HENDERSON, GATEWAY TO CENTRAL CAROLINA. nineteenth year SECOND PRIMARY -V «fk M « o * * * * * * * * 7 // /'t’c X/// Guard And Escape Cary Prison Farm 0. H. BRANfLEY IS ! FATALLY SHOT BY THREEWHITEMEN: Trio Then Commandeer Passing Automobile and Make Good Their Daring Escapade 7KEY TAKE GUARD .| IN TOTAL SURPRISE | Come Up From Behind And Press Gun Against. His Body; Robert! Cook and Dud Travis Are Three Desperadoes in the Hold-Up Raleigh. June 7.—(AP)-Three pri toners confined at the State Prison (inn at Cary, four miles from here. •Aot and fatally wounded D. H. Brant ley. ramp steward, this morning and made theit escape In an automobile they commandeered from a passerby. Hrankley died in a hospital thla aft ernoon several hours after a pistol buitet from a weapon in the hands of one of the three plowed into his side. 1 .up prl* mere. James Autry. Rob eit Cook and Dud Travis, all wtttf sen *ho( Brantley while struggling w.th turn over the possess ton of a eSi.gcn. 1 ney had previous*# taken h m unawe re j from the back, placed a p.i oi against his body and ordered am to give them safe passage ho. the farm o»mp stockade. Bunt ley compiled with the orders tha: he conduct the men from the camp and oi dared a guard to put down hU shetgur As. one of the escaping men believe dto have been either Tra '*s or Ccok. reached for the Shotgun, Bran'ley gg rap pled with him. He dto charged both barrets of the gun. and *•* than chot. British Cabinet Officials Confer With de Valera Dublin Iriah Free State, June 7. —Legisla tion to mike short selling and partict petlon in stock market pools a crime was advocated In the Senate today by Senator Wheeler. Democrat, Mon tana "I hope the banking commattee will 8"> to the bottom of this stock market debacle." said Wheeler. “Not ao much w. h the idea of sending somebody to the penitentiary, but With the ktaa of passing legislation to prevent this thing occurring In the future, and ’ho: will prevent these people from rrying on their pools, and likewia© Tmile H criminal to carry ton abort ng. as hat been done in the New Tork Stock Exchange.” Mantairrsmt Hatht Utsnotrh r or L THff A fE? WIHB SBRVICB or the AfUMKHATED PRESS. As Hausner Hopped ' - : Li - i • «< . WKw / \ '-wflaa-e - : • f °? ln * pr *T ioas «ttempt to span the Atlantic. Stanley Hausnet f S h .k to ° k *!5 * ffect J on * t * farewell of his wife just before he took off for the second time from the Floyd Bennett Airport L. I. At right. Hausner s monoplane, the “Santa Rosa." is shown as it soared away into the mists in the direction of the wide Atlantic with inland its ultimate destination. Eight Dead, 6 Missing After Apartment Burns Nearly Two Score Others Burned or Injured In Cleve land Holocaust; Huge Cr owd Sees Helpless Figures Silhouetted Against Windows Inside Cleveland, Ohio, June 7. (AIM Eight persons were known dead, a half dozen were missing and nearly two score others were burn ed or Injured In an explosion and fire which gutted the slx-atory Ellington apartment building In downtown Cleveland early today. Firemen from 25 fire companies hacked at the still smouldering ruins in search of the missing, while an investigation was started as to the origin of the explosion. Police and fire wardens reported they were hampered In their work Six Are Dead In Ambulance Crash rollings wood, N. J., June 7. (AP)—Six persons were killed and another seriously Injured early to day when an ambulance speeding to a hospital with an injured three year-old glr| collided at a street Intersection with an automobile. The child suffered a fractured skull In the collision and died sev eral hours later. HOME LOAN BANK BIT IS APPROVED Given Legislative Pteferenc® In House by The Rule# Committee Washinjrton. j une 7.—(AP)— Tha administration program for establish ment of home loan banking system was approved and given legislative preference today by the House Rule# Committee. Chairman Pou said the rule allow ing two hours debate on the Reilly home loan bill had been “overwhelm ingly approved” by the committee, and that the measure would be brought to a House vote before adjournment, WIFE IS KILLED IN CRASH IN HOLD-UP Nashville, Tenn., June T.