolina duel meet and in the State track affair, but the Blue Devil Bpeedster came back strong In the conference meet in Bir mingham and set a new conference record while skimming post all en tries. A pSIr of brilliant races are also expected In the 100 and 220-yard dashes when Brownlee opposes Caro ltna.s spring ace, Charlie Farmer. It will be the first time they have met as Farmer was injured last season (he Student Body; £. C. Daniel, Jr., of Zebulon, vice-president of the Stu dent Body; Charles G. Rose, Jr., of Fayetteville, editor-ln- chief of The Daily Tar Heel, student newspaper; Billy McKee, of Chapel Hill, president of the Y. M. C. A.; Harry Hodges, of Fayetteville, president of the Uni versity Athletic Association. Bottom row, left to right: Robert and not out for track. While the cinder path stars are meeting Carolina, the Blue Devil ball club will be at Wake Forest con tinuing its Big Five schedule by meet ing the Deacons. Saturday the Devils play a return game with fetate, this time on the Duke diamond. Carolina and Duke teams also meet in golf and tennis this week. The links battle is scheduled to be played here Wednesday and the netters' clash at Chapel Hill Thursday. Luke's freshman baseballers meet Wake Forest there Tuesday and State at Raleigh Saturday In their part of the week’s card. Barnett, of Shanghai. China, editor of the Carolina Magaine; Robert Mason, of Mebane, editor of the Caro lina Buccaneer, student comic; Nutt Parsley, of Wilmington, editor of the Yackety Yack, student annual; Ar lindo Cate, of Greensboro, president of the Senior Class; and Webb Col lett, of Salisbury, president of the Junior Class. HEEL NFTTLRSTO DELAY DL'KE MEET Matdhes With Dftvdiion and Wake Forest Are Un changed However Chapel Hill, April 25.- Announcing two important changes in Carolina's tennis schedule. Coach John Kenfield said today that the Duke meet here Tuesday had been postponed until the first or second week in May, and Navy had bee nadded to the northern tour for Friday. The matches with Davidson and Wake Forest, scheduled for the local courts Monday and Wednesday aft ernoons, i especti vely. remain un changed. The Duke meet was chang ed to allow Duke to meet Davidson on its tour Tuesday. The Navy match was secured at the last minute and will open the Tar Heels' big northern invasion Friday. Following the Middie contest, the Tar Heels will play at Georgetown Satur day, Pennsylvania Monday, New York University Tuesday. Army Wed Today^pmes AMERICAN LEAGUE Washington at New York. Boston ai Philadelphia. Cleveland at St Ixiuis. Chicago at Detroit. NATIONAL LEAGUE Ft. Louis at Cincinnati. Philadelphia at Boston. Pittsburgh at Chicago. New York at Brooklyn. Pocket Billiard Exhibition -By- PROF. KEITH Champion Fancy Shooter of the World He Will Entertain in Fancy Chinese and Straight Pool Mr. Keith will play the best local man 100 points of straight pool, after which he will en tertain in Fancy Shooting Wedneaday April 27 8 !\ M. FREE TO ALL The Recreation Billiard Parlor Play Billiards for Health and Recreation nesday. Yale Thursday, Harvard Fn day and Brown Saturday. The Tar Heels monopoly honors in the state tournament Which closet here Saturday. Bryan Grant md Wu Wlbr HI fibs meeting in the finals, and Hines and Harley Shufo rd meeting Grant and Lentor Wriehi the double* title 0r Dispatch WANT ADS tSct Results FOR RENT THREE ROOM FUIT nished apartment, lights, water and phone included $lB 00 per month Five room cottage on Nictiola* street. All modern convenient t-.- Phone 105. 21-4 ti. LOST LADY'S POCKET BOOK TO* day containing pair of glasses with white gold rim. Reward to finder if returned to Mrs. W. S. Corbitt PI.ANTS FOR SALE-SWEET PO tato plant*, ready to plant now Lettuce, cabbage an tomatoes. Book orders ahead. A. J. Cheek. Phone 3874 25-1 ti. SOYBEANS FOR SALE TOKYO, 00c Mammoth Yellow, 66c; Loredo $110; Ofootjn, $2 50. Write for prices large lots and other varie ties. W. F. Winstead, Ransom ville. North CarolSnu. 13-13 ti WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED TO handle service end repairs on Air line Radios by Montgomery Ward and Co. Full line parts on hand Mixon Jewelry Co. 22-U FOR RENT-FIVE ROOM HOUSE on North Garnett Street. W. B Might, phone 158. or 449. eod ts AMBITIOUS. RELIABLE MAN wanted immediately to handle Wat kins Produo*.s in Roanoke Rapid.- Henderson and Raxboro. Custom ers e.Hablishort. Excellent oppor tunity, steady employment, rapid ad vancement for right man. Write today, J. R. Watkins Company 231 123 Johnson Avenue. Newark, N. J GROCERY STORES, FISH DEAL ers and markets save on your wrap ping paper. Use old newspapers Get a big bundle at the Daily D> patch office tor 10c. 21 -ts MISS G. C. BLACKNALL. PUBLIC stenographer now located at Hen derson Book Co. Copying, multi graphing, mimeographing. 2-ts STRAYED OR STOLEN—FEMALE setter dog, one year old. All whit? except several email brown spots on ears. Any information will be greatly appreciated. A. L. Cape hart. KiUrell,* N. C. 19-22-25 WHENYOU"WANTCO A L consider quality, service and price. We have all kinds. Hight’s Coal and Wood Yard. Phone 158. NOTICE Under and pursuant 10 authority -ontained in that certain judgment of Superior Court of Vance County mart in special proceedings for the sale of land to create assets to pay debts »f decedent entitled D. P. McDuffee ad ministratoi or C D. Riggan, deceas'd petitioner, vs. C D. Riggan. Jr., Al Riggan. Mrs. M-try Riggan Green *•: ils and J. B. Hicks guardian et litem foi Mary Riggan Green respondent appointing the underntggned com missioner for the purpose. I w.’l differ for sale at Courthnused door n Vance County at mid-day on Wed nesday, 251 h day of May 1082 at public metion. for cast! to the highest bidder the following described real estate property. «*’ Begin at Cheatham corner on Hen derson-Oxford road, corner of lot* *1 and 7 In Block "A", and rim thence S H degrees E. 19i* feet; thence N. 8* degrees 30 minutes E. 82 feet; thence N. 2 degrees 111. 188 feet to street: thence N. 82 degrees 15 feet W. 7* fret, 8. 67 degrees W. 50 feet to thr beginning, being lots 5 and 6 In block ■*A" of said Riggan property acquired from J. M. P«ace as ppr survey of record Map Hook “A" at Page 4'* Vance Registry. This the 25th day of April 10S2. HENRY T. POWELL. Commtaaloner Cherry Blonom Excursion $5.00 TO . _ 5.00 Washington And Return April 30—May Ist New York Yankees Vs. Washington—May Ist Theatres Op*n on Sundays, The Capital and Other Government Buildings On Sal** For Trains 191!—6 From llam- Isl, Aberdeen, Southern l*in<ti, San fiord. Halelffe, Wake Forest. Franklin ton. Henderson and NorHtia. Rad need Pittman Farea Returning Leave Washington o‘iO F. M or ll:»’F M May Ist For Information See Tlehrt Agent Seaboard Wf 4tfc Util MUttMT

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