rHE^KR! : °N, i GATEWAY TO CENTRAL CAROLINA. nineteenth year BOOMER’S A NAVY AND CIVILIAN BREACH SPREADING IN HONOLULU CITY Personnel at Pearl Harbor Station Asks American Merchants To Open Stores There resentmfnt over THE MASSIE CASE Rift First Occurred at Time of Assault on Mrs. Massie Last September, Spread on Mistrial of Assailants and Grew After Conviction of Massies Honolulu. May “ ' AIM A broach the I’nitod States Navy and civilian Honolulu widened today with merchant* apprehensive of n thrent ePfrf bovcott by the navy personnel. Th» rift, first caused by the Massie »-;iUlt ca.<e in September and the mutual of the natives charged with tie i"ack. <piend steadily and had pj ia'fd impetus in the conviction a wtfk ar° nf 'he four defendants in tt« Fndeecue-Massie murder case. White th" boycott movement was still ber.eath the surface, it was un derito-d cer'am personnel at Pearl Harbor naval station had written Pa cific coast firms suggesting they open branch store-; at Honolulu. It was al-o iirdetstnod official circles at Pearl Harbor let It be known person nel matins such requests could be disciplined by the navy. McLendon Claims Ehringhaus Will Get 70 Counties n> .1. < It \*iKKItVIM. Rslelfh Ma> 7.—A went nur se) «t thr State Indicate*, that •I f R hhringhaiiK will carry 7* r»untles In the first primary foe the Ite-niK-ratir nomination for (mernnr. Ihnt A. J. Maxwell "itt rarr. only one county, that lt*e rnunties are tloiihtful anti that R. T. Koiintain will probably earn the reoiaining il counties. Majur |„ |*. Mcl.endon. State '»nt|>aijn nutnng'r for F.hrlng hnv »ntil *n r» statement issued Mar. “Mi own opinion, based on re ports front all but a few coun ties i n the State. Indirntes that this survey is approximately cor rect.' Vleniinn also again took cog nisance of the "whispering cam twign" being conducted against »«me of the candidates and de clared that whatever "we have to '•> about inir opponents will be said openly and we Invite them l" d« likewise." FARM CONVENTION WEEK OF AUG. 29 Program at State College Be Different TYom Other Years Mi»H> lltspa (rh Bnron. Is tkr Sir Walter Hotel. »V J. r. H.tsKKKi ll.t, Raleigh May f. The 3f»h annual S'a»f bnrmers Convention to be held it College one month later than kiual this summer, will be different from past conventions in that It will “ country life program, catering '* r ß*lv to those Interested In recrea ’•ooal end inspirational features. The convention will open Informally on Monday evening. August 29. and close •Iter the Friday evening exercises on September 2. The convention has us u*Hy been held during the last week ‘n July. At u meeting of the officers of the convention held with Dean I. O. Schaub and Mrs. Jane S. McKimmon >Csterday afternoon, the committee decided to have joint meetings for Bten and women each evening at o'clock. No dry subject Matter *HI be allowed at these gath erings. but Items of interest to both an d women will be discussed by chosen speaker?. The formal opening on Tuesday "fming. August 30. will he in the *J 3U *I manner with addresses by Presl dent E C. Brooks. Governor O. Max t»*rdner. Commissioner William A. •4ham and the presidents of the bodies, Warren W. Watson, of Landing, president of the con vention. and Mrs. D. A. McCormick ‘■’l McDonalds, president of the State e..e ration of Home Demonstration Clubs. Hatitemm Bath} Sispatcli 7T, DAILY NEWSPAPE R PUBUSHEf) IN THIS SECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA AND vnRiNIA. r or BBSS" In Lindy Case? - r V: *#IV ' - wßm w&t mhBB - ; - Bb m B&. ■ (i as ton B Means (above), former investigator for the U. S. Depart ment of justice, who was arrested m Washington charged with "lar -*ny after trust.” The arrest is said to be in connection with the payment >f SIOO,OOO reported turned over to Mean? by Mrs. Edward B. McLean >f Washington as payment of ran som in the Lindbergh kidnaping. Search Is Started For SIOO,OOO Given Means Safety Boxes in Washington Opened by U. S. Agents To Get Money Mrs. Edward McLean Paid