dA&ftIAOXS PAkXm SOCIAL AOTZnrnBI FROM BROOKLYN I HKirH.PL I , v; • <■ of beauty and q/ H hail I come? •ufcn the earth and sky, ‘ spider-web of ropaa the sunset has found ! . , *ne broad breast of tha -►•! of hot gold darts r about me tlngtm B .. 'he city itke the hud- B ' my people, rises out . ,:>to beauty. rowers, its blocks combing some *v. '(.vf, burst Into sud i„"\in.-t the sky. B. . .-swung in an Iron cage •»:vpped in a flame of : \ ears a steady thun- I. f mankind, tha srong i of hs litvlng. grind ■■ f his daily tasks. I und nie at the flame *h its vehemence. I . «• • >g-» against me. ft ■ flame of gold cools •hen to rose. I emptiness, and stirs ; i ; -- prerces a star. • »- From Home." by I ? -*rjens. irr.s from Virginia. : has returned to hi;- to relatives in Vir \i»iting Grandfather - > Sa tor. of San Diego his To MrH. tcKnail chapter of the ' ■ iary of the Episcopal • in the Parish House • at 4 oclock. it was L . ’ day. i For Anna polls W. A. Hunt. Jr., left ;poI;s spending the :n the city with his nd Mrs. W. A. Hunt. ■ eet. i i IV Gold Funeral l - r.eral agent here of l-.'urante Company, ot ' n Greensboro today -t rvices for G. VV. Gol* company who wu early yesterday. r?. LtHostess I ■ io-4ior»n Club F I.ecK was the hostess to i- meeting of the Bridge r -b '• r. Wednesday morn ••clock in the West End ib. **- R. Stevenson was the "d was presented a very • f»r this honor, j Kinsey was named hoot ext regular meeting on >• ptember 28 and mem V *o attend are asked to H. F irming' on Gholson ike reservations. • elusion of bridge, the ! a very delectable lunch • . guests. Hicksboro News riORF.NTE B. WOODY. of Oxford, filled appointment at Island ' Subject. “Prayer." "■ Graham Breedlove and •< ’ N*e!L were s he week ' h**r mother. Mrs. W. T ** Sto%-all and Marx of Stovall, spent the h Mrs. H. S. Woody. ‘.V .ody of Middleburg spent -h’ with his uncle W. J M r - H T Shanks of Hen • Sunday with their son. ■< - here. and family of Hender :*krvices at Island Creek * visited relatives here for and H. S Woody, were •- of Genie Gill of Stovall ■'* vail and family also «>dv were Sunday night M• . W. T. Woody of Mid “ir Martin of Richmond • o-: sending the summer - «ndfather. C. L. Tucket ■me last week to enter Mrs Eugene Hicks, were -of Mrs. C. L. Tucker. '• !v who has been confined * on account of a mashed *• *o pet about on crutches Mi- J. E. Jones were Sun '>r. guest of Mrs. H. T. Gill A“srafty” clo ttcM-«p mm r«fes of itotp—ifttfll your day... T* Rtocr hegd qvkklj n time Prevents Many Colds SOCIETY NEWS !✓: BOW * • l 0 *’SS :*S3S s; ; HOUBS aA.mlto is moos ETTA KETT Marian Martin : Pattern : J 1 Bl i mm SMART LJNES FOR MATRONS PATTERN 9444 It’s what you’ve been looking for . . a chic frock with smart lines and new details. You’ll find the lines just right because they are slenderizing above as well as below the waistline. The captivating lace treatment at the neckline and the intriguing sleeves are individual as well as perfect for "nut too-allm” figures. Perhaps you’ll Ilka he sleeves flared three-quarter length. Pattern 9444 may be ordered only In uzes 36 to 48. Size 36 requires 3 3-8 yards 39 inch fabric and 3-8 yard 16 neh lace. Illustrated step-by-step making instructions included with this pattern. To get a pattern of this model, send FIFTEEN’ CENTS (15c) in Coins or tamps f Henderson, were the week-end guests of Miss Mavis Hester. W. H. Nelson. Jr., of Dexter, was the guest of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Nelson. Sr.. Sunday. Misses