, gateway TO I CENTRAL CAROLINA. NINETEENTH YEAR LEGION Hoover And Baker Speak To Relief Workers Who Are Gathered At fapita) ■ Hoover Asks Organization to See That No Person* Go Hungry or Need, ful In Winter ;pFAK FROM LOFT PLATFORM ON LAWN Fn*s of Temporary Seats Which Form An Amphi theatre Are Provided For H persons Gathered Fro-n All Parts of Country At President 4 * Request 111 --''’i Sep* IN (API— Presi gP - M • \-r todav charged a dlstm l * * z ."i-rinu of relief workers • hr no man woman or child gK , • h mgrv or unsheltered dur ■l .• V ipproarhing winter." Newton D Baker, chair -u. d 'he National Citizens Commit * r.e Welfare and Relief Or ; :r; .f 1932. told the chief exe ... , s.. felt sure there would be • Federal contributions al- Bf' t. * v "a donation from every 5, , . r-source " 7-' '''-Client and Baker spoke | . ‘ -r 1 -ft platform erected on the vrh >»(. of the White House • -preauing trees facing the |f;.' ; i-‘ -t. were rows of temporary i_- rnung an improptu am phi -i » under which sat relief and »-V» »orkers gathered from all u -.e country at th-» President a ■ n; ' They composed the National Committee spamming tfea ff/ rfe-ciation. ■ Storm of Protest Breaks In Virginia On Truck Decision fH mend Va Sept. 15 IAPI-A 5 hi ' protest broke over the Vir £-s capital today as the result of ■ ’i'"eg* issued to opei Uacs of motor H ‘ *• '’arricrs atUiAptin:? to cross • 1 t>r;dg«s of ‘he highway sybtein ■ ad- in of the pasted cz ■ ;i The warnings were issued to EBI "* p»ra!or* in ihe fai n of pickets *' :<*cerv'ly Installed weigh'ng ma '■ -- i- *he hi id,* entrances show st • ■ i* -heir loads were in excess of ■P ‘ » of teicgnptv. i protests pour " r >k)vtrnor Pali’i i throughout 2'; morning and him to call a Jo* inference with Sfafv depart .".♦•id* Mart of the complaints lcj - oday were from North Caro ls '•v:l«» concerns who protested J *u ’he action assorted that It | ■ r ■ i prohibit the use of Virginia > ■ ‘ One of the proicsis came from ’’ * I>ambeth me.nbur of Congress ■ •'* t: Th'.masville N. C. I Fire Breaks I In Library I Os N.C.C. W. firemen. State That I Most Damage Was I Caused By Water I And Not By Fire i-horo. Sept. 15. — The appointed offi cials are expected to get together im mediately and complete their organi zation. The work or making loans, it was stated al the Reconstruction offices, probably will get under way in two weeks. The agencies will operate largely with volunteer workers. The only salaried executive officers will be the managers of the offices. The board of directors and the commit tees looking after the branches will receive only expenses and a per diem for the actual time spent attending meetings. BRITISH WILL SEND GANDHI TO PRIVACY Loudon, Sept. 15.—(AP)— The British government has decided, It waa disclosed today that aa soon as Mahauna Gandhi begins a hun ger strike which he has said he will start on September 29, he win be removed from the Yeroda Jail, at Poona, to a place of private residence. No Hope For Prosperity Seen By Labor Director Unless Wages Remain Up By CHARLES P. STEWART Washington, Sept. 15. Shortening the industrial day or week or both, at correspondingly lowered wages, to furnish jobs for more hands yithout Increasing payrona.” says Director Mary Anderson of the women s bureau of the labor department, “simply is a method of making the workers solve the unemployment problem at their own expense. “The day, the week or both, con tinued Miss Anderson, “must be cur tailed to meet existing conditions, but unless It is done without wage cuts. It will accomplish little toward lift ing the depression. “Oh,” she admitted, “if the worker* besides supporting bis family, has ONLY DAILY r NEWSPAPER HENDERSON, N. THURSDAY ffiTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 15, 1932 VOTES FOR BONUS L ong’s Man Wins • f df W 1 '79 Bk v. jA V 4 Overton Reprteentative John Overton, sup porter of Senator Huey Long, defeated United Spates Senator Edwin S. Broussard in the Democratic primary in Louisiana last Tuesday. Broussard lost out after having been in the Sen ate many years. WILEXIM RATE FIGHI OVER STATE TO REDUCE PRICES Charlotte Mecklenburg Or ganization Out for 30,_ 000 Membership by First oLYear NOT BOLSHEVIKS, SECRETARY SAYS Want Power Companies To Have Fair Return, But Any Valuation by Corporation Commission Would B e Pure Guess, Mr. Barksdale Declares Pnlly TMspatrh litma, fa the Mr Welter Hotel. !