MARRIAGE* FAkTIEfI SOCIAL AOTIVITtti fMPTY SPRING. Bi Clinton Scoltard Q j have yeafned for “Prtng *o »uCh Through barren days and long. The south wind -wHh It* tender touch TTk linnet* haunting song! pu, noW that spring la here Indeed 1 fmd such loneliness jj, the low pleading of the reed. The greening bough's caress. The shy Is flawless blue above. The river flawless blue. * g u < what is beauty. Omy love, And springtime, lacking you. Visiting Mother. Mrs Garland Johnson is visiting h*i mother. Mrs. D. D. Stone, neat Boobitt. Returns from ( hapet Hill. Miss Marla Parham has returned from Chapel Hill, where she spent the weekend Mrs. Pittman from Raleigh. Mrs T M Pittman, who has been visiting her mother In Raleigh, has returned to her home on Charles jtreeti Here from Wilson. N B Thomas, Jr . and little daugh ter of Wilson, spent Sunday wlfh Mr and Mrs. N. B. Thomas on An drews avenue. Leave for I .os Angeles. Mr and Mrs. George Buckridge. of Sew fork City, who have been visit ing Mr and Mrs. Charles Trado, left \-e«terday for Los Angeles, Cal. Visitors from Raleigh. Mr and Mrs. L M Marks, of Ra leigh an* ' tiding :< f«*v days In the c trr with Mr; Mark's parents. Mr. and Mr? J R. Carter, on Charles j*reet Week-End with .Aunt. Mis* CBrrle and Susie Stone have returned to their home near Bobbitt, after thev spent the week-end with mur aunt Mrs. F. R. Robertson, at Middleburf Mlet Ck«M Peace Here. Mk? doss Peace spent Sunday night in the city with her parents, Mr aiM Mrs. 8. T. Peace, and had as her guests. Miss Emily Pollhlll Wil liam Hams and Rob Avery, all of Chap«-1 Hill. Birthday Party Is Given Mrs. Alston The children and grandchildren of \ir< E T. Alston, Sr., gave her a very pleasant surprise Sunday. The ccrasion was the celebration of her ?e\entieth birthday and Mother's Day combined. Shortly before twelve o'clock, the children jind grandchildren began to arrive and Mrs. Alston began to show slight signs of nervousness and worry as to how she would feed such a large crowd. Her fears were soon dis pelled however, when the children began to bring out boxes of delicious foods typical of a picnic dinner. The dinner was spread on a table beneath the shade of the beautiful turn maple trees on the back lawn and all dined sumpuously. In the center of the table was a lovely birthday cake, with the can dles arranged to form the number seventy. At Mrs. Alston’s place at the table *a- a collection of exceedingly use ful and lovely Mother's Day and biiihday gifts. Those present for the occasion in cluded ail of Mrs. Alston’s children and grandchildren, as follows: Mr. at.d Mrs. J. M Alston and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Alston. Jr., and son. Mr and Mrs. R. E. Southerland. Mr. *nd Mrs. J. L Southerland and son, •Mi and Mrs. A. P. Alston and Misses -Myna and Annie Lou Alston and Do»a Alston, the childrens' aunt who makes her home with the Alstons. — Reported. Children's Colds Checked without '‘Awing." Rub on oyfft n MILLION JARS USED YEARLY He CALLS 0; ACIDITY ••• huti&L SELF POISONING If you have pain in your stomach, or gas, aci<i taste, etc., call it ‘ acidity" if you wish. But too often "acidity" is a warning symptom of a more serious con dition. Tkovu.d* of people who cumplulw of “eetdity ' are re.lly uiffuring from *ulf poisoemg. Poisons from putrid waste in the intestines have been absorbed into the blood. The polluted bleed in turn •fleets the stomeeh, earning acidity, in. digestion, etc. II the trevble you cell “Mldity” keeps returning i« spite es everything yen do, •» * time to suspect self-poisoning, end use the right remedy. Here is a littte •ipenment that will halp yon learn the truth. AN AMAZING TIST for the neat three nights teke 14. Tenic. if y*«r eeee H Mb* HUneendi * t: soc at "ooirgw 1- - Almoac a “Double" Wedding % ROBINSON . iTu-Yake. a §L EDDIE Jjj fctffe twe DUST * f? OhwxlH T wlman at m s+*l OtCßiCKfottfr L—. L__ j/'-rSi N t\ r -J . - | ££Mkp l %'lOuftoo I 'fruN fteaTutß Gtf- Girl Scouts of Troop One Meet Girls