ASSOCIATED 'AND CENTRA H {JOBS Polls Open At Sunrise, Close Sunset Tomorrow Hetry Vote in Protpect In Run-Off Primary In Thu County; Returns Will Not be Counted Officially Until Tuesday, Electi on Board Announces Last-minute preparations had b*-en made today for the second and run off primary election to be held in this county tomorrow, and the polls will open at sunrise and close at sun sat according to State law. Btx>ths for the use of the voters were being erect ed at polling places throughout the county today in readiness for the vot ing to begin. J. H. Bridgers. chairman of the Vance Board of Elections .today an nounced that the official canvass of the returns by his board will not be held on Monday, as was the case a month ago after the first primary, but on Tuesday. The delay of a day was due to the fact that Monday is the Fourth of July and a holiday. A heavy vote is looked for tomor row. despite the fact that it is a, run off election, which rarely brings as many people to the polls as the first. The widespread interest in both local and Statewide contests is relied on to bring out the vote. There are four contests for the coffnty. M. C. Pearce, high man, and O S. Falkner. runner-up in the State House of Representatives contest, will fight out that battle. T. S. Kit trell .incumbent and high man In the first election, and R. E. Clements, run ner up. are contesting for recorder. For the two-year term as a member of ‘he Vance Board of County Com I One Value That Has Not Declined A Savings Account At The Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Still Worth 100 Cents on ' the Dollar A new Interest Period will be ob served on July Ist., and at this time Interest will be computed for the past six months and cred ited to the accounts. All new deposits made on or be fore July sth will draw Interest from July Ist. Citizens Bank and Trust Company Henderson, N. C. ’TT* IF APING BANK IN THIS SFCTIOM* ‘ The Roll of Honor Bank” CAPITAL AND SURPLUS—SSOO,(WO.OO I: I FOR RECORDER I I To the Voter* of Vance County: ’f' I I am a candidate for re-election as Re- ,^| corder of Vance County. My education WKll. / ;.r I and life work have trained me for this Si#; kind of work. My experience as er has brought me in close touch with the *MMf ■ people and their problems and has added || | ■ to my ability to serve the people satisfac- I I I shall always strive to administer the I office fairly and justly. Your vote and /A I your influence in the Primary July 2nd 'sh will be greatly appreciated. It. s. kittrell| missioners, H. B. Parrott, high man, and S. R. Adams, runner-up. are the contending candidates, while O. L. Stewart and W. p. Parrish are con testing for a four year term on the board of commissioners. In the Statewide run-off contests, the contenders are Robert R. Rey nolds, high man. and Cameron Mor rison. runner-up and incumbent, for the nomination for the United States Senate; J C. B. Ehringhaus, high man. and R. T. Fountain, runner-up. for governor; and A. L. Fletcher, high man. and Clarence E. Mitchell, run ner-up, for State commissioner of labor. NOT LESTER SMITH WHO RESIDES HERE Friends of Lester V. Smith, who formerly resided here and who has many acquaintances in the city, ask that it be stated that Lester A. Smith convicted in a mail fraud case in New York last week with Fred A. Jewell was a different man. The New York man never lived in Henderson, so far as has been learned. Has Infected Knee. M. B. Garrett is confined to his home with an infected knee as a result a nail injury. Ifetthetamt flaflg Btapafrl? ACCUSED AND WITNESSES AT HOAX KIDNAPING TRIAL WHj WK&" ~ wammL.F iff * ***^Vmp« JhAaß^Hb MS&ESSmm- *r * These interesting photos, taken at the trial of John Hughes Curtis, Norfolk shipbuilder, accused of obstructing justice during the Stockholders Os Old Bank ■ Favor Transfer Os Assets Opening of a new bank to replace the closed First National Bank of Henderson was brought a step nearer with a meeting of stockholders of the old ban)( Thursday afternoon, which authorized the transfer of the assets of the pld bank, and the announce ment today that only three depositors were left today of the 12 announced several .days ago who had not signed the depositors’ agreement to leave their money in the new bank. It was said that t-tae remaining three deposi tors who had not signed had promised to do so in the next few days. The meeting of the old stockholders yesterday afternoon authorized the transfer of the remaining assets of their bank', and adjournment was REYNOLDS FORCES STAGE BIG RALEY Held Last Night At Cro&t&n Club; Two Speakings For Tonight An enthusiastic meeting of support ers of Robert R. Reynolds for the United States Senate was had last night in the Croatan Club with H. T. Morris, county manager for Reynolds, acting as chairman. There was no set program, the main purpose of the meeting being to line up the workers for tomorrow's primary. Mr. Morris announced last qight that L Clayton Grant, of Wilming ton, would be in the city tonight to make two addresses for the Reynolds candidacy. At 7:45 