>▼ J C. D ASK KR VILL . Raleigh. Sept. 15 —The fight began for fairer utility prices in the city of Charlotte and Mecklenburg county by the Flair Utilities Rate Association there, Is being extened over the entire ; State of North Carolina, according | to B. E. Barksdale of Charlotte, sec ; retary of the association. So far the . I association has a membership of ap j | proximately 8,000. but hope to increase ! this to 30,000 members by the time the | General Assembly meets here in Jan | uary. Barksdale said. He is here in J j Raleigh organizing the start of a cam paign here for members. “We expect to make a campaign for members in every city and town In j North Carolina served by any of the 1 utility companies in the State, In the hope that we may be able to secure the necessary legislation from the 1933 General Assembly to assure all the people of the State of fair rates for electricity, gas and telephone ser vice,” Barksdale said. “We are t>e:ng represented by the power companies as being ‘bolsheviks’ and malcontents, merely trying to get the people to become members of the Fair Utilities Rate Association in order to supply a few jobs for a few individuals. But this is not the case. The association has been formed only for the purpose of combating the pre sent practices of the power and utility V (Continued on Page Six) been able to save a trifle also, per haps mass expenditures can be stim ulated slightly depriving him of his small margin for a savings account, and giving the money to someone else, .who will have to spend It—but It will be a gross injustice. It will not restore prosperity for very long, either. "Probably there are some industries that honestly cannot afford to add to their payrolls in the face of present hard times, even for the sake of their own ultimate advantage. “But the Reconstruction Finance corporation was created especially to (Uonttnued od Pit* 6fct£ jjjp "r ' ' IfatUi Dispatch PUBEBHED IN THfe SECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA AND VIRGINIA. MNWNIZES MANCHiUO TO BE AN (MIAL STATE Is YoungafjZ of World's Commoxtw<hs and Bom of Successful Jap. ansse Campaign IfitEATY CALLS FOR A DEFENSIVE ALLY Ceremony IsrDull and List less And HBld In Old Ad ministration Building With President, lAdvisors And Notables Pflksent To Affix Signatures ! Washington, 'Kept- 15.— (AP) — It was twld at the State Depart ment today that #lO Immediate steps will he taken by the United States in conatbtion with Japan's recognition and alliance with Manohukuo. Changchun, fkpt. 13. —< AD The State of Sfenchukuo, young est of the Worths commonwealths, and bora oft& successful mili tary campaign*of the Japanese anay in MjukAi rla Inst fall, was recognised offMally by Japan to dajr. | At a drab and'listless ceremony in the old Salt administration building here, the presided! of Manchukuo. of ficials and theirs - corps of Japanese advisors. Chang J Hasis-Shu, premier of Manchukuo, And General Nocui cahi Muto, apecifi envoy of the Jap anese ikado, sXfflfcd their names, us ing a timr iiMMi instead of a pen. - The" TreS\y Iftii for a defensive j aily between the two states and mark ed the first recognition of the new nation by a foreign power. Woman Arrested For Passing Off Counterfeit Bill Charlotte, Sept. 15. —(AP)— Henry Thomas, head of the Unit ed States Secret Service bureau here Announced today that Mabel Marie Loganr of Bryson City, had ' been arrested in High Point on chargr-i cf passing counterfeit money. Thomas said the woman was arrest ed after she had passed a spurious $5 bill, receiving $485 in change for it after making a small purchase. A search of her clothing revealed eight similar bills sewn into the belt of her dress. . Secret service men are seeking the source of the bills. They are working on the theory that they are being sold in this section by the manufacturers who do not try to pass them them selves. THREE MEN RESCUED IN PAMLICO BOUND Man too, Sept. 15.