Scouts of Troop 1 held their regular meeting Thursday afternoon at ( o'clock at their cabin on Gary st reet. After the roll was called and dues collected, several Scouts told about the daily routine at Greensboro camp. After "Tape'* was sung there was a short Court of Honor. JOSEPHINE MARTIN. Scribe. Two Girl Scout 1 roops Are Busy With Their Hut The Olrl Scout Tryop l and 2 have been very busy at their hut on Gary street, it was learned today from one of their leaders. They have completed a very nice tennis court just to the rear of their hut with the aid of the city employees and members of the local Kiwanis club. They hold their meetings at this hut, and, after their regular work is finished, they play tennis, if they so desire. This court will probably be used a great deal during the summer months while the Scouts are vacating from school. Miss Carrie Burton is leader in this project of the Scouts. Legion Auxiliary Met Last Friday The American Legion Auxiliary held its regular meeting last Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. L. C. Mclntosh on the Oxford road. The meeting was opened wlfh (he predble to the constitution, followed by the pledge to the flag. Reports of officers and chairmen showed unusual acitivity in their work toward helping veterans' fam ilies. donation to the hospitals and visiting. The Auxiliary decided to sponsor a junior auxiliary and Mrs. John Lee Wester was appointed to take charge of this. The business meeting was presided over by Mrs. R. C. Gory, the presi dent, and. following a brief discus sion, the program, in charge of Mrs. J. E. Woolard and Mrs. L. C. Mc- Intosh, was presented. “Largo," violin solo, was given by Archibald Yow, accompanied by Mrs. J. B. Martin. “Old Folks at Home,” violin solo by Iceland Mclntosh, accompanied by Mrs. L. C. Mclntosh. Mrs. J. E. Woolard presented an at tractive placard of the Linknown Sol dier. Mrs. L. D, Wall read the poem, "The Unknown Soldier,” composed by Mofton Hedgepeth, a local boy. "Remembrance.” a poem, was read by Mrs. B G. Allen. “Popples,” a reading, by Mrs. J. W, Jenkins. At the conclusion of the program, the hostesses served angel food cake, lopped with cream. The entertainment committee for this meeting was Mrs. L. C. Mclntosh, Mrs. W. B. Daniel, Jr., Mrs. A. I>. Patterson, Mrs. F. O. Mabry, Mrs. Annie M. Duke, Mrs. J. R- McDuffie and Miss Agnes Pegram. TtS other so-called "acidity” sufferers, this remedy is eiectly what you need. The distress m yeur stomach will disappear rapidly. Your system will eliminate a startling amount of foul-smeltbig poi sons. You will feel healthier and hap pier. let that is only a promise es the reward to fallow. Centlwe# taking l-L Tank every night for ffcrea weeks. You WIN thereby keep the poisons from re gaining a foothold in your blood. Metu white the Stlmelefhsg properties e# »-L Tonic will sharpen your appetite, im prove digestion, and thus help build up ■ mere robust resistance to disease. Nine ohencet out Os ten that’s «N pa* peed “acidity. W Teuk la aoM ai Pagr-Haoutt Destg Co., and aruggleke everywhere. ■BNDERSON. (N. e„T DAILY DISFATCH. TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1982 TELEPHONE 610 K.S^in®idlrJ&.V(R,”.».' , 48L«n^ BkA-Stftr_y...Of. Mystery and Love in The Sc>uth Seas^aSai READ Til 18 FIRST: P*ve young geop/e from Chicago, lone Adams. Tom Barry, PilJy lAght ener, harry Olrott and Jay Bryce. «Ao tells the story, find themselves • boat lo land at Papeete, Tahiti, in the South Seas, as the story opens lone, harry and Rruee have been employed on a newspaper. Tom (* a radio continuity wrifor, and Tilly a to ed. As they are about to leave the ship harry rails their attention to a Atiss Whitney, a mysterious Oirl and fellow passenger. He at tempts to speak with her, bat is snubbed. The idea of a trip to the South Seas had originated when lone, harry. Jay and Tom were working ♦n Chicago. Jay, uhose hobby was Collecting old books, picked up ait old ship s log in a book store for 50 cents. The log related