SofTte (Jr City Le€tgjut& Tie glims Av& Ahr&cifty Tvctittitig aMR ■ ■ R▼■ MA ■ *■» a I u<k«la.4 a r*\ . -—■ " - ' ■—-w A W ORGANIZATIONTO BE HAD SATURDAY Number of Problem* Cod* nrcted With LbcßtOir cuit To Bto-Settiecl With chances of the city ba*eb«u leattae opening within the neat ten j M v,. some of the teams have already started training. A number of the hopefuls pl«y«-d the CfNetl Sluggers yesterday afternoon at the bait park in just a practice tilt and were swamped IJ-S by that strong nine. A complete organization of the lea gue ks y*t to be done, bat step* are going forward every day in nr—ai bllng teams and players, and other incidental work that mwat be carried out before regular play can be start el. It is thought that Saturday night's meeting will be the major step toward the real organising of the loop, with the manageia of the different trams who are akao directors of the {ragua present, 'together with the other officers. This group U to for mulate plana for tha carrying on the loop through the summer, and will Ciscusa the financing of the circuit, bat this is thought to be a very small matter to handle in the face of some of the major obstacles that are loom ms at the present time that may re quire » good deal of work to get straightened out. No definite finaniciai plan has been worked out Just yet, but it was sug- STATE OK NORTH CAROLINA department or state U.UTIFICATE OK masou noN To all to whom these presents may come Greeting: WHEREAS. It appears to my sat iif art ion. by duly authenticated rec oil of the proceedings for the volh*- tirjr dissolution thereof by the unani mous Consent of all the stockholders, d poeited in my office, that the Tho I pepper Drug Company, a cor poration of this State, whose prin cipal office is situated at No G*r rett Street in the Ctty of Henderson. County of Vance State of North Caro na 'Mrs Sue R Thomas being the jimt therein and In charge thereof, rwu whom process may be served!, u* complied with the requirements cl Chapter 22. Consolidated Statutes. *of::lrd "Corporations." preliminary :o the issuing of this Certificate of D.ssolutlon: NOW. THEREFORE. I. J. A. Hart r.ess. Secretary of State of the Skate of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did on the 21* day of April. 1932. file in my of fice a duly executed and attested con sent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by aH the Burkholders thereof, which said con sent and the record of the proceed ln*i aforesaid are now on file in my ta d office as provided by law. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have hereto set noy hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 21st day of ApMl. A. D . 1932 J. A HARTNESS, Secretory of State. . ~"SPECIAL LOW Round Trip Fares HENDERSON TO Niagara Falls, IT. Y $26.80 tune 2. 10. IH. 24. 30 July H, 14. 22, 2M august 5. 11. 19. 25 September 2. 8, 10 Atlantic City, N. J $16.95 .lone 17. 24 July 1, S. 15. 22. 29 tug list 5. 12. 19. 26 s 'eptemher 2, 9. 16 Ticket* I.wnlted ia Day* Rate* to Many Other New Jersey Resort* StnfMl\er* Allowed * ‘ Far InforinstlsN'^e' >1 C. C AFP». T*r*ed Agent H. F.. PLEASANT*. DPA. Raleigh, N C. Seaboard AIR LINK hallway I BIG CLEAN SWEEP I I USED CAR SALE I I Now Going On I I If Interested In Real Money Saving Values Attend This Sale. I LEGG-PARHAM COMPANY I Kested at Tuesdays meeting that each ! n l n ?. ber of each team contribute a small amount toward the buying of baseballs and each club furnish the other necessary playing material, r Juat what progress the different managers have made in forming their cloba has not been learned, but It is thought that they will be ready to submit a complete roater of their Playene at the meeting on Saturday n ‘gbl uud these manager's will be given contracts for their players to •Ign. to be filed with the president as soon as the signatures are obtained so that no player will be playing foe more than one cluh. To kaep the play ers in line, a firm or a forfeiture of the game* that ineligible players par tiepate in will be the penalty. This must be deolded jhg the dirartore meeting, and was brought at the last