ASSOCIATED AND CENTRAL PRESS SERVICE Seven More Merchants Join In Big Popularity Contest Total of 37 Business Con cerns Now Giving Cou pon Ballots For Pur chases and Payments TEN SETS OF CHINA OFFERED AS PRIZES No Candidate Has Any Sell ing To Do; Clip Half Page Advertisement Showing Names of Merchants Parti cipating and Use It In Making Your Purchase* Much inters being *hown by the public in the Merchant* Popularity Contest b»-• iik sponsored by the Bus iness nod Professional Womans Club and the Daily Dispatch. Votlne has already started a’ a lively gait, as tbo«n by the calls that have been made c-n th c * participating merchants tor ballots. Seven new m< mbers are being added today to ihe list of merchants giving ballots and mmi are expected as the content progresses The new memb er* are as follows. Tucker Clothing Co . Bon Ton Service Station. Hend erson Book Company, Milady Beaiity Shoppy. J. R. Wilkei.son's Market. Bakers Shoe Repair Shop and Dorsey Drug Company.' This brings the to ut membership thus far up to 37 con cerns that are now giving ballots with cash purchases and payments on ac count. Those who wish to become candi dates and compp e for the ten sets of lovely Colonial china are urged to enter the contest a* once. An early start may mean the difference between winning and losing a set of china . The merchants who have entered this contest will gladly give you the Votes if you ask for them. Clip the half page adve-tisement in this issue containing the names of all the merchants entered and use it whon miking your purchases. Only the merchants whor-e names appear in this advertisement are giving bal lots. Clip the nomination blank In today's issue and enter yourself or vour fa vorite in the content. The nomination blank is good for one thousand votes. “BUY IN HENDERSON” MERCHANTS POPULARITY CONTEST 10-BIG VALUABLE PRIZES FREE-10 Rules of the Contest I Prizes And How They Will Be Awarded I p umo . e of Tt,;. f.wh™ Nomination)) may he made by one', self or ones friend Votes may be cast * 1 LleCUOn by y “:i" h o, . >oUr *■’*• *•"■> “* ha,,* ahich ap. FIRST DIVISION SECOND DIVISION ThP purp ,„* „ lh » , lectlv „ „ promoL . „ „ BOY K . son's lending huwnL firms'a ill issu 7*. Hh U ajT '"h * tr ** tuA - Ho ' ,d * r * (City (if Ht'Udet'SOll ami HellderoOll (All Territory Outside of iieudt'l’KOll S<>S mavi-ment. Thr poiticlfMitlng merduuta know lhal thrrr a «(,>■»[ rinil "I ... rJZ a, -h IT. L , r * nd Tfrtvnsllip) . Township) ■>«* b ' -«- con™*,, •- ofh-r ham-i.™, « r.,u M -«h r.oh dollar . Trado ».‘,H iha f.ra.s ZZ lot and deposit them tn the ballot Boxes provided at Kcmer's Drug Parker's SECOND i'r J'fA 64 nie <F SI) A 64 n “ ***”*** ***** ‘-‘ween the candidates so that the) .ill 10, and deposit them In the Ballot Boxes provided at Kemer’, Drug Stor. Parker's e,?; - u ,f L ~£ a 64_P >EU>M> I RIAL A 64-pieee insist that all their friends and acquaintances buy everytning powdble in HF.NDEK -- - - -- ™™> l ™iz l ch x£rr r «. P ™ “ ~ ~ Ballots will be tabulated bud th* Standing of ,he candidates will l„ ftn , ° 10,1,H 1 n,ma dinner Set Colonial China Dinner Set. ** “* tß th ‘■ candidates nothing to enter this Election and it will them nothing the Daily Dispatch every Tuesday and Friday C “ W,U '* *« FOURTH PRIZE - A 32-Piece FOURTH PRIZE - A 32-Piece ***** AU *■» h*ve to do I. «k all .heir Balloting begins Balloting begins Tun)da>. D,cemb,r 13. and end, February 15. 1933. FIFTH PRIZE - A 25-Pieee FIFTH PRIZE - A 25-l>ieee —** ,W -ith all purchases *td P-yme-ts on ■ t'oloiiial Ohiua Set. Colonial China Set. THE FOLLOWING FIRMS ARE GIVING BALLOTS WITH ALL CASH PURCHASES AND PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNT Wilson Electric Company Main Street Fruit Store Misses Mattie & Lucy Hayes Wlii*. P»™i r Wlnng. Plumbing and Hearting Phone 738 All kinds of Fruits and Vegetables . , • . . Ladies' Ready-To-Wear and Millinery ««e T TOllt grocery wV Q nAr UI G*oceries Fruits Vegetables Nat T. Mitchell May-Smith Cleaning Co. P Roth-Stewart Clothing Co. Hughes Furniture Co fT Rfl "“ r ' ng ~ I>h,,Df 7<9 ' W E>per, D,~y Cloning-Phone =37 M#>rr.hantit Men's do.hifg. Shoes and r ur ni,h lnp , Mrs. OUve Hujh.. ftp,, .pj.,,. Arlene’s Biller’s " Roth-Stewart Clothing Co Green .Gables Service Station Ladies Ready-To Wear Complete Outfitters for the family merchants desiring to have their Ladles’ Ready-To-Wear / Garnett A. Granite sts T va,- rv rin •• ~- --- , firm listed on this page and