the story of • voyage to the South Seas under taken by one Captain Whitney in ISJL The toyage teas for the pur pose of trading for pearls. On bis tr»y out of the store Jay almost col lides with-a girl, uha is startled on seeing him in possession of the book. (XOW GO OX W.'TII THE STORY J CHAPTER S AS TOM and 1 had entered, Sam, with his perpetual grin, had come chuckling over to meet us and es corted us over to the corner booth, where Larry and lone were holding forth. “Folks down on the South Side whar I lives, tells me you-all got my name In yo' ac’ on the air. Mista Barry." Sam announced, chuckling. "That's fight" Tom told him with a grin. “Have to keep you before the public. Sam.” "Catacomb’s cat say Sam's going to remember you for that,” Sam of fered. still chuckling. "Great old guy." Tom commented aa Sam made off, having ascertained our wishes In the manner of refresh ment. Sam’s was distinctly one of the places. His personality had developed a big following. Those dim recesses under the Drive that led to the Cata combs were frequented by banker, broker, copper, Judge, scribe, artist, actor and official. When business wasn’t too pressing. Bain would gladly blend his rich bari tone with you in song. Just before pay day he wrote graciously on his cuff, and a mangy Tom cat which he kept about the place frequently, so Sam said, ordered him to treat his guests. “Well, I see you and Henderson got together on another deal.” I,arry observed In mocking jest, pointing to the new addition to my small library. "What la It this time?” "That's a genuine first edition for which I parted with exactly fifty Cents." 1 Informed him. "It's an old ship's log of a cruise made a cen tury ago to trade trinkets to canni bals for pearls down In the South Sea islands—lt’s the only copy, so it becomes a first as well as an only edition." Through half -closed eyes lone meditatively studied the celling for a moment. “South Beaa. with great crescents of white beach, fringed with tall, graceful palms. The soft swish of the sea. ceaselessly washing the sand; blue, wide sea on which the sun scatters myriads of glittering diamonds. Quiet lagoons and pearls —" site mused aloud. “That's a grand picture." and she opened her •yea again. “Well. well, our little girl friend Win; to be getting up steam and going poetical on us." I remarked lightty "Come out of the day dream, baby l You are right'here in Chi cago. where the elevated trains thun der by on stilts, and where you take your life in your hands every time you croes the street You haven't any r.ght to the wanderlust— * She studied me quisic&lty for a few •aeonda. “It like to know why not?” she asked softly. “Just because I held a job on one newspaper for a few years Is no reason I can t dream dreams of Strange scenes and tha fnr-Hung cor ners of the world. Even I# 1 do have to 'cover 1 relief commissions in the morning and soup kitchens In the i/ter noon—" "We were having a discussion Just Garden Club Will Visit Raleigh Show Members of the Henderson Garden Club are planning to visit the Ra leigh Garden Club flower show In the Sir Walter hotel In Raleigh neat Fri day afternoon. It was learned today. Final arrangements have not been made a s yet. It was said, but a tafge number of the members are expected to attend. The highest point on the Atlantic Coast, soiith of Maine, ts on Staten island, New York. IETV NEWS /: In 1 before you came in." Larry ofieied. "About what?” Tom wanted to know. "Oh, the depression and—" "What a unique topic of conversa tion,” I jeered. “ —and Life is general." he finished. "That takes In more territory and widens the field slightly, nt that." I admitted. “Just !