35 Candidates UPHILL TASK FOR MIS YEAR Fir*t Workout For Candi. dates Is Set For This Afternoon Tfc.r'y five boys answered Coach cull for material for his high .tut j- he high school called for i th.v-i who were Interested. T.'.r mentor outlined his plans for • .«a poorest prok«pects for k tw.Ketba'.l team in recent years, ts tt.a problem that faces the high school 41 the season's outset. He has only u#r regular. James Mills, from last teir- 'vim with different reasons :%k.:r.i -om»* more of his men from his v|tud that could be counted cn for I some playing during the season. Some of his likely looking material • ns; l; new and inexperienced is Bunn. CU>:-n and Stalnback. These boys b»v« 'fen some action on the high school quint but they lack the smooth ?,m of veterans. First Workout Today O.vj.-h r*. v r cnt h! squad through • . t ft. \ arkoct or the -ourt this if-ernooi. pushing th boys as fast a- ha can realizing the prrblem that :»es him He is being assisted by J E Merritt who will have charge ~? the * R" team as soon as the squad U cut. j A]"rr a few days workouts, some of :!ie strength of the Bulldrg* five' ca nbe gathered but the sea •et I.Mtks to he a gloomy one for the ztv C'Virh's first year in basketball i-rs I f * Strong Wrestling Team at Carolina Now In Prospect Ci.upel Hill. Dec. 8-Coach Chuck Quinlan is rapidly' whipping the ''j.vdlna wrestling team into shape wit. prospects of d- vrloping a strong » Football Captains* All-Mountain l eair. l'T.\ 11, champion of the I'.-t v Mountain conference for , tv* years, won that many post- ; ns on tlje All-Mount;.in eleven . .'ktd by football captains of i* region in a poll conducted v the Central Press Assmia :i an t this new>paj>er. Ends Meyers of North Dakota State I obtnson of Brigham Young Tackles Johnson of [flab vspaugh of Denver Cuards P-’ckstead of Utah •M-»rtln of Colorado College Center M«. Donald of Utah Quarterback -S’eater of l.’tali Halfbacks c ’.ansherry of Mon'nn* j Tinian of l td. Asdics Fullback ; ( i* '* o c ‘ n ol t tab ' t Royalty of Court and Courts SjEjj^sßßißßßß mm PP|Sf ■ % r JH k i * n ;V J KfE — / - #WB I ♦ * s~ j >- i- .JB w\ ''it T x £.,* J- r iLJ-'s£ ' ‘■»i^ •~~ m ■“ < H -u, v\,ii- Aluuuy. vuet-n ot the world s tennis courts, is shown with K "K 1,11 tav, of Sweden, when they were partners in an indoor doupie. '■ai.'. played m Stockholm. Mrs. Moody stated the King >* unc.ouDt.cc, y “** latest tennis player for hi* age, which is seven.y vy > **♦» ■ hi* game haa improved during the past five year*. l “Pop” Returns East i~ —^ . - Glenn Scobey Warner Coach Glenn Scobcy (Pop) War ner, having resigned as head grid mentor at Stanford university, re turns to his first love—eastern football—by assuming the foot ball leadership of Temple univer sity, Philadelphia. Pop "got his start’' coaching eastern football teams Cornell, Carlisle and Pittsburgh. mat outfit by the time the -enson opens in January. The Tar Heels have seven lettermen from last years team and several good newcomers The 1931 team was l crippled in early season due r 0 lack of experience and frequent injuries but the team came aiound in fine shape, and rallied to swamp State. Davidson and Brooklyn Poly and to tie the strong Army team. UN SIGNS UP I FOR PRO WALL Former Freshman Star At Carolina Joins Branch's Charlotte Bantams George Buchan, local boy, has join ’d the Charlotte Bantams a prose-- - »onal football eleven in Charlotte, md took o.ii! in the.r victory ove» i he Irvington team of Baltimore. Maryland the pro-champs of Maryl and. on last Saturday in Charlotte. Bitch.in plays guard for the Ban rams. the same position he starred in when h** was a fro-htnrn at Carolina rlong with Johnny Branch on the iieat freshman team put out that vea: by the ’"niversity. Brar.eh i.- conch and qua ire -back >f ;!k Pai tarns and said r 1 urban hat “he isn t as well known as the other members of the squad, but he is as tough .as pig iron and a fighter ad the time.' The next tilt for this pro team will Le ( n next Saturday in Charlotte when they meet the Washington Sen ators. undefeated in the South, for the South Atlantic pro title. If we knew ourselves better we might know the future better, and to know ourselves perfectly would be to know verv much indeed of what is be fore us. • HENDERSON, (RC.,) DAILY DISPATCH THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8,1932 Report For High School Cage Team Football Captains’ | All-Southwest ~ CO, ' nt em - Texaa Christjan player* were named „°:j K 7 ,,on * ° n * h « Aii-south. st elev en selected by football of this region In a poll conducted by the Central Pres* Association ami this newspaper l Ends Pruitt of Texaa Christine Janies of Baylor Taeklaa Blanton of Texas Boswell of Texaa Christian Guard* Riley of Southern Methodist Vaught of Texas Christian Can tar Nolan of Texas A. and M. Quarterback Sjwarman of Texas Christian Halfback* Hilliard of Texas Oliver of Texas Christian Fullback Hoy of Texas * — m Football Captains’ All-Coast Team lUK TISI MAN’S of Southern California lanthnl most men on the A It-Pacific ('oast team, se lected hy grid leaders of thts section In a poll conducted hy the Central Press Association and this newspaper. Mere it is: End* Palmer of U. s. c. Slavich of Santa Clara Tackle* Brown of U. x. C. Smith of U. S. C. Guard* Corbus of Stanford Stepanovich of St. Mary’s Center Coates of l). C. l„. A. Quarterback Beasley of St. Mary’s Halfback* Moe of Oregon State Schnldach of California Fullback Brovelll of SL Mary'a i- _< i Alumni Groups of Duke University Note Anniversary Durham. Dec. 8. Approximately 2.- 500 alumni of Duke university will gather next week at 45 dinner meet ings to observe the eighth anniver sary cf the founding of the Duke En-' dowment and to review the recent progress of their- alma mater. As the anniversary of the endow ment. December 11. falls on Sunday this year other near dates have been chosen by the local groups taking part in the wide-spread observance. Speakers representing the univer sity have been designated for the va rious meetings. Members of the ad ministration. faculty. and athletic staff will be among those appearing before the alumni groups to carry message of greeting from the instiu tion. Twelve out-of-state meetings wtll be held, -me of them in Hiroshfma, Japan At 33 meetings in North Caro lina former Duke students from over 50 countie* will be present. During the week, at a time to be fixed later, additional observance of Duke University Day” will be held in the university campus. Several of the local meetings will be held on dates yet to be set definitely. Each meeting is arranged for by b>- ■al alumni, but Henry K. Dwire, Duke director of public relations and alumni affairs, is cooperating with hem in the completion of plana. At tome of thp meetings only local speak rts will be heart*.. COTTON CHRISTMAS MOVE IS LAUNCHED Columbia, S. C . Dec. S (API - Pkfns for a “cotton Christmas" *o Hip bring prosperity so the South oday received the nedorsenrent of Governor B. M. Miller, of Alabama, md U. Benton Blalock, of Raleigh, iresident of the Amercian Co?ton Co >p«-rative Association. The “Cotton Christmas” movement i sponsored by the Association for be increased use of cotton, with read qua rtf is here. The objective is jiving by every one of articles made >f cotton as Christ mu presents. All Highways Now Run on Less Than Counties Formerly Raleigh, Dec. 8 f $2 71,806.41 for general overhead -xpenses, the figures showed. When the current fiscal year is passed--the second complete one during which he department has had charge of soth county and State roads —adndnls. ration of the department will have :ost only 229.738, including the cost if division offices. The consolidation of the state and rounty systems was made- b T the 1931 general aasebly and hegen. to unction July 1, 1931. MURDER IN EDEN KH.il) THIS /■ lit J*T Jere Kaite. ati'.Hi it ol ci I^nin^^^<^fTV. untiertak w« <• ioq ( j/i«- murdet ol HichaTd Hailey noted lUm diirctor. laund shot to death in his Holly wood huvoatou:. /‘rinniiats m the mystery ire A’anetfe rising slat ot the tttms, making Ucr career under Hailey’s tutclaoe, her secretary. Par. otha Deane; I.ary Wilbur, l.iUtan Unit and l-arry WeJdon, all inovte. loll:; ‘Chiviriffton, Baileys t»wf/«-. elite/ ol Police Lee, ot Do* Angeles, and others. Kane believes Bailey tras shot without twino able to put up a struggle despite the tact that the room in which the murder occurred Ih pretty well torn up Shortly after HaHcy's murder Xanctte IwTtor ts shot and wounded as she sits talking with ftndoll Holmes t* her Hv.ltio room. Kane finds a ! SEND YOUfc NUMSKULUON 1 NOTIONS TO DEAR. MOAH * ■ AN OUO WASMIOWED pntT_2Agi_WUA. Da >T . _ Drug Stores Want To Drop Paper Cup Used at Fountain Dal* aiMni n» |W Jny Watln latN mrj.r BAMuuiviLa,. Raleigh, Dec. ft.