rut OLD HOME TOWN u.. ~—-- By STANLEy WfwHYERNie . '•; S SMEILftAfeKCR! ? C - WHAT WOULD < \ \ l } / 1 j i “Ernie SHECt-BAfSKER To THE CITY /AND WAS JUST 5 BOWING TWE B CHS A NEW AVJ » ME SAN .’ AT ONE OF THE B>Q amusement Palaces ] . ) ., ( ~ THK OLD HOME TOWN 0 , ».,,, ,>»,. By STANLEY 7otsy JM Ruined!- I THOUGHT ) " lIT WAS ECONOMY TO HIRE / '-''''T \ THAT STRANGE WAITER (. /CTIXN /^) BECAUSE HE ONLV *""% BEEN. AHEAD -." M\ ~™° MEAL.S a DAY - BUT \ TO KEPT \ UHES SKIPPED TOWN WITH TH ) JAKE EVEN ' IF HE DiDj 2?“1 ®/_T I l>4E PRoPI£>E"TOfc OF THE fRp lunch tries out fWSJy wfr^\ 4 I A LITTLE fcF TRENCHMEMT SCHEME TO HIS f'jLf di T /.. ’ 'i\ . *2/ I v>V y / > <& 1532 Leg W “’tanUy “TH\*s /jE'VE cot HEB DOWN) BELOW j WATEP HER-, \ WE GET THE CHANEL 006 Y SHE'S ' \AMO VdE'LL FIhJOOJf AJATcR LEVEL? THE QiG6t5T / QuT Wc CAhl'T DO J J OOTTOtWE RIVE& I l / VWHGM Tv-\‘ WATER. part op the job is donje. . Y tvafvt. YP) S l / w wonioer hovj badly -she'll \[ To float roo.o, ) reached her. jr , ♦ , «. * * T \-r •* * •' * , \ . *•* / v HBNDERSON, (N. c.,) DAILY DISPATCH THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1932 DID YOU KNOW? - - - By R. J. Scott\ 1,000,000 acres * W NATIONAL FoRESt% By FIRE. ■Aj 4T£ f v 3 fc) UE - hosf;i mvxndriuS yM«| born • -r*t u.^. "‘ ccj® - HK andViac;g pAetNui of au, -t* ee_ DID YOU KNOW? -- - By R.J. Scott ■■ '■ r,|i) ,1,1.: ,932. b> Central 1*1.., AraocMliun, a*r Tr,E MEW YoEK. “fills KAILBOAD SfAfiaN ay ff-AL BItAAM , fcft ICNS WHICH DATE BACK -fb -The. REIGN GV Kim C ash URNASIRPAL . AORE tF > EDtTiOW O® YUb uwwfcaSiYv tjF PEuHSVAVANIA PAGE SEVEN Colored Sin^ei To Appear Here : jl jjpflfl V/* H. J. Harris, colored singer who has had programs over the radio, is to give a recital n«UI Sunday night at ttirf Keoler A M k\ Zion church at i o dock, he announced today, saying that seats would be reserved lor whue vidtors. Harris is also expected to sing in the First PreJiyterian and First MtCJhodSrl church eu Hctiday ■doming, he said. His programs have been broadcast over WJKS. He is a tenor soloist, orguntst, p.aul-t and reader, and is a graduate of Button Conservatory of Untie and holds a scholarship to n musk conservatory in Naples, Italy. g Dispatch WANT ADS Oat Results WE HAVE ON HAND NICE LOT OF baby chicks, seed Irish potatoes and tomato plants. H. 11. Newman. 11-2 ti. DRESSMAKING AND ALTERA lions. 303 Gary Street, Rhone 9. Mrs. Roy B. Dickerson. 9-12. ATTENTION SENIORS! BRING your diptomas, let me frame them Will make you >pecUl price for next few days. Robeit A. Bialock, at Barnes Funeral Home. 12-4tl. MISS O. C. BLACKNALL, PUBLIC stenographer now located at Hen derson Book Co. Copying, multl graphing, mimeographing. mthtf NOW IT CAN BE DONE FOR LESS! Remodel, repair and paint up. Alex S. Watkins. “Where Quality Tells and Prices SeJl.” 12-ltl. SPECIAL BALANCE OF THIS week; Red Ball and Sants Paula lemon*. 17 l-2c per dozen, oranges, 46c to 50c. Nice large bananas. 20c per dozen. Eggs, fresh country. 12 l-2c per dozen. Snap*, fresh and stringless, 12 i-2c per pound. All kinds fresh vegetables received daily. t plenty fresh fish priced right. O. and H. Produce Co. 11-2 U. FOR RENT-FIVE ROOM HOUSE on North Garnett Street. W. B. Hight, phone 158. or 449. eod ts. THE FLIES ARE COMING! THEY come every year. Barricade your home with new screen wire and screen doors and protect the health and comfort of your family. Every thing you need for screening. Alex 9. Watkins 12-Ui. USED CAR BARGAINS 1630 Chevrolet Sport Coupe $266 00 „ 1628 Pontiac Ccupe, $150.00. 1828 Ford Coach $135 00. 1628 Oakland Sedan $l5O 00 1827 Chevrolet Sedan SBO,OO. 1627 Pontiac Sedan $95 00. MOTOR SALES CO. Phene K 33 Ms. ANOTHER CAR OF CHILEAN N?fC Soda. Jin w is the time to a supply. A good supply of lVfUUzer and Wood's garden i*ed KJliretl and H.-yria- 11-2li* ITS RE-ROOFING TIME! JUST when you can have it done for leas Let me show you value* in asphalt shingles. Alex S. Watkins. “Where quality Tells ana prices Sell." 12-lt. OUR MOTTO: INDIVIDUAL TOW* el* to each and every cuototner. aon itary neck bands for hair aprons, clean comb* and brushes, the best tonics, ahampoos, massage cream* and Mcalp treatment* to be had All applied by a* good barbers as you will find anywhere. Hair cut 25c shave 2rtc Allen’s Barber Shop Thura-Frl. ts. GROCERY STORES. FISH DEAL ping paper. Uae old newspapers era and market* save on your wrap Get a big bur.aie at the Daily Dis patch office tor 10c. 21-t/ FOR RENT SEVEN ROOM HOUSE on East Montgomery Street, suit able for two apartment*. Double garage and garden. Ren* reason able. Henry P. Young. 11-4»i. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF~ PARTNERSHIP Notice is harrby given that the partnership heretofore existing be tween H E Fuikner, John W. Nel son. and Charles E. Trade, trading a* the Old Dutch Market, ha* been dissolved, and the business is now own«d by H. E. Faifener. who is re sponethlc for all the debt* of the con cern. and John W. Nelaon and Chart*-s E Trado hereby notify aU persons dealing with said “Old Dutch Mar ket.” that they are no longer connect ad wlTh same and arc not liable for any of it* obligations Thie 12fh of May. 1932 JOHN W. NELSON, CHARLES E. TRADO.