—(AP) —Coast Guardsmen today rescued three men from a house boat in Pamllc Sound when a 4S-mlle gale from the east prevented their reaching shore. Doran Quldley, of Manteo, Bill Basey and Bill Jones, of Psntago, were at the mercy of the storm until a crew from the Pea Island Coast Guard Station discovered . their plight. Out of the War Comes this new story of the romantic and idealistic girl the world used to know, suddenly transplanted to an at an atmosphere of the present and stirring the memories of all who see her. It is Margaret Wtddemer's latest novel Pre-War Lady Beginning Saturday Henderson Daily Dispatch Missing on Flight to Rome p 3'p ' L W^tr - BRPK.. sHn Cf :: '. ■ w JL I r V . :: ': * Jfa Above (top) Is an excellent picture , of the plane '‘American Nurse” as it left the ground at Floyd Bennett Air port. New York, with Rome ae Its des tination. Lower picture shows the three fliers that comprise the crew pictured just before they entered the Britisher Favors German Equality London. Sept. 15.—(AP)—Arthur Henderson, foreign secretary In the teat labor cabinet, and now presi dent es the world’s dlsni rtmatfpl ‘ conference, advocated equality of armament* for Germany today In a speech to the National Peace Coun cil. There Is such a volume of opinion among delegates to the disarma ment conference In favor of tak ing Immediate steps to meet the German claims to equality that he believes that issue can be settled when the conference meets again, he said. Mr. Henderson leaves for the conference meeting at Geneva on Saturday. EVERVMEANS TAKEN TO EINO MONOPLANE Long Past Due And Last Seen of Her Was 400 Miles Off Coast Os Ireland Rome. Sept. 15.—(API Every searching agency under the control of the Italian government was set to work today to find the missing mono£ plane “American Nurse.” which had disappeared on a non-stop flight from New York to Rome. She was due here last midnight with her crew of two men and a wo man, but there was no report of the plane after 11:50 a. m., yesterday, when a steamer reported sighting ft at 400 miles off the southern coast of Ireland. As soon as he was certain that the fuel might have been exhausted, even If there had been no accident, General Italo Balbo, the minister for air, or dered all pilots, military and civil, on land and sea, to search for signs of the plane or for wreckage. Forestry workers, lighthouse keep ers. warship and merchantmen, as well as the entire national polite force, were Instructed to be vigilant. Episcopalians At Kanuga Re-elect Bishop As Leader Bishop H. J. Mikell, of Atlanta, was re-elected president of the province for the regular three-year term today as the Synod of Sewanee of the Pro testant Episcopal Chbrch approached the close of Its biennial sesdoi here. The Rev. John H. Brown, of Louis ville,’ Ky., was re-elected secretary for the one-year term, and F. P. Dear tnjg. of Jacksonville, Fla., was re elected treasurer for one year. WEATHER FOB NORTH CAROLINA. Generally fair tonight and Fri day; preceded by rain In east por tion this afternoon and early to night. PUBLISHED EVERT AjrTUUIOOte ■XCBPT SUNDAY. plane for the take-off. Left to rigb* are: Dr. Leon Pisculli, of Yonkers, N. Y., MJos Edna Newcomer, Williams port Pa. . nurse, and William Ulbrich. pilot. The plane and occupants are missing and long overdue, afttr lehvlng New York Tuesday morning. 'YOUNG DEMOCRATS NOW IN 42 STATES i - Membership Now Orer 600,. 000, Tyre Taylor, Presi dent, Declares MILLION BY OCT. 15 Movement Has Had Marvetous Growth Since Organization on Nationwide Scale Hi Washington Inst Spring Raleigh, Sept. 15.—(AP)~ During the six months of its existence the Young Democratic Clubs of America, the official youth organization of the Democratic party, has extended Its ranks itno 42 states and the District of Columbia and now has a member ship of more than 600.000, Tyre Tay lor- national president, said today. Taylor is executive counselor to Gov. O. Max Gardner of North Caro lina. Temporary national headquar ters of the Young Democratic Clubs are maintained here, with Mrs. James . Scott as executive secretary. One of the extraordinary and heart ening developments of the present period is the increasing interest of young people in political and govern mental affairs, Taylor said as he pre dicted the Young Democrats would number more than one million by Oc tober 15. In only New Hampshire, Vermont* Delaware. Wyoming, Louisiana and North Dakota is the organization not (ContlDued od Page Four), Ray of Light In Thomasville Labor Dispute Is Seen Thomaavillrv Sept. 15.