meeting and. met with the ap proval of ail those prseent. There are proapaetar ot m * Uwel UUI j‘ B , ***?! W “ h at >•“* oHata in it. and more wanting to Join. Foxx Hits H6mer With Bases Full To Win For AV Philadelphia. May 20. -(AP)—Jim my FoxX's llth home run of the sea son came with the bases full in the yesterday to give the AtnltUtK a 4 to 2 victory over the Red Sox. Foxn came to bat in the first in ning after a single by Haa*. Coch ranes double and a walk to Slm inoas filled the baj*. He cracked tha ball over the roof of the left field stands. Kline started on the hill for Boston and was yanked after Wil liams followed Foxx's drive with a single. Lizenbee blanked the Athletics the rest of the way. allowing only two hits. Be^tlrsl riJEDMONT LEAGUE Raleigh 8; Asheville 0. Wilmington 1; Winstorv-Salem 0. Greensboro 10; High Point 9. Charlotte-Durham, cold. AMERICAN LEAGUE Washington 8-12; New York fi-7. Philadelphia 4; Boston 2. Others* not scheduled. NATIONAL LEAGUE Pittsburgh 3; Brooklyn 2. Chicago 4; Cincinnati 3. Others not scheduled. NOTICE OF NEW REGISTRATION IN EAST HENDERSON PRECINCT The Registration Book for East Hen derson Precinct having been mis placed, a new registration for said Precinct is hereby ordered. All persona dot,iring to vote in the Primary and in the General Election are urged to attend to this important duty as promptly as possibfe. The law expects every person entitled to vote to do so. but it does require the voter to personally see to his or her regis tration. which is absolutely essential in order to vote. Mr. C. M. Cooper, Jr., Is the Reg istrar. This April 29th., 1932. VANCE COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS. By J. H. BRIDGERB, Chairman, By R. E. CLEMENTS. Secretary NOTICE (IF SALE OF AUTOMO BILE SEIZED IN THE ACT OF TRANSPORTING WHISKEY Notice is herebby given that the un dersigned. sheriff of Vance County, by authority of law, will on Monday the 30th day of May, at the court house doer In Henderson N. C., at 12 o'clock on said day. offer for sale by public auction for cash: 1 Model A Ford Touring Oar. 1928 model, motor No. A, 75633. licens ' No. I 363650. Thia car was taken from the posses sion of Willie Mulkn who has been convicted in t*te Recorders Court of Vance County for transport mg whisky in said car. and by a judgment of said court the car has been ordered con fiscs tad and sold. This llth <tay of May. 1932. J E. HAM LETT. Sheriff of Vance County. HBHM»tSON> (K. C.',) DAILY DTS7ATCB, F ET'D AY, MAY 20,- 1992 w ITRBMIINT LEAGUE W. L. Pet. Salem 13 8 618 Wkrmngton 13 9 M1 g r, .".” t0 ~ » ™ tfT"* « 11 .421 O'" 1 *"* 11 .389 AMERICAN LEAGUE W. L. Pet. Y< »* 8 .704 Waabtajfton 2 1 9 .700 CleveWl 14 563 Detroit 15 12 .556 St, I.oula 15 17 46t) Chtaiagio 9 32 j Ro * Um 5 23 .179 NATIONAL LEAGUE Club: W. L. Pet. Chicago 22 0 .710 Bo4 *on IT 10 .630 Cincinnati 18 17 .514 34 Eouie 15 16 .484 PhUadetpbta 1 3 17 .435 New York- 10 14 .417 BroekVn 12 17 .414 PKteburgh 10 17 .370 Toda^j^mes] PIEDMONT LEAGUE Durham at Winston-Salem. High Point at Charlotte. Asheville at WUmington. Radalgh- at Greensboro. AMERICAN LEAGUE Washington at New York. Boston at PW ladeiphia. ‘St. Louis at Cleveland. Detroit at Chicago . NATIONAL LEAGUE Ohlongo at Cincinnati. I*kl sburgh at St. Louie. New York at. Brooklyn Philadelphia ut Boston. Baseball Captain For 1933 Elected By Davidson Team Davidson, May 20- Lettermen in baseball at Davidson college have selected Earle Bradsher of Mebane, as captain of the 1933 baseball nine, and at the same time nomed George Neal, of Ruffin, as varsity manager, and Ansley Watson, of Aendeyson, S. C.. as freshmen manager. Bradsher will be completing his third year as a member of the Wild cat baseball aggregation next spring, and has been one of the most impor tant cog* on the Davidaon nine. He plays in centerfield. and covers a lot o fterritovy, seldom making an error. On numerous occasions he has made sensational catcher His hitting is good, and he closed this season with a percentage of .353, two points be low the leader for.the year. FEREBEE, POWELL CAPTAIN CAROLINA Chapel Hill, May 20. —Two ballot