gXJUUAGES PABTXM W CUL ▲GTIVXTXBB " migration. ft :j £7"* <e ' .Ti.-: •' «'• ,h, ' m J* j.oxe.he.d •’ .. * *" n » : run c °t>alt, ..act budge across the an •"■■"- • ij., . -onu- to the cold: , ,- r t it vie <>f fading specks „•• ft ‘tn polar heights , rs *. • i . ’he threat North Star _. . . •he winds. . r • » • 'he moon Mr * • - !• tn This My Mr* Combs Here. y k rm' Combs, of Winston . v. .ting het parents. Dr. and H X I- !> 't their home on lesie For Wilmingtui \t .. \ k n i H Robards. Mrs. Dex . M:- i>ue Thomas. Mrs. jv,..* K R left this morning ~. V. n . n to spend a few days a - u.n. Miss Jeanie Strange. ing Hop Planned For Club ■> -r'lii nifn' committee of ft.i- I ■ i C untry Club announced xj- '!•' -b ’’ chairman Mrs. J. <y. • th •’ it will present a *• ,’ dance ht the club on • ••••mg from 10 until 2 • > a -h th< music being fiirnish »l - Ihutston and his Orchestra <- r I'. iu Mount. ?••• "aiinun -aid that delicious ~<•*. ~• •- •Atll be served during ••* -•• i nn.-st'-n hour. Shaw Philatheas Met Last Monday * u - -.*■<« Pht athea class met Mon ti *•• g it the home of Mrs E $ ’A <>n Chestnut street with • s Milne W. W J'rlt- H 1 kvs< - ue and Mrs. Wilker- - >- " ’• • Mrs Gilliland called ••• ’o order and the class •ig r ’h »’hea hymn Mrs. W. C. • i 'he devotional bv read- : ■■■ ' -'t chrapter of Maik. Mrs. ’_ V F _ •’man led the prayer. •< ■• from the various cnmmit g.ven and assignments made -mi ng month. • Tmuttees appointed were the I Mt’ M. G. Davis. Mrs. C. E I im Mrs w. H Hester. Mrs. R ■"* '•' - E. M Edward', Mrs. Service Mrs. E. G. Shaw. M- B • Shaw. uni; stone:: Mrs. J. H Murrel), \ J S ..a.ne, ■ K.'.ets. Mrs. M. G. Davis. Mrs ’ L Av-'u Mis K. H. Patterson. • - - ••ci i. hour w.is especially en- ‘'l'- F s t pchurch won tne prize rx-.-ing the nearest to correct f «andy in a jar. *'?•* black-eyed pea contest. Mrs. V and Mrs. C. D. Allen -i •’oh was awarded a prize. " ’!> -ongs contest. Mrs. Thomp * ’he prize Our hostesses ’■'•d !“i:cious refreshments of ice ■■•±rn n d cake - Repotted. North Henderson P. 1. A. In Meeting ■'* Pi: e nt-Teacher Association of ■» \ «i’b Henderson school held its meeting on Thursday, Novem •*t 1" i' the St. John's Episcopal r ’’ -n li i-e The election of officers ■'ireh «hi business meeting and '• i"» ndar.i-e was unusually good. leading of the minutes ' ’• 'he ’ t . imrer s report the meet . a <. duel ted to the election of of- • ■ oni'catlng committee with • r. z-ibeth E'ox ns chairman pre -1 'he following names for of- ?p- ilent Mrs. F. B. Cooper; !•■■ i !••• • Mrs S. B. Hughes, sec ■<■• i’.d tieasurcr. Mrs. \V. X. Mil- 1 'ii’e of officers was unan ’r u •• • er’ed. • it >.r the year were then dis- i: .1 various committees ap *l cat tv out the work. ''<•.• -i?.’hers for th*’ year were ■ ’■••••i follows • -• '.'id‘- Miss Pegram teacher B lingers. Mrs. Wesley Adams - '.rade Miss Fox. teacher. J >m White Mrs. Florence Clark. ■ a '>tade Mhs Carter, teach ' "■••rge Rooker. Mis. Wesley y. ” 1 ' '' ,o Mi-s Finch, teacher. ' !• Hughes Mis. Clyde Strange .’ 1 ' ,r , i‘ Miss Woolard, teach •j / ' Giah Murphy. Mrs. Gordon T? I ', , Mr ' Krnn Fisher. ' • 'rtade Mis. Riewer, teacher, f'-ni Rooker Mis j f>e Re.in. • «rade Mis Crawford, K B Co ”pcr. Mrs. ’ Hicks. o o ' M‘ s ' HaVward, teach ’ • ••mnue Hughe- Mrs. Jim ~n annc'iinved that th- • NEWS MOTHERS less school days Cnirt? l ° c , olds —with Vicks Virk' C v' R1r 2, 1 Plan You bavc co d \ a ' K>Rub tor treating Drctr '* eet Vicks Nose VntL/"-. new aid in Pr«- * rectPrt d 5 1X36 each •ireced in the Plan. i or r j Marian Martin : Pattern : J / _/V f ' 5 --- -‘ / °v\ / i 1 AsJ / i M rr —A Wf -9416 V A CHIC J’ Mf'ER FROCK I’ATTEZTN tHffi H re st i-- Tne popular jumper frock that ha sheen accepted by the alert ynungT set. Its very simple - • • but that’s what makes it so intriguing. Godets, set in the skirt ad danuna’ion to the jumper. A tiny close-to-th.’