HENDERSON, GATEWAY TO CENTRAL CAROLINA. NINETEENTH YEAR CURTIS Raskob In Pool That Made $3,000,000 In Radio HUGE 1929 PROFIT BARED AT HEARING IN SENATE’S PROBE Kenny, Chrysler, Schwab, Swope and Others in $12,- 000,000 Pool Net. ting Big Returns RASKOB’S SHARE IS PLACED AT $221,000 Put Up Million Dollars And in Seven Days Had Made More Than 20 Percent Net on Outlay; Committee s Attorney Testifies In Stock Inquiry P'vhington. May 19—(AP)- Profits in sis ess of $3,000,000 from a pool in Radio stock in 1929 were ascribed to Jchr J Raskf>b. chairman of the Pemerratic National Committee, and other prominent persons as the Sen ate banking committee went ahead today with its investigation of the ,«tnck market. Total profits from a seven-day pool in the Radio stock in 1929 were- sek at tt 921 078 on an investment of $12.- 683 000 Among the others in the pool were W F Kenny. Mrs. M. J. Meehan, Wal ter P Chrysler. Charles M. Schwab, j Mrs David Sarnoff and H B. Swope. The names of the pool members and their profits were read to the com mittee by William G. Gray, commit tee counsel. Raskob. Gray said, put up $1,000.- 000 and made a profit of $221,000. He said Schrgab Invested $200,000 and made $58,000. This evidence was developed for the record while Thomas E. Bragg, Wall Street trader, was on the stand. GERMAN AIR LINER DO X STARTS HOME Leoves Long Island Sound For Harbor Grace On First Leg of Flight K*W York. May 19 (API- The German air liner. DO-X. its great mnturs roaring on the silence of Gong I-land Sound, took off at 4:05 o’clock >hi- morning. EST. for Harbor Grace, F. on the first lap of It* return trip tr, Germany. The huge seaplane was flown from Nm»h Beach to Manhassett Bay last n| ght The Radio Martne Corporation Mid its reports indicate the reason ,or ’he move was & belief the Man has eti hay afforded heavily loaded planes a longer and safer runway ihan would the North Beach stretch. Tokyo Bankers * Refusal To Finance War Program Brought Fascist Action Kv < II \ HI.KK r. STKWART ' **ntral I’rran Stuff Writer Washington. May 19. -News of a na'ionallsUc outbreak in Japan is not regarded by students of the Orient ** contradictory of the theory, ex- Preined by such recent transpacific v i»itors as Congressman Ernest W. Gibson, that the island empire is •rending steadily in the direction of a Republican revolution. Indeed the suggestion is made that fascist element may have been hastened toward a decision in favor r 's vigorous action by realization of liberalism's development. While the state department has been officially s ’lent on the subject, leakage from Rovernment sources leaves no doubt 'bat Washington has not been ob vious of recent symptoms, like the bombing of the American consulate at Nagasaki, as hinting at a threaten ing state of public opinion throughout • ippon. The extent of Japan's opera tions in the last few months on the mainland also is attributed in a rge part of « desire by the mili tarists to arouse enthusiasm in a foreign venture aa a sedative to do Buy Bank Stock And Help Business To Improve In Henderson HtmlU'rsmt Batin Dispatch rULL LKABBD WIRE BERVICR or THE ASSOCIATED PRRBS. EXONERATED OF KIDN WOMAN SCHOOL TEACHER BEING SOUGHT Garner Has Scheme For Economic Help Army Dashes Hopes # * BMfc JR Hopes of the Ja*>ancs»e Sciyukat party that a coalition government could be formed Kisaburo Suzaki. above, have been dashed by the declaration of the army council that none of its members would accept the office of war minister in the new cabinet unless a national government is formed. Suzaki is home minister in the nresent cabinet. MATE SET ” FOR MEANS TRIAL Charged With Taking $104,- 000 In Lindbergh Baby Return Promise Washington, May 19. CAP)— The trial of Gaston B. Means on charges of larcency after trust and embez zlement of $104,000 in an alleged Lind bergh ransom. fraud, was set today for June 6. The formpr i 'epartment of Justice agent is accused of obtaining the money from Mrs. Edward B. McLean, estranged wife of the Washington Post publisher, on the false represen tation that he could recover the Lind bergh baby from its kidnapers. Means was not in court. He is at liberty on $50,000 bail. mestic discontent. Had they stopped with Manchuria it is felt that this plan might have succeeded temporarily, hut the Shang hai campaign evidently was a mis take. Both army and navy men here agree that the unexpected strength of Chinese resistance must have been a serious shock to Japanese command ers. Despite attempts to gloss the matter over. Washington diplomats and military experts alike point out that it cannot but be known in Japan that the mikado’s arms have suffered a severe reverse. '•lt is not denied that the expedition could have been brought to a credit able looking conclusion if funds had been available to continue it. At putting up the necessary money, however, Tokyo’s bankers drew the line. The upshot is, aa visioned here, that the military crowd finds itself in a bad jam. Fascism generally is alarmed for its status. The cabinet in office at the time the setback oc ( Continued on Page Four.). ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THIS SECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA AND VIRGINIA. Speaker of House Make* Three Suggestions for Improvement of Con ditions In U. S. BOND ISSUES FOR BUILDING PLANNED Would Also Provide Anoth er Billion for Finance Cor poration, Also 100 Million Dollars in Hands of Pres ident for Straight-Out Re lief Work Washington, May 19.—(AI*— Speaker Garner today, In a for mal statement, made three sug ■ gentians to relieve the economic situation in the country, and said he hoped the administration would cooperate with Congress in enact ing them into legislation. His program calls for the issuance of one billion dollars In bonds for a government building program, broad ening the base of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to add one bil lion dollars to its present two billion dollars capital, and passage of the HutMleston hill to place $100,000,000 In the hands of President Hoover to be used in relieving “extreme suffering in any section of the country." Garner said he was "unalterably opposed to the dole, but it must be apparent that before Congress ad journs, some real effort must be made toward taking care of the unemploy ment situation, as well as the people who are in physical distress as the result of lack of food and raiment." 1932PEACHI0P TO BE THIRD OFF Small Grain Crops In State Very Good, However, Report Asserts Raleigh, May 19. -<AP)—An Indi cated peach crop of 2.030.000 bushels for North Carolina this year, only 60 percent of a full crop, and more than one million bushels of the 3,028,000 bushels harvested last year, was re ported today as of May 1 by the Fed eral ijtate Crop Reporting Service. The condition of small grain crops May 1 was “very good," the report said. Hhether conditions had not been particularly favorable to corn, but commercial Irish potatoes and fruit crops were making good progress, EHRINIMIS ■ AT HIS OPPONENTS Answers Criticisms of Foun toin and Maxwell With Hard Blows Unity niftpatfh Rnrena, In |l>r Sir WnKrr Motel. BY J. C. lI.tSKEHVILL Raleigh. May 19.— Striking out vig orously at both his opponents for the Democratic nomination for governor in his speech here last night, J., C. B. Ehringhaus held out no olive branch to either F. T. Fountain or A. J. Max well as he lanaed wallop after wal lop upon both. In his speech here about ten days ago Fountain devoted his entire attention to Ehringhaus. and did not mention Maxwell a single time. This was interpreted as an overture of friendship from the Foun tain forces to the Maxwell camp. But Ehringhaus assailed both of his op ponents with equal vigor. Replying to Fountain's charge made in his radio speech of Tuesday night that Ehringhaus “had changed his platform and even his name" because Ehringhaus has been having his name printed as “John C. B. Ehringhaus" instead of “Blucher" as he is gener ally known, Ehringhaus said: “I shall not indulge in playing such | VContinued on Page Threap HENDERSON, N. C., THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 19, 1932 Federal Sleuths Help ' IBh|. it J. Edgar Hoover, top, and W. H. Mor a n, below, are playing im portant parts in the government’s efforts to aid in tracking down the slayers of the Lindbergh baby. Hoover is head of the justice de partment’s bureau of investigation and Moran is chief of the U. S. secret service. BIRTH CONTROL IS~" FOUGHT IN SENATE But Program Advocated In House Hearing First Time Since 1873 Washington, May 19. (AP)—While advocates of birth control were tak ing advantage of the first opjrortunity since 1873 to present their views be tore a House committee, the Senate Judiciary Committee today heard strenuous opposition. Testifying on the Hatfield bill to permit dissemination of contraceptive information by physicians. Dr. Wil liam Jerry Morgan, past president of the American Medical Association, said the legislation was dangerous, that all contraceptive methods have "more or less harmful effects.” and that there is no foundation for the charge that doctor sare handicapped in dispensing advice to mothers suf fering from physical infirmity. Amelia Earhart On First Leg Os Atlantic Flight Hashrouck Height*. N. .1., May 19 (AP) Amerial Earhart Put nam took off from Teterboro air port today for Harbor Grace, N. F., on the first teg of what she hope* wl/1 be the first anlo flight by a woman across the Atlantic. The take-off was at 2:16 p. m., eastern standard time. PETITION ON BONUS IS FILED IN HOUSE Washington, May 19.