—Agitation for beer an wine nnd the belief that beer will be- permitted soon thrmigfeewt the country, has- canoed the- soda foun tain operators hare to auk the Wfeke County Beard of Health to pernrtt them te use glasses for dispensing fountain drinks instead of paper oups At the present time, the use of san itary paper cup» is required by ail soda fountains here. The cost of the paper cups is understood to be con siderably more than the cost of <7lassT». The fountain operators main tain that the use of glasses will re turn when the sale of beer and win* is legalized and that hence they might as well be permitte to use \ . ijoiii oe iitmur'i. Nanette.’ ne entued . *** r What would >j:i old man like i that be doing with a kid sweet heart T m "Sometimes, she said rtereety. "old I men arc the most foolish, especially t when H comes to >oung girls.” ■ “Chivington." Holmes reminded ■ Iter, "was as level headed a fiersop a* ever liven Don l think for an ln t stant rhai he was going to lose his t. presence of mind over a mere hit of blonde fbifHnes.H-— *• “Blonde y i "Yes. the description of the glrf i given out to tie newspapers said ■ she was blonde and extremely f pretty" "It take* a pretty girl." she smiled i —tn the dark he could not see her i lip curl In a sneer, "and especially i a young and pretty one. to make a i fitol out of hn old man. and blondes seem to he more successful at it than girl* of other complexions.” Holmes snorted Is disgust. “You i talk like a two-year-old- Yes." he i added quickly, “and yon nci like one. . too" "What do you mean?" site flung back. "Can’t you see, Nanette, that you’re - In a hot spot” First of all. you have a quarrel with a man who admires voo. Not an hour later that man Is found murdered in hi.* own home. You were the last one to see him alive.” “Well, what if I wa-;?” she snapped "1 have a perfect alibi, and.” this she added with just a trace nf coy ness. “I have you to confirm that alibi for me “ “I know you can’t see my point of view, hut if yen will Just keep quiet for a minute until I finish I’ll show yon just where you stand. You were the last person to see Richard Bailey alive. The next thing anyone knows, you hara been made a target yourself, but. fortunately, the marks manship was very had. That only ■ add* to the precarlousness of your position. The wound 1$ such a minor one that you do not even And jt necessary to remain In tied" “Why In the name of all that’s good and t-oly must I remain In bod 1 If 1 am not hurt very hadlyT* she ’ demanded. "Because your actions are going to create suspicion Be sensible. Nan ! Don’t you see that the first you know you are going to be arrested for that murder? That wound In >our shoulder was only a superficial one. It is just the type that a per son would Inflict on himself to throw off suspicion ”1 do see.” she exclaimed heavily. "Oh." in anguish, “why couldn't I see that before?" “There’s just one thing more. Bai ley was supposed to be engaged to you " *T bated him!” "That makes no difference. The studio has you engaged to Bailey. You must conduct yourself accord ingly. And. remember this.’* warn ingly, “if you are not very careful the police are going to dig into your past. You don’t want to forget that you murdered ’* She swayed slightly and tried to stop him. hut he went on brutally: "You murdered your husband In New Orleans. To be sure, a jury cleared you. but in jour own heart you know you killed him and th» police are going to know it. too. if you are not careful. So far as they know, now, you’re Nanette I,ef{ol, not Judy Banning.” “But. llodolf.” her heart sank and she could hardy force tlw w ords from her lips. ’Mere Kane knows. He'll tell "Jere Kane is a gentleman," he cut in harshly. "He will tell nothing unless he pins the murder on you. And if he does—God help you." Her breath came heavily. She phitrhi*fl nt thn nf tnr’q nn« for glasses now'. They maintain they will comply with the law and see that all glasses used are propertly sterilized. The health department is expected to oppose the petition on the ground.* that the law requiring the sterilftW tion of glasses is usually ignored when the use of glasses is permitted. LICENSE BY MAIL TO GO TO RALEIGH !>»llr l>l«i»nti'b Barm*. In (hr Sir Wnlli-r Hutrl. ItY J *}. It Raleigh. Dec. s. While automobile owners will be able to secure their new 1933 license plates in person from any one of 45 branch offices over the State, when they open De cember 15. all mail orders for license* must be sent directly to the automo bile license bureau of the State De partment of Revenue here in Raleigh it was pointe out today by L. S. Har ris. chief of the automobile license division. /ams£ “sows. «*.