fiVEgCIOCKGIRL(r^,fe CHAPTER Ss PHILIP TRIED In various other places to locate Judge Morris, hut was not successful. Not only was he gravely concerned over the un expected news concerning the judged but he feared for the outcome of this day’s efforts without his staunch support of the law’s side of the case. What if Donovan and McGuire failed to obey his orders without the judge to back then*, and disbelieving the report which tie had sent to them? What if they feared it was only a false move of the gangsters to assert their power further? Or, if even they were not brave enough to take a hundred to one chance of victory, such as they would consider the odds? His Mood turned cold in his veins at tlie mere thought. Small chance be would have against Minty and his assistants with only this woman for his ally! And of course, if his confederates deserted him, she would also. It would be easy enough fol iar to switch hack from the traitor to an ally of Minty. He walked the floor of the spacious room while they discussed a feasible plan for Minty’s capture. She watched him. curled up in a corner of the divan, even as Mart a might have talked with him In far sitting room at the Metro politan Once, she remarked, “Your pic tures never do you justice, Mr. Gerard. I had no idea there was so handsome a man as you outside of Hollywood. I should think Judge Morris’ daughter would have made Bare of you, long ago.” He laughed shortly, rather an- B«i> ed by her calm reference to per sona! matters of inconsequence, when such vital affairs hung in the bal siice, "Probably by the time your men Have finished with me today, it will be just as well for her that she hasn’t; and I may be much less good to look at.” He could not escape the ominous chill which crept over him at the thought of such possibili ties. He was audacious enough, but there are times when even audacity k an ineffective virtue. She refused to be pessimistic. “Isn’t this just the kind of chance jour defenders of the law have been looking for? If they don’t step up and take advantage of it, I’d say they deserved to be overruled by criminals.” "But I’m afraid they will think it’s a fake tip-off. You know it docs sound too good to be true—that I ! should disappear for a few days and ! tie up tin- whole underworld alone, then suddenly telephone them to j drop around and collect the bundle. , If 1 could talk with Judge Morris, , It would lie different. He would use , gome common sense about It.” He crossed the room and picked , up the telephone again, trying to \ locate the judge at several places. But his business associates, his political colleagues, his clubs, his , friends, all denied any knowledge of ( his whereabouts. Philip felt de- ] pressed as lie gave it up. The only j person on whom he had relied for tinfailing support was lost to him t at this crucial hour when victory was almost assured. Fate seemed to t have joined forces with Minty f Doran, with a snap of her fingers And a smirk for justice and social s ardor. Bella tossed the remains of her « cigaret into a tray and stood up. “Now you had better come with me (• so I can show you the way out of a this place. It is no simple one-way a entrance, you may believe. But first v —>ou are playing square with me?” Xh-r hard, penetrating eyes met his v ievelly, for she was as tall as he, and a lie had a feeling that he would just a is soon deal with Minty himself as J.ith the hostile nrpposition of this p woman. j He returned her gaze frankly. ± “Absolutely,” he vowed. “I only 0 hope that things turn out so I can c Veep my part of the contract.” j She turned abruptly and led the d way, not toward the wall from where ft he had remembered they had entered g on the previous night, but in the g opposite direction. Again, for a k moment he doubted her. But she v ■oon revealed to him such a laby rinth of sliding walls and secret pas- t sages as astounded him. Never in e his wildest imagination had he n 'beamed of a .concealed-.stronghold h such as.thifti. and, amazingly, it was f so boldly located in one of the most t< populous business centers, where h STEVENSON , ON THE STAGE TONIGHT AND FRIDAY NIGHT At 9 O’Clock <1 SOUTH S FAMOUS COTTON PLANTATION : BREVETLES i SONGS—DANCES—MUSIC—FUN 65—LOCAL PEOPLE—6I Pimnted by American. Tjegion /Auxiliary—Don't Miss This on the Screen . , Joan Blondell and Chester Morris i —JN_ “BLONDIE JOHNSON” ,-|i ;,'i - ON THE SCREEN TOMORROW PLEASURE CRUISE With Genevive Tobin and Roland Young 1 t Coming: Next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday “STATE FAIR” For Better Printing at Lowest Prices Phone 62 ALFORD’S PRINT SHOP Henderson, N, C. l argest and best (equipped in town -i \ (/ u'seoare.r Philip knew that he faced Minty Doran. one would think that it might have been discovered any day. Philip discovered that he would have to maintain his memory and sense of direction strictly in order, if he expected to carry out his plans. When Bella had shown him the last concealed panel and all the passages, had taken him into Minty’s private conference rooms, beyond which the never gained entrance to the rest of the apart ment, had given him final instruc