ings and the vote still stood 9-9. So the Carolina baseball players decided they wanted co-captains for net year anyway. The men elected today are Smoky Ferebee, star shortstop, and Willie Powell, star third baseman. Ferebee is from New Bern, Powell from Dan ville, Va., and both have been regu lars for two seasons. KERSEY DIAMOND LEADER FOR DUKE Durham. May 20. Arthur Kersey, of Somerville. Mass., was today elect ed captain of the Duke University baseball team for the 1933* season. Kersey has the record of having played every minute of every game on Duke's schedule for the past two ! seasons. As second-sacker he has been a valuable aid to the Blue Devils both in hitting and in fielding. The Piedmont Parade - 1 Twins Good To Tars. The Winston-Salem Twins ware good to the Wilmington Tars in Win ston-Salem. They handed the Tars last night s game by giving them the only run scored in the contest. Two errors by Joe Martin, shortstop, a hit batstnan and a base on balls forced Hal Weafer home in the seventh for a 1-0 Tar victor). Pkte Wtn Shiffeot from Pointers. Tallying four runs in the eigbtb inning to tie the score with the High Point Pointers last night in Greens boro. The aPts pushed over another counter in the tenth to take a verdict of 11M). Caps Blank Tourist. Big George Petty was right last night and allowed the Agheville Tourist seven hits which he kept well scattered to give the Raleigh Caps an 8-6 victory in Ratekrh. Cap*, led by Kilpatrick, Martin and Strain, gar nered 15 safeties off Bass and Mit chell. Tourist hurlers. Ckaristte-Dkrfaun. weather forced the cancella tion of the Bse*-Bulls game yesterday in Durham. CAPTAINS CHOSEN' FOR 1933 TECHMEN Raleigh, May 20.—Joel Mbrris, of Raleigh, and Jimmy Brown, of James ville, were last night elected to co captuins of the State College base ball team for 1933 by members of this year’s team. Morris is a former Raleigh high school star. He is a junior at State this year and haa been a regular member of the varsity club during the last two years, playing third base moat of the time. Brown is experiencing his first year as a member of the varsity team. However, he is considered to be one of the best College shortstops in the Stute. He is also a star baseketball player. COOMBS SELECTS ALL-STATE TEAM Durham. May 20. (AP)— Six Duke players, four from W&ke Forest, two from State and one from Carolina composes an all-State baseball team named today by Coach Jack Coombs of Duke. With the statement, “It is the best college pitching staff I have ever seen," Coach Coombs named Duke's entire hurting corps on hit mythical aggregation along with Junie Barnes Wake Forent leR-hander. DUKE MOUND STAR WILL JOIN MACKS Philadelphia. May 20.—(AP)—Em mett J. "Big Tim" McKeittaan, star right-hand pitcher of the Duke Uni versity baseball team came to an un derstanding with the Philadelphia Athletics today and will report to the American League champions fol lowing final examinations at Duke about June 3, a dispatch from Dur ham said. STATE LOOKS FOR BIG SUMMER ROLL Raleigh. May 20.—Inquiries reach ing the office of Dean T. E. Browne, director of the State College school, which begins this year on June 13. indicate an attendance that will equal if not exceed that of other summers. "Teachers are no doubt realizing that the only way to Increase their salaries next year Is to Increase the grade of their certificates and we arc receiving numerous requests and re servations for , rooms. ’’ Director Browne said. Many colieg students in* easy ac cess to the school are planning to at tend this hummer because of dif ficulty in securing vacation employ ment. The faculty for the summer session will include about fifty of the regular professors at the college and in ad dition several outstanding teachers from other institutions. FARM PROGRAM IS MAKMADWAV Many Individual* Returned T 6 Ffcrai Wbrk’ Em ployment Total 21,956 t»»l*r ilurmi, la Iks Sir Walln- lluta-l BT J. C. BASKKRVILL. Raleigh, May 20.