HENDERSON, GATEWAY TO CENTRAL CAROLINA. TWENTIETH YEAR INFLATION FACING SUPREME ********** * v Senate Nears Vote Will Vote First On The Hinsdale Luxury Tax Plan If That Loses, Clement Tax on Manufacturers Will Follow Before 'Gen eral Sales Tax SENATE KILLS BILL ON BANK DEPOSITS House Debates Reorganiza tion of Textbook Commis sion; Also Adopts Confer ence Report on Measure Abolishing 'Free Tuition at State Schools F.a'eigh, April 27.—(AP)—The Sen ate today neared a vote on the con troversial sales tax article of the liiennial revenue bill, as the House passed the Btat<» beer regulatory act and sent it back to the Senate for concurrence in amendments. Debate on the sales tax was un limited, but indications were that a roll call would be taken on the pro posal to substitute the Hinsdale se lected commodities tax for a general talcs tax during the afternoon ses fcion. If the Hinsdale bill lose 3. the Sen ate wi'-l then be offered the Clement tax plan to tax the products of in dustry in the Stat© in a production tax before final action on the general sales levy mey be taken- The rveenue bill before the Senate contains a two percent general sales tax. but I’l® finance committee has offered an amendment to boost the rate to three percent. House passage of the beer regula tion act came on an 85 to 4 vote, and the measure was rushed to the Sen ate b}* special messenger without be ing pngmssed, in an attempt to speed itj enactment. The Senate v/as In committee of the whole on the reve'nue measure, so it did not take lip the measure im mediately. Sale of beer becomes legal in the State at midnight Sunday. The House adopted a conference re port on the Clement bill to abolish (Continued on Page Six.) Merchants Bitter Oil Sales Tax But They Carry on an d Stage Last- Ditch F ight as Sen ate Prepares to Act Hally DiMpnffh linrroa la (he Sir Walter Hotel. av J. CJ. lit SK CUV 11,1. Raleigh, April 27. Despite the fact 'hat a sales tax is now regarded to be rnevitable since the House of Re present at ives la«t week approved a revenue bill carrying a two percent general sales tax, the merchants who have fought a sales tax from the be ginning and had depended on the tow *'> br inch of the General Assembly block it« passage, have not given U P hope of defeating it. Yesterday thoie were numerous delegations ir\ Raleigh to fight the proposal as the &':nate began consideration of the (Continued on Page Eight.) Concord Bank Questions Reynolds Case Authority Concord April 27 (A!P)—The Cab ailUfc aad Trust Company, co- KUardian of baby Anne Cannon Rey n°W->. today questioned the authorv v °* any court hr North Oarolarja. 11 to sanction a proposed 1 'em cat cf Smith Reynolds estate • i'jthy earth of hits two children V " ulfi receive t wo million dollars, :nd an estimated $15,000„000 balance \ 1111 ' used to establish a phil anthrop'c foundation. , Hmtitersnn Haifa Hiamtfrii F OF L THE A ahq^ Wlßll SERVICE ur THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. Judge Facing Ouster *"" ■F I * * >• 'j ■MR ,1 Mm| aaaiMMgtW J wmßk 1 Mpij + x ; $. £ Federaf Judge James A. Lowell, of Boston, against whom impeach ment proceedings are threatened by Representative Howard Smith, of Virginia. The judge recently freed George Crawford, a Negro, who was under indictment in Vir finia for the murder of Mrs. Agnes Usely, wealthy sportswoman, and her maid, at Middleburg. Va.. last year. Judge Lowell refused to ex tradite Crawford on the contention that if the accused man were con victed in Virginia, the U. S. Su preme Court would nullify the con viction. because Negroes are not allowed to serve on the jury in that State. beemlbui” MAY BE JOftLATE House Amendment to Sen ate Measure More or Less Inconsequential SALE BEGINS' MONDAY If Upper House Concurs Immediate ly in Proposal It May Become Law by That Time, Pro viding Regulations Dally DlnpiKcft Rnrenit. In the Sir Walter Hotel. r» J C. iMVKRnviIiL. Raleigh. April 27.—The beer ma chinery bHI. setting forth the manner it vhich the isle of beer shall l,e taxed and otherwise regulated in North Carolina, finally passed the House today on, third reading and was sent, to the Senate. It is hoped that the Senate will concur in the numerous House amendments, none of which is material, so that the bill can be ratified and become law by tomorrow or Saturday. If the Senate does not concur in the House amend ments and sends the bill back to the House again, it will have to go on three more readings, with the result that it cannot be finally passed until next week. In that event, beer will go on sale in the State May 1, with out any regulatory law in effect at all- Even if the Senate does concur in the House amendments and the bill can be ratified by tomorrow or Sat urday, it will still be impossible for the State Department of Revenue to set up the necessary machinery pro (Oontlnued an Page six.) The bank filed a supplementary statement to its petition requesting that Mrs. Anne !L. Cannon, joint guardian, be ordered to participate in proceedings testing the validity, of the pre-divorce settlement, in which little Anne’s right to the estate of her fa ther were renounced for $255,000. This statement was filed here short ly before Judge Wilson Vi arlick was scheduled to consid'x tjto bank’s ori ginal petition. 