- nt’k collar and adorably puffed sleeves make a darling blouse. Os course, sheer wool and co - ton is the comb nation of the hour. Pattern 941*5 may b? ordered only In sizes 12 to 29. Size 16 require? 1 7.8 yards 54 inch fabric and 1 1-2 yards 36 Inch contrasting. Illustrated step-by-step sewing instructions in. cl ded with this pattern. To ire* a pattern of this model, send FIFTEKW flse> er stamps (coins preferred). Please write very plainly your NAME, AD DRESS. STYLE NUMBER and SIZE of each pattern ordered. for a complete collection of the smartest, most practical and ’o-make styles, consult the MARIAN MAP.TIN FALL AND WINTER | PATTERN CATALOG. Its 32 pages i Includ? beautiful models for junior? and kiddies, as well a sthe best of the new season s afternoon, evening, spor* and house frocks, lingerie and pajamas Exquisite items for gift sewing, too .SEND FOR YOUR COPY. PRICE ’OF CATALOG. FIFTEEN CENTS CATALOG AND PATTERN TO GETHER. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. address all orders to The Daily Dispatch Pattern Department, 232 West 18th Street. New York City. meetings *his year would be held on the first Tuesday of c ich t v»nth, the next meeting to be held Tuesday. De cember 6. tt the Parish House. Old members vy?re urged to bring new members to the next meeting. The at tendance prizes awarded month to the rooms having the highest at tendance of parents present were won by M*ss Pegram’s first grade and Miss Woolard's third grade. A motion was made that a letter of thanks be tendered the Business and Ptoa'siional Women’s Chib ad alr.o Mrs. Herbert Clopton for theit do i nations of first aid kits to the school. A social hour then fo’lowed at which tim edleieious home made candy and apples provided by the grade mothers were served. Reported. Beauty Queen To Frances Roberts, of N. C-, falls the distinction of „ be S o ™' ing the first “Beauty Queen of the Greater University of North Caro lina. The new institution resulted from the consolidation this y« a !..o* the North Carolina Wo- men. the University of North Caro lina and the North.Carolina J>tate College. Miss Roberts, a, senior, was chosen at • special election y catly .taePA’rcß Saturday. November is uhw so Cl ET V NE W S — - * ‘ g * * . : : : ; hoUBB BA.M.TO 12 KOOK 4eb yztnce P. T. A. i fib‘Meet Monday The Zeb Vance parent-teacher as sociation will meet on Monday even Ing. Nov. 21s t at 7:30 o’clock. T he general theme of study and dis cussion for the year is “The Bal anced Development of the Child’. Al the meeting Monday evening C. A Dees principal of the school will dis cuss the physical development of the child as brought out by athletics. There will be other interesting fea tures on the program. The school public is cordially urged to come to the meeting. IN EDEN g- Charles Winfield Smith lEAf? this FIRST. Richard Bailey, movie director, is wardered < w fcfe home in Hol I wood «»d Jere Kane, etudent of crim mo I ogy. en route home to New Orleans from a t>acar<on in Hawaii, stops off in Los Angeles to aid his old friend Ben MacOnarrie, a detecti tie, and Chief of Police Lee, of Los Angeles, in solving the mystery. The room Where Bailey was murdered shows •ipns of a terrifle struggle but, con trary to the beliefs of the others, Kane thinks that Bailey was killed wit hout being given a cliance. Among the pictures on Baileys mantel is one of Nanette Leßoi, a rising star' on the movie horizon, supposedly an im portation from France. After leaving Bailey s house Kane meds her in the din in p room of his hotel, discovers she is a woman he had known in New Orleans whom he had aided in clearing of a charge of murdering her husband. A facial operation has chanoed her completely. She is ac companied by Rodplf Holmes, an ac tor. They haw dinner together, but Kane does not mention Bailey’s death, seeking to surprise Nanette. He does by having the orchestra leader make the announcement pub* Help. Nanette