- The "Farm Im provement and Subsistence Program" which was launched several weeks ago In this State by the Aemrican Leglpa (Employment Committee in co-operation with North Carolina State College, is making good head way, officiate of the committee re ported.. To date a totel of 376 persons with farming eperience have bean re turned from towns and cities to farms. For the net two weeks Major Paul R. Younts, the assistant director of the National Employment Commis sion, will make a tour of the State in the interest of the employment drive and will urge the various posts visited to take an active part in returning as many agricultural workers to the farms as possible. According to Mark T. McKee, the eecutlve director of the nationwide drive, the .assignment of Major Younts to assist In the drive in North. Carolina has been made In recognition of the outstanding work of the American Legion In the em ployment campaign In North Caroline. The total number of persons re turned to work sinoe the opening of the State campaign three months ago is now 21,956. Over fifty per cent of the posts in the State have thus far participated in the drive. This per centage is above the average for the nation as a whole. The following cities have obtained over one thousand jobs each: Ashe ville, 1,168: Charlotte. 3,365; Greens boro. 1,666; High Point, 1,292; Kan napolis, 1.283; Morehead City, 1.638; Wilmington, 1.063-, Winston-Salem, 1- 135. The grand total for the United State* is 780,747 job* since the open ing of tha Wdr Against Depression. NO MORE OPINIONS UNTIL MIDDLE JUNE Raleigh, May 20 (AP) - Tho State Supreme Court will not hand down any more opinions until June 15. Chief Justice Stacy announced today. The court completed hearing oral urgugxnents this week, and has before It something like 150 cases awaiting a decision. DO-X ARRIVES NEAR HOPPING OFF POINT Holyrood, N. F„ May 20. (AP)—'The* gtenl airofeuu*. DO-X, en route to Kuto|m% huadexl at Holy rood at 9:20 a. 111, KKT., after flying from IMJdo, where it wu forced to land yesterday. up* w * * .3 mL .* j Hon. John C. B. EHRINGHAUS Democratic Candidate For the Nomination of Governor Will Speak At The Court House inr Henderson Monday Night, May 23, at 8 O’clock Men and women are cordially invited to hear this able exponents Democracy. Vance County Ehringhaus Campaign Committee AN APPRECIATION.. Joel Penn Thomas was born Feb. 28, 187 T in Ffftitktfn county, his peo- Ple for gtnemtiocifl having coins -from this county. He died April 14. .lNfrin Henderson at the home of his niece, Mrs. H. E. Chxvame. with whom he resided- He was the so* of Joe)- K. and Julia Branch Thomas, aad by inheritance he possessed those char acteristics which placed him most de cidedly in th* class company the highest type of southern manhood He descended. on both side# from.a long line of ancestry of note In colonial and revolutionary days. The family Henderson when he was a little child and most of his life was spent here. He early connected himself with the Methodist Episcopal church and was ever conscientious. In the dichacg* of his duties. Alt ho handicapped from his youth by deafrreas. which prevent ed him inking active part in the-work and hup pen lag 4 of hla church ■ and community, he was never gloomy or the least bit unpleasant or morse. On the other hand he was very hu morous and. often gave pleasure to others by little article* that he wrote.- which not only brimmed over with wit and brightness, but also, gave ex pression to some little thought that would twist one's heart stringa with tenderness. Only those who knew his Intimately could form a just estimate of his character. He possessed Jins judgment and the highest regard for truth and honesty, which he daily put into prac tice with hla fetlowmen. Os unswer ving integrity, he always held hie own opinions in regard to public affaire, and it may be said of him that with out ostentation he ever wore about him "the white flower of a blameless life” All the graces of a Christian gen tleman were his, as evidenced in the family life, for the children, nieces, nephews, great nieces and great nep hews. were perfectly free with him. He was one of them, their pal, ever ready to go with them and do their bidding. His going haa left a deep sorrow In the hearts- who knew him best. By one who loved him. U 4.. / •-» , PAGE FOUR POLITICAL NOTICES Special Notice This Is to notify all candidates fur office that poll Urn I us tie— fndilisbril iu tiki.