MAJUUAQES PAMTIEfI social ACTivirma tl«»|OS OF MORNING. O'# jutkle.ily 1 »»W the morning in , filler. mighty ’nornlng honed of five bloo n: ' f of the purpled Orient, lodged o meekly. u.jtrr** of Ulleet tower, of deepect done. Ttnit the white eurt&ln’s of rarth* humbleet room, j know not how that glory ley #o compassed. [ n («!»tim*l within mv vision’s there ff\y [ instent knew i*«s descration r , *t«nd beholding, ere entranced, there. I,*: mortal bitterness breathe on it mortal fear. _Anne Young In New York Timee. \ (iueata of Mrs. W . W. Parker. yii»3 Hazel Mars lev and brother. jL'ten sre -pending the week-end with yj,. \V \V. Parker. From Beaufort y m Margaret Hill and Mtae Lila fT.:. of Beaufort, are guests in the flt) To B- P. W. Convention. y r « W. D. Masaee. Misses Meta Rjokei Elizabeth Fox and Mary Mc- E!*ee left today for Winston-Salem ’■j it!en«t the B. P. W. convention there. Attend B. P. AV. C (invention, yr and Mrs. R B. Green. Misa Car et Draper. Mrs. Crawford Daniel and yrt. H A Jordan left yesterday .for Winston ;*aiem where they will at tend the B. P. W. convention In that Ctr Bobbitt News Br MISS MARION W(K)DUEF Tae >oung people of the Bobbitt run at Simms Bridge- on ft R vrr Ihuisduy atfemoon to en p ng. sw;mmang and afteTwarde j jK3.c 3upp**t% A number of small fx S‘ V caught. Mbw Madolyn EH agrt catching seven which was the number caught by any one prae. rs.\e enjoying the picnic were: JLi.ti Margaret Brown. Hatlye Brown Jliry A'.ien Rowland. Enid Keney. Car.ce Blinks. Myrtle Mitchell. Sal le Mitchell. Annie Laurie Rowland »rd Marion Woodhef Messrs. Wbod roar Hayes. D. T. Haye*. Edwin El lington. Kmball Ellington. Paul Row land. Paul Krrtey. Donald Mitchell. Alex Finch. fharUe Kltt'-ell. Dwight Rfwiand and Rudolph Rowland. J/:* Annie I-aurie Rowland had as fctr guts’s Sunday afternoon Misses Madolvn Ellington. Mary Alien Row land Mabel Leonard, Enid Kerley. Warpr** Brown. Haltye Brown. My- Tie Mitchell and Salhe Mitchell. Paul Kerley- Claude Kertey. Rviph Kerley. ElMot Brown. Bill Rowe ud Mr and Mrs. Few Fuller. Mr? Jcste Woodllef had as her r:fri« Thiirwiiy. -Mrs. E. B. Mob? jrd M'i Planks. Me* rs. HFknvan Finch. Norman Sir - h and Dorsey Woodllef attended 'he irad'jatior. dance of the nurses of 'He Park View Hospital given In the Maarnlr hall room at Rocky Mount. Thirdly evening. fi/// * IS§ -'V. M'lodii.v Tuesday k_. «ju9 •i*>. i v —\ jjSlsk D'«mo 1 ” nth ' JOAN BENNETI Donald Richard “Storfi" COOK GALLAGrrCft «"< • W| Mipyortim CM* Mho Fmtur«'tt«> Comedy "JIMMY'S NEW VATCH'’ •'bo Silly Symphony Cartoon * nrn 'ng Wedm-vdav __ ‘Wayward’ 10c With To ? ‘ 1, '<’y CarroQ Everybody Thunwlaj— Friday GEOROE BANCROFT ‘ v World and the Flesh” SteyensoN SOCIETY NEWS TMJUPHOHi *lO : : 3 : : HOUBS Qi.eTO 12 NOOK ETTA KITT ™r. o I -lAjye (sett TVjE * — i' Uu£l?AH -HcVcwA M I—/ 1 , .■ - 1 , ' "lidS DANCE -I s* DANCE X MAI LOSE HEI2- uc FU.L POIS fr - HOW I Itf* GO?) - BiSrfrVU I I ril. PHONE AND MAKE AM rlc * , Cte DMfel 7f Mk tteUSE SO I VJONf WW ME - (T" ' jwiivi Aer] She was - J tolAfett <- y* r \ dru/ V\ hite-Wood Wedding Solemnized In The First Baptist Church, Oxford The marriage of Maas Mary Wood, of Oxford, and John Jearning* White, of this city, ways solemnized in the Fir*, BapUtrt church in Oxford lam night, and was attended by a number of Henderson people. Mr. White is a pharma sick, with the Kerner Drug Company, and is well known to many friends in this oRy and county. The following item about Che wedding was published Friday in «he Oxford Public Ledger, in addvance of the wedding: “Os widespread social importance Is the wedding of Miss Mary Wood and John Jennings White of Henderson which will be celebrated tonight in the First Baptist Chur oh at eight o’clock. “After the rehearsal on Thursday night the bridal party and out of town guests were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Wood, parents of the brldeelect The guest* were met at the door by Mra. Hugh Peed who ahowd them to the brides book, preaided over by Mis PVitsy Montague Miss Lillian