ASSOCIATED AND CENTRAL PRESS SERVICE Record Congregation At Revival Sunday Evening Evangelist Caviness Speaks on Power of Christ’s Resur rection; Upward of 40, Mostly Children, Go To Inquiry Room; Church Members Respond Attendance at the union /revival meeting in progrests at the Big Hen derson Warehouse touched its peak to date when Sunday night's congrega tion was estimated at around 2,(100, exclusive o fthe several hundred in the choir. The evangelist, Rev. H. C Caviness. of Portsmouth, Va.. preached on the power of the resur rection of Christ, and at the close a great number of Christian people and church members went forward in a reconsecration move, while upwards of 40 persons mostly children, went into the inquiry room for the after service- The Sunday afternooh service at 3 o'c ock was also quite largely attend ed. and the sermon yras by the evan gelist. f ’ No services at all were held today, Monday being the rest day fdr the revival organization. Services will be resumed at 9:30 o'clock Tuesday, morning and again at 8 o'clock in the evening to continue through the week and until further notice. At 7 o'clock each 'evening a prayer group gathers in the inquiry room to the left of the platform for half an •hour of prayer, seats being reserved for them in the auditorium arena. The evangelist is anxious that every one \vho will do so attend this .prayer service. Visitation committees were busy last week and carried o nthe church ■census in the homes of the city. Rev. Mr. Caviess, in addition to the regular speaking program in the warehouse, visited and spoke at seyeral of the schools during their chapel exercises. As the closing date nears for t-he revival .the evangelist and the'preafqh ers of the city are urging that;all Christian people of the community give their‘united support to the cause of the campaign. At the Sunday night service, the evangelist said, in part: t "pepencent upon objectives are the destines of man, for through these destines are determined. Paul had this in mind, when he wrote, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, that supreme objective of his soul. “That I may know Him, the power of His resurrection, the fellowship of His sufferings, being mad£ comformable to His death” (Phil. 3:10). “The most expensive knowledge you will gain will come when yoti come to know the Lord Jesus Christ. All knowledge .worthy of possession, is a cosMy possession, Wisdom is won through no sloth.' Its disciples are those of f)|lfxdientetf. (He who has climbed its dizziest heights has paid more than his fellows for what he has learned. But there is a supreme wis dom a super-knowledge, gained only through God, of this Paul was anx ious to know and in his search there for he reached that place in life one day when he said. “What things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ, yea, doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus, my Lord; for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but done, that I may win Christ.” (Phil. 3:7-8). A rich young ruler who is described in Mark’s Gospel 10th. Chapter, came one day in his quest for knowledge to Christ but unwilling ti pay the price for such possession he went away, but his going was one of sorrow and sadness. Comest thou to Him as he came? Go not away, (for to turn back is to convert life into a bitter, hemlock brew whose 'distillation means death. Jesus said, “he that loveth his life shall lose it, but he that hateth his life in this iworld shall keep it unto life eternal.” (John 12:25). Again His challenge is heard in every capital of the earth. “Whosoever he be of you that for saketh not all that he hath cannot be disciple.” (Luke 14:33). I am asking \a pertinent question tonight, art thou His disciple? I am permitted to in quire what compensation, then, is there in Christ. Ah; the compensation of e*ernal life, eternal joy, eternal communion with Him. But my title deed is dependent upon my belief in and on Him, Christ Jesus as a per sonal Saviour. Regeneration is the .need- He is the door by which I en ter therein, for "except a man be born again he shall neither see or enter the kingdom of God.” “Paul through this knowledge was to know the “power of His resur rection.” He was to know that for the loss of “all things” that he was to be “recompensed at the resurrection of the ust.” (Luke 1:14). “That through the power of the re surrection he was to know victory over sin, lhe worlid, the flesh and the devil. “For whatsoever is born of God overcometh hte world, and this is the victory which overcometh the world, even our faith.” (1 John 5:4) That one day through the power of the re 4‘Lost That Tired and Weary Feeling” ‘I was tired all the time; had misery in back and sides that kept me feeling bad; jvas in a nervous and weakening condition,” writes Mrs. H. H. Penn, of Portsmouth, Ohio, “I lost ( in weight until 1 was very thin. During girlhood, mother had given me Cardui and it helped me so much then that I decided to take it again. I took several bottles and my strength began to return, and I gained in weight. Soon 1 lost that tired and weary feeling. Cardui did me a great deal of good.” Take Cardui to Improve the m Bfe ■■ ■ general tone of & APiIBII the system in Bw U ■ cases of run ihmasbi Women have found, In such cases, that Cardui helps them to overcome pains pnd make the monthly periods easier. (suerection ho would arise from the dead- “Now the God of peace'which brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great Shepherd of . the sheep, through the bloo dos the ever lasting covenant.” (Heb. 13:20). Was to bring Paul forth through the same covenont. he- being partaker there with through faith in Christ Jesus. Dost thou know the power of His re surrection? . - { "Through Paul's knowledge of Hfm. he was to know the fellowship of His (suffering. Dost thou know anything about the sufferings of Christ? Most o fus want to be at the coronation but no t»t the cross. We desire peace provided pain is not the purchase price thereof. The reason today that religion is held cheaply is because it has cost us so. little to possess it. xT .. ,vlj|VXxv. . . .. . .Now at the price of “n , ”yi - / JxePular Ljas. .It never was extravagant to use Super- the Cadillacs, Lincolns and Packards. 