PAGE TWO ETTAkETt ' To the Rescy^r, , B^I^JJU^JBINSON To keep • f i^onTdmkl'H Poore DIOKT NOy.oNOEre.l f f| T awt K»S H lp trtA teNO*l I'M E*IG*3SD T? >f— 1 GOUtONT H|lN\ ytHtlvl 1 | f| »'U«- SAN IT DID i'J AWA'/ /.' THERES IqOiCS ft** 10 MIUH-C , I V*EvfcHT>IESHIP.- ***** I M looiCHEpeS r ‘ U MISTAKE* fl Jr^T o rFW TO TO / L S happweotoJ H«P»crupEW Qurruv-GETI AS IF PrOTVL :,p IDENTITY ME -TO ©ETOUT | * VMM OW. J —i ft—' THE PAPEI2.... % —. HIM If tKCSdi the cumps —to have and to hold 4s'%i£^ R 7c,sr w ™ WC 1 I/cSE S 2w D WM'?CN#r\ /CA U. THE\ 11 fef, iS | T IMAr$ \/ I Improve where! / ■ LI I|l l||r 'S' COUPLE OP 'THE BROOCH 'mA.T AARS.DE STRp»> I I ,M» / ( \ BOUGHT lY—. ] [ THE BROOCH THAT AaY ) ILL TELL THEAA \ '=*»*=* gUf _ _ # W FEET HEAE> l ) \ TWIT'S AMKIE ! / \ DEAR MOTHER GrAVE / WHO THE W\ f)AI l/Fl B START- V^Sp« f ) -JT POLICE! Itirs 1 BIG SISTER i . Sharp Eye* By LES FORGRAVE SURE.! WE HAD OLD Y VESSIR, VT I TwA-SN'T FA.R YtLLfELI- VA,! LET'S j INJ tME VJORLD NMHBRE. WB. I PAST THB SvsfAMP HE GOT Ji OH THAT HOOK HOOKED HVM* \ AND *SHOVJ BETH - OOG> Akip Bo“T OLD , bn — KfT3n— \ VOUERE -r .t-rfi ■it E. aroohd 7Z vy r< >SE im tmosb reeds J f =<=> rvoht there*? /A "T- » 33"' e , 4 1J A LARqe -Ihree-masled -W VESSEX. WENT -to °|CE &P dF ® R,PTJn< * MEANS none of its boa.t% '„ music" '™~\ M ISSINCJ , AND NO HUMAN BEINCS WERE %ll\ SEEN -r wE BOAT WAS \l%>) SIGHTED WHILE ROUNDINq '%SS cape horn By-rhE ijs£.ss*%j£E'2 , .tsssr ¥ GALLINE, INJ9M.; WILL TURN -to COPPER 1 I Copyrlfht.JMS, by C*nu*| Pr«w Mkocifction. Inc. %r IB HENDERSON, (N.C.y DAILY THE OLD HOME TOWN Registered U. S. Patent Office By STANLEY HES BEEN jz: % WALK A )S THE ONLX £=§? OUT THIS TIMES THATLL COVER N. MON7H P HIS TRACKS?/^ / WALK/ BL>T ,LL n A AT ' t Jo Aa l\ iyOVERTHE LOT I ! gossip Hi, r: (^J|l ITS REPORTED MRS PEEBLES MADE _ n s£veN direct hits on her husband Before she put -the broom away ‘ ~ ES P om^h^iP«B' w .SSI * G-OIMCr To “sfeN-D PS WEEK |U 4 C ' vonvt rnoTMere. iNvjiTe TtMe_ So«VS y OV 0 * FoR. ftLUTIE ?oKEf? Pf*2TT£S 011 V4HILE, I DCX^FINiDS Joint, does -he -y// U Trrri JHk UC|** '~T*Tr——~£s *• £ DEAR-NOAH 3 DOES a **&*4&-~ *■* *- - HANQMAIN WORK at Klltf 3REAK-N6CK SPEED? op , O.P POFFALCj, M.V, SEMO Irf You ft. NUMB tOBAjS NOVp. C^ C/ : hS m W ■:■. Z B A m » w 1 ■ ■ ■ f J ■ ■ I I IK ’JH ■ I I I I H I : v ■ ■ ■ ■ BL JHH | * J ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ HH ■■H MB m « 9 I fl ■ ■ ■ VP HH| ‘BM LOOK FOR THE REDTAPE OPENER i ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE . - qualified 45 administrator 1 of df 'Aaix>n Smith d'ectfats- Of Vance, North' :. ‘^ lil ndtify all persons < Wtmilg said estate of { the said deceased to Exhibit 'them to the undersigned at Henderson, N. C. on or before the 12th day of February 1934 or this notice will b e pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to etsa/e will please make imjmediate Betti ement. This 11th day of February, 1933. T. S KITTRELL, Administrator of Aaron Sinith, Deceased. Roosevelt and Garner INAUGURATION WASHINGTON MARCH 4th SPECIAL TRAINS —Via^- Seaboard Air Line ! Railway i 1 Leaving- March 3rd Returning Midnight March 4th Tickets Sold March 1-2-3 Limited March 10th • From All Points o n the SEABOARD ONE CENT PER MILE 25 Or More o n Cue Ticket Exchanged if Desired for Individual Tickets Returning Individual Fares Slightly Higher Round Trip Reduced Pullman Fares For Information Coisult Any Agent or Write H. E. PLEASANTS, D. P. A,. 505 Odd Fellows Bldg., Raleigh, N. C. Seaboard Aik LINE ftAULWAV Dispatch I WANT ADS Get Results FOR SALE-COAL Call 38, 268, or 196. R t ON, *■" - ______ 16-m MODERN APARTMENT Por"" —Live in the Stonewall , worrying about buying Co , S furnace, and removing fixlr '8 Many other conveniences Flannagan. 1 Er ‘c G . NOW IS THE uip, brighten up and! Mens suits, top coats hat? % ladies’ pMin dresses cleaned here for onlly 45cj 464. Valtet Cleaning Co ' 1 * . IS-Jt WASHING, GREASING ishing, U. S . Tires, WUBCOn 1 ' ies, Gulf Gasoline and e Motor Oil. A complete promptly rendered. Citv