tions as to where and when his as sistants might expect to apprehend the whole executive group of the organization, she left him in one of the closed doorless'chambers and re turned to her own rooms. When the panel glided noiselessly into place and she was gone from sight, and he was left alone again in the impenetrable darkness, he felt almost as alarmed as he had in his former experience within such a place. Except that he now had a flashlight, a pistol and a watch with which Bella had provided him. Sure ly, these proved the sincerity of her intentions far more than her words. Which was reassuring. If only the squads would obey his orders and do their part with confidence in his report. He knew that an hour or two would have to elapse before anything could happen, so he sat down with his back rested against the wall and tried to believe that everything was going to work out all right. No use to stand there alone in the darkness, rigid and apprehensive for a couple of hours. It was bad enough to stand in one spot anywhere at any time, but nothing was so horrible as standing still and staring into blank space that was so dense one’s eyes saw imaginary stars and red sparks. So he closed his eyes and tried to think of something pleasant for awhile to relieve the pressure of anxiety and responsibility which had weighed upon his mind for so many days. And his first pleasant thought was of Sue. He smiled to himself at the memory of her. So depend able and sincere, she was. Scores of times he had wondered if she had arrived home safely when he had left her at the entrance of the Blue Dragon. ITe had no way of knowing whether she had, but of course it was most probable that Bates had taken her safely to her door. Thei'c could be no reason why Minty’s gang should wish to capture Sue. If they were as clever as he gave them credit for, they would know that she had nothing to do with their affairs. This conclusion relieved him for the hundredth time, and he began to conjecture upon how much time roust."have passed. It seemed like an* hour since Bella had left him. Care fully covering the flash in his pocket to prevent shining a bright light, he looked at his watch. And discovered P : HENDERSON, "(N.CJ DAILY DISPATCH, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1933'i that only 15 minutes had passed! The time dragged interminably and lie tried to curb his impatience. He pondered upon the disappear ance of Judge Morris. It was prob able that the gang had taken him over for a little warning lesson at the same time they made himself a captive. All he remembered about that evening when he had left Sue, was getting into the judge’s car and driving away with him. They both must have been attacked by a per son or persons concealed in the car. probably drugged. For the next thing he remembered was waking to find himself in a comfortable bed at the gangsters’ clubrooms. No doubt they had imprisoned the judge else where. If so, Donovan would obtain the information of his whereabouts from Minty afte” he was captured. Finally, it was time to expect the arrival of the squads, so he used the flashlight to locate the concealed switches in the walls, almost fearful that they would fail him. But they yielded to his touch as magic words opened secret caverns in fairy tales, and presently, he w&s outside in the first daylight he had seen for several days, and found himself in a familiar location. "When his eyes became ac customed to the light, he glanced around him and, to his vast relief, discovered a squad car parked across the street. He approached the men casually, spoke to them briefly. They listened and nodded, told him where to find two other ears. He located these and left terse instructions. Donovan returned with him to the building which concealed-the secret rooms. When they had entered the main corridor, Philip glanced warily about him before trying to open the concealed panel which would admit them to the inner labyrinth. No one was in sight, so he touched the but ton which opened the panel, “Well, I’ll be—!” Donovan ex claimed under his breath. “Os course, I knew they must have a joint like this somewhere-—but here, of all places!” They entered the corridor and Philip closed the panel from the in side. With the aid of their flash lights dimmed in their pockets, they passed on through another panel and into a lighted room. “tie won’t be along for another half hour, anyway,” Philip had just said quietly as they entered the room, when they suddenly confronted a man. They were no more sur prised than he—perhaps not as much. For he seemed stunned to immobility for an instant. His black eyes grew wild when lie saw' them and his mouth opened as if it had been sprung. Without ever having seen him be fore, Philip knew that he faced Minty j Doran, and he was not prepared tW him, either. (TO BE CONTINUEDJ Kittrell News j By MISS RUBY SMITH. Mrs. J. M. Barnes, of Floydtown, was a visitor here, on last Tuesday Mr. and Mis. F. C. Overton had as their visitor on last Wednesday, their aunt, Mrs. J. L. Reid, of Wake Forest. Mrs. E. R. Woodlief and Miss Eleanor Smith were visitors in Ra leigh, on last Wednesday. * Miss Metpice Woodlieij, of Rich mond, Va- came Saturday to spend sometime with her parnts, Mr. and Mrs. Li. R. Woodlief, at their coun try home, near here. