PAGE FOUR UENOEBSQN UILY QISMTCH willing IX ltli fiMkM Txrrr aUmimr Eir*|t lu depriving the brewers and distillers oi their the purchasing power ol th« notion' and turning it into other and better channels." It despairs ot bhe> pbefttollUy of irnguoving condi tions, and calls Mr. Hoover “as much of a hypocrite in the White House on this issue as were Mr. Coolidge and Mr. Harding.” But listen to this: "We believe that, given an executive who deemed law enforcement a pi mie duty, and a civil service of the honesty and incorrup tibility of the Germans before the war and of the British at this hour, it would be possible to secure an en forcoment which would practically do the trick." But The Nation finds that “ to rkl by the Metho ds* conference was likewise & piece >f bad judgment arid reveals a lack of ippreciation of economic problems that are confronting all business in •heee times. The forces that put that through may be the same groups that irew the virtual ultimatum from lay Timbers to the church organizations hat expenses within the church must e curtailed if sound procedure is to *- its policy in the nest few years, .lie conference will get further along nd accomplish more in the long run >y a broader comprehension of oondi lone that exist ilka a it has shown in hese acts in the early vGages of Ms ;uadrenntal gathering. RETURNING BUSINESS Department store | merchants am epresenlted as optimdsktc over the crly return of better days for them ltd when it gebe better for them it .’ill likewise be better for other •ranches of business for much the ume reasons. They are wise enough ot to undertake to fix a definite date cr the climb to begin, but some have laaarded the guess of late summer, com the Durham Herald is taken he following: The department store merchants .to optimistic, according to David ;vens, Charlotte depaßmertt atom nanager, who hau just returned from i national convention of merchants, u-ld in St. Louis. According to Mr. Over*, itie mer •hants. while not wiHing to set a dofl iite date for the beginning of renew ’d buying on an extensive scale, say hat when it does come it will be one >f the aharpeat recoveries in the hia ory of the country. Many of them hink that the middle of the sum mer will wkneis this upturn, but whether it Is then or later, they be lieve it will come with a rush that will make itself felt immediately. As reported in the Charlotte Ob server: 3 Representatives from the outstawF ng department store* of New York, Pittsburgh, Ric’unond, Dallas, Fort Wayne, Milwaukee, 3t. Louis. Char lotte, Memphis, Washington. Now Or leans, Denver and St. Louis attended the meeting. As basis for their belief that a tre mendous amount of business will km mediately follow indications of nor mal trading, k was pointed out that all stores have been forced to moke purchases in line with minimum re quirements. As a result, stocks have leached the lowest level, In com* parison. of course, wtth ths normal amount of trade. l*ds is because the purchasing pub lic has done Its buying on tbs lowest possible scale. When retail trade ap proaches normalcy, merchant* will toe forced to moke almost unprecedented factory purchases to bring their Mock to their previous level. Mr. Ovens believe*, along tgßh the other HgchgmMßvth «b*t this **4- HENDERSON, (N. C.J DAILY DISPATCH- TUESDAY, MAY I'D, 1932 cdpated upturn will mean an almost avemlgbt era of sane prosperity. Despite setbacks, department store owners have not lost their nerve. They have confidence in Amaxiaa and know America Is safe. As a result, they are fighting to meet the new problems they have been caked upon to face and are ready ft* the new era of bus iness. They are no* filled with un founded optimism that will causa them to endeavor to load up with goods they cannot sell, but they will be ready to keep pace when belter prices arrive. Mr. Owens reported the trade trend over the various sections to be oknoet exactly the some, five percent the greatest variance. Purchases of the highewt prioed commodities, such as furniture, have been the hardest hit, wHh women’s accessorise feeling the least effects of the conditions. he said. SUCK AS AN EEL They may have the Steel trap on foxy old Gaston Means, but if ao it will be the first time save one when such has been the case. H« has served a term in the Atlanta Federal prison, but no axmer war, he out than he was jumping about at hie old haunts again. % f He says ne gave Mrs McLean’s 5100,000 Lindbergh baby ransom to the supposed kidnapers, but the Federal agents are not so sure about (hat, and ore looking all over the country for traces of the huge sum. with Mesne a gneat, meanwhile, In the District of Columbia jaH for safe keeping. The former Department of Justice agent has had a checkered career, and