Former Just ice Agent To Obtain Release of Lindbergh Baby Washington. May 7. —(API— Justice Department Investigators today began i search of safety deposit boxes in he capital in an effort to Icate the 100.000 Gaston B, Means is charged vlth obtaining to bring about the re-, urn of the kidnaped Lindbergh baby. Meanwhile, the former Department f Justice agent whiled away the ime at the District of Columbia Jail ■»y reading newspapers and talking FALL 10 BE FREED PROBABLY MONDAY Release Papers Sent To New Mexico By Air Mail From Capital Washington, May 7 (AP)—Tbe steel rioors of the New Mexico State peni tentiary probably will not open for Albert B Fall until .Monday. Expectations thaj- he would be re leased tomorrow, after serving a year and a day sentence for bribery, dim med perceptibly today when the De partment of Justice announced a cor rected commitment obtained from the District of Columbia Supreme Court would not reach the prison until Mon day. Because of the wording of the ori ginal commitment, a charge wn* ob • lined foday to permit the release of the former secretary of the interior witibout paying his SIOO,OOO fine or serving an extra month. It was requested after Warden Swope of f-he New Mexico peniten tiary announced he would not release Fall tomorrow unless the change was mrnde. The new document was air mailed to the prison and l» due there by 9 a. m. Monday. Hoover’s Rebuke Is Denounced On The House Floor Washington. May 7.—(APl—Presi dent Hoover's message criticising Congress was denounced today in the House as a "deliberately concealed political maneuver" by Representa tive Bankhead. Democrat, Alabama. He said that by resorting to the old political strategy to play the admin-* Istration against the legislative branch of the government, “the Pres ident is attempting to play a last trump card to invoke the belief that "the executive branch was more pop ular with the people than Congress.” His administration In public esteem has been driven against the wall. Bankhead said, adding that the Presi dent. by Issuing the rebiflie to Con g Tessy shown gross abuse 'of power on the part of the eaecutlve.” SSASSIN KILLED TO Paid Kansom? * . '' > j£9BBMHL . -var ■ O L. mI yfIHL . .. jjr jgi The arrest of Gaston B. Means in Washington on the charge of “lar ceny after trust” is said to have followed the payment by Mrs. Ed ward B Mcl/ean (above) of SIOO,- 000 as ransom in the Lindbergh kidnaping. Mrs. McLean is the wife of the well known Washington pub lisher. with other prisoners. He did not seem worried. - If a Federal grand Jury indicts him Tuesday for larceny after trust In connection with the receipt of the money from Mrs. Edward B. McLean, wife of the Washington Poet pub lisher. he expects to be released from jail on SIOO,OOO bond. It was understood arrangements had been completed for making bond. House Will Vote Again on Pension Washington, May 7.—(AP)—The House once more will be asked to vote on the omnibus pension bill President Hoover vetoed recently. The pensions committee sgreed today to bring the measure up once more, consolidated with a similar one. The committee will decld next week to eliminate or leave tn the Mil the pensions to which Presi dent Hoovr objected. KIDNAPED YOUTH RETURNED SAFELY Alleged $50,000 Ransom Demand For Rich Joliet Man Not Paid Joliet, 111., May 7.—(AP)—Gustav Miller, 22, kidnaped April 29, and held for a reported $50,000 ransom, re turned home this morning and his wealthy parents declared not a cent was paid his abductors. His mother. Mrs. Fannie Millec. and his brother, Martin, met him u the Peer Park entrance of the Starved Rock State park, about 65 miles southwest of Joliet, and drove him home alter a note from the abductors notified them where 'he could be found. Gustav, who was abducted as he eras leaving the home of Miss Kath erine Mesirow, his fiance. Just taro blocks from his own home, said he was kept handcuffed in the base ment of a house within three or four hours drive from Joliet, but was very well treated. GARDNER to