>efore we came (n you were saying—" Tom suggested. "That we etift dwellers of civiliza tion’s great cities are a lot of eco nomic slaves, chained to desks and pay envelopes, just as surely as gal ley slaves were chained." Larry growled. "Wo spend our lives writ ing bail stories about the antics of a lot of uninteresting people for nit wits to road —" "Yes, 1 know what you mean,” I broke In. "Stay In tire rut because It Is • firm, safe and comfortable. All we get out of It 1s barely enough to eat. a roof and a few clothes." Tom. who had been studying the table, looked up. "It Is sort of futile,” he said softly. "1 grind away on that script anti while we are driving over here It goew on tho sir, evaporates, and that's that.” "We are so busy battling the mob to eke out at hare existence that we don't have time to live," 1 agreed. •'We bargain our lives for beauty and take home tinsel. Because we're In tire newspaper racket we are behind the scenes and we snicker cynically at the mob which takes at face value the majestic turning of the hands of Hje great clock. God gave us sun light to paint us with tan. water to swim in, pleasant land to walk on— and we persist in living In great city ant hills." "We’re afraid to take life with koth hands and live it" Tom said thought fully. "So we stay In habits's chains, that mentioned, until we get old and doddering without memories of how the rest of the vorld lives. Then we die and get one small grave to He fn. Summed up, life Is only memories." "We aren’t 'family men’ or an chored with dependents, "I declared "We are free to roam the world. The only thing we have to do la Just get up and go—put one foot In front of the other. We would never starve to death and we would collect a choice assortment of memories for old age Think what would have happened If Columbus hadn't —” "This isn't any argument." Torn announced "We Just sit here and •yes' each other along But for all of that we'll probably never do any thing about it." he added whimsi cally. "None of us have courage enough to bust the chains Artveo- Congratulations Birth of Boa. Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Hedgepeth an nounce the birth of a son, John TfldhmrU, on May 8, 1982, at Marta Parham hospital. : HOUR* 9 A. M TO 12 NOON *1 **• Jn eo3b of toms »orl.*' ture Is dead and high romance lan gulsheth—" "Listen to this." lone interrupted. She hadn't been Joining in the bits of wisdom we had been hurling at each other. Instead, she hnd been quietly studying my new volume. She read; "’I have this day determined to capture the great black pearl which adorns the forehead of the chief heathen Idol of the Polynesian islands, known as the Sacred Rye of Nu. the fame of which we have re peatedly heard on our travels. This jewel, reputed to be the largest and most perfect in this part of the world which abounds in pearls. Is guarded only by priests and temple attendants so far as we can learn from the savages. The temple where tills image sits is on an atol. in habited only by the heathen priests. Our cargo Is nearly disposed of. and 1 shall set sail on this venture short ly. and then Immediately begin the return voyage to the home port. Trade has been excellent and we have a rich assortment of gems now in the strong box from this trip Be cause of the risk in capturing the Idol's Jewel eye. the crew are to be given a share In the moneys received from its sale—' " "Look here." lone said. "The last pages of this are all in code of some sort. But here Is an exact position of something given in the middle of this code In degrees, minutes and seeonds. Tom. you were a naval man durihg the war—what Is it?” ■'Probably the position of the sacred atol where the peurl was t m he found." he said, studying it • 'mo ment. “That's Just what we were toll'lng about That's Mdvcnttne— that old t»oy Whitney who ever he tvas. had It in the larve manner'" "Bo you suppose he managed lo capture It?" lone wondered out loud. "No. It's probably still there, or why would the old captain have taken all the trouble to put ell of this stuff In code?" he laughed. "1/ you want to know anything aboui plots, ask me. That Is all ] do ail day—work oui plots." "Pearls or no tear la." 1 sold wltb a grin. "I would love to get away from this nerve-shattering roar of the city for a while and get painted with a good coat of tan. I am going