it has been as Inter eating as spot ted. He has been charged with or su spected of various wrong-doings in hi* career, from murder on down the line, and every time but one be slipped through the hands of the law like an eel. It will not be surprising If he j does the same thing now. One so experienced with life as Mr*. , McLean should have known better than to have turned over ao large a -sum to one Mke- Gorton Means. The amount is twice the aum reported to Have bee n paid by the father of the kidnaped child htmseif for the recov ery of the infant, and by one who was in no way directly concerned. The wonder is that any ene in these days should have so much idle caMi to turn over to crooks without every safeguard of it!s legitimacy. TODAY TODAY’S ANNIVERSARIES. 1760—Rouget de Lisle, author of the national anthem of France, the "Marseillaise," born. Died June 26. 1836. 1789—Jared Sparks, noted historian and president of Harvard, born at Willington, Conn. Died at Cambridge, Maas., March 14, 1866. 1808 Paul Tulane, New Orleans mer chant and philanthropist, born ' near Princeton. N. J. Died there March 23. 1887. 1818—Montgomery Blair, Lincoln's Postmaster-General, born in Franklin Co., Ky. Died at Sil ver Springs. Md.. July 27, 1883. 1823 —John Sherman, Ohio, U. S. sen ator, cabinet officer, statesman, born at Lancaster, Ohio. Died in Washington, Oct. 22. 1900. 1832 —William R. Grace, International merchant, New York mayor, capitalist, born in Ireland. Died March 21. 1904. 1838 —James Bryce, celebrated British historian and diplomat, born. Died Jan. 22, 1922. IB6o—Thomas J. Lipton, noted Eng lish merchant and sportsman, i born. Died Oct. 2, 1931. TODAY IN HISTORY. 1775—Fort TiconOeroga captured by Ethan Allen. 1857 —The great mutiny in India broke out. 1869—The Union Pacific Railway com pleted. 1927—Charles A. Lindbergh, then an unknown aviator, hopped off from San Diego for St. Louis on the first lap of the flight which was to end in France and make him a world figure. TODAY’S BIRTHDAYS. Cutris D. Wilbur, of the 9th Fed eral Circuit Court, former Secretary if the ( Navy, born at Bonnesboro, lowa, 65 years ago. Dr. Howard J. Savage, staff mem ber of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, born *t Meriden, Conn., 46 years ago. Admiral Richard H. Jackson, U. SL N., retired, born at Tuscuojftla, Ala,, 66 years ago. Rt. Rev. Robert C. Jett, Episcopal bishop of Southwestern Virginia, born in King George Co.. Va., 67 years ago. Dr. Samuel M. Lindsay, noted Col umbia University professor of social legislation, born in Pittsburgh, 63 years ago. TODAY’S HOROSCOPE. You should be able in execution with powers of resource; endowed with a recaptive and diseective mind, you should make a mark in the world. There is an indication of indolence or an inclination to depend too much upon others: do not allow this to get control of you, for it ie fatal to the proper operation of your Inherent Qualities. There is also an indication of considerable means, without much desire to add to them. The Journal of the Rev. William Marla, at Oxford, England, from 1887 U) 1844, furnishes us With our rarn«9t knows weather date. Bgg C&MUBiilku’ By Central Press New York. Jdwy ID -Bryant Park Is quite a different place these days, with the aprucy replica of Federal Hall squatting jauntily where the loungers used 1 o dream away the bouns behind the Pub lic Library. Yet this Bi-Centennial gesture, ' admir able enough. Is no* entirely con vincing. The imitation 1 1 i councfl halt of the Fathers is some how a little too natty and self-con scious. Maybe It’s the shadow of the Empire State spire which dissipate* the intended auia. You simply can not imagine a gentleman in knee breeches and white wig entering the structure's portals. Meanwhile thoee who used to find lean sanctuary on the benches of the pork wander past with tired and re sentful eyee. Bui, after all. summer is coming on and the library Isn’t as necessary, as a wind-breaker, these evenings. .. SERVICE A garogeman of my neighborhood reports achieving the patronage of a plutocrat with five automobiles be cause he took time to blow up, with air hose for tires, the toy balloon be longing to Che gentlemen’s small ron ...They’d been driving around for an hour seeking this service, which me chanics wouldn't take time to render -because the millionaire happened to be piloting one of his inexpensive cars, a station-wagon ffrom the summer place..