SPEAK ON RADIO TONIGHT Raleigh, May 7 (AP)—Governor Gardner will deliver a 22-minute radio address tonight at 9:15 o’clock, east ern standard time, over the entire coast to coast system of the Columbia Broadcasting system. "Retrenchment and Reform in „Atate Government," will be the sub ject of the governor’s address, to be beard from Si broajdodsting stations. HENDERSON, N. C., SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MAY .7, 1932 IEFFRESS WARNS AGAINST RUNG STATEROADTUND Advalorem Tax Cow Al ready Milked Dry and Now They Are Turn ing to the Gas Tank THAT SOUKCEALSO IS GETTING EMPTY Already New Construction Has Been Stopped For Lack of Funds; Number of Automobiles Fewer and Getting More So, With Consequent Smaller Tax (lnllr IllMfiStrh Rnm*, In the Sir Walter Hotel. XV J V. DASKERVILI, Raleigh. May 7. "They have al ready milked the ad valorem tax cow dry for school revenue and if they now try to turn to the State’s gas tank for revenue for schools, espe cially when It is getting more empty every day. it is likely to go dry too -and then where will they go?" Chairman E. B. Jeffress said today when asked what he thought about the proposal made by A. J. Maxwell in Smithfield this week and again last night in a radio speech, advo cating the maintenance of the school transportation system, now costing about $2,000,000 a year, from the State highway fund, and Its operation by the State Highway Commission. Maxwell again advocated this plan in his Statewide radio speech last night from Raleigh. Because the revenue from the gaso- I line tax has declined less than from any other sources, a good many peo ple seem to think Ulat gasoline tax Is "the "cow to tie to Tor all purposes and that it can be made to yield enough revenue to help the schools or other State activities, as well as the roads. Jeffress said. He pointed out. however, that it has been the po (Continued on Page Two! Auto Thefts More In North Carolina In Month of April R.Votgh, May 7.—Automobile thieve? >«*■•— t -drr than usual In North Carolina during April, steal ing 128 ram, it was announced to day by L S. Harris, chief of the theft bureau of the automobile li cense division of the State Depart ment of Revenue. Most of these cars were driven farther than us ual, with a larger number taken outside of the State, Harris said. Os the 128 cars stolen during April, 88 were recovered, leaving 80 still unrecovered. In addition to this, 39 cars stolen in previous months were recovered, making a total of 107 stolen care recovered during April. Strong Support Likely In Senate - For Tax Measure Washington, May 7 (AP) —The com promise tax bill of the Senate Finance Committee was picking up strong bi partisan support today and apparent ly faces prompt action in the Senate. Even the controversy over the sales tax has been laid aside by a gentle man's agreement to speed the com promise measure. Senator Reed, Republican. Pennsyl vania, a staunch advocate of the con troversial sales levy, entered an agree ment in the committee yesterday with the foes of the sales tax not to press tor this substitute If he compromise plan ottered by Secretary Mills were accepted. It was a move in the interest of end ing the of committee reversals on rates. JUDGE PARKER AT THE WHITE HOUSE Washington. May 7 (AP)—Federal Judge John J. Parker of North Caro lina, whose nomination to file bench, of the United States Supreme Court was rejected by the Senate, today paid a oaM at the White House. Parker talked with Walter H. New ton, one of the President’s secretaries, but did not ses Mr. Hoover himself. Parker declined to comment in any way upon his visit. LEATHER FOR NORTH CAROLINA. , ~ Mr tonight and guofegr. Draft Czar Dies .’flip; .