—CAP) — Indications that a definite an nouncement of the attitude of strik ing employees of the Thom as vl Do Chair Company toward returning to work would be made shortly were seen here today when strfcc leaders held an executive confer ence with Capua Waynlck, editor of the High Point Enterprise, Serving as an Intermediary In the labor dispute. The strikers, after holding a number of group meetings. Invited Waynlck to meet with their lead ers. The High Point tuan was ap pointed by Governor Gardner to attempt to effect a reconciliation. Democrats Are To Launch State Campaign Saturday; Enthusiasm At High Pitch ■T J. C. BABKERVIU. Dally Dispatch BereasL j Is the s« r Welter Hetef. j Raleigh, Sept IS.—The formal be- • ginning of the Democratic campaign In North Carolina will be cocident with the Democratic rally and bar becue to be given under the auspice 8 PAGES TODAY FIVE CENTS COF9 IMMEDIATE CASH SETTLEMENT FOR VETERANS SOUGHT By Viva Voce Vote, War De« '.partment Is Censored for Eviction of B.*E. F. From Capital PRINTED SPEECH BY HURLEY HOWLED AT Distributed In Each Chair In Envelopes Fearing Gov. eminent Frank; Louis A. Johnson, West Virginia, Is Probable New National Commander Portland, Oregon, Sept. 16 (AP)—The American Legion today adopted a res*>- lutin favoring immediate payment of the bonus. The War Dpartment was censured in a aiva voce vote today at the con vention. An outbreak of shouting after the voting interrupted proceed ings for a time. The vote was taken after Harry M. Arthur, department commander of South Carolina, lodged a complaint because envelopes containing a speech by Secretary of War Patrick J. Hur ley on the bonus marchers bad been placed in the chairs of all delegates. These envelopes bore the frank of the War Department. After Arthur shouted his complaint the convention, by acclamation, de clared its opposition to such action by the War Department 'or any other governmental department.” The envelopes contained sheets headed, “Statement by the Hon. Pat rick J. Hurley, secretary of war. on bortus marchers in Washington.” It repeated In essential details the statements that come from the administration recently on the bonus marchers and eviction of the veterans by the use of troops. Louis A. Johnson, Clarksburg, W. Va.. attorney, was declared by his supporters to be assured of the post of national commander of the Legion. Henry L. Stevens, Jr., North Carolina, will retire as commander after a year’s service. George Malone. Nevada, and Frank N. Belgrano, California, were s*lll iit the running for commander, however. Others of the eleven men v.-ho had been advanced for the post were throwing their support to one or tbs other of the leading trio. Gulf Storm Moves Over To Georgia . , i Has Left Little Dam* age And No Casual* ties; High Tides li\ Gulf -yyy J Tallahassee, Fla., Sept. 15—fA'*»l—• A Gulf storm that moved Inland over the Florida coast between upper Ap< palachicola and Dead Man's Bay pro ceeded on a northeastward course over south Georgia today- but left lit tle damage and no casualties. Upper Appalachlcola reported m maximum wind of 55 miles an hour and minor storm conditions today. Heavy tides were rolling the Gulf, and streames surged with the effect of the rainfall since Saturday. Some houses were flooded but little dam age was reported. Summerville, to the eastward of Appalachlcola also had high tldsa. The winds came from Sast river, flooding -some sections around the town without parlous damage. Other coast communities reported somewhat similiar conditions. of the Guilford County Club of Ming r Democrats near High Point Saturday. Not that tt was entirely intended that way. since the Guilford County Young Democrats planned their rally ami _ (Continued on Page Pour.) j