Chemtham in vited them upataLrs where Mrs. S. I. Puryear showed the guests the bride’s numerous and lovely gifts. After which ohe guests were Invited into the dining room where Che cake was cut. The bride cut Che ring, little Agnes Clyde Harris, good news. Miss Doro thy Parham the thimble, J. Robert Wood, Jr., sports. Mr. J. Robert Wood the heart,-Mrs. Tyree Currin, good luck Mrs. F. L. Hood wisdom. Mre. Hugh Peed, knowledge. KSifliGiMaclilEsgißjwa iwJSli Mk-A Story of Mystery and Love in The CHAPTER XI THE SUN WAS will over in the west, but the trade wind, which In these latitudes doesn't die until al most sun-down, was still fanning tne Island with Its delightful breath. It wa* most welcome as «c strolled out on the dock 1 noticed that orders had been earned out. The schooner was riding at anchor a few hun dred feet from the pier. “Ahoy." and Toni waved his arm to the deck watch. "Send the mate ashore!" Th« man understood for presently we watched ae the mate came over the side, unfastened the skiff and rowed over. "We'll have to make arrangements for guarding this place thoroughly, twenty-four hours a day." Tom said. Interpreting his action to me. The mate fastened the boat and climbed up on the dock. "Can you round up a dozen good men for guarding this place. Pinga?” be asked. “Men you can trust." The mate nodded and Tom con tinued: “Post them on regular ship’s watch or any way you choose. You will be in charge and responsible for preventing any. surprise attack. I Jon’t think there’ll be one. but after what has happened we are not tak ing any chances." “Better have them eat at the pal ace. and t’tey can bunk either with you on the schooner or at the boat house." I said. “If you need blan kets or anything else come - up and get them." Tom turned to the mate: “Keep a man in the tower, one on the mam floor *and one outside—and caution that man not to stand close to any corner of the building. Station the others where ever you see fit" "How about arms?" 1 asked. “We only have two automatics. Holmes’ is jammed and will have to be fixed before it Is serviceable.” “Pauo has guns and ammunition.” the mate said. "I’ll get those." "We aren't expecting any trouble.” Tom stated. "Rut we aren’t taking any chances. Re sure those iron eef doors are 'down on th«f boathouse' 1 astir dark. Those bosh® are our ’legs’ around here, and we cgjp’t afford to hash.them cripplgd." ’ “*We don’t expect any trouble, but as long as there Is any possibility we will play safe." 1 declared. ‘"We understand Livingston is a long wav from here, but he might come back and if he should happen te we’ll be ready for him!" “Livingston Is one bad man!” Pinga said darkly. We agreed with that sentiment perfectly. “Have the schooner In at the pier and send a couple of boys up to the palace Just before sundown,” Tom ordered. "Have the tug rock’ and the ropes on board." The mate nodded understandingty. We hag been In the Islands long enough to know their customs. "What about Tino?” I asked Tom aa we four strolled leisurely back toward the palace. "Think be has been in ’Jail’ long, enough?" "We’B bring him down and throw the fear df God Into Ms heart and turn him loose.” Tom laughed. “I jmajtiTg £QUB£ gl|£ bag bid ■BTOWBOH, w. C..TRnLTDBPSTCH. '"ATURDAY, .TUNE 11 mt ~ "The guests tJhen sojourned into the dining room which was beautifully decorated with ft* table cover of Ita lian cut. work and lace and a center piece of sweet peas and larkspur. Here they were nerved an ice oours, follow'd by nuts and dcomted mints carrying out a color scheme of green and white by Mra. Reuben Green. Misses Lucille Ellington, Marie Tur lington Helen White. "The bridal party la composed of Mra. Keith Wade of Washington. D. C., slater of the bride as matron of honor: Mtae Aleise Godsey of Rich mond. Va., maid of honor; the at tendants will be Mre Paul Weut of Fayetteville. N. C.. Mrs Abner Har ris. of Roseboro, N. C., Mrs. James Wheeler Henderson. N. C., and Mrs. F L. Hood of Oxford, Dr. Clarence White of Henderson will act as best man. The ushers will be J. Robert Wood. Jr., of Oxford, N. C.. Bill White of Pittsburgh, Pa. Howard White of Townsville, N. C. and Dr. Wheeler of Henderson. Among hte out-of-town guests pre sent for the wedding are: Mrs. J. J. White, Townsville, mother of the groom; Mre. L. F. Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. Abner Harris. Agnes Clyde Har ris; Mre. Ernest Tyler, Roxobe); Mr. Jafck Tyler, Mrs. Richard Walters. Mrs. Mottle Baas. Mias Willie Cooper, Misa Dixie J. Walters. BnanchyiUe. S. C.: Mrs. J. Z. Godaey, Miss CaAtv erlne Wool ridge. Miss Aleise Gtxkey. i % tne au venture ne want® 1 *cr % ® i *tic will have to take care cf the boats now," lone suggested. “You would make a good politi cian." I grinned “Rut as long as you have ’sent him In Tino will probably get the appointment” We were sitting on stones In the rock garden a little inter when we saw Holmes come out of the house. He looked around for a moment and then diecovering us. came down. “ratio wants to talk to all of ua,“ he said quietly.' “How is she feeling now?" lone nf-kid. “Much better." Holmes answered. We went in and grouped ourselves comfortably around the living room. “Sorry to have made a scene.” the girl said simply. I couldn't help thinking at the time that she cast well In the role of a princess. There was something distinctly regal in her bearing. It was that grace of sim plicity. The thought occurred to me that of the thousands of people 1 had interviewed during my years on vari ous newspapers the really great were always the easiest to talk to. It was the ‘climbers’ who invariably felt It necessary to try o impress one with their importance. One sees a lot of living around a metropolitan newspaper. and it makes us pretty tolerant, in spite of the protective veneer of light cyn icism. Most of us are too soft un derneath. While I soliloquized to myself mentally. 1 bad been studying the girl. Her eyea were red still, hut that smooth composure was perfect again "Think nothing of it." Pilly had answered her largely with a flippant wave of her hand. ’The last few hours would have kind of upset The Great Stone Face!” “Pauo thinks there are some things we at! should know,” Larry said breaking the way for her. “I am going to tell you all 1 know of the story of that black pearl which has been so tragically linked, foe a captury. with our j#wel known as The SacredHGjV fit Nu— * "You know it is really not neces sary to tell us anything." Tom in terrupted. "W* don’t want to pry Into your private affairs—" Larry looked at Tom: “We are six now." he said quietly, meaningly. “I have seen that from the very first.” Pauo answered Tom. "I ap preciate it. But I brought you into this —” she hesitated, turned to me and continued thoughtfully "and yet 1 believe that Providence was before me. I believe that Higher Power took yon to that book store in Chicago that afternoon and brought me four loyal friends, know ing that I had need of them. There are some things that just don’t ac cidently happen!" “We’B all go right through with you." lone said quietly with a smile. "We simply refuse to be left out now.” Ptlly stated emphatically. “Why, I think this Is simply too precious for words? Ooooo!" "Any questions that you want to ask, as I go along. I’ll be glad to answer," Pauo said. X pi aw* a t bar; ’’You h*y» tour Piano,Pupils of Mrs. W. W. Parker Give Recital at Church; Awards Announced Last evening Mrs. W, W. Parker presented her piano students in re cital in the Sunday School Audito rium of Che First Baptist church. The hall was beautifully decorated with larkspur, rosea and a back ground of pines, while the children themselves were as radiant as the flowers. The following pupils took part in the program: Ada Ruth Stanoil. Jane Thompson, Ellen Trogden, Peggy Parker. Mary Elizabeth Poythrese, Mol lie Bugg El lis. Dorothy Brinkley. Rowena Daniel. Bessie Mae Johnson. Frances Daniel, Charlotte Weeter Bertha FutreHe. Each piece was renderd with car and aocurarcy. their interpretation and teohnlc would do credit to an