Gladys Jones and Mildred Jones and Messrs. George Inscoe and Allen Watkins visited in Durham. Sunday. Miss Katherine Reavis was the din ner guest of Misses Ethel and Eliza beth WoWrtham, Sunday night. Miss Elaine Boone of Henderson, was the guest of Miss Anna Laura Davis the past week-end. Rev. J. W. Braxton, pastor of a number of M. P. Churches in the county was the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Nelson. Sr. The Christian Endeavor Society of Flat Rock M. P. church, met at the church. Sunday. Sept. 18. at 7 o'clock. The program was as follows: Song by the society. Scripture reading. Billy Jones. Scripture discussions. Misses Kath •ds* and Margatti G^ e HENDBBSqp, TR.C.J DAILY DBFA'fCH THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22,1982 Neathery. and Thomas Richardson. Song, by the society. Discussions of the topic. "Coopera tion, Misses Gladys Jones. Mavis Hester, and Alma Richardson. Sentence prayer. The importance of the meeting was the election of officers as follows: President. Miss Sallie Hunter Sat terwhite. Vice - president. Miss Katherine Reavis. • Recording secretary. Miss Mavis Hester. Corresponding secretary. Miss Gladys Jones. Prayer meeting committee, chair man. Miss Katherine Reavis: Miss Eliazbeth Wortham. Miss Grace Nea thery. oLokout committee. chairman. Thomas Richardson. Miss Esther Clarke. Ethel Wortham. Dismissal. Christian Endeavor pray er. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Davis and daughters, Marie and Margie, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Richardson, and son, Gary Jr., all of Durham, visited Mr. Davis’ and Mrs. Richardson s father. W. T. Davis. Sunday. Miss Annie May Gardner spent the past week-end in Henderson, as the guest of Miss Julia Boone. Roy Davis visited in Greensboro, as the guest of his sister. Miss Jessie Davis, last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wortham of Greystone. are spending several days with Mr. Wortham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Wortham. The boys of Spring Valley and Flat Rock communities entertained the girls of both communities at a wiener and marshmallow roast, evening, at the barns of Otis Nelson, from 7 30 until 12 o’clock. A large bonfire was built, over which weiners and marshmallows were roasted by the following guests: Misses Annie and Betsy Harris. Lucile Hicks. Helen Bobbitt. Katherine Reavis. Mavis Hester. Blanche. Dorothy. Ethel and Elizabeth Wor tham and Helen and Mabel Nelson. Messrs. Edward Harris. Thomas Par ham. H. B. Hoghtaling, Gus Smith, Herbert Davis, H. E. White. Floyd jnnd *jA # r«| , -*jipi , Wfflp |V' ’ jfSEEßj^^k' v . ' Hk *fa»*~« v # J^~ Polly Moran, well known film comedienne, has taken prelimi nary steps, in Hollywood, to adopt 16-year-old Jack TrujiUe. whom several attractive contests, the hostess assisted by her mother served re freshments consisting of ice cic'iin cake and mints. After a social hour, the happy crowd dispersed. Mrs. Langford and Miss Mabrey. of Erwin, spent the week end with Mrs. Phipps and Mr. Walter Rose here. Miss Laura Carroll will go to Char lottesville Wednesday, to visit her aunt at Neve Hall. Miss Alma Wiggins of Henderson visited the neighborhood Sunday. Miss Annie Carroll and Miss Hen rieta Fox visited Mias Bobbie at Pal mer ’Springs for the week-end. The Woman’s Auxiliary of the Brookston Church will meet with Mrs. Henry Steed on Wednesday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Mrs. Emma Watkins has been vis iting her daughter, Mrs. Frank Spain. Mr. Stephen Mabry is better, his friends are glad to hear after & short Illness. Miss Susie Turner. Mrs. John Tur ner and Miss Lizzie Perry visited Mrs. J. R. CarrUoll Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fleming of Raleigh visited Mr. Er L. Fleming Saturday. ?