ASSOCIATED AND CENTRAL PRESS SERVICE Six Weeks Revival Ends Here On Sunday Evening J i W ->4^ Rev. H. C. Caviness Preaches Twice Sunday on Second Coming and Signs of the Times; Heavy Rain Fails To Keep Crowds Away in the Evening A six weeks revival meeting which has been held in the Big Hendrson Warehouse here came to a close with the final Service Sunday night. The campaign was under the auspices of most of the city churches, and was a union revival. The preaching was in charage of Rev. H. C. Caviness, evangelist, or r*ortsmouth. Va. Three services were held Sunday, beginning with a sunrise service at 6:30 a. nr.., rollowed by an afternoon sermon at 3 o’clock, when the evan gelist preached on “The Second Com ing of Christ.” At night the final sermon was on (the subject* “Th© Signs of the Times.” During the night sermon, the,fcvah gelist reviewed various prophecies in the Bible which he said described con ditions that would come to.pass be fore the return of Jesus to the world and he said that virtually all of these had already happened. He gave it as his opinion that the return of the Lord would be fp or before the year 1937 but said it might not be in 100 years or evert much longer. He said that: earthquakes famines, wars and pestilence predicted by Christ had al ready happened, and that, regardlesb of efforts of the nations toward peace, there would be no univr&al lasting peace until Jesus returned to the earth. The evangelist took the time to ex press thanks for every one who had helped in any way in the meeting. H? took only actual expenses for his own serv.ces here, without a per sonal offering to himself. He said he ! would go next to a small mill church in Fayetteville for a revival and after that wouid be in union revivals in Haywood and Clay counties in West ern North Carolina, to be followed by a citywde revival in his home city of Portsmouth. Mr. Caviness formerly was a law yer. and was solicitor 'of a judicial district in Western North Carolina. He also served a term in the State Legislature about 20 years ago. He is a native North The evangelist ,in his final sermon last night said in part: “The new birth is spoken of in this Bible nine t.mes; the matter of bap tism referred to but twenty times; repentance is mentioned seventy times but the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is prophesied and pro mised three hundred and sixty times in-the New Testament alone. And in fifty-three references to hope in the Bible it refers to the hope of His return. ‘Looking for that blessed hope, and that glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour, Jesus Christ.’ Titusx 2:13. “There are many schools of thought in the ear‘h today concerning the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Perhaps the two chief di- Y aicns 'hereof may be called the pre miilienial, an dthe post-millinial. Those who say that Christ will re turn prior to his millienial reign, that is for a thousand years, set up a tem poral k ngdom in the earth, establish His headquarters in Jerusalem; sep arata the living nations of the earth at his appearance; that .there iIP an appropriate period of about : “seven years between the rapture of the saints of God and the appearance of Christ; that during this period the terrible time of the tribulation will take place, but out of which the church, the bride of Christ, the born again ones, the believers, will be de livered because they who are alive shall be, ‘caught up together with them (that i 3 'hose who now sleep in Him, Christ) to meet the Lord in the ar; and so shall we ever be with the Lord.’ 1 Thess, 4:17. That dur ing this period the believers will ap pear before the ‘judgment seat of Christ, their deeds to be the deter mination of extent of rewards, their rins having been judged at Calvary, That a' the close of this thousand years reign, when Jerusalem will be the capital of the earth, Satan will be loosed from hell for a short sea son. who will go forth and deceive the na’ions of the earth, and gather them together in the world’s greatest war, but its last revolution. ‘When the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth. Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle; the number of whom is as the sand of the sea, and they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city (which is Jerusalem) and fire came down from God out of heaven, and decoured them.’ Rev. 20:7-9. After How to Relieve Headaches In Three Minutes When you have one of those violent nerve-racking headaches, from Inor ganic causes, you can get soothing re lief in three minutes with “B. C.” a reliable, pleasant-to-take remedy. ‘‘B. C.” ia prepared by a registered phar macist, compounded on a different principle from most relief-giving agen cies in that it contains several ingred ients so blended and proportioned as to accomplish in a few minutes what we believe no one drug formula can do in so short a tlrie. “B. C.” should also be used for the relief of muscu lar aches and pains, common colds neuralgia; for reducing fever and quieting a d’stressed nervous system without opiate.",, narcotics or such habit forming drugs. Get B. C. in 10c and 25c packages, .wheiyver drugs are sold.— lAdv.2, -Au u. ■ i which there comes the last, and final t judgment only of the wicked dead, Rev. 20:11-15 and then there appears forever a ‘new heaven and a new cath, for the first heaven and the i first earth are passed away, and there was no more sea.’ Rev. 21:1. The mighty word-—finished—heard in the morn of creation, uttered at Calvary by those blood flecked lips of our . Lord Christ, will be repeated for the last time as prophesied in Rev. 21:6. Tt is done.’ Here will close all prop hecy, and there begins that eternal era* those everlasting eons, into which the soul steps whose robes have b pen washed and made whiter Uiart snow in the blessed blood of the Lamb. Down whose endless ebrridors; we begin that eternal march of eternity with God, the Father, God the Son. jand God, the Holy Ghost, together with redeemed and blood washed hosts of heaven. “Th eother school of thought, the post-millinial student, declares that Chiist shall come, but after a thou sand years of perfection, that the world, the moral the temporal world, will grow so perfect that all sin will be cast out, and that at the close thereof Christ comes to reign in the earth for a thousand years. “There are those who accepted neither teaching, declare themselves to be a kind of bybird, subscribing to neither doctrine. Then there are those who claim to be millinial dawnists, the now' called Tn'einational Bible Witnesses,’ bub.t which are in fact naught but ‘Rus- I crli'it es’ parading under a different name “‘Their teachings, and 1 say it with God’s love in our heart, have done' more by the devil to discredit the ‘blessed hope’ of His return than any thing else perhaps. They have de clared themselves invested with the date and the time of His return pub lished this three times, declared that He was coming and when He did not appear at such time or place they sought to cover up their slander and blasphemy by saying that He was come already, and that He now rules in the earth. Have heaped their abuses upon the Church of Jesus Christ, declaring tehmselves to be the 144.000 who are going to be saved when Christ comes, hurled their athemas at all other doctrines, de nied the existence of hell and the lake of f re, together with the teach ing of eternal punishment. So clever ly inter-woven with this fabric of falsehood has been the truth as it is in the Bible, that thousands of the very finest folks have been utterly de ceived. Yet the very fact that the devil has thus counterfeited the doc trine, the blessed hope of H.s return, is but an evidence if evidence, is need ed, ofifits reality. Surely the devil wouSd counterfeit nothing but a reality. “There are thotte of course who deny His coming at all. Who say. ‘Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of ceration.’ 11 Peter 3:4. It is always refreshing to meet these, to whom one can always say, ‘friend God wrote of you in A. D. 66.: .‘Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days, scofferes walking after their own lusts.’ 11 .Peter 3:3. These but make their con trlbui'jjon 'to ,the un-ieri'ing ment of prophecy. “It is not our place to enter into any argument wii’h any school of thought, to discuss doctrines in this 'hour. One simply does not argue about a fact. Facts need no evidence other then themselves for corrobora tion. As we see it, an din the same breath we hasten to say that we have no quarrel with those who do not see it as we do, the pre-millinial com ing of Christ is a bigger thing than a mere ‘doctrine.’ It is a truth. It is the only ‘hope,’ the ‘blessed hope’ of the church, and of the world at large, “It was this truth, this hope, that stirred 'he hear's of those who com posed the early church of Christ. In fact it was not until the 16th Cen tury that the church began to accept the theory of 'he post-millinial com ing of Christ. Introduced in England that cen'ury by a man named Whit ley. If this was the truth, why would a just, and gracious God, hide such a truth for nearly sixteen hundred years? “How could we have a kingdom w th an absent King? Who is the god of this world? Satan, the devil. 11 Cor. 4:4. Who is the price of the tpower of the air? The devil. Ept. 2:2. Can anyone conceive, with any degree of intelligence, that Christ is ruling in this worlGd just now? Why He couldn’t be elected mayor of your o ty, governor of your State, President of your nation.. ‘He is despised and rejected of man.’ Lsa. 53:3. Was He come in the form of one Holy Ghost ? Surely not. Do'h no< God bear wit ness in the hour of His ascension that ‘this same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go Into heaven?’ Ac's 1:1. Christ, again and again, referred to His personal re turn. Did He promise that peace should prevail? No. Said He in Matt. 24:6. ‘Ye shall hear of wars and ru mora of wars, see that ye be not trou bled, for all these things must come to pass. For nation shall rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom, all these are the beg Inning of sorrows.’ Does He promise that, the world shall gradually grow belter and and bet ter? A thousand times no. He says ‘because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.’ Matt. '24:12. Ho continues by saying that ‘as the days of NoaTl were, so shal hlso the coming of 'he Son of Me be.’ Ma't. 24:37. Wha l kind of day were those? Days in which apostac; iuauta yn toward the judgment of tStenherrtmtJßjuhj Srapnfch the flood. Days when men would not ‘endure sound doctrine,’ and Noah preached one hundred and 'twienty years without a convert other than in his immediate family. “He prophesied again o fthe ter rible era which waited the world, in which now welter, in Luke 17:29-30. ‘The same day Lot went out' of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all,’ He had just said, 28th. vejrse. Lke wise also as it was in the days of Lot, they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded, even thus shall it be ip the day when the Son of Man is revealed.’’ What kind of day was it during Sodomic* ac tivities? A day of Intensive commer cialism, they could plant, but not the seed of truth, they could drink, but not from the waters of life, they could buy and sell, but their barter was, as was that of Judas, the things Divine. They could build, but not for eternity It was an age of grossest immorality and impurity. An age when men mocked the warnings of judgment. How true to form this present age of Sodom runs. Hear again the Holy Spirit as He prophesies in 11 Tim. 3:1-6. Os this present age. ‘This know also that in the last days perilous times shall come, for men shall be lovers of their own selves, cove'eous boasters, proud, blasphemers, dis obedient to parents, untruthful, un holy, without natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are .good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, having a form of goldliness but denying the power thereof, from such turn away, for of this sort are they which creep into houses and lead cap t ve silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, ever learning but never able to come to the know ledge of the truth.’ These prophecies are coming to pass, they have, in fact come to pass, and now only awaits its last phaze as is described so graphi cally, so amazingly when God in Rev. j 18th. chapter, describes how that in ne hour this present civilization is ‘made desolate..’. In one ‘hour is thy judgment come.’ In one hour so great niches is come to naught.’ v “ls that a picture of paradise which our post-n?il{inial friends present for our adoption? Strange though it seems, yetv’tis true. We read in Rev. 1:7. ‘Behold, cometh with clouds, and every eye shall see H m, and. they also which pierced Him; and all kin dreds of the earth shall wail because of Him.’ Is this a picture of peace? When He comes ,to a world and oc casions by His coming a welcome that is announced to be that.of ‘wailing?’ How absurd-to believe that Hs com ing would bring,, anything! but joy to those who awaited Him,,, whom loved His appearing/ No, those who wail, are those who hated and reject ed Him artd now cringe in cowardly fear and wailing at his approach*. Rev. 6:12-17." > • -■ . . . „ Time fails' me to - detail'* the’ velous prophecies of His coming;, some of the glorious events transpir ing when He comes. Some of the high and holy things His return insures might be barely mentioned. The earth will be absolved from her enimity j ' 9 Hrcgjslw \ u lily •*£s&&frjio'' ® W 33, Liggett & Myfrs Tobacco Co. —ific ctyarisife ~£fu VV E. M. Rollins Unanimously Re-Elected Schools’ Head R. L. Bennett Re-Elected Chairman of County Board, With E. F. Woodlief Vice-Chairman; Committee Is Named To Study New State School Set-Up Here E. M. Rollins was unanimously re elected superintendent of the public schools of Vance county at a meeting of the County Board of Education, held today in his office. He wlas first elected .in 1912 and hsa served continuously since tht time- and the new term of two years will, at its completion, make a total of 23 years he has served in that capacity. In 1923 he was elected superintendent of the city schools ,and s’nce that time has been the head of both city and county systems. R. L. Bennett was re-elected chair man of the county board at today's meeting, and E. F. Woodlief was chosen as vice-chairman.' All mem bers of the board were present at to day’s meeting these being R. L. Ben nett. E. F. Woodlief, J. C. Cooper, J .E. Kimball, E. R. Boyd. Mr. Cooper and Mr. Kimball who were recently elected to membership on the board by the State legislature, were sworn in for. their new term, the oath being administreed by Colonel Henry Perry, clerk of Vance Super ior Court. Election of the local dis trict school boards was deferred un til a study can be made of the new wh ch gin ha'h occasioned. ‘They shall nat hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain; for the earth shall be full j of the knowledge of the Lord as the | Wafers cover the sea.’ Isa. 11:9. There shall never he peace until the Prince of Peace returns. May we spend our moneys therefor, for the only Peace Conference that shall effectuate peace will be held at Jerusalem when Jesus cemes. Every hill top, then, shall epeak of Heaven, every flower be come a flame of God's purity. Not until He comes can ws expect the devil to be bound. Rev. 20:2. ‘And he laid hold on the dragon, that old •serpent, which i sthe devil and saan and bound him a thousand years.’ Without H s second coming we should go through the terrible tribulation written of in / Book of Revelation. Rev. 6 to Bth.-chapters. Without His coming there is no resurrection from the dead; Read 1 Thess. 4:13-18. John Wesley build the denomination known as Methodism on Christ and its, chief corner-stone were holiness /trid the hope of the second coming Cjhriot. There is not a modernist casting reflection upon God’s who is a pre-millionalist. It was the living hope of the first church, and to them it was what the North stgr is to the compass. God give us a re-discovery of this hope in these hours of peril.” , •• fP- ..'