aduM, which reflects credit on their teacher. The performances showed admfirable training In memory work and precision. Monthly recitals held during the year have served to give poi»e and modest self possession. The toy oroheMra of the Went End school rendered an attractive number Its members were: Annie Mae Bruin. Richmond; Mrs. S. I. Pur year, Rob ert Gray - Puryear, Mrs. Keith Wade Washington. D. C.; Mr. and Mra. Paul West, Fayetteville; Bill White, Pittsburgh. Mr. and Mra. Coleman of Wise, N. C., slater of the groom, Mrs. George Crump of Chester. Va. | preuy expert interrogators. Pfews j paj*.r folk are truinou In the art of asking questions and poking into people's affairs You have given rather a large order!’* ’’You have never seemed to ‘poke’ into mine particularly," she laughed. We only ’poke’ when it is our business,” lone interjected. “Other wise. you would be surprised how wa mind our own affairs." “But when on business bent—Look out!” 1 warned her lightly. ’There might be another surprise In store for you. We ask the most Intimate questions, pry, probe and quiz—why. we would think nothing of a littla Job of housebreaking to steal pic tures! We would steal your dtary. too. if we had the luck to And it! If we get grabbed the paper will have to ’spring’ us.” "Go as far as you like.' - I’uuo an swered in the same vein. “But, re member 1 won’t expect to pick up the afternoon editions and read all about it. It wouldn't be correct, any how. Newspapers never get anything right, do they?” Tom came in: "Usually too right. People say • things and when they j see them in cold print Ihev get frightened and promptly put tha poor scribe ‘on the spot’ by deny ing everything. That’s largely where newspapers get their reputation for unreliability.” T>on’t worry, girl.” assured her. “You are ’in chapel’ here and no died-in-the-wool scribe ever vio lates a confidence once their word Is given.” "It occurred to me at the time that this light persiflage had gone con siderable distance toward lightening the girl’s spirits. Her eyes looked brighter and ler smile was more spontaneous. For the moment she had forgotten that grim figure that lay in the room yonder. But we couldn't, for we hau work to do. and so aa we talked I kept watching the path up from the pier. 1 had purposely seated myself where 1 had a view that commanded. 4he **, . f j , “Do you recall asking me if there was any connection between my lafst t and the name of the author of She Skip's log,?** she allied me. ’ “Yes.’* I answered She studied the soft pattern of the rug at her feet for a few seconds. "Ezra 'Whitney was my great-grand father." she said. "You all doubtless saw the entries in the log that place him as a New Bedford sailing cap tain. He seems to have been an ad venturous sort of person. He brought a cargo of knives, trinkets, cloth and things that would appeal to the people living on these islands of the South Pacific." Pauo’s long tapering fingers were playing nervously with the edge of her handkerchief as she spread be fore us those colorful pictures of her family history. Strangers a few short weeks ago, she was now telling us everything she knew of her family’s connection with that great Mack pearl. We had been tested, and filer* was a subtle compliment in her confi dence. (TO EE coxr&tJS£t Dorothy Brinkley, Elvyra Cheatham. Caroline Duke, Mo lav Bugg Ellis, Scott F erebee, Bessie Mae Johnson, Dorothy McDuffy r Caroline Miles. Mi riam Pinnell, Ann Poyihress. Ada Ihge, F rances Petty, Mary Louise Bat terson. Mary Tanner, Pertrude Tan ner, Jane Thompson George Thompson These showed good training in rhy thm. They were accompanied by Ber tha Fuitrolle and Charlotte Weaver. Three ladies. Miss Hazel Worsley of Rocky Mount. Miss Bertha Bunn of Henderson and Mrs. Sturgcss Collins of Middleburg were asked to judge the evening’s performance. Their deci sion was announced by W. B. Harri rison, as follows: F'lrst prize: Dorothy Brinkley. Second place: Bessie Mae Johnson. Third: F'rances Daniel. Dur;ng the withdrawal of