* One of the saddeet sights the eyes of & Madhattanite can behold is ‘ho collapse of a one gay and profitable night Club... The other evening I cat in at the obsequies of a place which used to be one of my favorites.. The dance floor, which has been packed with couples, supported two or three mournfully inebriated pairs between mechanical floor-show performances.. The master of ceremonies, a bright and up roaring lad, was unable to wreathe his features with a single smile... After the final performance. Ihe place prepared to close it-s doors for g00d... And. irony of ironies, as the attend ants worked on the dismantling of fixtures, around 3.30 a. m.. the sleepy doorman was Married by the descent of a party of 15 or 20 couples, the over flow from a Park avenue soiree, an xious to pay money into the club’s till But It was too late. TRAVIA Centralized volume control made hotel room radios possible... Otherwise 1 CROSS WORD PUZZLE W:~~ 13 15 HI if IH 17“ Td m 19 m 20 JZlfll'lfllii ZA Z 5 26 27 26 i! Hfi I IllPd I I {HFi I 32 55 IP** |P 53 36 H 37 H3O 39 40 ~ _ “ |m| Mn I bpn 11 u ACROSS I—Separates 7—A passageway 11— Greater 12— Propellers 14 — Over and In contact 15— Destiny 19 —Character of ancient Teutonic alphabet 17— Total 13 — Duration of existence lit —A kind of (}ber JO —A wading bird 11— A pronoun 12— Certain hairy growth on some animals 13 — A Danish coin 14— Going forward by little and litUs it —Lessened Mr—The *loos!er StgXs (gbbr.) to —On H—An exclamation >. >; ; v * ? itewiV Gaelic language 15— Inclosure Jfr —Craft »*—Chief magistrate in Venice 18— Recfnhn of the states of the United 'States (abtor.) 40—A prong ll—>Ruch n»d no more 42—A woman Vns one . 48— Eeopn DOWH t —imagined 4 Anger Prefix having the gxssrai gift* down 6—To deux* ... California Here I Come the party next door wouldn’t be able to sleep...ln the early days, before the crooners could be nvuffled down, the “radio in evi ry room” Mgn was far from the drawing card it now has become.. .Rudy Vallee is going to quit his night club activities, concentrating on the big comm t rcials. .They whisper he’s worth the million he set out to acquire... Two Civil war generals are still alive Major General Adelbert Ames, 95; Brigadier General John Fred Pierson, 93... There is a theatre in New York which has never housed a hit show, yet which has never suffered from a mort gage... Curio shops this year made a nice profit from Mother's Day med -Bls, rt-sembling SlO gold pieces, en graved wiht a suitable sentiment and retailing fore. quarter... The sensation of a recent Block-Aid benefit beauty contest was Helen Wong, who entered as "Miss Shang hai"... At another selection of pul chritude in the Times Square area, a disappointed entrant mumbled: * “That jury should’ve sat on the Mosaic case.” 7—Exist *—A form of to be 9 Manufacturing center is ... i lllan province, Italy 10— Terminates 13 —Emmet 15— Renown U—Pealed 17—Incite l# —Collection of musicians ' —Persia 7* Posse salve pronoun 21—Reed Instrument 25—Meantr.; 28—Part of a ebureb 27 —A football team ••““■Completed >o—lnslster •2—A court messenger 11— Verbal It— An eternity 16 — Combining form; equgl 37 —Confusion * y, . •9—Tellurium (sym.) <1 —Mountain (akbr.t Answer to fraviovs Pan’s j UA PE PtACHES SIA Nf oi Re c r |n l en t ggil|i4QAßfgs|3 asße|||i.|p;B|i OTHERS’ VIEWS OBSERVATIONS OF A STRANGER. To the Editor: We have had an opportunity to visit mo«t of the schools in Vsnco icoun’v We find to our surprise, that the Henderson high school building is one of the most, if not the most, inadequate building in the county. We learn that this building is forced to house in the neighborhood of 350 pupils when it is really built to house around 200 at the most. This seems to us to be a deplorable condition, and one that should be remedied. We learn that there is no city school system, but one system for •both county and city. It appalls us to learn that the property valuation in Henderson is nearly five times that in the remainder of the county. The question then arises why do we, the people of Henderson, not have as good advantages in our schools as the rural population of Vance county? Personally, we see no reason. We would like for some of the candidates for office to explain some of these things for us. It is sheer injustice to the children and young people of the town not to allow them the best of educational facilities. There is absolutely no rea son why they should not be allowed them. It will take only a casual ob- 1 server to note that the class rooms at Henderson high school are crowd ed at nearly all times. We admit that a science building has been built re cently, but the structure and nature of this building is such that it is referred to by the students as "the barn." Even at this, it is in better condition than the main building. We wonder if the people of this city > lealiae that the school does not so much as have an assembly auditor ium. There 1r no space in the Hen derson high school that is ample enough to accomodate one-half of its pupils in a body in comfort. This has caused the school to have a lack of the necessary spirit among its en rollment. The faculty has done its bes'., but even with ail the extra work that they do they cannot give the students the attention that they need because of the lack of proper equip mnet. We wonder why so much of the most valuable property of the coun ty lies just outside the city limits. 