PAGE FOUR BENOERSOM DAILY DISPATCH 1* 114. ri^>>l>l< VJ2.r V” IMOIUON DITATCI ONX ONRT A DKNNU. Preu. and Ml tor feL L FIN(?H. Sec-Trsa* and Baa. Mgr. TKLKfHONII BdltorUl Off tea IH teUly Miter tit I ness Os flea fit The Henderson Dally DLa patch la a ■aaibar of the Associated Praaa, Nawa- V*prr Enterprise Association. Soath arn Newspaper Publlahara Aaaoclatloa aad tba North Carolina Praaa Aaaocia* Don. Tha Aaaoclatad Praaa la axclaalTtly aa lit IMI to use for rapublloatloa all •awa dispatches credited to It or aot Otharwtaa credited In tbla paper, and alao the local nawa publlabed herein. All right* of publication of apectal dispatches herein are alao reserved. HBICKIPfIOR PAICBh. Payable strictly In Advansu, One Tear li.H •lx Months „ Ml Three Montha I.M Per Copy .St NOTICIC TO StRSCSIBISa. Look at the printed label oa your Kper. The date thereon ahowa when a subscription axplraa. Forward your money la ample time for re newal. Notice date on label carefully nad If not correct, pleaae notify ua at aace. Subscriber* desiring the addreea •n their paper changed, pleaae state la their communication both the OLD and NEW address. ■ etleeal AdrerUnlag Heprreeatativen PMOST. LANDIS A KOHN IIS Park Avanue. New Tcrk City; IS Bast Wacker Drive. Chicago; Walton Building, Atlanta; Security Bulldlug. •t. Louie. Catered at the poet offloe in Mender ' •** N. C., ae second class mall matter |^mtiiaseaw.siilßisaa|A-l>hniß September 22 REFUGE STRENGTH. HEJLP; I God is our refuge and strength, a very l present help in trouble. —Realm 46. 1. A REPUBLICAN ON THE REPUB LICAN CANDIDATE (Nows and Observer) The severest criticism of President Hoover that has yet been wriuen in this campaign was that from the pen of George W. Norris, Republican Sen ator from Nebraska, .published m the current issue of Liberty Magazine. Senator Norris is perhaps the greatest independent in America tods y. but the Republicans of Nebraska have elected him steadily to the United b’ates Con gress since 1903. Often a mom i n the aide of the Republican Old Guard, Senator Norris was a Republican be fore Herbert Hoover decided on his return to America whether he was a Republican or a Democrat He con tinues a Republican today but he will not vo> for Herbert Hooter. Senator Norris, who warned his countrymen against Hoover In 1923, heads his article. “Why I Am A Bet ter Republican Than President Hoov er.'* His article is so excellent a state ment of the issues and personalities in this campaign that The News and Ob seerver hopes every Democrat and every enlightened Reppubllcan will read it i n Liberty. For those who cannot. The News and Observer reprints here a few of Sena tor Norris' statements: I support Franklin D. Roosevelt on a wet platform, in spite of the fact that my personal predlle' tlon are dry . . . Other things being equal. I might have supported Herbert Hoover on a dry platform. I might have sup pored him on a wet platform. But I could not support him on the dubious plank which, wish the aid of Federal officeholders and the delegates from the rotten boroughs Q f Republicanism, he forerd upon a hamstrung conven tion . Mr. Hoover is the J&nus of politics. One face beams upon the d.ys. an other smiles equivocally upon the wets, i He has learned the art of carrying water on bot hshoulders. At present he carries upon on* shoulder a pitcher of water, while upon the other he bal anced a jug painted to resemble a pitcher of beer. I do not like Mr. Hoover's attitude on water and water power. Mr. Hoover would be per fectly willing to dispense beer to the people if he could turn over the water in the land to the special Interests Mr. Hoover is always two-faced, always equivocal, except when he champions big business. With a singleness of purpose worthy of a better cause he plays the devoted henchman of high finance. One eye in each of his faces, no matter what his lips may say, al ways winks at the power trust and at Wall Street. I take m.) 29 A set of playeft *l—A