PAGE FOUR nOBSMM|rBSMTBI iONRT A DBNKMk »>•* M* IW*» M. L. FINI H. *K-Tm» *ad Baa. M 9t, TKUUTWftMI Bduorui r: w WMw la—a PttK>» 1* Tli* Itoily IHtfitMk to A •Mb*r .»e itk« AMks Mi«t I’m*, »•*•* Mp«r KnlMpn** Ama'WUM, totlfc trn l'nW»»k*tt AmirUttoa ud tk« Sv»»n Owrvdina ITm Asmc*n- Uon _ . Th» A»*vvUl*d !>—a to • AClael'TSlX •atiUfU (.• u*« (or rvpuOltoaMoa All ■•• i iti«p«iokf( vr«dit*d to It or Aot ether* im credited in (Am (A>«r. aa4 also (hr local new* herein. All rights of *ut<lK>Atlva of SRMIAI •tor*utx-A herein *r* itm r«**rr*4. si aicHirriok r«m» Pijikl* lirMlf to Adraafl. One T*« r M.H ■lx Months I.M Three Months 1 M Par Copy »•■ .M A OTIC B TO 81 IISCBIBBAO. Look st the printer label os yosr paper The date thereon shows when the subscription expire*. Forward your money is ample time (or re newal. Notice date on label onrefully And If not correct, please notify us At once Subscribers desiring the address •n their pwp<-r changed, please state In their communication both the OLD nnd NKW addreea. Matleeal Advertising Hrrrreratatlraa FKO«*T. LAN LI IS A KOHN ItS Park Avenue, New fcrk City; ti ■sat Wacker Drive. Chicago; Walton Building. Atlanta; Security Buildlug, •t. Louts. Entered at the post office In Header* - n N C .se second class mail matter September 30 GREAT POWER t l.Gjd GOD: Behold. 1 give you power to tread on -crp-nts und scorpions. and over all th power of ?hc enemy, and not - ing rhtl. by any means hurt you.— Duke 10: 19. PRINTERS’ INK OR RADIO? No matter how wide a campaign tout a presidential candidate may make it is a physical impossibility for him to speak in person to more than a smull percentage of the elec torate. The vast majority of voters must get his speeches through the ncw.-papeis. and must assay the man and his platform through the medium of the printed word. That, of course, is the way it has bee n ever since the republic was founded. Recently, though, we have been told that the radio has changed nil this; that the electorate can sit at home and hear the speeches as well aa If it flocked to all the campaign meet ing-: that the word-of-mouth appeal will, henceforth, reach everyone. This charming theory, however, now and tlien stubs its toe. The other night a speech of Gover nor Roosevelt was being broadcast. Just as the candidate approached the climax of his speech. the voice coming over the loud-speaker faded, then an announcer explained that due to com mericai contracts it would be impos aibW* to go any further with the cam paign speech, and a moment later the rigmarole of some advertiser was on the air followed immediate’y by the noi.-e of a jazz bind. The handicaps under which a voter mu.-t labor if he tries to follow the campaign by the radio could not be il lustrated more strikingly. Suppose that you picked up your newspaper and started to read a front page storv of deep importance and sut parsing interest, and that just when you get to the crux of the thing you encountered a little blackface note saving. "We shall be able to print no moi« about this, because we have an advertisement that has to oe printed right here." Would you continue to re’y on your newspaper to keep you nested or the, news of the day” That never happens, of course. A new.-paper that did things that way • would not last a month. Try to follow a campaign speech in vour newspaper and you get all of it. presented so that you can take it In at \our own convenience. Try to follow it hv radio and you are apt to find it interrupted by a discussion of the merits of so-and-so's bed tick in *>’ A i*. todTy TODAY’S ANNIVERSARIES 1732 J jques Necker French states man-financier. born. Died April 9, 1804 17f>l Richard B. Sheridan .British diaouit.?. born. Died July 7, 1816. 