pales and declares tiiit Bailey deserved what he got. She bulls Kane that she had left Bailey's bungalow at 9 o'clock, the hour of the murder, and that he was all right at that time. She and Rodolf leave 9*td Kane goes to police headquarters Where Lillian Hull, Lucy Wilbur and Larry Weldon, alt movie folk, are be ing questioned They had been at Hpilcy’s home discussing a new pic ture shortly before the murder took place. As Lucy Wilbur endeavors to talk Weldon becomes angry, jumps 4p and tries to choke her. Kane or ders Jlim locked up. Weldon is taken dwSty and Lucy Wilbur and Lillian Hull tell Kane and Chief Lee their story. They both declare that Nanette Leßoi ewtered Bailey's home as they *rre Tearing. As they talk the tele phone rings and Chief lee answers tt He is startled at the message, hangs up and turnj to the others, "ft is Nanette Leßoi,” he declares iNOW GO ON WITH THE STORY} .. u CHAPTER 8 LILLIAN HCAjL waa-on her feet fii a flash. "Nanette Leßoi!” she screamed ,*What— —” . The Words choked Ln her throat, ■he gfcz«d Wildly about untibhir eyes Rested on Jerfe Kane. She tried to ipeak agxm. but there was only an jumble, of sounds better lock tMm dtltil We get back.” Lee barked. The young actress’ eyes flamed suddenly. The color mounted to her cheeks. Defiantly, she tossed her head. Kane looked at the older woman Lucy Wilbur had not moved. She sat there in that stuffy little office staring straight ahead with unseeing tyes. Her lips moved spasmodically but no sound came He turned to the chief. "What has happened to Leßoi?” he asked ■wetly. “She’s been shot.” Lee returned brusquely. “I was afraid of that." the other txelaimed. “Where is she?" “At her home in Beverly Hills.’’ Kane looked thoughtfully at the two women. Lucy still acted as though she had heard nothing. Lil lian cast an appealing glance at the amateur detective. He said: “Inspector, you wouldn’t mind see ing Miss Wilbur home, would you?" MacQuarrle, who heretofore had contented himself with playing the Ciart of spectator in this little drama, •cramhled to his feet. "Be glad to,” tee muttered. "XVhat about the other one?" Lee demanded. Plainly he was displeased ■nth the turn of affairs. His expres sion revealed that he preferred to lock up the two women, that he be haved they knew more about the miif l*r of Richard Bailey than they were wiling. But he could not turn on ■ ane now. He had asked him to as- Mst in the caae; courtesy demanded •sht he ask the other’s ideas "What would you suggest?* Kane countered. The chief was about to speak when tJilian broke inj “Take me with you! Please— please, don’t, lock me up. I—l want —to see —Nanette —before * Her voice broke and she could not ED. on. Lee looked queattoningly at Kane and he nodded. The chief touched a buzzer on his desk When a uniformed officer an swered the summons he was or dered to have twe cars readied. A moment later they stood at the curb, tfeady to speed away. Lee eaid to the Wilbuf woman: "I want you back here at nine o’clock. You’d better be here. too. or HI send for you ” "I’ll be here.” she returned weakly •Lee climbed ip under the wheel of one of the machines. Kam and IJt frhn Hull took seats in the rear. The enr roared away. It sped through a tunnel und.r Bunker Hill, whipped nvar to Sunset boulevard and raced Inrougp Hoiiywvocl into Beverly Hills- A half hour later the tnacnine • >vas brought to a, halt in from of a i Smnll house. | *• ■’ * ’’’ f • I MRS. D. D. HOCUTT HAS STUDY CLASS MEET ’ ’ d M>s. D. D. Hocutt was hostess to the Study Class, sponsored by the Woman’s Club. Thursday afternoon at 3 30 o’clock at her home or» South Garnett street. Paul Green was the author for the afternoon s study. Mrs. John B. Watkins, Jr., gave a sketch of his life and one of his plays. Mrs. George V. Boyd presented 4 ne of his plays “ihe z.o Count Boji.” The hostess had as hex guetds. mVs, P E. Pinnell and Mrs. Jasper -B