kuuaobi PAirni KXJIAL ACTIVITIXS Tire MAIBH OOTOME*. H , r , the heart of autumn; H, r , thin water's laughter; , {l>r , a scurrying brown hoi*, t\i!".»t iopioft after. Here a torn and empty nest, Cardie-berries haws; g ul er Goring in upon wing- »nil caws. H^r e an h.»ui that lingers. ;ne while slow fingers take BraniOv srai let fruited toll Os a brake H, r e the heaii of autumn — ur.*' remembers now. Jure will follow winter on A vr. a rose bough" Ethel Ri>mig Fuller. spend D»> in Salisbury. Mr ami Mis. Clarence Newman and Va.-hti Newman spent yesterday ;* >i.i bun - Attend Game. Mr and Mrs J. H. Brodie attended •v c Carolina-State game in Chapel H:.. Saturday. \i si tors Here. Mr and Mi.v J. I Miller and Mias I. u . «• Mniei of Wilson were visitors - r.e «irv during the week-end. t.oes To Philadelphia. M:is Edna O Neil has gone to Phll- it was learned today, to i t< «r.d a few days there. W rt'k-K.nd Hare. Mr- s J Sullivan, of Fredeticks v.rj \a spent the week-end with u-’er Mrs George W. Powell, on T; -treet Vtrek-t.nd with Parents. M.-« N tne> Chuirt.-se. of Raleigh, .;-r,’ ’he werk-end in the city with rt: parent-. Mr and Mrs. S R. (..-i i.- e i n Orange street. tiueste of Mrs. Powell. Mi jtid Mrs B. J. Sullivan. Mrs. '•rVijr' Sullivan and little daughter, Nancy -pent the week-end here with „! jr.i Mr- George W. Powell on rrt't't. To Attend Ball. M. j Emily Stallings and Willis Vi.-ir.g- of Littleon, are expected in ;r.e c:t. lyr.ight to attend the second i.-.r.-a. fancy dress ball at the West Z:.i Country Club. Prater Meeting Heart Tf.e Praver Meeting Band will meet •r. * evening at 7:30 o'clock In '« me of Mrs. E. H. Faulkner on iw-. IV:.Jam street, with Rev. L. B. ?.-. - a* jeadei. Hallowe'en Party Tonight. at.r.ual Hallowe'en party for ~r.T.t,-r- * ’he Junior department erf j r.c i Bipt.-t Sunday school will u fce.i ’.,r. gh - in the Junior depart-' ’ fr.;ii T to 9 o'clock, it is an nusi.ceii >1 E. ( law To Meet. ' ‘•a of the Women's Wesley 'of ■he First Methodist 1 h ■ '" !>■' held this evening at »i it the home of the presi- M'- T B Rose, Jr., on Charles Afei the bus Dess meeting, the will he in the form of a At pi:tv an, all members are r - o attend wearing appro -.utiles. Mins Beauty Prize. -I-- Mai non Wor ley, formerly erf j-r-m has been chosen beauty ... j contest sponsored by the -•»di r.g merchants of Rocky Mount, it., ,• 3o voung ladies were present ',l" Worley wil; given a silver " lr ‘B r 'iP and the title of “Miss Rcckv Mount." She will compete In -tatewide rontest to be held in h-i.'Mth in December when “Miss -'■.nh Carolina" will be choeen. Mrs. Patterson to Have Bridge Club Mrc \ D Patterson will be the at the regular weekly meet- D of the Bridge Luncheon Club Wad- morning at 11 o'clock in the End Country Club. Members are lue-'ed to call Mrs. Patterson as • j- possible to make reservations : bridge play. &RATULATIONS Birth of Son. 'r and Mrs W a. Ball announce . b.rth of u son William Amoa Jr nur *uay. Octobfc 27, 1932 GIFT SHOP OPENING Elr :; to note that Mrs. * • 1 s. Robb, who has bef»fi study- Jppll ' Hj an for s otne time Is open *tudlf> >n her home. Hand i'd grfts. toys plaques, hand "l meting and gift canto. r. r r wrill be on display at af’ern " " ,1 the x *° rd road every •ttr.Ur " b< * innir *Y Wednesday, No- and Health with the Vicks plan for SOCIITV marian martin pattern WrojHMWR la Hallowe’en Party Proves A Success The Hallowe’en party given by the Clark Street Parent-Teacher Associa tion, was irdee 1 a s jccesr.. The Da tive decorations were gay and attrac tive, carrying out in every detail the seasons idea. Guessing contests were had and sale of candy, pop corn, pea n jtn, and toys wer n had and many other enjoyable games. The costumes were exceptionally gn*.d and many of them were indeed original. The prizes for the best costume went to Helen Shepherd and Bobby Johnson. Prize for guessing beans in _ai went to R. J. Turner. The Parent-Teacher Association wishes to express their thanks to all committees. judges, patrons and friends and especially wish to thank M C. Miles. W. C. Cates. C. B. Bas kett, R. L. Van Dyke. J. Baity, Alex Watkins. H. M. Leckie. W. W. Park tr. Jr., and J. R Stevenson. Their help in making this party a success Lady VIS CUAPTNK to MANNY WAS RIGHT and feudfe m wrong And aba had oavar known what tt was u> live at the heart of a completely motorized com munity. Kay had drives