GATEWAY TO CENTRAL CAROLINA. NINETEENTH YEAR RELIEF LOANS TO STATES CROP LOAN TOTAL IS 161.579,621 UP TO LAST SATURDAY Farmers In Ten Southern and Ten North western States Get Bulk Os Federal Funds OVER FOUR MILLION IN NORTH CAROLINA North and South Dakota Farmers Got More of Money Than Any Other States, With Eight Million In One and Seven Million Dollars In Other Washington. May 12 1 AP>--Farmer.. id ihf South and in the N’ort(vwetd w ived the bulk of the 1932 crop ptoouctton loan made by the Agricul ture Department to increase the fk>w oftrtdu in rural communities. The total for all states on May 7 %i. {41.579.631. Os ih.s amount, $29, wen; to ten southern tfl i J 25 089.970 to ten states in the .Nwheert. TV :*»i day for filing application is bi except in Northeast, was F but. with more than 100.000 ipp.*i :oru on hand Chen, the loans »r« dill gang out at the rate of about JJOnW daily. Several weeks will e'.fw* before the final tctal Is com p.Ud North and South Dakota farmers received ’he largest amount of loans In Not h Dakota 38.222 loans totalling J4.237.11' or an average of S2I.T 51 each. »-fre made, while 29.949 farmers 1b South Dakota pot $7.019.566 In loans averaging $234 39 each Loan- totalling more than $4,000.- OW were made In Georgia, Montana, North and South Carolina. North Carolina farmers were kan n 14 138 385. ■RiWAICKS NEW TARIFF LEVY Masquerading As Excise Taxes, Senate Is Told In Its Report Warrington. May 12 Irrclu *ion of ‘Narlff d'ltirs f>n oil, coal, eof>- per and lumber masquerading as ex rire tuxes." in the tax bill was called "utterly Indefensible" In a minority report made public today by Senator " I'-h. Democrat. Massachusetts. The report, representing the views of members of th« finance committee "h * differed from the group that filed >he majority report of yederday. was Mg lied by r\ye Democratic members, including Walsh. The majority report of ywnterdwy de fer led the tax bill and urged its pas *a*e. , 4 Says Philippines’ Freedom Now More Than Independence totton. Maas. May 12 (AP) Ex- Pt'- ng dii-xppiova lof the measures row under consideration in Congress to give the Filipinos their freedom." Cameron Forbes, former ambassa dor to Japan, today toM a Boston au <*>nce that the Filipinos now ‘*have v »-diy more freedom than they would Lnder their own government.” “Theee proposed legistottve mea sures are being actively supported by e*r«%in Interests of the United State* not for the benefit of the Filipinos, but •or the benefit oft heir own enterpris es. he told the 80-ton Chamber of Commerce during a luncheon addre# here. Bill For U. S. Adherence To World Court Reported ,v a»hlngton. May 12— - The Protocol for American adherence to ,h * World Court, was favorably re ported to the Senate today by the or «ign Relations Committee, and 'Ponsors immediately sought an agree n '* nt for its consideration early next >n»ion. Senator Walsh, Democrat, Montana, He , or L ri? A ?“ D win* URVId OF THE ASSOCLATID PRJBSS. Two Dea d In Akron Tragedy In West i Aftei a -Horn'y voyage across the continent to San Diego. Cal., from its home station in lakahumt. N. J . the giant navy dirigible Akron, large-* 1932 Tobacco Crop Indicated Smallest In Last Seven Years Washington, May 12. (AP) A 00.000,000 pound flue-cured tobacco rop the smallest in seven years is n prospect on the basis of farmers' ntention to plant reported to the De partment of Agriculture. The acreage Is 27 percent less than ast year's harvest. Mi ls ADDED TO FAVORITE SONS Maryland’s Sixteen Dele gates To Be Given To State's Governor HOOVER TOTAL IS 921 Moose vest Managers Announce All Opposition to 111 m Ha* Vanished In Montana. Which Will Can For Him (By the Associated Press * Selection of IS delegates In Mary 'and today marked Albert C. Ritchie s fficlal entry into the Democratic -residential favorite son list. The Maryland State Convention was he only political meeting scheduled *odav. Instruction for Governor Rtt hie was assured. Last night the District of Colum bia's Republican convention instruct ed the capital’s two delegates for President Hoover, inching up his total -f instructed, pledged and claimed lelegates to 921 of the convention’s total vote of 1,15-1. Franklin D. Roosevelt’s campaign managers announced that all opposi ion to him in Montana had vanished, and the States eight votes would be instructed for the New York gover nor next Tuesday. BUDGET BALANCING FIRST, RAINEY SAYS Washington, May 12.—(AP) Represmtativs Rainey, the Demo cratic House leader, said today that, until the budget la balanced, there is “nothing to’* proposal* for a Federal bond issue for state re lief loan*. TWO INDICTEDON NARCOTIC CHARGE Asheville, May 12. — Jane conven tion? with a majority of the delegates in hlg favor, there *i* little promise now that it Fill be 'a large majority, and tt generally h»k been recognized that he must hit she two two-thirds mark early in toe proceedings or there le not much chance that he ever Will reach it, i O PAGES 0 TODAY FIVE CENTS COPX RECONSTRUCTION i OFFICIALS MEET WITH PRESIDENT Loans to Municipalities Not Contemplated Because of Number and Credit Condition ALL LOANS TO BE UPON SOUND BASIS Proposal To Be Presented to Congress, With Arrange, ment* of Extension of Loans Only to Such States As Apply for Funds From Government Washington, Kay 12.—(AP)— The compromise Federal relief program took shape today at conference* re volving about the White House and the Reconstrriction Corporation and participated Tn by Republican and Democratic leaders. As the (fiscussion concluded, Presi dent Hooter, In a statement, revealed the aim as being to ‘‘combine, sim plify and put in concrete form" va rious relief proposals. First of ail, however, Is placed a balancing of the budget. Senators Watson and Robinson Re publican and Demncratic leaders, re spectively. were visitors at the White House. Others there during the morn ing were President Dawes, of the Re construction Corpoiation; Eugene Meyer, chairman of the Federal Re* serve Board, and Secretary Mills. The President went over the situa tion separately with Watson at break fast and later with Rx>binson. Declining to discuss details, Wat -2011 said later a ‘*tentative agree ment" was in prospect. Robinson yesterday proposed a two billion dollar bond issue for Federal construction ar.d *5300,000,000 for as sistance to the Unemployed. He die* cussed this with, the President There Is evers indication the Preef lent desires to work the problem out through the two billion dohar Heron* struction Corporation. A non-partAsan relief program is ex* pected to pry loose tne w*-d*e that will make -possible an adjournment oi Congress/ by June 10. Speak & Garner and R.-presentatlvd Snell, o's Nea York, Republican lead of the House, have been in on th* relief consultations. It is understood# Washington. May 12.—(AP)—Pres** dent Hoover and members of the b.jard of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation today considered amend ments to the recurnstruction act which would allow abates to borrow from it to meet unemployment relief needs. 1 The chief executive. Charles G. Dawes, president qrf the corporation, and Eugene Meyer, chairman of the hoard, were in conference today, and have held a number of such confer ences within the past week on subject. It was undemtood that neither the President nor ‘members of the board were giving s»>rious consideration, to the lending of, money to municipalities for relief w