stale." As Larry and 1 entered our hotel n tittle later (he clerk handed me a telephone memorandum with my key. The name "Miss Whitney" was filled In. with a penciled notation after Remarks: "Will call at 7:50“ I Showed it to him without com ment da we waited far the elevator vro BE CONTINUED} METTS IS HONORED BY R. O. T. C. MARCH Raleigh, May 10—The State Col lege R. O. T. C. regiment staged a colorful parade and review yesterday at noon In honor of Brigadier-Gene ral JoMn Van B. Melts, adjutant-gen eral of Nortti Carolina. It wwb announced that the cere monies wotrtd be in horor of Gover nor O. Mn Gardner, but he wa* de tained In New York over the week end and requested General Metts to be his personal repreueatativu at the review. . , PRAYER SERVICES to mwm Lay Meeting Group De clines To Dispense With Programs Laymen’s prayer meetings which have been held each Monday after noon for the past three months and more will not be discontinued but will he kepi up for an Indefinite time, It was decided at the service held yes terday at the First Baptist church The meetings rotate from week to week from one church to another among the six participating, in al phabetical order-. Services have been held in all of the churches twice, and yesterday was the first in the third round. Next Monday after the meet ing will be held at the Christian church and the hour will be as here tofore, at 5:30 o'clock. ft was decided that the pustors would be requested to give more notice to the prayer meetings in their announcements Sunday mornings, as comments were that more people pro bably would attend if the matter were properly impressed upon them. DUKE’S YEARBOOK HONORS TRUSTEE Durham, May 10.- The staff of the 1932 Duke yearbook, The Chanticleer, has dedicated Its new volume to George G. Allen, of New York, chair man of the board of trustees of the Duke Endowment. Martin Green, of Raleigh, and Paul Garner, of Win ston-Salem, are businesss manager and editor of the yearbook. The mothers of the manager and the editor, Mrs. T. E. Green, of Ra leigh. and Mrs. Ila J. Gkfn*r, of Win ston-Salem .arc named sponsors of the yearbook. Members of the Duke Endowment board of trustees are represented In drawings on title pages of the va rious sections of The 1952 Chanticleer. Photographs of University officers and sketches of their departments’ work are featured. The Issue Is said to contain more photographs than arty previous Issue 1 of the unvefslty artnuki. 17th century Puritans called playing cards the devil's pletufe-books. Wednesday Specials 19c to 25c and madras and fancy broadcloths * .10c 81x90 Page hemmed sheets, guaranteed to private families for five years SI.OO Two lots ladies fine straw hats: $1.95 quality, now 59c $2.95 quality, now 98c Men’s SI.OO quality Interwoven socks 50c 35c bottle Vermont maple syrup —l9 c Spring Dresses Price* om ear spring dresses reduced $16.75 dresses of crepe and sheer mate rials in well assorted colors and sizes for morning, afternoon or evening, $13.50 SIO.OO prints, solid colors flat crepes, and chiffons . $7.95 $2.95 to $15.00 knitted sport dresses, now $10.75 to $2.39 E. G. Davis &Sons Co. Hemknsn, N. C. CHURCH SOCIETIES ANNOUNCEMENTS Duke Orts State *Prdf ” Ralelgti, May 10 -It was learned Iwre today that WtHlnm J. Dana, pro fessor of experimental engineering at State College, bos accepted an offer to become a member of the engineer ing school faculty of Duke University effective this fall. Professor Dana has been at State College more than ten years and during that time he has become know n us one of the best liked and mod efficient members of ttv? engineering school faculty. Stevenson TOMOItKOW I * 11 [CHARLIE Khan's CHANCE Selected jb V N S Subjects ■■ ■ dry Wednesday I Dime Day to kvkkyimidv LAST TIMES TODAY WILL ROGERS —IN— BUSINESS & PLEASURE Matinee and Night Hi-26c Coming— Till: KHOAY—FRIDAY MAURICE CHEVALIER —IN— ONE HOUR WITH YOU AiliiiKalnn — Matinee night 19-X#c PAGE FIVE

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