1819 Thomas Jordan, noted Confed erate general and editor, who became" commander-in -chief of the Cuban re volutionary forces, born in Lairay, Va. Died in New York, Nov. 27. 1895. 1824- Samuel S. Cox. Ohio and New York congressman and writer, born at Zanesville. Ohio. Died in New York, Sept 10. 1889. 1832 - Lord Roberts. Frederick Sleigh, famous BrKtish soldier, born. Died Ncv. 14. 1914. 1857 Heimann Sudermann. fa mous German dramatist and novelist, Born. Died Nov. 21, 1928. 1861 —William Wrlgley Jr., who taught the world to chew gum. finan cier. sportsman born in Philadelphia. Died at Phoenix. Arlx., Jan. 26. 1932. TODAY IN HISTORY 1781 —Americans and French begin siege of York town. 1800 Threatened war between United States and France averted by ■ttie negotiation of a convention for eight years 1812— Russians establish a fort at Ro* 4 18 miles north of Bodega. Cal. TODAY’S BIRTHDAYS Charles L. Lawrence, president of the Aeronautical Chamber of Com merce of America, born at Lenox, Usee 50 y*-ers ago. Dr. David Friday, celebrated Wash ington D. C-, ecoaogafct Beam at Col- Henderson Daily Dispatch Poll For President, U. S. Sensto end Prohibition (Place X opposite an me of your candidate) For President Franklin D. Roosevelt (D) Herbert Hoover (E) For IT 8. Senate Robert R. Reynolds (D) Jake F. Newell (R) National Prohibition (Plaoe X opposite pita iron fever) * Continuance of preoent laws Modification Resubmisaion \ Repeal Please Indicate town or oounty I have toot east enether vote b thh petl Roosevelt And Reynolds Increase Leads In Poll; Alto Seven More Votes In Daily Dispatch Straw Ballht Are Turned in for Prohibition Repeal, ! One Fhr Modification and Five More Undecided established by Gov.ernbfj Roosevelt for presidentand Robe ft. Ft. Reynolds for United States were increased todhy a* fuHlfer tab ulations were made up in lire vote being conducted by the v D§ftly. Dispatch. The ( fctf-Sit showed an additiorial itii/en- fbr: repeal of the prcrn*b’:iOft iW, more for modifica^on. Hoover gained two arid 12 in voting of-the last 24 hours,, while Reynolds gained 11 and Jake*F. Newell two. Total vofcs tabulated up to 3 o’clock this afternoon showed the following: lsl&i.J V aniihei I Map shows the location of the "’' Island of Amogiana refugee families, fleeing flromiW earthquake which shook file Peb* insula of Chalcidice in* (/rtden, have been reported lost/wKeh the island vanished into the sea. Thousands in the xonef have'hepn rendered homeless, according to dispatched. oma, Mich., 56 years ago. * * Dr. Arthur Keith, famed Amerfcap geologist, bom in St. Louis! 6S "years* »go. • ' ■ Paul U. Kellogg, noted New. Ydrk *dltor, bom at KaJamazoo* Mich*. /ears ago. "V*» -' 9 Thomas W. Lament cien,ber. bf\tfte* banking firm oC J. I*. ‘ah’cP* Co., born at Clavernack. N.* Y-.,. 62. /ears ago. Dr. John H. MacCracaen, ndted * American educator and puol ; cis(, b<Jrn* at Hocherter. Vt., 57 years.rfgo. ' • ’ Dr. Isadora S. Falk, a bacteriologist* who has attained fame, W>rn in lirobk-’ 'yn. N. Y., 33 yeras ago.. Roy Norton, novelist,. bora ¥t->Ke wannee. 111.. 63 years ago. *. TODAY'S HOROfeCOP®' The nature of the persoq bom *4 hit lay will be eminently ind toa Ideally romantic: .Therp * si’ an Indication that yoj may attain a high Nation in life. .If -so, fieware *>f the allurements of the;worlcl Fol*- ? low .tbe straight path *. o aayo3 ’■V’tflue your health and repufattpr.’/* The* principal failing seems to berthat**the nat-tae is <too auscpjpgjbiy. weal;, and .it ma^thugitje'jfraW ditto l , trouble .by. the agaifcy df the \Ap6slte‘- tCx. * •* VJ Don’t making sauce/ *;Burf *.4rKqfe*, > gpdeij\>. ** up. after soft. Strain, swtaftn\and’ lei j** Ito boil It is then-dbife ajdl'TCthmaV l , aU the goodness of n» apples, * *• •• V •’■*• ■* * -tW- . ,*•**: y , -Jrf HENDERSON, (N.C.,) DAILY DISPATCH FW&AY, lOFMIIMEMI, IM Fbr PtrttttAit *Rt>6sebelt 62 ribover 4. Total 6G For U. SU Senate jjalife R. 6’ < _ *• ' & • (iir ProlHbTtitfn. . rPr£s Jn’tV .OTiii . ,V.............. JBL ResubmissioW*.......... Repeal., - ; .