4 , i j ( • ONLY DAILY On Sales Tax As House Passes Beer Bill HOUSE IS PEEVED ATJHEATTITUDE. Dissection of House Reve nue Bill Highly Displease ing to Some Mem. bers of House TOO MANY FAVORS FOR CORPORATIONS Meanwhile, Crop of Lobby ists Grows and More Os Them on Hand Now 5 Than at Any Time This Session; Power Tax on Kilowatts Is Thrown Out i Daily Di«i»nt<-h Ititrenti, In the Sir Walter Hotel. MY J. O. BASKGRVILL. Raleigh, April 27.—Openly peeved a,t the manner in which the Senate has disregarded its wishes and eli minated almost everything from the revenue biilit which' they put in it, Oiomebers of the House are growing more and more determined to stand their ground and refuse to concur in (Continued on Page Six.) Huge Beer Cargo From Cuba Comes Into Wilmington Wilmington, April 27.—(AP)— The Norwegian freighter Dampfire ar rived here today from Havana with a cargo of 3,335 cases of Cuban beer for distribution in North Carolina cities. The beer was consigned to repre sentatives here of a Norfolk, Va., Wholesale firm. The firm announced a second cargo of 4,000 cases was ex pected here Saturday. Virtually all of this will be sold through a chain of grocery stores. The duty on cuban beer is $1 a gal lon, less 20 percent, because of re ciprocal' treaties in effect between the United States and Cuba. Rogers xy Sqvs: Beverly Hills, Cal., April 27 This labor woman Perkins looks like she is not only going to do something for labor, but is going to be a real contribution to wo men in politics. She has put com mon sense ahead of lip rouge and the petticoat. See where the newspaper con vention in New York (they are al ways holding a convention of some ' sort some place) Lord knows when they ever have time to write or read anything—Well the rascals, regardless of politics, all were unanimous in saying there was a “better feeling.”, Well, a better feeling is all you want. If you feel better, you are not going to die. Yours, WILL. NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THIS SECTION OFNuRTH CAROLINA AND VIRGINIA. HENDERSON, N. C., THURSDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 27, 1933 A MOMENTOUS BRITISH-AMEKICA N CONFERENCE AT WHITE HOUSt Wi- |j> Jjl A |. j||| M j Secretary of State Cordell Hull Sir Ronald Lindsay British Ambassador Trouble Is Now Brewing With Japs And Russians Dispute Over Control of Chinese Eastern Railway, Which Japan Wants; Desperate Battle Between Chinese and Japs, With Chinese Resisting Foe Tientsin, China?, April 27—(AP)—- The sudden withdrawal of Japanese troops from the coastal area of North China was attributed by Chinese leaders to trouble, brewing between Japan and Russia in Manchuria. (An Associated Press dispatch from Moscow told of a Soviet report that the Japanese army in Manchuria rad approved a plan to seize the Chinese eastern railway from Soviet Russia. The report received last night in Mos cow from Khadarovsk. Siberia, quot ed “competent sources.”) The Chinese assert that the firm stand t.ikf.n by Russia in protesting the seveiing ts ‘lie railroad connec tion into Siberia and the seizure of trairts by Manchukuan guards has forced Japan to send its army north. The railroad built by Russia, is oint ly operated by Russia and Man chukuo. Crew Are Rescued As Yacht Grounds Manteo, April 27.—(AP)—The yacht Finda, out of Nassau for New York, went ashore off Chico moco Station, 20 miles south ol here, shortly after midnight and her crew of six was rescued by coast guardsmen at the station* The yacht was drawn shoreward ! by a strong inserting current alter passing off Womble Shoals No. ‘1 buoy. A 35-mile-an-hour northeast wind was blowing. Captain John Green is master ol the boat. Ft. Bragg Soldier Killed by Officer At Woman’s House m- Faydttevilie, April 27 (AP) Private Lacy Kilby,, of Font Bragg, was shot to death and a woman slightly wounded today when army and county off’oens investigated) a report that Kirby was terrorizing obcuipants of a (house about three miles from here. Kirby, a member of Battery D, 17th Field Artillery, died instatiy under the gunfire of Sergeant J. B. Garrett, a military policeman who was called to the house with Constable' Frank Gray. Billie Gray, an occupant of the house, was hit in one finger by one of Garrett's bullets. Kirby’s home address was not im mediately available.. WEATHER FOB NORTH CAROLINA. Fair tonight and Friday; light fros* in northwest portion tonight if sky remains clear. TEST INIMHE Prime Minister Ramcay MacDonald SANGUINARY BATTLE IN PROGRESS AT NANTIEMAN Peiping, China, April 27—(AP) The Chinese and Japanese armies were fighting a sanguinary battle to day near