secure bal- —LuhriJ.i « ° Parker’s Drug Store Henderson Furniture Co. lot * ‘° vo ‘ h «» cnrtomer. with otuh E. G. Davis & Sons Co °" ‘ Specl ‘ ll> ' Ttn Zmr WC fUr ° lSb lh ‘ '• Sr^.Ud d to PI S? t th“ n DX , DaI y .Tn-We« r , Dn, Good, ,„ d N ' otlonß BridgerS—The Florist S _ Terr’s Dept. Store ° ffiCb Kemer Drug Company r ' n »y"«j grocery Everything to wear for the entire family Prescription Druggist— phone 112 '—pr ——- - If Its Groceries. We Hav e It—Phones 247-248 ___ _ _ O. & H Pr/vl.i/.o fn T iui l —~——“ Page-Hocutt Drug Co. s Maaaee Watkins Hardware Co. Fresh Fruits and all kinH turner ft iYlarßet Prescriptions Our Specialty—Phones 403-404 b '-- Dry Goods, Millinery, Ladles’ Ready-To-Wear Hardware and Bulldin* * B, tW r Meats—(Phones 30M05 _■ ■■■ 1— “ Ph ° nt 46 } Valet Cleaning Co. »* l d 7 ' Geo. A. Rose Son’s Co. Wester’s Wartman’s Pharmacv Cleaning and Pressing—Phone i»>4 miles Pharmacy Everything m Mens Wear Everything in Groceries and Freak Meats Prescriptions and Sundrles-Rhone 800 , n We can supply your drug needs T K • e w | DeDt. Store Pbone 40 for service Hender.en Book Co. Fnoneß • Dorsey DrugConmany - Henderson’* Shopping Centei" Bon Ton Service Station T Baker’s Shoe Repair c°m P i ttt u, ot Standard Ga* and Esaohibe Motor OH— Milady Beauty Shoppe , Shoe repairing of all kinds, highest grade work, J, R, Wilker.On*ft Marks*f Schloee Brothers Clothes. Malloiy IL?- Wanhing and Greaaing “To Make* Your Lovellneue LoveUeH* | . satisfaction guaranteed j ~ “ We Peed th# Famlly .._p hone - - . - .• S ° * “ A Q«*lHy Store At Moderate f Cheer for Needy Children — , | mkm Hundreds of needy children and doll-hungry girls will be made happy this Christmas with these dolls, which have been purchased with funds cdllscied by the Junior Red Cross of Boston, Mass. The doßa wera bought in the nude and dressed by the rj r^B at Boston Trade School. Nurse Josephine Sperm is shown “Smilin’Thru" a bevy of the toy babes. which gives you a good start in the race. Candidates will find ballot boxes at Kerner Drug company. Barker's Drug Store and Miles Pharmacy, where they may cast their nomination blanks and ballots. Five sets of the china will oe given to contestants in Henderson and Hen derson township and five sets to con testants living outside of Henderson township, which gives every section an equal opportunity at the prizes. Apex Bank Is Robbed of $2,000 (Oontinuea from Page One.) near the bank this morning, but no suspicious activity was seen around the building. No one who saw the robbers except Herndon was reported HcttJtemmSaihj Slapnfrfj by police some time arier they had started an investigation. The cashier said the robbers took all the currency in the vault, leaving the silver alone. He said he fortunate ly had sent most of his currency to Raleigh yesterday. A check this afternoon showed $2,- 660.65 was missing, Herndon saTd. Bonus Payment Demanded In Petitions To Congress (Oontinued from Pace one.> without any definite information on plans of the group, but understood John Pace, who led a radical group of last spring’s bonus forces, planned to march on the Capitol with the in tention of presenting a petition. At the office of Speaker Garner, it was said no request had been made for permission to present a petition. 12,000 MORE SENT TOR RELIEF FUNDS Makes Total of Around $7,000 of Government Money Received Here An additional allocation of funds, this time *2.000. has been made to Vance county for relief work in this city and county during the first two weeks of December, it is announced from Ra'eigh. This makes a total of bnout $7,000 of Federal relief money that has been sent here in two months to take care of emergency cases where the need is acute and not other wise provided for. The fund is administered by Mrs. W. B. Waddlll. welfare superintendent of the county, and most of It is spent in furnishing food and other neces sities to families where there is un employment and no means of subsis tence other than from this source. Very little cash money is given out. The money is sent here by the State relief organization after it has been made available to that body by the Fedei-al government. The last session of Congress before the present one appropriated $300,000,000 to be distri buted to the States of the nation for relief work. Nprth Carolina has been allotted two seperate funds, the first of $815,000, and the second, announced last week amounting to $571,000. The latest apportionment to Vance county comes from the first distribution of this latter fund which amounts to $285,500. The State fund is adminis tered by Dr. Fred W. Morrison, di rector of the governor’s relief. The largest single amount in the latest distribution was $20,000 to Mecklenburg county, and a number of counties received SSOO In addition to Vance’s $2,000 in this allocation. Granville county received $5,000. Frnnklin county got $2,000 and W/ar ren was given $750. AROUND TOWN No Recorder’s Court.