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Caudill and Chay Hedgepeth, of North W'ilkesboro came Thursday to spend soimetime here with Mr- and Mrs. V. Per kins and with relatives near .here. Miss Folsom Smith and P. B. Smith of Henderson, were visitors on last Thursday night of Mrs. H. E. Browne and Miss Elizabeth Browne. Miss Rosalie Woodlief a faculty member of the Stovall high school, at Stovall spent the Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Wood lief. Robert Williams, of Raleigh, has been spending several days here with his mother, Mrs. C. H. Williams. William Summer Smith wps the guest of Saturday of Waldo Alexan der ,of Bobbitt. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Woodlief had as their guest* for the Easter holidays, their daughter, Miss Selma Woodlief of Raleigh. Misses Rucile Ellis and Elizabeth Browne attended the Moravian ser vllces tat WinstonnSalem on Easter iSunday. Mrs. Annie Grissom, of Townsville, came Tuesday to visit relatives here. U.N.CJUSIEES Legislative Committee Botched Job In Making New Appointments lIY .1, C. BASKERYIIiIi. Daily Dixiintph Bnrenn In the Sir Walter Hotel Raleigh, April 20.—The Senate and House committees on University trus tee will make a second attempt this week to select nominees on the board of trustees of the Greater University of North Carolina, it was learned here today. The date of this meeting has not been announced, but Senator E. M. Land, of Iredell, chairman of the Senate committee, said that another meeting of- the committee would be called as soon as he could confer with Representative R. O. Everett, chair man of the House committee. The committee’s first report, which was made last week, came in for a great deal of criticism and there was considerable doubt expressed in some quarters whether the General Assem bly would approve the nominations. The list of nominations approved by the joint committee last week con tained seven of its own members and eleven members of the General As sembly, despite the fact that the legis lature his passed a bill prohibiting the governor from appointing mem bers of the General Assembly to of fice. Besides recommending seven of its own members, the joint committee also recommended as members of the board several relatives of the ocm mittee members. Mrs. Thomas O’Berry wife of Representative O Berry of Wayne, and a sister of Senator Land, declined to accept the nominatfon for la trusteeship because of her rela tions- Mrs. O’Berry has so far been the only one to decline a nomination. Another thing that has come in for a great deal of discussion here is the fact that the committee, in the list of nominations agreed upon last week, tailed to nominate either Former Governor O. Max Gardner or Former Governor Cameron Morrison for trus- Good Gardening m Preparation of Soil By DEAN HALLIDAY Central Cress Garden Expert THE PREPARATION of the soil fn a vegetable garden Is of the first and utmost importance, because upon the thoroughness of this operation depends in a large degree the suc cess of "growing your own”. The ground should be broken to a depth of from 6 to 12 inches, the deeper the better, usually, especially tor those crops which develop large root systems or other underground parts. It must be remembered, how ever, that it will not pay to turn up too much new arid heavy subsoil in any one year. This new soil is likely to form into hard lumps, which will interfere with cultivation and growth Probably the chief difficulty tnat will be encountered by most new gar deners will be that of a heavy soil. Luckies Please! 1 f South Carolina, famous for its fine tobaccos K Jfe i IV I 4s. In every corner of the world, both here and overseas, Compiuiy. j .:. J|;: :j|| ' ,|i | : ; . wherever you find joy in life, *tis always ‘'Luckies Please’* teeships, thus breaking a long pre cedent in North Carolina. SOCIETY Miss Stewart Weds Solon Southerland Miss Margaret Stewart and Solon Southerland were quiety married yes terday afternoon in th eparsonage of the Middleburg Methodist Episcopal church at Middlburg by Rev. Mr. Mil ler, pastor of the bride. Only a few close friends of the cou ple were present to witness the simply ceremony performed by the minister. Mrs. Southerland is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Stewar* and Mr. Southerland is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Solon Southerland, of this county. Mr.