Nantiemen, to the south of Kupeikow, a Great Wall pa3s north cast of Peiping. Japanese artillery and air bombers were pounding the Chinese positions with slight effect. The Chinese dug in and succeeded in halting the Jap anese infantry. It appeared the Chinese were put ting up the stiffest resistance the armies of Japan have encountered south of the Great Wall. Japanese and Manchukuan troops, evacuating the Lwxn river district in the coastal area of North China, were lushing t 0 booster the Japanese be low Kupeimow, Chinese sources as 'sseried They declared that in the area of the Great Wall pass there were 30,000 Japanese soldiers. Today's heavy fighting followed a lull in the hostilities yesterday. fiIifiNNERS GET Federal Court In Wilming ton Convicts Men From British Freighter Wijming'on, April 27 (AP)_Three persons indicted for prohibition law violations i n connection with the seiz ure of the Zabad’ahi, British ram runner, were convicted in Federal court here today. Two of them were given prison sentences and, the other placed on probation. Joseph C. Brooks, of Seaside, Brunswick county alleged leader of the free in the ram running en terprise, was sentenced to a year and a day on hag conviction of conspiracy, and a year an'd a day on his plea of guilty to a, charge of smuggling. The sentences are to) run concurrency. Brooks will be sent to Chillicothe, OihCo. A1 WesSel, of Daytona Beach, Fla., a member of the Zebadiah’s crew, was given the asme sentences on the same convictions and guilty plea. His sentences also ar eto run con currently. He will serve his time in Atlanta. Rollie Mix. of Daytona Beach, Fla. another memiber of the Zebadiah’s crew was placed on probation * for three years upon his conviction of conspiracy. i The sentences were pronounced by Judge I. M. Meekins aft(£ a sealed verdict returned late last nigljat hlad been opened. Five Carteret county Negroes cap tured when Ithe boat was seieed pleaded guilty yesterday to via]tion of prohibition lawis. Four were sen tenced to one day in jail and one was sentenced to five minutes, , PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY, President Roosevelt A 5Sp . Davis’ Declaration That U. S. Wants To Do Some, thing To Preserve Peace Has Effect PLANS UNDER WAY FOR ADJOURNMENT But Movement Is Squelched hy Declaration That Con ference Should Concen. trate on Mergers of Dis armament; Committee Tackles the Question Geneva, Apr! 27 (AP)—The United States is ffu]ly determined to contri bute something to increase interna tional security against wtar, Norman H. Davis told the steering commit tee of the world disarmament con ference today. The American ambassador-atJarge urged that the conference continue itg sessions without adjournment and concentrate its discussions on actual mergers of disarmament. "That is whiat the world is expect ing and waiting for,” he said. Mr. Davis told the committee his government was studying to deter- Z mtinued uii Pag* Six) Jewelry Robbers 1 Seize $50,000 In Lower New York b New York April 27 (AP) —Two rnlanufaoturimg jewelers and a visit ing salesman wree robbed today in a fifth floor office on Canal street, low er Manhattan,, of approximately $50,- 000 worth of gold and precious stones by three armed men who used hand cuffs, copper wire and! tape to make their victims helpless. < An engraver who knocked on the door as the bandits were about to de part wtas pulled inside and bound with them, but was not robbed. The hold-upmen escaped desite the speedy arrival of police in, wireless equipped cars after another jeweler in the building had telephoned an alarm;. , '■> < ! : Roosevelt And Canadian Premier Hold Conference Washington, April 27 (AP) —'Presi- dent Rooseveßt and Prime Minister Bennett, of Canada, after a confer ence today, Stated they had found the exchange of views l “very help ful.” The joint statement said: “The Prime Minister of Canada and the President hove discussed the. 8 PAGES TODAY FIVE CENTS COPY Administration Leaders Confident, However, of Victory for Roose. velt’s Program PAYMENT OF BONUS FORGING TO FRONT Indiana Republican Fight ing for It in Senate, and Patman, of Texas, Pre pares To Press for It In House; Another Bonus March Strongly Rumored Washington, April 27.—(AP)—The greatest test of the Roosevelt infla tion program, a vote on the clause for Powering the dollar’s gold content loomed immediately ahead as the Sen ate drove for final disposal of the whole plan before adjournment. The campaign by Senator Reed. Re publican, Pennsylvania .against the measiy e was resumed with his motior to stretch out authority for the Presi dent to reduce the dollar’s goid vahu by as much as 50 percent. The administration leaders were con fident of victory on this point, how ever, and worked to vote down also during the day the Robinson, Repub lican, Indiana, amendment to pay the soldiers bonus out of the new cur rency to be issued under the new bill The bonus issue, meanwhile, con tinued