• ENOCH M. CtOWDEP. GEN.EITMDER, DRAFT CZAR, DIES Man Who Picked 2,000,000 Men for U. S. World War Army Pa*«e« SUFFERED BREAKDOWN Had Bern American Ambassador To Cuba. But Recently Returned Home 111 and Dins In Walter Rccd Hospital Washington. May 7. (APi-Major General Enoch H. Crowder, former ambassador to Cuba, died today at Walter Reed hospital. He was 73 years old. A few weeks ago he became seriously ill it, Cuba and was brought* bkek to this coun try for treatment. He was taken to the hospital on a stretcher. The cause of death was given as a general breakdown. He was considered one of the out standing legal experts of the army, and at one time served as judge ad vocate general. He originated the draft system under which 2,000.000 men were drawn into the United States Army in the World War Japanese Butler Shoots Mistress And Kills Groom Princeton. N. J., May 7.—(AP) — Mrs. Dorln Bolcc, owner of a string of show horses and former wife of Nel son C. Bolce. was shot and seriously wounded by her Japanese butler to day In her home in Somerset county, near the Sourl&nd Hills. The butler shot the woman with an automatic pistol. One bullet struck her In the arm, and another In the back. The butler then attacked Larry Daly, a groom, firing a bullet that struck Daly in the head and inflict ing a wound from which Daly later died. Early investigations revealed no motive for the shooting, and police Inclined to the belief that the butler had gone suddenly insane. PUBLIC PROSECUTOR FOUND IN HOSPITAL San Francisco, Cal.. May 7.—(AP)— Located after his whereabouts had been shrouded in mystery for four days. Frank J. Egan, San Francisco public defender, was at a private san itarium here today under police guard Captain of Inspectors Charles Dul lea expallned Egan was not under arrest, the guard being for Egan's protctlon. It was after Captain Dul leau received a broken off telephone message, suposedly from Egan. Mon day night the public defender vanish ed. Bonus Men To Hold House Until It Votes Os Issue Washington, May 7 (AP)—-A cam paign to keep Congress in session un til a vote is had on full payment of f-he bonus was threatened, today after the House Ways and Means Com mittee had held to its action of yes terday in voting to report the Pat man bill favorably. Representatives Patman, Democrat, Texas, and Connelly, Democrat, Mas sachusetts, announced that henceforth the slogan of the bonus sponooee will be: “A vote to adjourn Is a vote against prohibition.” Patman planned to Introduce e re *onation seeking % jgectal legislative pubushbd evert aktbrnoom KXCBPT SUNDAY. BRING ON WAR Russian Says He Hoped A For Hostilities Between His Country And France Edison Threatened? jjjfc -- J BE/’- ' Investigation of a reported at .empt of racketeers to "shake Town” William L. Edison, son of •he late Thomas A. Edison, for $50,000, is being made by Phila delphia authorities. The extor tion was attempted, it is said, to deter Edison’s marketing of an invention to eliminate static from radio sets. Mrs. Edison, from her homo tn Wilmington, Del., has declared the report "absurd”. urgeconference" TO BOOST SILVER Hoover Ready to Call Na tion* Together at Hint From Congren* SENATOfT~VISITS HIM Jones, of Washington. Tells President People on West Coast Are An xious For Rehahiltat lon of Kllver Washington, May 7 (AP)-After a conference ait the White House, Sena tor Jones, Republican, WaaMnglon. said today tha{- he was "satisfied" President Hoover would invite an in ternational Bilver conference if Con gress would present with him with a concrete proposal for remonetization of the mefal. Jones, chairman of the Senate Ap propriations committee, and a mem ber of the finance committee, said he had tokl the chief executive people on the wesf coast were strongly in terested in the rehabiHtation of silver. He said the President seemed in terested. "I feel satisfied, although the Pres ident didn’t say «o. r ' Jones said, “tha if a concrete proposal Is placed before him. it will be submitted to the in terested powers." TROPICAL STORM HEADS NORTHWARD Miami. Fla.. May 7.