—<AP>—A petition to discharge the rules committee of a resolution for spe cial consideration * of the hill for full payment of the bonus was filed In the House tndav by Re presentative Patman, Democrat, Texas. FOR NORTH CAROLINA. Bain tonight and Friday. ( TELEPHONE VOICE DECLARED HE WAS LINDBERGH AGENT Said He Was “Jafsie," and Then Dr. Condon, When Woman Was Not Called From Classes RECENTLY SHOWED EVIDENCE OF MONEY Rented Apartment on River side Drive and Had Said She Was Ready To Pay off Big Claim; Paid SIOO Rent In S2O, $lO and $5 Bills In New York New York, May 19.—< A I*)—As sistant District Attorney Ralph Jacobs, of Kings county. Brook lyn, announced today he had sent out two detective* to find Mrs. Mary G. Ford, Broowl.vn public l school teacher, and "bring her in for questioning In connection with the Lindbergh kidnaping and ran- | soiu payment." | Mrs. Ford. Jacobs said, was a&sent today from public school 67. Brook lyn. where she teaches. He said he told detectives to proceed to 33 River side Drive. Manhattan, where he said she rented an apartment two weeks ago. Jacobs said he was informed Mrs. Ford paid SIOO for a month's rent in advance, with S2O, $lO and $0 bills. He sent for her, he said, on In formation given him by the public school authorities, and after question ing the principal of the school where she teaches. Jacobs said he questioned Frederick Schoedel, principal of the school, this morning, and that Schoedel made the following statement: “Several weeks ago a telephone call for Mrs. Ford came to the school. A man asked for her. We said we couldn't call her to the telephone dur ing the school hours, whereupon the man said: “This is Jafsie of the Lindbergh case. "Our clerk said she didn’t believe him. The man insisted, saying: "’This is Dr. Condon; I’ll like to speak to Mrs. Ford.’ "We broke the rules and called her to the phone. We heard her speak of a meeting. When she hung up, she turned around and said: *' ‘ That was my sister's doctor. He wants to make an appointment with me.’ “I called Dr. Condon on the tele phone, but was unable to reach him. We then reported the matter to Su perintendnet of Schoolß O’Shea. Some one In Mr: O’Shea’s office wrote a letter about it to Police Commissioner Mulrooney.” Jacobs said he had reported the matter to District Attorney McLaugh lin, of the Bronx, and that McLaugh lin told him he would ask Condon about Mrs. Ford when Condon ap pears at his office to go before the grand jury tomorrow. Jacobs said Mrs. Ford on Tuesday was held in $3,000 bail on a charge of having attempted to swindle Mrs. Anne Laaghlin. of Richmond Hill, out of SI,BOO. School officials investigat ing this matter, he said, started an investigation of Mrs. Ford along other lines. "It was found.” he said, "that two weeks ago she had announced she was ready to settle a $40,000 action that was pending against her.” "They said they checked on her absences from school, and found she had been away from February 25 through March 1. , "We also found that in 1924 she pleaded guilty to grand larceny in Brooklyn and was given a suspended sentence." Bids Opened For State’s Printing And on Gasoline Raleigh, May 19.—(AP)—Bid* to supply the State with gasoline for a year, and for the State printing jobs were opened fay the -State Division of Purchase and Contracts today. It was estimated 10,000,000 gallons of gasoline would be needed, and the printing will aggregate about $790,000. PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY-. APING BABY Jailed Hoaxer Absolved Os Ransom Profits Also; Probe Turns To Peacock Investigated I)fan dobson tfacock IreThAN 2,500” CANDIDATES SEEK OFFICE ON TUNE 4 K Heaviest Crop of Political Aspirants In Memory of Oldest Residents Os The State FILING TIME ENDS FRIDAY MIDNIGHT Many Counties Have Ten or More Running for Single Job, and in Wake County 19 Are Running for Three Seats in State House of Representatives Raleigh, May 19. (AP)- With in dications that more than 2,500 per sons will seek political office in the North Carolina primary June 