*aii r . Total 1 *V. >. 55 C * • % * The ballot is printed on this page today, and those who have not voted are asked to do so. It costs nothing, and no name should be signed to the ballot. Mail, send or bring it to the Daily Dispatch office .where it can bo depoeited in the ballot box and in cluded in the tabulations without any one ever knowing how any individual voted. J J This poll is part of a Statewide bal-. lot being conducted by the Nofth Car olina Association of Afternoon News-” papers, of which the Daily Dispatch a member. * %.* {. ‘ PROGRESSIVES OF.'. •• G. O. P. FARE BvSQtX (Orn tinued. . ,' f adiiwi hi q. yp'lp ■ ■ 8 ■'“Si m m ■mi 1 thusfaam to dpvjqiis. prrog td 'WusLi Are to «o p^rnb.! cnttlc ibis year ip Che jUc q<siite&t ami har<Sy any*. Ts of-dlSr Republican Kfdbkßkrt 'KlJjr oflAftty i&Cy now copre] out agitntst Klfh. HfmAv JUhnsdn bt Cfflifbrtfia, aft eiaftHy of HSdverlsr, haA. thaJiigb<f % tb get sflyhg. Arluidut a wofd so? tote party cho dfdeAe. , •rrfqnthry - dib ;Wisc6ivrln. New Mtxfcou CoUkens of MttfSepi: or Fiialj 'of‘North Dtotouk. itk #cho has not yet reverberated <o the Cbpltol. HoWAll of ! favors HboVer. but his IdsO .wrffd of encoUfagepiteht to the \Vjlfte' • JThUse w<as west is doubtful artd in 0% ; 'Now turn li>-% Dtetfioccattc prb- Wh'eCte.yixu will fthrd a hlap- rtioro cdmfdtent, ’gjoiap than- C<™3fr*n of Cbftfrado, iWhfciqr <an|i of Dhl- Wagner of New York, •Cong.Qf' Louisiana-dnd Bulow of South -baKdta'* ■' f-M-'e l>he national conyen ,ti<sn. Tfwy .fliihlt Qtey are going to !Hte(p ’ efted’t .the dent sin'qe are he’-Wb Ifroye io.*fc *f,^rtv^edai¥fe f T4iey k>dk: • :fdrward* to'*a\itfnentfrfg tbtei'r gmui} sh | <hp /lecftipTl. *•. *. ’ * r*, - . >' • V■’ i f 'C - /**} ' y ‘ f 1.. ‘ - * : fteriaL *go Jjhe.per .crfnfta dbet in*me ! tEa'-Ute* ; jatfetYl pi: lastltiitlonil of the . ’ coetreir cMkfAtint oounty bomee * ‘come* ffwn' higb aoet of • maintain-' * tag Che plants and the salaries *of ero a <0m »• A *** ***K 01 **• tamuu * would be B>><i In cash or $ 120 'g, wiii atpy ifffjv rel&tlvee This to ibf tldrto El «aBL however, since time ere some mm have no relatives add Who hShee milkt be kept at county hiwrfea.” The solution of tie high coat of county homes to the establishment of district oounty homes with farms In connection, according to Brown and Whit toy, who point out’ that not more than 50 poor homeaare needed for the entire state and that 35 or 40 could .probably take care of the situation. For several years the Welfare De partment has been trying to get a group of counties in the northeestem part of the State to establish a Joint poor boms and district Jail on a single farm, that would care for all the poor and all the short term Jail prisoners from several counties. But so far these counties have refused to do this. The .county that had the highest per capita county dome cost in 1930 was Avery, with a per capita cost of $416 for only 12 inmates.' The county with the lowdst per capita cost was Bertie with S2B for 2 inmates. The reason for the smalt per capita cost in Ber tie is that it is the only county that has its county home and county jail •located on, the county farm, with the farm paying, almost the total cost of mairitsQning both the county home jail,' since'- the prisoners in the jaiU work- tije if arm. The county home .and jail located' on different parts of ’the faem'so that there is no con tact betwen • the prisoners and the cou n ty; hoYfVe ihnrfates. in Qamtien-'county ' the per capita fc cost was -sAßr*a-.year for maintaining t only.brie .inmate,-and "in. Chowan, coun ty, .tHe cost w'ds*s3k2-a. year for each of fiye inmates: In Durham county Vhe per ’cpst .ih--1930; was $369. '.fbr 81 inmates ' and- .in Edgecombe county s£23 edcri for ,84 -.inmates. Ip Gaston coiihty the axeVdge drbps £0 -only $169 per>. ’• .