7 his property should be taken in. Why is it outside? If this property were taken into the city limits and a city school system instituted, the town of Henderson could build the finest high school building in the State. We would like for a few of the politicians to explain this to us aao. R. A. WHITTEN, JR. Henderson, May 7, 1932. Noah first taught the rac how wise a thing it iH to lay up something for a rainy day. He laid up an ark. NOTICE Default having been made in the payment of that debt secured by that deed of trurt executed by R. A. Har ris and wife. Bessie Harris, dated the 15th day of January, 1931, recorded in Book 156 at page 426 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Vance County, N. C., and at the request of tbe holder thereof, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash at tfaa Courthouse door in Henderson, N. C. on ThurwMy. May 26th 1932 at 12 o’clock midday, the folkradng describ ed property: Ail the right, title and interest of the said R. A. Harris and wife. Beasts Harris of every kind, nature and de scription in and to that lease dated the 22nd day of April, 1980, duly filed for registration in Vance County, North Carolina .executed by Dorsey Hart and wife, Ekfee Hart, which said lease runs for a period of five years with option of renewing thf —ivy for ! five years, on mtm* six or savwa : acres of land is Vanes County, Meath .Carolina known u p%rt of tfca Dow I Hart farm, adjoining T. H. Hitf* I and others, and upon which land K A. Harris has erected and does no* operate a Planing Mill or Saw ku. Together also with all the machinery appliances and equipment now locavd on said premises and used in Uie ope ration and conduct of said busincs*. said machinery consisting in pert of at A-4 Yates Planer, a Berlin Saw. and a Hardy-Tinea Oot lias Type Steam Er. gine. It being the intention of this instrument to convey all of the mi chlnery regardless of whether the same ie described herein or not. locat ed on said premises. Together aliw with all light, title and interest which the parties of the first part may have in and to buildings, houses and other property which may have been located upon the said premises or which may hereafter be located upon said pre noises, during the life of the store said lease. This the 25th tfcty of April, 19312. J. H. ZOLLICOFFER, Trustee FORECLOSURE SALE By virtue of the power contained in a certain deed of trust, executed by Lena Mims Hill and Claud HiH. re corded in the Register of Deeds of fice of Vance County. In book 146 at page 153, default having been made in the payment of the debt therein se cured, on request of the holder of aeme, I ahull sell tor cash by public auction to the highest bidder at tbe court house door in Henderson, N C on Saturday ithe 21st day of May, 1932 tbe following described property: Begin at a stake on Robinson Street Ed Turner corner, being 47 feet from the edge of Kittrell Street, and run thence along his line N. 88 W. W feet to Turner Corner on an old road and 47 feet from Kittrell Street; thence S. 9 W. about 82 1-2 feet to a pin. Kelly corner; thence along KeHy line S. 88 E. about 170 feet to Kelly cor ner on Robinson Street; thence along said street North 4 E 93 feet to the place of beginning. Being the Holtnee lot after lot of 47 feet has been cut off. For a more accurate description of same see deed to Lena Mims from S. G. Kelly, recorded in Register of of deeds office of Vance Couqty, North Carolina, in book 134 page 167. Time of aale 12:00 o'clock M. This 20th day of April, 1932. J- M. PEACE. Trustee. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY TRAINS LEAVE HENDERSON AS FOLLOWS No. NORTHBOUND 10*—8:48 A. M. for Richmond, Washington, Now York, connect ing at Norlina with No. 18 ar riving Portsmouth-Norfolk 1145 P. M. with parlor-dining car ser vice. 4 *:s* P. M. for Richmond and Portsmouth, Washington, New York. 192—0:48 p. M for Richmond Washington a»wt New York. •—8:28 A. M. for Portsmouth- Norfolk Washington. New York No. SOUTHBOUND 181—5:42 A. M. for Savannah, Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, St Petersburg. 8—8:12 p. M. for Raleigh. San ford, Hamlet, Columbia. Savan nah, Miami, Tampa, St. Peters burg;. 187—7:55 P. M. for Raleigh. Ham let, Savannah, Jacksonville. Miami. Tampa. St. Peterabarg. Atlanta, Birmingham. 5 A M. for Atlanta, Birm ingham, Memphis For Iniunnttan call on U E Pleasants, DPA., Raleigh. N C or M C Capps, TA , HsademP», N. C.