* colunut or rln-whwe In Un Daily Dispatch are rash in advance■ Itett-M furnished upon appiteatiod. FOR RECORDER I hereby announce tny candidacy for Recorder of Vance Count* aubJeaL to the Democratic primary. June 4th* and will appreciate your vote. R E. CLEMBKT9. FOB COUNTY .COMMINKiONER I am a candidate Lg Co«a*y Coarv mission er for Che two year term, sub ject to the Democratic primacy ol June 4. Will appreciate yotiT vote and support. S. R. ADAM 9. FOR) HOUHK OF R K KRRMWT ATIV EM I hereby announce my candidacy for the State House of Representa tives subject to the Democratic pri mary of June 4, and solicit your aup |K>rt. with the pledge that 1 shall en deavor to give honest service in be h«K of the people. O. S FALKNER. FOR KROORDRR I hereby announce myself a candi date lor th» office of Keuordor. to suc ceed mpuU. subject to the Democratic Primary. Ydor support will be very much ap preciated. T. S. KITTRELL. FORSHKRIPF I hereby announce myneif as a can did* Ip to succeed myself as Sheriff of .Vance County, subject to the Demo cratic Primary on June 4th. If nomi nated and elected I shall at ail time* carry ou* the duties of thia office to the beet of my ability, and aa eoono ertirally as possible, as I have done In the past. Yout support and vote wtU be greatly appreciated. J. F.D. HAM LETT. FOR TIIE SENATE I hereby- announce my candidacy for Che State Senate from (he district composed of Vance and Warren coun ties. subject to the Democratic pri mary of June 4. and will apppreciale your support. W. S. CORBITT. FOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES To the people of Vance County- I hereby -innounce myself as a candi date for the House of Representatives, subject to the action of tha Democratic primary on Juno 4, 1932. Your vote and Influence will be sincerely appre ciated. M. C. PEARCE. ~ FOR STATE SENATE I hereby announce rny egftdldacy to represent Vance and Warren coun ties In the Senate of the North Caro lina General Assembly, subject to the actio* of the Democratic Primary. .June 4th . 1932. Your jupport will be deeply appre ciated. ' . D. P. MCDUFFEE. I' FOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I hereby announce my candidacy for re-Me*.-U<»n to the House of Reprrsott tntivee. subject to the Democratic pri mary of June 4. If elected I shall continue my efforts to bring about a tax reduction. Your support will be appreciated. JOHN B. CRUDUP. FOR REGISTER OH DEEDS. I hereby announce myself as a can didate to Hucceed myself as Register Os Deeds of Vance county, subject to 1 the Democratic Primary on June 4. 'lf nominated and elected to this of fice 1 shall at all times carry out the duties of the office to the best of my ability, and as economically as possible, as I have done in the past. Your support and vote will be greatly appreciated. HORACE M. ROBINSON. FOR CONSTABLiI I wish to announce that I am a candidate for township constable of ' Henderson township to succeed my •elf, subject to the Democratic pri mary on June 4. Your vote and .sup port will be greatly appreciated. E F. MURPHY. FOR CORONER I heroby announce myself a candi date for Coroner of Vance county sub ject to the Democratic Primary June 4. Your support will be greaOy ap preciated. ELVIN O. FALKNER. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER* To the Voters of Vance County: I hereby announce my qandidacy as a member of the Board of County Commiaeieaers of Vance County for the two-year term subject to the Democratic Primary. June 4. 1932 I will appreciate your support and vote. H B PARROTT. ' for COUNTY COMMISSIONER I am a candidate for county 00m mkeioneT for one of tha four year teem*, --object to the Democratic pri mary *1 June 4. I shall greally ap preciate your support and your vote. W. R. VAUGHAN. W. H. Boyd T{<Tfl«rtcv<sl Knclnrrr and Surveyor Office in Ijiw Building Office i'hone J!W llotae Ptrrnq 10 1

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