1 \}ff//{ K Shell. The extra price per gallon repre- The same hair-trigger starting. The ) sented value received in extra perform- same flashing pick-up. The same sur- ance. But naturally the big expensive plus power for emergencies. Anti-knock, ( u'/* /WA WASTE PARTS REIHOVED cars got most of the benefit. too. Super-Shell’s anti-knock rating |l|i|' i c.,«y p.m_ T ha, „ aro , f It’s different now. Today Super- actually is higher today than when it w \ Shell sells at the price of regular gaso- sold at a premium—higher than any < Ifete j nJ line. Chevrolets, Fords and Plym- regular-price gas. > MB HHHHHg: “ ouths are getting the cream along with You can start saving today. Super- JK i SHELL. ln6 ’ Kept by k Shell—colored gplden for easy identi- ill jjjjl ;I m engine, when under way, in- MBBWWIW— “There’s a hig difference In my Btiick since I f , ~ 01 t1 , ~ Q I : a stant pick-up and driving changed to Super-Shell, especially on hills. I’m nCailOU*”lS OH Sale at all Shell StatlOUS. ft| I i power. Kept by SHELL. H certainly glad you reduced the price. I had never AnH rpmpmhpr • FYTI? A rf)CT Ol BBfera | IA Anti-knock Parts—That W MwW tried Super-Shell until your ad called my atten- ICIIIC utl • 12/ A. 1 J\./V LUol. I prevent your engine from mfpw; WBBA B tlon to It.” I i!H| knocking in traffic and on fr H- • If you prefer an ethylized gasoline, buy I HBIIIBBMP |I 1< : M* *»«•*. H T - Super-Shell Ethyl, an improved gasoline with V fbf: HHHHHi _ u?„* s L?K Hr jCTBI Scarsdaie, New York ethyl added. This is a double premium gaso- xm£: '■■■ ■: mm your exhaußt - Removed by line at a sin^le premium price. SHbLL ’ *J Super-Shell does something to my Packard that *&*£;•. ) |||||||| "TBf - ' TJ"' reminds me of when it was new. Getting gasoline -■ jjjgjlslil H H H J H like this at the price of ordinary gas is something JR IB Bml H«(J kJlipCi" k>ri£!/UL New York Qty if y Henderson Vulcanizing Co. Distributors Phones 408-409. Henderson, N. C. Klrtuirrritmillntly ifepafrh The measure of the church’s triumph is the measure ,of her tears. Persecu tion for God imparts power to those who have fellowship with Him. Paul knew that obedience was to be learn ed through suffering. The reason for the world is lawless and the church ma unruly is occasioned by the lack of suffering. “Though He were a Son, yet learned He obedience through the things which He suffered” (Heb 5:8). Even Christ found that the path of obedience was the way of suffer ing. Things that come cheap seldom have afty value. Dost thou have a re ligion without suffering and scars? No wonder then that revivals have no interest to thee That lost souls on way to hell meant nothing to thee. Thy neutral position is but an indict ment against thy soul, my hearer, plead guilty instantly, let me beg you in God’s name, for indifference the crowning .crime of this age. "Through‘knowledge of Him, Paul was to learn how to be comforable to His death, “If any man will come after Me. let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily and come nfter Me.” (Luke 9:23). Paul knew he must “die dialy.” To die is to live. “Except a grain of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abfdeth 1 alone, but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.” (John 12:24). Art htou alone and lonely? Be comforable to < His death.” < Six Defendants Before Mayor In Municipal Court Six defendants were tried befofe Mayor Irvine B. WpJkins in police court today, all on minor charges. Jesse Battle, colored, was charged with assaulting Charlie Obey with a deadly weapon, but the warrant was amended to read disorderly conduct, and the deftyndant was fined $5 and costs. 1 i Emma Petty Grissom and Emma Knight, two white women, were ac cused of vagrancy, but both were dis charged. Edgar Ross, white man; charg ed with possessing liquor for sale, and was given six months on the Toads, commitment not to issue on good behavior for two years ®s.d on condition that he move from his pre sent residence and pay the costs. Lessie Bell Wood and Pearl Car rot 1, colored women, were charged with assaulting and beating each other, and prayer for judgment was continued for one ;year on good be havior and payment of the costs. .Duke of Cannaugftnt uncle to King* George of England, born 83 year£ ago. i ! , V MRS. WADDILL WILL ATTEND CONFERENCE - Mrs. W. B. Wiaddill welfare sup erintendent for Vance county,' and ad fniinistpator of Federal relief work here, will attend a confeVence in Clhlapel Hill tomorrow of belief ad ministrators for the district, com posed of ten counties. Mrs. Wiaddill will be accompanied by Miss Aycock, her secretary. Relief conditions in the ten coun ties (will be discussed, together with the plan of administration and the probable need during the summer period. > ■ j *• fr/M Eases Headache In 3 Minutes also neuralgia, muscular aches and pains, toothache, earache, periodical and other pains due to inorganic causes. No nar cotics. 10c and 25c packages. I Full Stock of A; BEER I On Hand I EL? Bottle I Huffman’s Service Station Dispatch Advertising Pays MONDAY, (BTAYI, 1933