‘ffe.- Inmates. .’But in GuiffoVd- thfe dbet gbes .up to” sl9. per cafSifca for 71* -iVimiCpa. Ih Jbtmston cojirity the per capita cost' was $&27 each fbr .47 frwiftttes. In Lin coln county the .ejtot V&V& ilp to jt3l9 eptfh-for 14 inrttatbs. In Rofyrfn btfurtty •the per capita cbSfc wAk $3&7 fbr inmates. The average population ajerd per capita cost in 43 county bathes in | I®o was as follows: •e«r Alartanee JlSijfS: ? - 19 J*■ ‘ 268 ■ BArtle . A .'*23 * 28 Buf>e *7 * 24 123 Campen* * r 7 •>. .-’fA’... 1 181 Chowan 5 332 Columbus ...8,.. 18 227 Davidson 24 243 Durham 81 359 Edgecombe 34 223 Gaston *. V 4 58 169 Guilford ;:'. 0 .... 71 319 Halifax* '. V. ?}*.. .*. 43 221 • Harnett‘ ST 231 »rt&rd,*r <.;.. 8 ■ 187 : 56 212 fa 56 212 %>ee *.*t p,-t .»’ * A » 4 17 269 ,Oift*bln 14 319 f.y... 13 349 .%V. .Mi.) . ; 22 211 vO w* - • v * 22 250 JRyihdbJ sh . ?. 81 . 203 •*£>.; >5; * .-,167 m*** ••*••.* •••:** ’ *SWfan 8t i • ZRC T-ratfsy 1 uanik 7* Vehte <Moepital4 .£> :am WaUte ' .'&gß t He «pe We'. *j.j\ v" Democrgtit J&rfjftiih. 'i&kes Fust; (Conflnliea-frdm One.) drtesked by Rbhert R. Reynqkls J. C. B. EhfijijJfhUff. the Dtemocrajlo* cimd(datoa ftfr kod goVerftor,- restjecfcfvtely. The Itirrdh'etth* rally. itetetihg of the* women A}e counties and was arrapgfeji by Mrs. 'Wioihaa Gi-6erry, of ©bias boro, vice chairtnfen.-of the State Deipr ocratio ip that ttfc vOce might bect>n)d> .peraphsftiy aredudfiftted tljc ami wfS» tfre qa.mpaipn dffifeftfla, as well as .of thte c&mpsiigm Tti.e waj=r ihetd in Sfftfct > ve Bwftight.' dlstVfits’. *y. the Swa' eSdfig,- county' Ajf iwefe-cilindnpt - of,’ a' largte Damwratto.*majSnty , >in tth election. . Cftalrman*. .Mrs. O'Barry and othaf dpeaker*, tiawenr, , Hwr (MiLonpr This Hugger Strike-Will Last ■<r .r* "»»■—« —■ ■■ ■ - ■ ** - 1 > urrfejl trejou the viee cbajrman and ’.wJ/feTs {he necesfSify for leay .l\o. uriturned; They espe- canvass of the jregtotr&tibri’t books in every precinct and an intensified effort to get every unregistered Democrat on the poll books in time for the November elec tion. They were warned against, over confidence and told that unrelenting effort from now until the election will be necessary in order for the Demo cratic party to roll up the vote that jt should. Much interest is being shown in the rally here tonight at which Reynolds and Ehringhaus will speak under the auspices of the Wake County Young Democratic Club. Reynolds has been drawing larger and larger crowds and it Is expected that the one here to night will be no exception. Reports here today are to the effect he re ceived a rousing welcome in Laurin burg where he spoke last night. Rey nolds will not be able to speak in Wendell this afternoon, as had at first been planned, owing to a conflicting engagement. It is however, that many Democrats from the Wen dell section of Wake county will come 1 CROSS WORD PUZZLE ! — - £•"-51/ * r a*" jpp 4 s eT"*T""*9*" m H ~ i |P £ eo a-* »“ ~~ im “~ i • HP ~— Sr“ 40 4 1 !P| 42 43 I—l I— l—l L..1. W% I * . ‘. . ACROSS L-irprovlding Tr-A'Xllcl animal. ■ 6-f-J s ,pwer ! .ppctioh of. leg * *, ' ' . VoLurrf® . . ,-. kt'epa a t S7-*A lood ’StaiAif! • : ' . •;. . 2i—Articu • *■' •*.*.• *; •• .'• ,*' * IQ—Exclamation \pt surprise * 'll—A loud report'-**- V / :■; * . H-A regUpg'pUi’db, -• * VV•; • ' **-fA leaf of*, manuscript '•■ ■* * U s 18—A eeasSn •*. *7l -■ ■*A' , £ t £°* cut do K n ' *. 1 *.» •** .