—(AP) — A bandit clinging to the running board of J. B. Klng*e automobile knocked him unconscious near here last night and the car plunged Into a ravine, killing his wife. Two bandits blocked the highway and robbed King of his pocketbook and watch. NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THIS SECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA AND VIRGINIA. ONLY DAILY of staeblishing a definite casualty list by the fact the only list of tenants known to be in existence was des troyed in the fire. Cause of the blast was unknown. The Ellington hostelry, of an older era and locale of many brilliant events in the early part of the century, was a scene of horror from about 12:30 a. m. until dawn. A crowd of 10.000 watched In horo as screaming figures were silhouetted against the windows. The body of an unidentified man hurtled fro mthe fifth floor to lodge on a second floor ledge. warnmeW ON BONUS SEEKERS Washington Official Invib. * ing Service Men Against Orders Washington, June 7.—(A P)— Pelham C. Glaasford, superinten dent of police, has been warned by Police Commissioner Herbert B. Crosby that his continued efforts to shelter and Seed' the bonus marchers might lead to his “pre empts ry dismissal” by the White House. This notice ,lt was authoritative ly said today, followed criticism made to District of Columbia com missioners by members of Con gress and several government of ficials. They complained that Class ford’s arrangements to bivouac the veterans had served to Increase the numbers marching toward the capital, while the administration was endeavoring to discourage the Influx. There has been criticism also of Glassford go ng lo the White House last wees without kiforrt ledge or consent of the commis sioners to solicit ai dfor the vet eran*. “HIT-RUN" SLAYER ~ AT GRAHAM SOUGHT Graham, June 7.—(AP)—Police today searched for the owners of an automobile carrying license NoJW-3W NC, which last night sides wiped another machine near here, killing one person and in juring two more. J. K. Arvtn, 25, of Greensboro, was instantly killed and Miss Frances Thomas and Sirs. J. W. Simpson. Jr* were Injured, but not dangerously. HENDERSON, N. C., TUESDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 7, 1932 FOR GOVERNOR IS UNLIKELY it M U M M M ■# o HOOVER FURLOUGH IN LIEU PAY CUTS ; BEATENINSENATE Adverse Vote Is 41 to 36, With Bailey Paired Against Measure on the Vote Taken GARNER AID PLAN ASSURED OF VOTE War Department Bill Sharp, ly Trimmed In Senate With Seven Million Lopped Off From Measure That Pass ed House When Vote Was Taken There Washington. June 7.—(API— The Senate today rejected the Hoover fur lough plan proposed as a substitute ! for a ten percent government pay cut. The vote against the furlough plan was 41 to 38, Among those paired j against the plan was Senator Bailey, Democrat, North Carolina. Under the plan advocated by Presl | dent Hoover, and sponsored in the Senate by Senator Moses, Republican, New Hampshire, officers and em ployees paid on an Annual basis would 1 have been furloughed without pay for | one month of the ilext fiscal year. The House today voted to consider the Garner relief program under drastic procedure that virtually as sures Its approval in a short time. By a vote of 2355 to 189. it accepted a rule for consideration o fthe bill, under which it will be impossible to get anywhere in the House with any other relief plan. The War Department appropriation bill, cut from (392.586,146 as passed by the House to (385,794.099. was re ported to the Senate today by the ap propriations committee The committee rejected a House provision cutting the number of army officers from (t 2,000 to (10,000 . The large.it single reduction was a slash in rivers and harbors work funds, cut (5,772,510 from approxi- ! mately (60,000.000 in the House bill. 1 Hoover Speech In Senate Timed To Show Leadership, Democratic Critics Claim By CHARLES P. STEWART Central Press Staff Writer Washington, June 7. —According to loud criticism from the Democrats, President Hoover’s recent surprise ap pearance in the senate echamber, to urge the tax bill’s immediate passage, was a stage-managed affair, intended to present the White House tenant in the role of a great leader, making the solons jump through his hoop. Democrats says: It is true that the senators were just ready to pass the tax bill any way. It is true that they were on the point of doing so late on May 30. when Senator David A. Reed, of Pen nsylvania. who reputedly is close to the president, succeeded in stalling off the vote. It is true that the president paid his visit and delievered his message on May 31 before the lawmakers had had time to start work—and that the bill’s passage at that same session probably was calculated to give an erroneous impression, to folk unfamiliar with the circumstances, that he had hurried them up. Nevertheless, It assuredly was not solely to enable President Hoover to exhibit his leadership that Senator Reed prevented action on the tax bill in the waning hours of May 30. Demol crate declare. There was at least one other reason for the delay. It seems to have arisen from an ex cess of confidence on Secretary of the Treasury Ogden L. Mills’ part that WEATHER FOB NORTH CAROLINA. Fair: slightly cooler in central and northeast portions tonight; Wednesday partly cloudy; slightly cooler. —■ Elections Bo#rd To Meet Friday KalHgh. June 7.