4. the filing limit for all offices expires at midnight tomorrow. Filing time for candidates peeking State and congressional offices ex pired a month ago. but county and legislative candidates may file uatil ! midnight May 20. Reports from almost every section of the State Indicates the heaviest crop of office seekrs in the meunory of oldest residents, and the State and congressional tickets for the Demo cratic primary is the heaviest on rec ord. Many counties have ten or more persons seeking a single office, with another filing day to pass, and in Wake county 19 persons are seeking the three legislative seats in the lower house. Newborn Babe Is Found In Furnace Burlington Home RurlingUni, May 19 (AP)—Judge William I. Ward. Republican can didate for Congress, today found the body of a newborn Negro baby in the furnace of hi* home when he prepared So start a fire. Jetta Richmond. Negro, his cook, was arrested, and charged with killing thp child. Warns Os Tariffs Into Revenue B ill Washington. May 19. —(AJP)—Op- ponents of the oil tariff warped the Senate today that if the revenue bill is to be opened to the oil. opal, cop per and lumber duties, a move was in order for complete tariff revision Involving months of work. Senator Norris. Republican, Nebras ka, said he had appealed for tariff 8 PAGES TODAY FIVE CENTS COPTS Norfolk Preacher Refuses to Go to Hopewell, But Will Be Questioned at His Home unsignedlletter BROUGHT TO LIGHT Was Sent to Trenton Police Ten Days After Kidnap ing, Saying Baby and “Three Other Men * Could Be Found if Telephone Line Were Followed Hopewell, N. J.. Mav 19.—(AP) John Hughes Curtis, jailed U-idl.eigh hoaxer, today was exonerated of any connection with the actual kidnaping of the Lindbergh baby or collection of ransom as New Jersev offi-iats pressed plans for the questioning of of his companion, the Rev. H. Oobeon- F’eacock at Norfolk, Va.. conceislng his activities as a negotiator i" the case. The clergyman, revealed yesterday as having flown to Hopewell on March 28 to request Colonel Lind bergh to deposit $25,000 in a Norfolk bank as “earnest money," in connec tion with alleged negotiations with the kidnapers, declined to come to Hopewell, but he would give alt Information to the police at Norfolk. Governor A. Harry Moore, of'New Jersey, immediately announced that b«; favored sending some one to Nor folk to see wnaX. he has to say." and indicated that a representative pro bably would be, named by Colonel H. Norman Schwarzkopf, superintendent of State police. Colonel Schwarzkopf said he was **very anxious ' to con front Curtis and Peacock. At the sane time, it was learned that ten days after the kidnaping an r. nonymous 'letter was received by Chief of Poilice William Walter of Trenton, directing that If the Lind bergh telephone wire was followed, the baby and “the three ottiei men" would be found * It was recalled that special wires laid by police from the Lindbergn garage ran along the m&ir, road be- Hopewell and Princeton, near which the body of the Lindbergh baby was found a week ago. Chief Walter was quoted as hold ing the theory that the letter might have been written by one of four men who kidnaped the baby. He forwarded it to police at Hopewell, it was stated, but heard nothing further from it. MORE ARRESTS BY I HIGHWAY PATROL Over 1,090 In April, Capt. Farmer Reports; Fines Also Collected i. Unity ni»r»trfc a In the Sir Wnltsr l i.M. HV J C. HASKKR Vlf,(, Raleigh, May 19 —That the highway patrol is gradually tightening up from month to month and making more arrests, is indicated by tlie April report of activities, according to Cap tain Charles D. Farmer, commander of the patrol, pointing out tl,at. 1017 arrests were made last month. This is the first time the total l*.as gone over 1.000, at least for a get id many months. Os these 1,017 arrests madr in April, 148 were the operation of cars with improper tags, 111 for speoding. 109 for drunken driving, 90 for Improper lights, 64 for reckless drivi* g. gs for driving without any license Wag*, while 64 were arrested for being drunk on the highways. However, this number ri treated is only a small proportion of 'those who (Continued on Page t e ree.) relief for hundreds but he had op posed action because he didn't ‘hink the import duty belong'xi in the re venue bill. “But." he said, "if we aae going into it. let's go to work. T!| ere may "be 50 tariff rates to consider.” • *' Senator Tydings. Derr* ocrat, Mary land. also rpoke of 500 tariff amend ments. |

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