from Cali fornia: her car was to her a mere extension of her personality. Four teen miles to Pelham ware nothing at all to ber. She lilted EmHia’a cool garden with Ita bathing beach, and Its big striped umbrella? and Sep pina'e teed drinks. She liked eapo dank luc men old etna Qrtead* of Kenny's or devotees of EmlUa'a who took to drifting in on their way In and out of New York. “She Is like a wopse." said Ghtaep pina darkly. “She comes and buzzes round and buzzes round and you can't slap her away, and she makes dates with all the boys and takes their numbers off them —" Emilia might rebuke Giueepplna. but It was quite true Kay was be coming a nuisance. M l don’t understand bar” she said to the fuming Manny, who had drlvgn out twice In succession tor a swim and a tete-a-tete with bis fian cee. only to find Kay In poggaagtoß. the second time guide and impre sario to a group of entirely strange and Impressed friends of berm. "She doesn't really like me. and yet she cornea sod brings people here with out permission. I bad to tell her not to, though I was afraid she'd be hurt." “I ssk you was she hurt 7“ said Manny sarcastically. "She sat and sobbed, didn’t she?" "Well, no." said Emilia, frowning a little, and smiling in spite of her self. “Well, no. they aren’t, not people llkg bar. You Innocent. yo.u romantic baby that won’t grow up. wont you ever get over your code of pioneer hospitality? This Is no boundless prairie. You don’t have to say ’ 'Light, stranger.’ That gjrt goes where she gits, aa a nigger said to me yesterday. She uses you. she ex ploits you to tlyses people. Can’t you get that Into your head?" Manny demanded with heat. "But that would he dishonest and horrid.” protested Emilia. ’•Sure.” said Manny. "How about Stoddard, doea he come too?" She nodded. you don't want him* wtbifr "Sure!” said a little crossly "I'll send a qoutn tomorrow to pu£ hartwd wipe on top of the wgtt, *nd * board sajg - be said. Bwt » ltt « It was while thft nqgy> wgs doing tht* very thing tbhf Kgy and DM* drupe wwtt* tbymKh. despairingly amused, yet saw with re lief that Kay was not P® r *^J* y ducting- finyup* I# H* celebrity afternoon. Only Olcfc. »b* had- come (0 mind hlnv in csoniparlaoo W 4mulL gtrlle.” Kay Mild betghUy. hEUbkncuS, TN.C.J DAILY DgFAffCB MONDAY,,, OCTOBER 31, 193* D TELSPHON* 810 STUNNING YOUTI»TBL fATTBJUI mm Tricky little capalete and close neck- Unes are the dsUMe that make new Crock* so new. In the model sketched the casualty *«d soai* fur edged cpidet (see small sketch if you'd like it without,) straight sleeves and the *¥mming panel with perky bpttons. a definite wwagger the! will d ***®^ lt ®by Miss. Lovely in wool or slHt. Pattern M6£ may be ordered only in siaes 12 to 20 and 30 to 40. Size 16 re quires 8 yards 54 inch fabric and 1 1-4 yards 2 inch fur banding. Illustrated st«p-by-step sewing instructions in cluded with this pattern. To get a pattern of this model, send FIFTEEN CENTS (15c) in coins or ataaaps (coins preferred). Please write very plainly your NAME, AD DRESS, STYLE NUMBER and SIZE of each pattern otdered. for a complete collection of the smartest, most prootlcal and eaatesb to-nqake styles, consult the MARIAN MARTIN FALL' AND WINTER PATTERN CATALOG .* Its 32 pages include beautiful models for juniorj snd kiddles, sa well a sthe best of the new season's afternoon, evening, sport * and house frocks, lingerie and pajamas Exquisite items for gift sewing, too. SEND POR YOUR COPY. PRICE OF CATALOG. FIFTEEN CENTS. CATALOG AND PATTERN TO GETHER, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. address all orders to The Daily Dispatch Pattern Department, 232 West 18th Street, New York City. was greatly appreciated. The amount realized from the party was J 45 which will be used for relief work in the school this winter.