*’ ' - Drug Store DEEP CUT—CASH PRICES Thursday, Friday and Saturday 25c Ammens Heat 50c Puretest Rubbing PA Powder, 2 for LDZ Alcohol, 2 for DUC 25c Cappi Talcum. Off _ 50c Frostilla QQ 2 for LDQ Lotion OVC 50c Jonteel Cold 9Qr FREE $i .00 Jasmine Face 7Q Cream twan* Powder I 5/C 50c Phillips Milk of **"**»>* oo c j asin j ne Face JQ Magnesia «J*/C Lotion 50c Jergens QQ 5OO U^ o * ol Tooth 90 Lotion OeJC f lEg ftPaste «JSJC I I |BB SI.OO Ooty Powder ftQ/» (1 lijJ SI.OO Lucky Tiger OQ _ and Perfume OalC.' ~Tftll Hair Tonic WC SIOO Pepsodent ftQe- TNE FAri*. 50c Listerine 9Q Antiseptic Antiseptic 75c Wairypoies Cod QQ- Solution Liver Extract OwC / 40c Fletcher’s 94. m —_ _ < l -°0 Aspirin f?Q Castoria CDCC I Tablets. 100’s SI.OO Coty QQ _ SI.OO Houbigant DQ _ Perfuma I 3 H»m» fr— with SI.OO both* of I Perftune 0«/ C 85c Jad 7 J Ambrosia, the pore-deep deonser 25c Woodbury’s 1Q- AMBROSIA FLASK ... FREE Soap $2.50 Westclox Alarm J J jjQ 25# JA J COUETTES .. . FREE Sl 00 ibb Cod $1.50 Shari Face #| Afl AMMOSIA FUNNEL . . KEE 60C Conbi JQ Powder and Perfume ILOO vadwa far hUM. uitli Nwy law Shampoo SI.OO Gem Razor—3sc Gem i 50c Milk Magnesia Tooth Razor Blades —35e Palmolive Paste—2sc Tooth Brush— Shaving Cream. AGg* / 10c Tooth Brush Oft 0r *ear C w Holder, all for Toilet Goods Are Tax Free At Parker’s she found in an orphanage at tha age of only a few months. Tha boy will be known az John Michael Moran. Mrs, Vernon McElveen, Miss Mabel Rose and Mrs. John Weldon Mayfield were visitors Tuesday. STATECOLLEGEIS ENTERTAINING FROSH Meeting Tonight Is Devoted To Short Talks And lnstraoMai To New Collegians Raleigh. Sept. 22—This evening several hundred freshmen wil gat their first introduction into the mysteries of a college campus when the first assembly of new students at State College will be hod in the college auditorium at eight o’clock. This meeting which will inaugu rate “ Freshman Week” will be de voted to short talks and instruction for the period of registration begin ning tomorrow morning. Every stu dent will be given a thorough physi cal examination and aptitdde testj in English. Assignment to classes of varying degrees of advancement will be made on the basis- of these English know ledge titetsr. •• ’ V i 1 . • annas Mamaa A—ftimi iiiw— UNUTYOPENS DOORS TOMORROW President Graham And Kemp Lewis, Head Os £ Alumni to be Speakers Chapel H3ll, Sept. 22—The Univer sity of North Carolina, oldest of Ame rican state universities, will formally throw open its doors to old and new students at exercises to be held in Memorial Hall Friday morning. Sep tember 23. from 10:30 to 11:30 o’clock. President Frank P. Graham of (be University and Kemp Lewis, president of the General Alumni Association, will be the principal speakers. The class of 1936, which registered yesterday was continuing its orienta tion program today, while upperclass men and professional students were being registered. Stevenson Today and Tomorrow W%4iLUON MgM DOUAR ¥l Lgc *l3 fjf g<2 QanrmntM OKiuir f^W JACK OAKIE, RANK MANN W, C. FIELDS, ANDY CLYDE BEN TURPIN. Coming Saturday— ONE DAY ONLY Johnny Mack Brown "The Vanishing Frontier" Coming — * Monday and Tuesday "CONQORILLA" - v « - - PAGE FIVE