-sfAF> The State Board of Flections today was called to meet here at noon Friday to canvass the result* of last Sat urday‘a Statewide primary. Judge J. ( rawford Biggs, chair man of the hoard, decided to hold the meeting Friday m ((emneraUc county conventions —i*. he held Saturday, the date on Yrhlrh the canvass is usually made. BOTH EHRINGHAUS ~ AND REYNOLDS ARE HOLDING TO LEADS Practically Complete Re turns Give Reynolds 150,- 049 and Senator Mdrrison 138,605 EHRINGHAUS VOTE NOW TOTALS 164,674 Fountain Makes Some Gains To Run Up His Figure to 112,419 and Maxwell Now Stands 100,560; Reynolds 4 Lead for Senate With 4,. 000 in Halifax , Charlotte. June 7 —Eighteen hundred and seven of 1,823 precinct* give for United States Ser%tor. Rey- I no Id* 150,049; Morrison 138,605; Bowie, j 37.680; Grist 28.580. J. C. B Ehringfriaue of Elizabeth \ City, continued to pace the three can- ; dadates seeking the Democratic gub ernatorial nomination, despite large | gains in some sections by Lieutenant Governor R. T. Fountain, of Rocky Mount. Returns from 1.872 precinatu grave ! Ehringthaus 164.674 vote*. Fountain : *112,419 and Maxwell 100 560 * Reynolds jumped his lead to almost I 12.000 votos when Halifax eoypty, ! which gave the Asbeviße wet cendi- 1 ! date a majority of more than 4,000 1 votes, reported oomptete. he could not possibly have made a mistake As has been explained previously, Secretary Mills, early in 1932. decid ed on the amount of money Uncle Sam will need to get through the 1932-33 fiscal year and listed the taxes which he estimated would bring the required sum into the treasury. At that particular juncture his fig ures were ail right. However, business has so consider ably declined to doubt that the taxes he had suggested would yield as much as indicated four or five months back. These doubts having bee nexpressed to Secretary Mills, he nevertheless be lieved his original figures correct. Almost at the last minute, however, after Senator Millard E. Tydings of Maryland had made a speech on the subject, charging that the budget was not being balanced at all, apparently Secretary Mills decided to check his reckonings over—and was rather sur prised. one may £ueas, to discover he was. indeed, about (285.000.000 “shy," to borrow a poker term. The situation was of such urgency as to necessitate Senator Reed's re sort to dilatory tactics on May 30 and to bring President Hoover to Capitol Hill betimes on May 31. j It is not unlikely that the Idea was to kill two birds with one stone—to enable the president to demonstrate his leadership, and simultaneously to iContinued ob Page Three.) RE-SUBMISSION IS CONSIDERED SOUND ** " < Washington, June 7.—-(AP)—Poet master General Brown told newspaper men today he believed the propoeal to place a prohibition plank in the Republican platform calling for re submlssion of the ..queetlon was PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY» Morrison Certain To Seek New Vote, Observers Believe To Write Platform i .% r -7 h '%r i \ \ & u. * 1 >1 ■ I ■ mm f Senator Cordell HuH. of Tennessee, above, has been settled upon by the supporters of Governor Rooeevelt, candidate for the Democratic nomina tion for presides*, as chairman of the Tesolut kyis committee of the conven tion. Which will draft the platform. PLAN RECIPROCITY IN WAR DEBT IDEA New French Premier Make* Hit in Chamber hy Hit Bold Proposal POLICY AT LAUSANNE Government Will Take Determined Stand Against Violation of Treat ies and Contracts aa Be tween Nations Paris. June 7.