— Reported. Fancy Dress Ball Tonight At Club The second annua) fancy dress ball of the WM End Country Ciu'u is to presented tonight in the bail room of the club at 10 o'clock vith Charles L. Carter as leader, and J. C. Kittrell and E- G. Glenn as assistants. Finishing touches were put th- de corations today in the ball room, which Will carry out the Hallowe'en motif and all is in readiness for the dance tonight. During the intermission hour, sand wiches and coffee will beserv.ed. Mrs. Hicks Some Better. Mrs. T. T. Hicks general condition was reported some better today, al though she spent an unrestful eight last night. *ao ui u> cQ*er up our pnrai aonng and Ox up party." "Oh. let up on EoniHg.” Dfcjt said, "she Isn’t as crazy over parties eg you are. Lot’s just loaf a roup d apd he happy." He threw himself he still had grace—on tbs gyps* In the garden. He was la e mood Emilia had not seen so fgr; the forced geniality and •ood of funny stories were missing, EmUla had huso sluing near her lit tle piaster fountain, under e huge striped umbrella, embroidering. Bhe had not expected anyone so catty, sgd she bsd on an old white middy Mouse apd skirt; her yard-long golden braid* hung over her shoal dam for coolness. Dick looked up at her with the old admiration in his eyes "It’s a comfort to look at a girl that would rather look pretty than smart." he said. "I believe you’re bet ter looking than you used to bs, Emilia. 1 love thorn Sutherland Sla ters braids." "Well. thanks very much.” snapped Kay. "Now. Kay, you brought me along yonrapi:." ha said, grinning. HI * bagel c; oa crinkled and the quick, gay smile that bad been ope of his chief ctHM'tns flashed. “Kmhis sad I were buddies, weren't we, Km MsY’ lie edged nearer her on the grass, and reached out a lazy hand to deep her e:tk-dad an (fie. "Don’t, please." she said, drawing her foot under her. “War’s over, eh?’ be said. "Not with me." Kay interrupted, a sharp note in her voice. "Here, Dick, you lay off Emilia. You're not en gaged to her that I ever heard of." “I was." said Dick, putting his hands decorously behind bis head and rolling an eye of humorous mock virtue at Emilia. “B*»t she walked out op pa. Threw m«” KmtUa had bad about all she owM stand them- She rage end «*I4 with an edge to her dignity. "You must be thirsty. I’M send out Sap plsa with something.” She told Giusgpplna to go out with ice and ginger ale and glasses. She remained inside But ahh cobW hear the bang with which her passionate housekeeper put down the tray, saw her turn her broad back and tramp silently back to the house. "Waste good ginger ale on those dopes." Sepplna said vindictively, re turning. “Walt till Mr. Hose comes, that's ad I got to ear " “Oh. Is he comiiM eat?* EhnlUa's heart lifted. Mgnnr would get rid of them a* she—she Celt ps hopelessly old-tosh toon* sad loco rousts* t did not know how to do. "Sure, he telephoned out n tow minutes ago to know if* yon «*» home- ’Surprising her,* antd he. but I runes you’d rather know. A lady ».nt« to have time tor dolling up." Qlusepplns beamed at the nearness HLUNOfS* MOST BEAUTIFUL CO-ED. }i a , m ib‘ / Meet the most beautiful co-ed at the University of Illinois, at Ur bana! At least that’s what fellow students think of Miss Blanche B. P, W. Members Here At Raleigh Meeting The Hendecgon Business and Pro fessional Women's club was well re presented at the fourth district con fernce held today at the Sir Walter hotel in Raleigh. Miss Elizabeth Fox. of Henderson, chairman of the dis trict, presided at the afternoon ses sion. Miss Mary R. McElwee responded to the address of welcome from the Raleigh club, and Mrs. R. B. Green presented the matter of stabilizing club membership and led the discus sion which followed. In the absence of Miss Neleine Perry, * president of the local club, Mrs. Green also re ported on local club projects. Other matters discussed at the gath ering included “The Ten-Year Ob jectives;" “Program for Finding the Women in Unusual Occupations;" or rouutmic mceuriK Then she low ered again. "Lemme tell 'em to beat It, Mias Vale. I'll tell ’em you got to practice." Emilia was on the edge of giving permission, when Dick walked into the .living room, laughing still. “Kay's flounced off in a fit, car and all. She says all is over between us. You have me op your hands, pretty." She spoke quietly over her shoul der. ’Sepplna, telephone for a taxi." Sepptpa hastened off to the tele phone tn the upper hall. “Now. now, is that kind?" pro tested Dick. "l-ook here. Emilia, you’re still holding malice for catch ing ms kissing that girl why, I don’t remember her name. l?s flat tering. but li isn't worthy of you. pa*tie." His voice deepened, grew more wooing “No girl’s ever been te me what you were. And I know no man's ever been to you all I wax. You loved me like hell or you wouldn’t have gone oIT and bulled yourself that way. Why. every time Fv* adan you making audiences laugh and cry and eat out of your hand with those quaint little songs of yours. I've said to myself, That’s my own girl up there. I was the great love of her life.' And when you got a lIUls heartbreak In your voice Fd be vain enough to say. 