serpent 81—A bone 88—A collegiate degree 27—Consumed »—Within Answer to Previous Pusxlf Freeze Out! report to us 'any violations noticed," Captain Farmer said. In August patrolmen warned 7,530 drivers for minor law violations, of which 594 were for speeding, with smaller numbers for passing on hills and curves. This month there will be more arrests for these offenses and fewer will be let off with warnings, Captain Farmer said. MASONIs ELECTED BLUE DEVILS 4 HEAD Durban.. Sept. 22 (AP)—Lowell Mason, of charlotte, was yesterday an i imously elected captain of the Duke university football team for the com ing year. At the closing of the 1931 season, Mason was elected, to the captaincy of the 1932 team but resigned several monChs ago. Resigned Premier w Hr iv > tfl HslL v w# Wj ■- imaßmMT * ' Jm Following the election for a new Lower House of the Riksdag, in • which the issue was majority rule by the Social Democrats, Premier Felix T. Hamrin of Sweden (above) resigned with his entire cabinet. Premier Hamrin. a former Finance Minister, succeeded former Premier Ekman who relinquished his post after it had been disclosed he had had financial dealings with the late Ivar Kreuger. B. H. Mixon Contractor find Builder Bnlldtng. remodeling, repairing concrete work, weather stripping, painting, etc Estimates Furnished on Request Office Phone 98—Residence 475-J Last Bargain Fares Os The Season September 30—October Ist Henderson To New York $8 00 Philadelphia 7 qq Atlantic City 7 00 IZ Baltimore s.OO Washington ..... 6.00 And Retains wu ke< !L!!!?. ** •n ***** September aout, o<*ober Ist—Washington and tickets nmtteTwSSL m to midnight 1 ******* Srd 5 other points October Mb. round trip p&lmaa fares Stopovers allowed and toffsgu odd Fallows Bldg., Helena, if, c. S«»baaid EXECUTORS NOTICE Having qualified as Kxccu! •: <■' • * 1 estate of Irene B. Horner, dwo-,^ ■ late of Vance County, N. c . ? . to notify all persons having < *, i». ? [ against the estate of said d< <.■ : ' exhibit tljem to the undetsiunrd before the 25th day of August, 1933. .r this notice will be plead*-d in b*r f their recovery’. All persons indebted to th* l 1•! - tate will please make immidia*. ; . I ment. This the 25th day of August. V. THOS. G. HORNER, Exec.j NOTICE TO CUEOirtUi-t. Notice is hereby gh.-u that *! the highest bidder for cash a" ''<* store building formerly occupied by Hughes-Smaw Furniture Company •*' twelve o’clock noon on Saturday. th«* 24th day ot September. 1932 all of 'it* goods, wares, merchandise, stock a; 1 fixtures of tihe Hughes-Smaw Fm - ture Corrqjany. An inventory **f * ' the said stock and fixtures may be seen by Interested per.--on.= at th** •(- flee of the undersigned trustee-assign'’® or In the office of the Clerk of ''•* i Superior Court of Vance Coun’y. This the 13 day of September. 193? WADDELL GHOLSON. JP- . Trustee-Assign'-?. NOTICE OF SALE. In the United States District Cour* Eastern District of North Carolina In the Matter of Wiggins Cut Rate Drug Stoic, in corporated. Bankrupt No. 2233 By virtue of an order made in ,h * shove entitled matter. I will offei (*»i •ale, at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, on the premi-e-. in Henderson. N. C., at 12 o’clock Wednesday. Sept 28th. 1932 the fnl -1 ©wring described property: All the stock of goods of Wiggin- Cut Rate Drug Store. Inc., cons: ’irg of a stock of drugs, inventory at <<•*’ being $1434.06. Also all fixtures in said store. slating of wall shelves, soda foun’ai*’. cash registers, etc., inventory' $1798.00. Also one bicycle, inventory at SZ~‘' : Also all book accounts. The atock of goods, fixture bi cycle, and. accounts will be sold -*?■ arately, and not lumped togeih* a whole. Successful bidder will be requited to deposit ten percent of amoum f his bid to guarantee compliant'* Sale is subject to confirmation hv referee in three days without This 15th. day of September. 1932. T. S. KITTRELL Trustee of Wiggins Cut Rate Drti£ Store Inc., Bankrupt No. 2233, „