—(Al*)—A report to the Miami weather bu reau today said a tropical distur bance of unknown intensity, ap parently moving northward, was central near Santo Domingo this morning. status for the rejected bonus bills. This would go to the rules com mltf-ee, and If approved would make a vote possible, but Representative Rainey, the Democratic lender, said; “The rules committee Isn’t going to approve It.” “The bonus iseue Is dead htis ses sion." Rainey said. Hie acflon of the ways end means committee pieces the bpnus question in such a legislative position that the vote would be delayed until so kite thsf it would be virtually impose!i »e for congressional action to t>*» >i - Mined. . . 6' PAGES , TODAY FIVE CENTS COES Message* of Sympathy Pour In on French Government From All Parts of The World WILL HOLD FUNERAL ON NEXT THURSDAY Election To Select Successor to Doumer Will Be Held Next Tuesday at Versail les; France Bowed In Mourning for Nation's Fallen Executive Moscow, May 7.—(Al‘)—Today's * newspapers published without comment dispatches from Paris telling »f the assasslnation of President Doumer. | No one could be found here who knew Paul (iorgolox, the assassin, or the “Russian fascists." the anU-bolshevik organization which the assassin said he headed. Paris, May 7.- <AP* The body of Paul Doumer. beloved and venerable 75-year-old president of France, lay in state In the green room of the presidential palace today, the victim of an assassin’s gun, while France, from end to end, was bowed In sad ness and in horror. After lingering throughout tha night in a coma and delirium, while h staff of physicians worked feveriah 'y in a vain attempt tn save his Ufa, the aged president died at 4:37 a. m. today, Just as the first light of dawn crept over the cold stone trails of tJeaujon hospital, where he was taken sifter the tragic shooting yesterday. The funeral will be held Thursday, it was rjr-clded shortly before noon to >lay. £ n election to select & new presi dent will be held at Versailles next Tuesday. Messages of sympathy from many, government*. including one from President Hoover of the United State* poured in last night. Ambassador Walter E. Edge, of thd S'nlted States, accompanied by Nor* nan Armouf, chancellor of the Amera iran Emiyilssy, called at the presi dent is) phi ace at 10 a. m. to exprea* ’he official condolences of the Amtr* iran government. After a wilting bombardment of questioning, which lasted well into ‘.he night, and included much rough handling, all police were able to get >ut of the asaassin, Dr. Gorgulov, was that he killed the president so Franc* might declare war on Russia. “The Un*ted States seemed favor* able to bolshevism,” he finally de clared. “So I decided to kill tha presi dent arid cause France to declare war 'in Russia. I had no accomplices. I carried another pistol and a vial of ’■olson in my pocket. I planned to f:ill myself because I knew, my life i had been finished. , hawaii’shopTfor ; STATEHOOD DASHED Massie Case Hsfe Aroused Feelings That May Last For DecWdes By CIIARI.RN P. BTKWART 1 Central Pres* Pftaff Writer Washington. May *7.—Delegate Vic tor 8. Galeoaloha Houston of Hawaii is deeply depressed. Just as he was on the point of laufnchtng a vigorous campaign for the territory's admis sion to statehood, *he recognizes that the Massie case hiss destroyed all pos sibilities of succ<*<b in this direction for many years - perhaps forever. Moreover, he fears that the seeds of racial antagonism have been sown, the growth of which it will be im possible to prevent in Hawaii Itself. How Impoerthle a task it is to make main landers Understand the harmoni ous relationil.iip which has prevailed ■ between different groups of the is land folk eras demonstrated, as point ed out by friends of the territorials, by as ordinarily astute a lawyer as Clarence 8. Darrow. in his resolute at tempt to secure ,at least a predomi nantly Anglo-Saxon Jury for the Mas sle-Fortescue-Lord-Jones trial; whits the irony of the sequel lay In the re report that a part-Hawaiian was tIU last of the Jurors to hold out for an acquittal. That delegate Houston worries over « >»dver danger, however, than the a * eiopment of a prejudice on the _ (Canusucd o~ Dm Jmi

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