-Mrs. Langford Are Given Shower A shower was given by friends and neighbors Tuesday evening to Mr. and Mrs. L. H- Langford at their home in the Cokesbury community. After their home was burned last May, thgy made their home in Har nett county with E. R. Mabry. Last week they returned to the Cokesbury community to make their home among their old friends and neigh bors. On last Tuesday evening, the neighbors began to come in to give them a shower The idea originated with tho Sunday school of bury Methodist Episcopal church, and then the entire community jdined, bud, instead of a shower it was a downpour of good things. Potatoes, yams, canned fruits and vegetables, preserves, hams, flour, meal, coffee, sugar, pteas, eggs and chickens, cook ing utensils, crockery, bed linen, in cluding sheets, pillow cases and quilts were brought. An abundance of towels' was included. In addition, a bed with springs, a dresser and a clock were sent in. The Cokesbury band, consisting of Bela and Eugene Wortham, Sam Puckett and Macon Short entertained the visitors with string music and songs. This condition can be helped by turning under and mixing In a strawy manure, weeds, grass sods, and other vegetable matter. This tends to loosen up a soil, to make it more friable and to increase its fer tility and moisture-holding capacity. When this work is done in the spring, the manure and other mate rial should be finely divided and at least partially rotted. Too much bulk for thorough mixing with the soil is apt to cause ? drying out, with consequent injury and loss to the crops. Turning the soil over several times will enable a person to work 'larger quantities of vegetable mat ter into the soil to advantage. • Heavy soils will be lightened by mixing considerable quantities of coal ashes into it, Ground limestone at the rate of one pound to every eight or ten square feet, will also help tc loosen up a heavy soil Princess of Nippon Here is one of the few pictures of Princess Shigeko Teru, 7-year-old daughter of the Emperor and Em press of Japan. She is shown as she returned to Tokyo with her governess after spending several months at the Imperial Palace in Hay am a. Girl Scout Troop In Regular Meet The Girl Scouts of Troop 2 held their regular meeting Wednesday afternoon at 4 o’clock. The meeting was opened by repeat ing the promise. Miss Garnett My ers was again with u s and taught us some mor esongs. Next a.TI overnight h’lke was an nounced for the following Friday* night, at the new cabin. A trail had been laid and we then set out to follow' it. It lead to the King’s Daughters Park and to our enjoyment wt found out that Easter eggs had been hid and it wasf our job to find them. Elizabeth Bagwell found the most. Classes were held in signalling, first aid etc. The meeting wa s closed with taps followed by a court of honor. DORIS WAITERS, Scribe, i Drewry News By MRS. H. B. WHITE. Mrs. J. Hope Bullock, and children Norman, Lucy and Frances spent sev eral days recently with relatives at' Blackstone and Kenbridge. James Twisdale spr.i ihe week-end with his sister, Mrs. Morton Arring ton. Mrs. Fleming Watkins, Misses Louise, Edna and Irma Paschall spent Friday afternoon in Henderson. John W(ilson. W. W. White and John Wilson, Jr., attended the sal of the Cannon property near South Hill Tuesday. Misses Eleanor Capps and ilrma Pascholl of High Point College! ar- PAGE THREE rived Thursday to spend the Easter holidys hpre. On account of the rain Sunday aft ernoon the presiuation. of th* Flag and Bible to the Drewry school was postponed until a later date. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. White and Charles 111, of High Point returned on Monday afternoon after spending the week-end with C. M. White. John Bullock, Miss Kate Bullock. Mary Ann and John Bullock, Jr , of Williamsboro and Miss Anne Bullock of Charlotte visited Mrs. Henry Whi'e Mhite Monday afternoon. Misses Olive White of Raleigh and Nancy White of spent Easter with Miss Alice White. Mrs. Mort Hollawoy of Richmond was the guest of relatives in the Drewry community last week-end. Miss Nannie White of the Greens boro city schools spent the week-end with Miss Nena White. | Townsville News By MISS FRANCES BOYD. Miss Julia Sneed spent the holidays in Elizabeth City. Miss Annie Carroll spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Tom Car foll of Middleburg. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wright of Boydton visited Mrs. Wrights sister, Mrs. E. B. Taylor Monday. Walter Boyd a student at Stale Col lege spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. N D. Boyd. Misses Kate Purcell, Mildred Adams and Alma Howell of N. C. College at Greensboro are spending the spring holidays at their respective homes. Mrs. Geo. A. Harris and daughters, Judith and Lucy are visiting Mrs. N. D. Boyd. Miss Annie Bullock of Charlotte visited her sister, Mrs. N. D. Boyd this week. Miss Mary- Grace Woody spent the week-end with Miss M-eta Kennison. Miss Sue Hunt Boyd spent the past week-end at her home in Townsville, Miss Boyd is a member of the Zeb Vance faculty. Howard White of the University spent the holidays with his mother, Mrs. J. J. White. Mrs. J. E. Boyd is visiting her sis ter, 1 Mrs John Cawthorne of Warren PI ains. ,Miss Frances Boyd attended the p’/ay at Middleburg high school Fri day night. Miss Olive Mae Wjilliamson visit ed he raunt, Miss Sarah Williamson /last week. <f Oliver and Jack Brewer spent the week-end with their brother, Hamet Bre.wer of Drewry. Wife Preservers One housewife says a few drops t of your favorite toilet water or an Incense tablet in the water pan of your furnace will overcome a d?«- ■agreeable odor in the home.

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