■^HENDERSON, gateway TO CENTRAL CAROLINA. TWENTIETH year CORPORATION BODY. MAY BE ABOLISHED DESPITE PROTEST Opinion Continues to Pre vail That General As sembly Will Elimi nate Commission BILL BEING FOUGHT bitterly, however Would Be No Economy In It and One Man Utilities Commissioner Would Not Be as Effective, Foes Con tend; See Move as Politi cal Gesture ■ mil) UlMpntch Rni'rim, In the Sir Walter Hotel, BY J. n.VSKICHVIIX. Raleigh. Jan. 28.—Opinion continues to prevail here that the General As sembly will pass the bill to abolish the State Corporation Commission nnd set up in its stead a public utili ties commissioner to take over its duties, in spite of *he Herculean ef forts bong made by the members and friends of the Corporal ion i Commis sion to defeat 'he proposed bill. Fo*r, while almost all of those whp hpve investigated the matter are conVirtfced that the move to abolish the Corpora tor! Commission is more of a political move than one actuated by a desire for economy and that little, if any, economy will result if the bill passes, indications are that the bill will pass the House with ease and aso probably pass the Senate. It will run into far mote opposition in the Senate than in the House, however, and may have ;i more difficult time there than now seems apparent. Arguments Impressive. There is no doubt that the argu ■ Continued on Page Six.) Rail Board To Report By Feb. 22 Washington, Jan/ 28 (Aera ' ,ure * n a^6 i^acKSßv Efforts to reach Colonel Lea or Luke Lea, Jr., at Nashville were futile. } SOLICITOR ZEfi NETTLES KNOWS OF NO SURRENDER Asheville, Jari. 28 (AP) —Solicitor Zeb V. Nettles* who holds requisition papers for Colfonel Luke Lea and his son, Luke Lf:a, Jr., said today he knew nothing of reports that the Leas had surrendered and would not fight extradition to this State. “I haven't, heard & word about it,’* the solicitor said* / 1