Hicks. During the social hour, a delicious salad course was served by the hostess. /O> ! w —ind then thi»~—it's too much.” the street. To one side was st grove of palms The front view was aft obstructed by either tree or- Wtrtrt,’ There w&* a wide, .smooth, greep . lawn, bisected by a cement walk which wound from the street to the door. The house was ablaze with light A shadow passed restlessly back and forth before a window. Another car pulled up behind theta as they were alighting anti three young men tumbled oat. Immedi ately. they surrounded the chief. "We’ve looked all over town for you. chief." one of then) said, "ifn derstand you’»e holding three .people in connection with Bailey's murder." "I'm nos holding anyone.” he re torted. "How about this snooting of Le- Roi?" another put in. "Do you think It has anything to do with the Bailey case ?" "t ju*t got here.’ Chief Lee ex ploded. "Can't you fellows give me a chance to go inside ard see what has happened before you begin pes tering me with your infernal ques tions?" He looked to Kane for help. “Look here, fellows.” he said ap pealingly. "if you will just be pa tient " One of the men turned on the chief "Who’s this guy?" he demanded. "Sorry, fellows. 1 have no time." the chief began, but Kane interrupt ed him. "My name is Krtne. I was former ly polic«’ reporter for a New Orleans sheet. Now If you fellows will Just hold your horses I'll see that you get something.” ( He motioned to the chief and Lil lian to follow him. They went to the house, the reporters tagging along, but at the door Kane turned on them. “We can't let you in. now ” he said half apologetically. "But if you’ll wait here " He glanced at the window before which the shadow was passing an.l repassing. “Someone’s worried might-, ily." he muttered. Hardly had he toughed the btll than the door flew open. A maid ushered them in. Kane looked around and his eyes fell on the white face of Rodolf Holmes. The actor came toward him a sickly smile on his lips, his hand extended. "Kane'" he exclaimed. "I’m glad you’ve come " He stopped short as he saw Lillian. The smile faded. His countenance darkened. His eyes flashed. "What are you doing here?" he demanded of her. The actress drew back, as if afraid ”1 —I want tc sec Nanette," she fal tered. “You can’t do it'” Holmes almost shouted, "You little she ” Chief Lee interrupted: "I want to see Miss LeRoL la she dangerously hurt?” “I don’t know.” shortly. “The doc tor’s with her." “She —she isn’t going to die?” Lil lian almost sobbed the words. Great tears stood in her eyes. Holmes turned on her with a sna'l 1 "What difference would it make to you if she did? You would profit by it “Please. Holmes." Kane said quiet ly. “Keep ynur nerve, man." The actor wilted . He dropped into a cushioned chair and burled his face in his bands "I’m sorry. Kane.” he muttered. “But I'm all wrought up Bailey’s death —and then this—it’s too much.’’ "What’s be talking ,thc i chief, demanded ’ I Quickly', but with well chosen' words. Kane told him who Nanette ’ i t ■ • "' ' ' ,4 . ■t»'’ > I !, Drewry News By MRS. HENRY B. whITR • The Parent-Teacher Association of tbe 4& eWry Bch ° ol meet on Mon- ( tlayuXoY 21 at seven o’clock In the evening. J. C. Stabler has charge oF and the subject for study 8 is the Mental Development of the Child. Dean Bryan of Wake Forert College Is the speaker of the evening. The public is cordially invited .to at tend this meeting The meeting will be held in the M. E. Church as we have not secured the seats for thc auditorium at the school. Wallace and Walter White attend ed the birthday party of their little cousin Judith Boyd Harris at her home in Henderson on Wednesday aft- night in New Orleans when she had killed her husband, of Holmes and Helen Dudley’s part in the! affair. .He told of Nanette’s caree a? Judy King and of her plans to enter the motion pictures, which were :-uined by the