* ' t2—Atmosphere. ' ' ‘ *.IB-Eom ... * "*• .14—-Unit of 'yy-n-y -*:• tiu> : L'-l \. j 1 —Ktogdonf of Persia * '*‘ *. 2— Transport r^tq *V I —Carvedmeroorial post . •—An insolent-look '7—DwelUftg A V —Misohievoue person * -^^g^* Jon ®*.the U. & (shbr.>l here for the rally tonight, however. Both Reynolds and Ehringhaus are enthusiastic at the interest being shown in the so far, not on ly in the Democratic national and 'State tickets, but in the county tickets as well. Both are confident that North Carolina will pile up a tremendous Democratic majority in the election. Both are basing most of their cam paign speeches upon the mistakes and incompetency of the present and past Republican administrations and stress ing the new hope held out to the na tion as a whole by ranklit) D. Roose velt. the Democratic candidate for president. Reynolds, because of his energetic manner of speaking, his friendliness and good humor .together with his showmanship, never fails to make a hit with his audiences and keep them laughing a great deal of the time with his derision of Republican mismanage ment. One of his most telling shots is that in which he says: ‘‘Four years ago Mr. Hoover pro mised to put a chicken in every pot and two cars in every garage. Now it is hard to find even one chicken in one of the garages.” 15—Spot 17—One of the United States (abbr.) 20 —To nudge 22—A meat “-HurrtS*" YOrk <****■* 25—Half an em 27—University city of *♦«*- 29 —Birthmarks . 30—Head covering Jl—Small opening . 32—A Greek letter '' 34—To discharge - 35—A Roman emperor aa—To tire out * 7 t*A short poem .* 89—Male parent .* 41—A city of Chaldea **“« to hnw PmU Dk. K. H. Pattbbso- Ejr Stfbf Spent htt Rbxobmox, N O. W, H. Boyd Begtstored Engineer and Survejoi Office In law Building Office Phone 198 Home Phone If I City Fuel Co . Coal and Wood I E. H. Duke, Mgr. Day Phone 180 Night Phone 418 W EXECUTORS notice: Having qualified as Executor of 'he estate of Irene B. Horner. d<>c**Hsec late of Vance County, N. C.. Un? is to notify all persons Iraving claims the estate of said decea.-ed ti exhibit tl;em to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of August. 11*33. or this notice will be pleaded in bir '*f their recovery. All persons indebted to the es tate will please make immedia e pay ment. This the 25th day of Angus*. 1932. THOS. G. HORNER. Ex**cjtor NOTICE County Board of Election* A petition signed by <l2si or.c hun dred and twenty-five, voter- d San H y Creek Township has beet. f;ied with the County Board of Elections, asking that the voting precinct be moved from Mr. W. L. Duke's store to Mr. Charles Hoyle’s Store. The matter will be heard hrfotf t h <l Oounty Board of Elections or Satur day. October the Ist. ai 11 3» tn All persons interested aie invited to be present. September 28. 1932. 4 J. H. BRIDOERP Chaiiman of the Coun*y Board of Election SEABOARD AIK LINE RAILWAY TRAINS LEAVE HENDERSON AS FOLLOWS No. NORTHBOUND 113-4:43 A. M. for Richmond. Washington Now York, oonna* teg at Norlina wtth No. 19 ar rtving Perisntoutb-Norfolk 12:95 F. M. with parlor-dining car ser vice. 1—1:89 P. M. for Richmond and Portsmouth. Washington. Nor York. 198—9:48 P. M. for JUdunond Washington and New York. 8—9:28 A. M. for Portsmouth Norfolk Washington, New York N* SOUTHBOUND 191— d:4S A. M. far Savannah. JaekoonvWe. Miami, Tampa. M 8-9:48 P. it. for Raleigh, 8a»- foed, Hamlet, Columbia, Savan Bah, Miami. Tampa, St, Peter*- Wiry, 197—7:08 P. M. far Raleigh, Ham- M» Savannah, Jacksonville. Miami, Tampa. St. Peters barg Atlanta, Birmingham. 8—1:28 A. M. for Atlanta, Blnn- Ifigtan, Memphis. For tefonnatSon call on H. * Flooaante, DFA., RaMgh. N. C . J* C Cappo, TA , Hioiann, W.

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