University Finals Open W ith Sermon On Sunday Eishop tdwin Penick Baccalaureate; Mon- W'll Be Alumni Day, and Final Exercises Will Be held on Tuesday; Prograin Is Announced Chapel H H, June ITTEe pro ran, of • the University of North Cafelui.’ s 138tli commencement was announced today. -[>h>' xoicises will open Sunday morning at 11 o'clock with the ,bac-: calauri ate sermon whichj will' be poached by the Rit. Rev. Edwin A., p ell ick, Bishop of the North Carolina Diocese of the Protestant Episcopal church. ... Monday will be givtn over to alum ni reunions a"d other Alumni Day ac tivitiPi?. j , . There wil lbe general reunions of all classes, although special reunions w ji; ho held by the classes from 1876 through 1899 and -tbsi classes of '’o2 03. 01 no OS 21 22 23 24 and 32. The complete program follows. - ~ Sunday.. June 4 Uon a. nil.- Baaccalaureate ser mon. Bishop Edwin A. Penick, Me morial! Hall. ,■ no p. m. Musical recital Hill Hall of Music. rtflin I>. in.-Concert, Morehead-Pat prson Memorial Chimes. 7:00 p. in. The Elijah, Chapel Hill Oratorio Society Hill Hall of Music. Monday. .June s—Alunii Day 10:00 a. m. —Movie-Collection of >vws Keels of Chapel Hill—Carolina theatre. 10:30.i. m.—“ Reminiscence Sym posium of Reunion Classes,” Judge F. p Winston, presiding. Gerrard Hall. 1;00 p. m. —Alumni Luncheon, Judge J- J- Parker. Toastmaster, Swain Hall. 3:00 p. m. —-Carol*na Folk Plays, Carolina I’lay makers. Theatre. p. m. —Baseball:- e&m .• of ’22 j wrnts U. N. C. •Varsity Bmrfson-1 TOMORROW! JUNE 2nd J *** a••)-» : * j Standard Oil Covnpany of New Jersey challenges the oil industry with f A MOTOR FUEL THAT PERFORMANCE * TOMORROW you will have a chance to test for yourself a new motor fuel development perfected and endorsed by the world’s largest oil organization • No doubt you are tired of the “Super” claims that are making gasoline advertising so hard to believe. Exaggerated de scriptions of quick-starting, anti knock, power, pick-up, economy • The Standard Oil Company of New Jersey makes no claims for Essolene. We merely state that we have spent millions to make a bet Yfgralt n IfjiHEtfafflk 4 \ ■&. JSfflwj' SMpnQ R’fKwrj BBEB * matmmß SflH§ isin| ijpsHN^Hsk j/stgr' t- M '» plied by the following companies: the Standard Oil Com- M 1 pany of New Jersey, the Standard Oil Gompany of Penn* a Jg sylvanla, the Standard OH Coir-nany of Louisiana, and the % JBr Colonial Beacon Oil Company. incorporated. STATIONS. ' •; Copr. 1933, Es&o, lac. BON TON Sells Essolene Field. -, - r . . 5:30 p. m.-{Reception to Seniors, Ind M Pare o tS ! nd £riendte ' President and Mrs. Graham, president’s home. • p. m. ‘Reunion class supper— Places announced at Graham Memo rial!. j 9.30 p. m.—Alumni reception and •Alumni ball at “Tin Can”. Tuesday, June 6—Clas s Day and Graduation £ ° f :00 u . a ' m -" Senior prayers, led by Pl i?/o, HOraCe illiams * Gerrard Hall. 0:30 a. m.—Class day exercises Davie Poplar. m -" Contest for Mangum Medal. Gerrard Hall. 3 p. nr*.—-Debate. Di versus Phi for Bingham medal Gerrard Hall. 6.40 p. m. Academic Procession for mis for march to graduation exer cises. 7.00 p. m. Graduation exercises, Kenan Memorial Stadium. Speakers: Governor, John C. B. Ehringhaus, Pi esident Frank Porter Gyaham. > Arrangements of State Alumni Day Are Now Complete Raleigh, June 1. —Final arrange ments for lhe annual Alumni Dav at N. C. State College on June 12 have been made and were announced hero today by Polk Denmark, alumni sec retary. Plans, as mapped by Dehmark, call for a meeting of the General Alumni Association at 10:30 Monday morning a. luncheon at one o’clock and meet- inys of classes at three in the after noon , Ten classes have been, invited tq attend the day s program. Chairman of the classes to return are: C D. Welch, Cramer, ’O2; G. Y. Stradley, Raleigh, «■ ’O3; A. C. , Wharton, Rey nolds, ’O4; John A. Park, Raleigh, ’OS; B. Troy Ferguson, Raleigh, ’08; L.;, O. Armstrong, Raleigh, ’O2l E. W. Ruggles, Raleigh, ‘22; J. S. Wihit ener, Raleigh, ’23; C. L. Barnhardt, Raleigh, ’24; and Romeo LeFort Ra ileigh, ’32. WOMEN ARE LEFT Highways Do Not Take Them Over and Counties Must Support Them Dally Dlapatch Bureau. In the Sir Walter Hotel. J C. BASK Kit VI 1.1,. Raleigh, June I—‘Since the State Highway Commission has started i. | , ; —I Daily Dispatch All Electric Free COOKING SCHOOL Stevenson Theatre •fe- * June 6,7 and 8 h ■■■BBBK . ''' ’’ Mrs. Vivian Bushong Expert Home Economist in Charge FREE PRIZES DAILY ~ " / Classes Conducted Each Morning From 10 O’clock Until Noon ♦ EVERYBODY IS INVITED f Watch This Paper Daily For Further Details •?■ [l * y > . ... .•• .....,_. „/ 1 _ _ . . ' l '"' ■■■ ""”' "T xu. " _X£. PAGE FIVE