—No session of the recorder's court was held today, there being no cases docketed for trial. Commiasioners To Meet.--A meeting of the board of county commissioners has been called for tomorrow morn ing for the purpose of considering 'bonds of new county officials and such other business as may come up for attention. Winners in Radio Competition ik j I \ 11 m MA k. Hr J \ .-Til J m H Sp 4 \ % lla r HI fBV M I I Miss Lydia Summers, of New York, and Wilson Angel of Winstmi. N. C., are shown at lift as they received checks of $5,000 each aa first prize winners m the final radio audition held by the Atwater Kent foundation. This was the sixth annual competition £> discover ne talent. over 60.000 amateur singers participating MRS. H. M. LECKIE HEADS SEAL SALE Christmas Stickers Sponsor ed Again This Year by the Woman** Club Mrs. H, M. who has been designated tc direct the sale of Christ mas tuberculosis seals agai i this! year, has received the supply of seals j for the local market, and said today! that workers would take the field at r»nce to expose of as many as pos sible. Again- this year the campaign is sponsored by the Henderson's Wo man’s club, and the appeal is made to the public to lend its cooperation by buying as many seals as possible, to the end that as much money as possible be made available for tuber culosis dellef work. A false patriotism and a narrow nationalism may be inculcated with fatal ease. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14,1^ DECORATIONS ARE LIGHTED TUESDAY Christmas Wreaths In Shop, ping District Add To Attractiveness For the first time since they were crectd, the wreaths of cedar put up in the shopping district were lighted last night. The wreaths were erected by the Henderson Mer chants Association, with the coopera tion of the Boy Scouts and the Caro lina Power and Bight Company. Wreaths were adopted tbis year In stead of the Christmffi trees, which were used last season. They are all illuminated and present a most at- 1 tractive appearance throughout the' shopping district. The wreaths appear in front of “business establishments from Mont gomery street to Spring street, and will be illuminated each evening un til Christmas and for a few evenings after that, it is understood. SAYS BURROUGHS' DEATH ACCIDENTAL C °p Oß " C J h * n «« Deci„o„ Keached Monday; p Un . eral Services Held After deriding Mond.iv ♦h * • James K Rnriough death by suicide Comne, | ~ , ner today changed in, a statement made puhin ~J,f his opinion that the . - from an accident The s> ment follows "Upon further inv<- morp conclusive evidct>< of James K. Bunoiii' , .i. v.--,, ty. it is my opinion i . Burroughs came to hi . . cidental caus*- of fating abandoned well n-ar hh h. r , It was jaid that when u. recovered from the well . grasped in one hand. i« r>d,t t elusion that Mr. Hun-ough was walking along >h»- », , out to the highway and .-1.j.j,. bing at the bush and p i . • as he fell into the well Funeral service.-! were h* •; * : ernoon at 3 o’clock at Mein;-> \\ - dlst church, with,' church cemetery, and with n-. tor. Rev. Mr. Ctitchei n. Burroughs was a leading m* n .. a member of the hoard of-, v that church He was also •• tv*--? the Dabney school board aid • Dabney Masonic lodge n-n •-» < which were in charge <.f •h« -i at the cemetery. The <lecea. •; prominent res*dent of tho ct . was born in this county and r . .. in Watkins township. He i by his widow- and several gii-wt < dren. He was 56 years old. Needy Cases To Be. Presented In : Lists Tomorrnv, The usual list of needy ca •- ' Christmas are to be presented . Daily Dispatch tomorrow. «.i, • • chance the number should >, completed, will appear the > day. The cases are being ftjrn.- by the Salvation Army, and u vouched for as to the genuine;.. • the need by that organization . dividu&ls or organizations v >► given an opportunity to j.r . Christmas necessities for the rim listed in the group.

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