Ihe judges Mrs. W. B. Parker presented an In tel pitting article on musical education. A medal for most improvement and best effort during the year was offer ed by Mrs. W. W. Parker, and was wo n by Bertha Fulrelie. This was presented to her by Dr. H. A. Ettts. Prizes and awards for unfailing prac ■tice during Uhe year (i. c. required time and more) were won by Bertha Fut relle. Ada Rulh Stancil, Frances Dan iel, Bessie Mae Johnson. Mollie Bugg Ells. Mary Elizabeth Poythress and Jane Thompson. Awards for faithful practice were made to Dorothy Brink ley Rowena Daniel and Ellen Trogden TOWNSVILLE - By MISS FANCES BOYD. Miss Marie Woody is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. Graham Breedlove of Oxford. Miss Mary Alice Boyd, has return ed to her home near Townsville for her summer vacation. She taught in I THE WISE ONES I I WILL ADOPT VISION I I AS THEIR PLATFORM I The ability to see ahead, to visualize what the future holds and to prepare to meet emergencies. We are not fortune tellers nor crystal gazers. We do not profess super human powers. We do know however, that the wise man who looks ahead fortifies himself with a sav ings account. An ally that stands between him and the unforseen mishaps that cross the paths of every man ' sooner or later. Are you looking ahead? Are you prepared to meet and protect your future welfare? I WE PAY 5% INTEREST I No Depositor Ever Lost A Dollar In An Industrial Bank. I The Industrial Bank of Henderson I JOEL T. CHEATHAM, President. M. W. WESTER, Cashier. Dupont Betrothal From now on, the stately Wedding March of Lohengrin will be th# favorite music of thia young lady. She is Miss Edith Du Pont, daugh ter of Lammot Du Pont, president of the Du Pont De Nemours Com pany, whose engagement to Richard E. Riegel. of Germantown. Pa., has just been announced. The marriage is exnectcd to take Diace in the Fall Washington, N. C., the past winter. Mias Allyn Taylor who has been a patient in the Maria Parham hospital for quite a while visited her father, E. O. Taylor, of Townsville on Tues day evening. Mias Taylor leaves soon for the mountains. Miss Judith Boyd, who has been spending several days with Mrs. G. W. Poindexter and Mrs. Jones of Warrenton, has returned home. She was accompanied home by Mrs. Marion Taylor and Mrs. Jones. John Rolen who has been visiting W. B. Boyd, the past week has re turned to his home in Spartknburg, PAGE FIVE church sodmrni ANHOUirCKMKHTS S. C. Mrs. Harry Whitakers and son, have returned to their home In Rocky Mount. Friends of Mrs'. Luther Neathery will be sorry to learn of her illness. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Woody and ramily visited Mrs. W. T. Woody ors Sunday. r , if Mias Panthia and Sarah Boyd kn visiting Mrs. Flarry Whitakers of Rocky Mount. George Newell has returned horn* after several days with J. H. Thomas, spending several with heremf Telpair Boyd of Henderson la apen ing several days wtl\ his uncle, J. E,‘ Boyd. - Mss Mary Grace Woody and )faa Frances Boyd vsited friends ! In Drewey this week. A. L. Islery of Burlington has been spending several days in Townsville. Miss aKte Purcell has returned home from N. C. C. W. Mrs. W. D. Vaughan and son. Den ness. have returned home from Wil son Mills' for summer vacation. Mrs. Vaughan taught there the past school session. The baseball team of Middleburg Grange and the baseball team of the, Townsville Grange played a game l#k Townsville, on Saturday afternotfa. Middleburg defeated Townsville hy large score. Misses Panthia Boyd and Fannie Hunt Tarry spent the past week-end in Durham. The ywere accompanied home Sunday evening by Mre. Billy Burwell and Jack Harding. Miss Ruby Purcell of Townsville has recently accepted a stenographed place in Greensboro. j-.' When the surgeons of Edinburgh were, in l&Ofi, Incorporated under the denomination of surgeon* and barb era. It was required of them to be able "to J read and write.” ./ • « STAINLESS lame focmola .. aunt price 1* \ original tonn, too rs voa preset , * QVP W MUJON JAR? USED **£7