o'clock he will speak at Caulder's store in South Henderson and again at 8:45 o'clock at Monk Hughes' "Shack" at North Hen derson, with a band and parade fol lowing him to each place. Last night's meeting claimed a big majority for Reynolds in this county, larger even than it was in the first primary. Mrs. J. S. Evans Improved. Mrs. Joe S, Evans is still confined to Maria Parham hospital following an operation tor appendicitis, but Is somewhat improved, it was learned today. mgs y£> -3* • ■ sßjjff jfgpr * I futile search for the missing Lindbergh baby, show, left, Curtis, himself; light. Ollie Wheatley, Lindbergh’s chauffeur taken until July 15, at which time final action is expected to be taken, and when it is hoped the o'd board of directors can effect the transfer of the assets to the new bank. The receiver of the closed bank will close out his business at that time or about ♦ hen, and final preparations will be made for the reopening. At the same time, it wai announced today that a meeting had been called for next Tuesday, July 5, of stock holders of the new bank. At that time it is expected a board of directors will be e'ected, and other business trans aetd. Soon thereafter a call will be made tO'.’all new stockholders for the immediate payment of their stock. The new directors will elect th* of YOUNG FARMERS IN STATE CONVENTION Vance Sends Delega tion To Raleigh; Eaves Makes High Mark Vance county units of the Young Tar Heel Farmers organization sent a large delegation this week to the annual convention of that organiza tion held at State College, Raleigh, the group being in charge of Prof. G. B. Blum, vocational agriculture teacher in the county, who on Tues day attended a conference there of vocational teachers in the State. George Eaves, Jr., son oofo Mr. and Mrs. George Eaves, of the Epsom school, near here, won vixth place in the livestock contest, although only a freshman in vocation classes. The first four and highest boys in the judging contest, who will represent North Carolina in the livestock show judging contest at Kansas City, in November, were Harry Carriger, of China Grove, with a mark of 384; Bradley Lassiter, of Garner, with a mark of 363; Richard Currin, of Star. 362. and Richard Jenkins, of Polk vllle, also with a mark of 362. Young 1 Eaves made a score of 340, which was considered exceptionally good for p. 1 freshman contestant. In a speaking contest, Walter Dud ley. of Gates county, won the de cision of the judges, his subject being, “Diversified Farm Systems.” In the Vance county delegation were ; Raymond Stainback and srancis i Wilson, of the Middleburg school, and I Percy Stewart and Leonidas Hoyle, of the Aycock school, as active delegates from those two chapters of the or ganization. Charles Breedlove, of Mid dleburg, was an alternate delegate. In the party also was Howell Steed, who was the first secretary of the Young Tar Heel Farmers of the State whe nthat organization was brought into being some years • ago. Henry White was also in the party, going along to make final preparations for entering State College In September as a freshman. EHRINGHAUS RADIO SPEECH AT 8 P. M. The radio speech by J. C. B. Ehring haus, candidate for the Democratic nomination for governor In tomor row’s run-off Statewide primary, will be given over Station WITV, Ra leigh, at 8 o'clock tonight, instead of 8:S0' p. m., as originally planned. The change was made 6h account of the Raleigh station switching to the NBC hook-up at 8:30 p. m. for the broadcast from the Democratic Na tional Convention in Chicago. The speech tonight is Mir. Ehringhaus’ final appeal to the voters before the balloting tomorrow. PERRY LIBRARY TO BE CLOSED MONDAY -i-. The H. Leslie Perry Memorial Li brary will be closed Monday, July 4. Patrons are asked to get their books for the week-end tonight and tomor row. Books due at the library on the fourth will not be considered due un- fifth, It 'was mmbunced tofeag. i butler, and Betty Gow, the baby’s nurse. This is one of the best pic tures eve* published of Miss I Gow. ficers for the new bank. No date for the opening of the bank has beetj fixed as yet, pending adjustment of necessary preliminaries, but it is hoped that it can get under way by the first of August, or there abouts, if not sooner than that. Stock in the new bank was sold in the amount of SIOO,OOO, but was sold at the price of $l2O a share, so as to create a surplus of s2o'dbo at the open ing. The new bank has promised to pay in full at the opening all de positors with S2O or less in the old bank, and to pay all other depositors (t that time ten percent of the money key had when the old bank closed, the remaining 90 percent to be paid them in one, two and three years. PLANS COMPLETE FOR RECORD MOVE According to C. E. Green, superin tendent, plans are practically com plete in connection with “attendance Sunday" program which is to be ob served at the First Baptist church on July 3. a special feature In which all the classes of the Sunday school will take part, has been formulated, and promises to be of interest to all pre