'Well. Dlgk, old boy. if that little affair you Mkd with Emilia mads her the great woman Bhe la today you haven't lived in vain.’" The incredible complacent vanity, tbs cheap sentiment, sickened her. Bbe wondered If she talked his lan guage enough to get him to go. Yet. after all she, and Robin, had. too young, too unused to cheapness to knew It, cared for this man. That memory softened her voice from too Sharp contempt. "I’m not interested In you. I don't think I could explain. It isn't worth while Would you mind waiting for your taxi in the garden? I have some prwcbeing to do." "Come now. come now. darling." be gid with a note in his voice which she recognised with a Anal horror « fcafeg Chat of real love. “Let's let bygones be bygones We were just a couple of kids In wartime- God. it was a glorkgia thus, though? Life’s been drab ev«r slags TUI I saw you again. You're wnrtftpie to me. darting, war time and tosses and—” He caught her suddenly tn his argas and began to kiss her. He was stronger than she. She fought silfetiy to wrench away. She did nog want to bring In Sepplpa. with bar tftjUbMJwaes*. unless she must "It sickens MO in have yqa touch me." she said shandy- "Let mo At the contempt In bar voice be dW ratifies her. tat bo did not five NEW s *s: : HOXJBA B 1 E TO 12 HOOS Waddell of Chicago, also heralded as the most distinguished woman student on the campus of the uni versity. MISS ELIZABETH FOX "The Southeast Economic Councill;" and "The Institute oi Government.” The banquet tonight is to be attend ed by members from Rocky Henderson and Raleigh, and many from clubs in other parts of the State, including all the State officers. Short addresses are to be made by" several women in unusual occupations, with the principal address by Mrs. Eudora Richardson, of Richmond. Va., na tional field representative. Those from the Henderson club at tending one or both of the sessions today were named as follows: Misses Elizabeth Fox, Carrie Draper. Mary R. McElwee, Bennett Tyler. Annie Haines Collins. Lucy Taylor, Carrie Salmon, Meta Rooiter, oiaveleine Weems, Lucy Hayes, and Mesdamea R. B. Green, VV. D. iiCssee, rvawtord Daniel. Silas Howell. W. E. Wilson, Marvin Davis, D. L. Kearney. W. B. Waddill. W. E. Wood. Mission Auxiliary Has Regular Meet The Ladles’ Missionary Auxiliary of Union Chapel Methodist Protestant Church met with Mrs. T. A. Stone bn the Raleigh Road Friday evening at 7 30 o’clock with Mrs. A. E. Woodllef in charge of the program for the even ing. Mrs. Woodiief presented the follow ing program: Song: “Time To Be Holy.” Scripture reading. Prayer, Rev. C. L. Spencer. Theme: "Studies in the Portrait of Jesus.” Second quarterly report of eveu geiistic department of China,” Mies Question Box. Miss Lassie Woodllef. A Chinese conversion, Mrs. C. L. Spencer. Following the program, the meeting was turned over to Mrs. Spencer, the president, who presided over a short business session. Eighteen members were present. Reports were given from ’he circles, showing a total of $18.40 raised, with sl2 being given by the Young People’s circle. The meeting closed with prayer hr he work and workers In Chinn by Rev. C. D. Spencer. A social hour followed with game* »nd contests had, carrying out the 'inllowe’en idea. Mrs. Stone, assisted by her dnugh #r, Mias Helen Stone, served agfiJfP and home made candjj. . . . Club Formed By 1 Music Students The pupUs of Mrs. J. B. Martin s class in plapo mat Satunday morning, at bar ho«s« OO OnSAtte street and urganixad a music ah»b. Twelve mem bers were enrolled, and officers for the year elected as follows: President. Alice Harrison; vice-president, Ada Rose Yow; secretary and treasurer, NelUe Grey KiUreJi. The main purpose of the club is to study the history of music and the lives vaded her luxurious Hollywood home and walked off w-'th jewajd valued at more than $34,400. The gunmen bound end gagged A Filipino servant before the rob bery. Miss Costello recently oh*,’ tained a divorce from Lowed Sherman. fUra actor. Liquid ingredients are already dissolved - ready for the system to absorb. It therefore _ dree quicker relief from he#o* ache, neuralgic, rheumatic adO periodic pams. Won’t upset stomach. 10c, 30c, 60c date. Liquid fMdiisiraai PAGE FIVE