scandal tn New Orleans. He told Lee of the fraud that had been perpetrated by Bailey and the actress, as revealed to him earlier this night by Nanette herself. And he concluded with a recital of the manner in which he had told-her of Bailey’s murder. J The chief listened interestedly ,This was a new angle that wjuM berfr In vestigation Whal mattered it to hint that bringing up the pa; t would rtlirt Nanette'Leßbi’s chances of ever attaining a foothold in Hollywood? What mattered it to 'iini that the lives of more than oix person would be wrecked by Bailey’s murder? John Lee’s duty was to enforce the law., ' He had taken an oath to do that. Personalities -- lives meant nothing to him. Murder had beer, done and the culprit must be found, no matter what ’he cost to tllo.se who had been entrapped tn the tangled skeint of tragedy. Jere Kane realized all that. He had first realized it when he waif a police reporter back in New Orleans. It had become an obsession with him. and when luck and the kindness of an obscure uncle made it Possible for him to cease working for a living he, took it upon himself tn protect who warranted protection. Inspector MarQuarrD knew that. When he called Kane into a case he knew that it was going to be solved, but he also knew that no one was going to be besmirched with mud If It could be at al) prevented. - Now. Jere Kane realized that h* was not only going to have to work with Chief Lee but against him. Which meant that before the cam was closed there would be a scene be- / tween them, such as there once had been between him and MacQuarri*. And so, he steeled himself for th* inevitable battle. The chief seemed to sense this. to*. After listening to the story of Nan ette Eeßoi’s past he said, almost bel ligerently : "Perhaps I’d better talk to th* woman alone, first.” i Kane assented w,th a nod. When the police official had gon* into the bedroom where the actress was under the care of a physician b« casually studied the room In which lie stood. Oblivious to the presence of Lillian Hull and Rodolf Holmes, who watched him with keen Interent. • lie wandered about, studying the fur nishings arid objects d’art. How different, he thought, was this home from the one which Judy Ban ning had ruled as the wife of young Martin Banning. Whereas that one had been thoroughly modern—ultra modern. if you please—as a modern young woman would want it. this , was furnished after the modes and pleasures of continental Europe, with the Tuscan predominting. ~ Presently, he stopped In front of a small teakwood table. It was pe < vp-;ly constructed. The legs were ! • almost too flimsy, it seemed, to suoport the weight of the thick top On it was a picture which had fallen on its face. Kane set it up and found himself staring at a smil ing likeness of Richard Bailey. If he could have seen Lillian Hull at that moment —his back was turned , to her —he might have been prompted to a further study Os the taM*. Her eyes bored Into Ma back Her lips were drawn ttg’ni. Her hands clenched the arms of her chair - 1 Shg was aao-A , co. spsak wh«fi| ’Holmes pul a finger to his lips f°4 siieecc ' *ZP /? '. coaiTZXVJEW , i ...... w . •* » • : ' • ’• * . • • e . . LX" Grandson for F. D. R. dl Jh Another bumper of happiness comes the way of the Roosevelt family with the birth of a baby son to Mrs. Elliot Roosevelt (above), daughter in-law of the President-elect, at •.New York. Mrs. Roosevelt, the for mer Miss Elizabeth Browning Don ner, married the second son of President-elect Franklin D. Roose svelt last January. The new arrival is F. D. R.’s fourth grandchild. ernoon. Eugene. Wilber rind Wilton Wiison W. W. White and Henry B. White, Jr., attended the Xtnte Duke football graine in Raleigh Saturday. Mrs. J, C. ritabler’s muAic class met oil Friday afternoon in the music rqom After the business meeting and recital by the pupils of Hie class she served refreshments to those