present. A cordial invitation io extended to al Ipersons Interested to be present and to take part In this move to break the record of attendance of 548. ITo The Voters I I Vance County! The friends of Oscar S. Falkner, candidate for the House of Rep resentatives, urge you to attend the primary, tomorrow, July 2, and cast your vote for: | Oscar S. Falkner | I For The House of I I Representatives I Mr. Falkner has lived in Vance County all his life, and knows I our needs in the matter of legislation. His opponent M. C. Pearce has been here a short while, having I lived in Franklin County before coming here. In 1926 this same Mr. Pearce was a pandidate so r the House of Representatives in his home county, the same office that he now seeks, and at the hands of his home people was defeated, he received only 520 votes I Political advertisement, paid for by the friends and supporters I of Oscar S. Falkner. | FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1981 Full Program Is Given For Farm Rally July 8 B. Troy Ferguson, District Agent, end Mrs. Jane McKim. mon, Home Agent for State, Chief Speakers; Will fie Held at Middleburg on Next Friday The full program for the fourth an nual Vance county farm rally was an nounced today by J. W. Sanders, county farm agent, and Mrs. Hattie F. Plummer, home demonstration agent, who are In charge of arrange ments. The rally will be held on Fri day of next week, July 8, at Middle burg, and will be an all-day affair, beginning at 10:30 a.„ with the j exercises in the auditorium of the school. B. Troy Ferguson, district farm agent for the district, and Mrs. Jane S. McKimmon. home demonstration agent for the State, and assistant di rector of extension work, are the two principal speakers announced. The ex ercises will be presided over by Mrs. J. B. Allen, of Bobbitt, presdent of the County Councl of Farm Women. Numerous Vance county men and wo men will have places on the program. A feature at the afternoon session will be tha l / FouNH <club program and pageant, including the crowning of the health king and queen of the county. These are W. H. Finch, Jr., of Kittrell, and Miss Julia Currin, of Middleburg, who were adjudged the healthiest boy and girl In the county, and also were adjudged the healthiest in their respective districts In the Statewide eliminations, and will re present their districts in the State con test in Raleigh the last of this month. Following Is the complete program, as announced today: 10:30 a. m. Song, “Amerloa, the Beautiful.” Invocation, Rev. P. D. Woodall, pas tor Middleburg M. E. church. Purpose of the Rally, J. W. Sanders, county agent Welcome address, Mrs. C. M. Wat kins. Response, Mrs. J. E. Gill. TWO CASES BEFORE LOCAL RECORDER Two cases, involving four defend ants, were tried before T. S. Kittrell in recorder’s court here this morn ing. All were found guilty. Ed Long, Catherine Journigan, and Vallie Journigan, all white, faced charges of being drunk and disorder ly. and using prane language. Cath erine Journigan was given 60 days in jail .commitement not to issue on con dition that she leave Vance county and stay away two years. Vallie Jour nigan was sent to the reformatory for a period not to exceed two years. Long waa fined 12.90 and costs in each case, or 60 days on the roads. Alice White, colored, found guilty of using prof m/ie and indecent lane guage on the oublic highway, had prayer for judgment continued on the payment of costs. The prevailing social and economic system makes it necessary for a large number of women to adopt “mas culine” occupations. Vocal solo, Mrs. W. 8. Collins. Talk. “Problems and Progress, ’ G. B. Blum, county vocational instructor. Talk. “Achievements in Extension Work.” by B. Troy Flerguson. dis trict farm agent Introduction of speaker, Mrs. Hat tie F. Plummer, home agent. Address, Mrs. Jane S. McKimmon, State home demonstration agent and assistant director of extension work. Song, Group of Girls. 1 p. m. Dinner. 2:30 p. m., Vocal solo. Miss Mas Fleming. Four-H club health program and pageant. Trial of scrub bulL 4 p. m., Adjournment Political Notices FOB COUNTY COMMISSIONER I am running for County Commis sioner in the Second Primary to bs held Saturday, July 2nd. Your vote and support will be great ly appreciated. H. B. PARROTT. TO THE VOTERS OF VANCE COUNTY I will be a candidate to succeed myself as County Commissioner for the four year term in the Second pri mary, Saturday, July 2. I wish to thank the voters for their support In the first primary, and ask that they again give me heir vote next Saturday. * O. L. STEWART BARGAIN FARES July 2nd HENDERSON TO No. Days Ticket* Limited Atlanta 6 $11.75 Chattanooga 6 13.75 Birmingham 6 13.75 New Orleans 10 26.75 Savannah 10 10.00 Jacksonville 10 15.00 Tampa 10 22.50 Miami 10 25.00 Havana 19 49.75 (And Return) Rates To Many Other Florid* And Golf Coast Point* Attractive Optional Routes In Florida For Information See Ticket Agent H. E. Pleasant*. D. P. A., Raleigh. N. C., Phone 605 Odd Fellows Building Seaboard Alfk UNI IMLUMV

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