—(AP) - Premier Edouard Herriot today made a de claration for the reciprocity In war debts and reparations negotiations at Lausanne June 16. and there was every indication he would receive a heavy vote of confidence from the Chamber of Deputies. The entire Left, with the exception of the communists, and a goodly por tion of the Center group, applauded the premier’s cabinet speech, and his predecessor, Andre Tardieu, of the moderate Rights, openly accepted some passages. Premier Herriot opened hi 6 Lausan ne remarks with the statement that his government would take a deter mined stand against violation of treaties and contracts between na tions. Fears Felt for 340 Who Abandon Fishing Steamer Tokyo, June 7- -(AP)—A dispatch to the Rengo News Agency from Hakodates. Japan, today said grave fears were felt there for the safety of 300 Russian fishermen and 40 mem bers of the crew of the Japanese fish ing steamer Genzan Maru who aban doned the ship yesterday off Kara ginsky island, east of Kamchatka. SHOUSE ACCUSED BY ~ SENATOR WHEELER Washington. June 7.—(APl—Jouett Shouse was Reused- to a statement today by Senator Wheeler, of Mon tana, of using his national committee office with the Democrats to aid the “atop Rooeevelt” movement. Wheeler was one of those meeting •in New Tork Sunday when- friends of Governor Rooeevelt decided to of fer Senator Walsh of Montana as per nament chairman in place of Shouse, who had bejn recommended by the arrangements committee, __ _ 8 PAGES TODAY FIVE CENTS COPTS Reynolds* Scant Lead Small Enough To Hold Out High Hope* to the In cumbent Senator FOUNTAIN S CHANCE REGARDED AS SLIM Would Have To Hold AH Hit Former Support and Get Most of Maxwell’s, Which Would Be Very Im probable; But He May Call for the Run-Off llnlly n«r*i*, In the Sir llnllrr Hafrl ttV J. I'. IIASKKKYJt.L Raleigh, June 7. No second pri mary between J. C. B Ehringhaus and Lieuenant R. T. Fountain for the Democratic nomination for governor will be called for by Fountain, ac cording to- political observers here, on the basis of almost complete re turns from Saturday's primary, giv ing Ehringhaus a lead of approxi mately 50,000 votes over Fountain, who is In second place. No statement has yet been made by Fountain or hia managers, but opinion here is that it would be the height of folly for Fountain to demand a second pri mary and subject himself to what would be certain to be a second crush ing defeat at the hands of Ehring haus. A second primary is regarded as in evitable. however, between Robert R. Reynolds, of Asheville, and Senator Cameron Morrison for the nomination for United States Senator. Senator Morrison has not yet made eany state ment, but very few if any believe he will permit Reynolds to take the nom ination by the few thousand votes he is now leading Morrison, without demanding a second primary. Morri son’s friends believe he will have an excellent opportunity to win the nom ination in a second primary, although Reynolds* friends are also confident that he will again be able to be high man. The principal interest here is cen tering in whether or not there will be a second primary between Ehringhaus and Fountain, since there is virtually no doubt about a second primary be tween Reynolds and Morrison. If Fountain should demand a sec ond primary, as some few think he may, he would have to get every one if the 93,000 or ao votus that he re ceived Saturday, as well as fully half of the 78,000 votes Maxwell received in third place, in order to be within striking distance of the 143.000 to 145,000 votes Ehringhaus received and would have to get tv/o-thirds of the Maxwell vote as well a sail of hia own. inorder to have a chance to de feat Ehringhaus, and then would have a lead of only about 5.000 votea. But Fountain car not count on get ting all the votes 'that were cast for him Saturday In a second primary, nor can he count on getting even 50 per cent of Maxwell’s vote, much less two-thirds of the Maxwell vote, which Would be necesitfary for him to win, according to political dopestert here. In fact, it is b«>lieved here that in a iecond primary, Ehringhaus would get a maority of not Jess than 75.000 (Contlnibed on Page Three.) U.s. GUNBOAT FIRES ON CHINESETROOPS Protection Extended Brit UK Ships Being Robbed of i SIIO,OOO s 4 V Shanghai. June 7. -(AP)—The Ex change Telegraph reported today that the American gunboat Oahu had fired in Chinese soldiers who were attack ing twr> British seamen. They were attacking the river boats Wenltu and Kiawco. the dispatch said. The Oahu's gunners drove off the attack, with many casualties. The Wanliu was carrying (110.000 in cash when she ran aground last night in the upper Yangtze river. 40 mile* below the town of Chungking. The Kiawo came alongside and started taking off the money cargo and passengers whan a large num ber of Chinese soldiers, whom tha Exchange Telegraph described ss men of the reguisr army, appeared and demanded the money. When the demand was refused, tiers was guuXlre*