present. Miss Natalie Boyd of Durham visit ccf her sister. Mrs. Henry Wn ;, e Sun day. Ur. and Mrs. J. C. Wilkins we;e called to Suffolk, Saturday on ac count of the serious illness of Mrs. Watkins’ sister, Mrs. Marshall Jones. Mr. Watkins returned Sunday night leaving Mrs. Watkins and daughter. Helm, at Suffolk. Miss Pattie Seary of Blackstone. Va., returned to Henderson on Tues day after a visit of several days in the home of Mxs. J. H. Bullock. Mrs. W. W. Capps and son. WWel don, Jr., spent Sunday with her daughter. Miss Eleanor Capps at High Point College. Mrs. Barker Watkins and children Barker and Betty, visited relatives in Henderson over the week-end. Arthur Twisdale rpent several days recently with hia daughter. Mrs. C. M. Arrington. Air and Mrs. J. C. Stabler spent Sunday in Wake Forest. J. C. Watkins and family Mis. E. R. Watkins, Mrs. W. W. Capps and Barker Watkins attended the funeral of Mrs. Marshall Jones at Suffolk on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hamet Brewer and son, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Brewer near Townsville Monday afternyon. Hugh Paschall returned Monday from the M. P. Conference at Bur lington. The people of this communilty will be glad to know that Rev. J. W. Braxton of the Vance charge is re turning for another year. Misses Alice White of the Zeb Vance and Nancy White of Middleburg spent last week-end"~af* home. STEVENSON MONDAY—TUESDAY—WEDNESDAY, NOV. 21, 22, 23 HENDERSON, N. C. R. K. O. VAUDEVILLE ON THE STAGE WILLS and WILSON MOVIE STARS OF "WHAT PRICE GLORY” IN PERSON "THE RAW RECRt IT” Huber—Allen I Rhoades —Rhoades Personality Girls I Europev.. AcmhaUc Dancer, JOE BRIAN ! Californi. Ver..tile The Gentleman From Hollywood | Girls SAMMY SMITH AT THE CONSOLE OF THE MIGHTY ORGAN Columbia Broadcasting Artist n : a ” T<> I P riel's After Bargain d| ZX 2to 3 Every- These lioura Hour> IvC — its? sto S I Night .... 10-36 C DURING THIS ATTRACTION ON THE SCREEN MONDAY—TUESDAY JOAN BENNETT, in “WILD GIRL” ON THE SCREEN WEDNESDAY With “Madiron Square Garden” THURSDAY—FRIDAY A4TONIOHT THANKSGIVING SPECIAL IVIIIMFI* 1 “HOLD ’EM JAIL” SHOW v T ¥ ROBT WOOLSEY WeO&esday Night at p. m- y aaH— Vaudeville, and Picture, . BERT WHEELER “The Perfect Nute” CBUBOH SOCXKTOi ▲KKOUKCKHZKIS Hicksboro News By MISS FTXIRENCE B. WOODY. Mrs. C. L Tucker spent the week end with her sister. Mrs. J. S. Nor wood on route 5. who is still confined to her bed on account of sickness, but is some better. Thomas and Frances Woody of Middleburg, were Sunday visitors of their uncle. W. J. Woody here. Miss Jennie Gill attended services at the Baptist church of Stovall Sun day. Mrs. Leon Gill’s Monday guest were Mr. and Mrs. Bullock of Rocky Mount Mrs. H. S. Woodv and Miss Jennie Gill. F. H. Hicks spent Sunday, with Roger Williamson. Mrs. Efie Cole who has been in Brantwood hospital, we are glad to say is able to leave the hospital, but has not returned home yet. Mies Annie Tucker was Thursday night guest of her sister. Mrs. E. T. Hicks. Mrs. W. J. Woody spent Saturday with her brother. J. C. Hicks and fa mily of Henderson. * .♦ Little W. D. Hicks. Jr., son of M/. and Mrs. T. W. Hicks, is confined to’ his room on account of sickness, but is improving. «’ Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Tippett were Sunday afternoon guest of Mrs. J. S. Norwood. ' • L. J. Shanks and family were SGn da,v visitors of Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Shotwell. t ; The Turnstone, a bird which breeds on tne arctic and sub-arctic shores of both the Old and New Worlds, has earned it ? name from its habit of turning over stones and seaweed to find food. m □ HUI Ilaffl MODEL R-70 RCA Victor RADIO 7-tube Superheterodyne Tone Control New Type Radiotron* Large Dynamic Loudspeaker $J,750 "HP # COMPLETE Henderson Furniture Co. I Henderson. X. C» . PAGE FIVE

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