«-«. *>, oum® LdOVOM<-» "SUNCh oF I'DlCvT‘i TruT 1 ce.M coMOiMte.' ■ VdO -Tt*e you >.»t ( don't think I did it. do vou?" He was grateful ai that moment foi the mantel ot darkness which was closed about tltem He iookcri pityingly at he*. What it he dal think her guihy? Could he tell her so? And if he thought she was in nocent how whs he going to convince her of tt? Me knew he had talked brutally to her. but. tn hi* own heart be be lieved this to be so. she had it ewm tng to her. She deserved every word of censure that he had uttered. She read his answei in Ins silence She drew *wav from Mm a* If he was a thing unclean. ‘You do think I am guilty." she anld. and her voire was cold and brittle. She started to pass him but ha osMisht her and drew her to him Hia arms went about her and held her close to him. “No. Nanette. I don’t." he pro tested. “You know belter than that.” fihe struggled to release herself, but he held her in arms that were like steel. “Yon know that I love you. love .vou better than anything in the world,*’ he exclaimed fiercely. Hhe laughed bitterly, sarcastically. “How can you be so sacrilegious, to speak of love to a woman whom you believe to he guilty nf murder? I,et me go.” But he refused to heed her de mands. “I do love you. Nanertei You know I do. Yon know I have loved you ever since that— that night —in New Orleans You know that I would have killed Martin Banning myself if you had not- He ” She wilted in hia arms Her hand -stole up about him and she clung te hhn aa a flower clings to e atone wall for strength. "And 1 love you, Rodolf.” she mur mured “But " He smothered her worda with hi* lips. After a moment: “Why not give up this farcical fraud you are perpetrating?" he pleaded. “Why not become my wife?" She put a finger over his tipa. "Please don’t ask me now?’’ she said. "Wait until this R-vful business i* ended. Then—if you still want me —ask me then." Slowly, they walked back to the house. Nanette unlocked the door and switched on a light instdo. Then she turned to him. He took her in hi* arms and pressed a tender klsa to her lips. "Until tomorrow." he whispered. Nanette watched him until he dis appeared. walking down the street. Tt never once dawned on her thai lie was walking instead of driving hi* sporty racing model car. .She thought only of the bliss that would some day be hers aa the wife or Rodolf Holmes. When he was gone she went into the house. Her mind was in turmoil. Now she realized what he had i»M her wa* only too true. She was , n a dangerous position As she Goerd the door and locked It :t voice as led sleepily: “Is that you, Nanette?" "Dorotha!" Nanette cried. "Is that you ?** Dorotha. attired In sleeping gar ments and with a ftimay negligee pulled cloaely about her, tame from her boudoir. A quizzical smile wa* on her lii^a. “Why didn't jou come back after me?" the actrpss demanded. Dorotha’s eyes popped open and her litis parted in surprise don’t understand." she stammered. “You don’t understand what?" Nanette exclaimed angrily. "When I let jou take the car thts afternoon I told jou to come hack for me to night." “Bat you telephoned and antd it wouldn’t be necessary." the secret nr cairecte.l. /7YI ft ft noKTixi FP> TAR HEELS ATTEND EDUCATION MEET Charlotte, Dec. 8 (AP)-Bishop Ed. wia D. Mouzon, of Cijarlotte. will head the North Carolina delegation to the educational council of the 1 Methodist Episcopal Church. South, j in Nashville, Tenn.. December 13 to 16 1 Bishop Mouzon is president of the i denomination’s bosrdi of Christmas East Coast Stages, fee. THE SHORT LINE Christmas Bus Excursion December 15 to January 10, 1933 Save 45 Percent On Holiday Trip* Tickets On Safe Until January 2, 1933, Final Return Limit, Midnight, January 10 Go Home For The Holiday* via THE SHORT LINE SAMPLE LOW ROUND TRIP FARES FROM Jacksonville Richmond Washington Philadelphia New York Henderson 116.70 $4 30 $7 35 Slh 9n JU 85 Petersburg 18.60 3.85 7.70 8.80 Richmond 19.25 3 3ul heads of other Methodist ir.ait tutinns In the State WARNING! Another Cold Wave Striking In South. Are You Prepared Call 260-J For Quick Delivery of Coal and Wood Weight and Quality Guaranteed. Falkner’s Coal & Wood Yard Phone 260. J 3pring Street, R R. Crossing Rear Teiser’s Store