t*• , 1 ASSOCIATED AND CENTRAL PRESS SERVICE Tobacco Board Os Trade Elects E. H. Dixon As Its •j * f-.; « <. * ■-.* President Coming Year G. W. Knott Made Vice- President and C. G. Pat- A terson Secretary of tEe > Organization WILL ASiTEARLIETR OPENING OF SEASON Want Market Here To Start Not Later Than two Weeks > After Eastern Carolina; ; Alston and Knott To At tend Tobacco Association • Convention i E. H. Dixon, local buyer for the 'lmperial Tobacco Company, was elect ed president of the Hendersoa •jrncco Board of Trade, for ;the coming year at a meeting of the ooard Wed nesday evening. G. W.. Knott;, ware houseman, was elected vice-president j C. G. Patterson, buyer fpr the' Export Leaf Tobacco Company,, was elect ed secretary-1 reasurer. ; The board of trade elected W. J. Alston, retiring president of the body, iind G. W. Knott, warehousemen and Incoming vice-president, as a commit tee representing it to attend the an nual convention of the Tobacco As iociatibn of the United States at Vir ginia Beach June 29-30 and July 1, and to present to that body the urgent appeal of the local market for an opening of its season next fall not later than two weeks after the start of the Eastern North Carolina jjelts Reason. It is presumed that bther Middle Belt markets will join in this request, but the petition is to be pre sented in behalf of the Henderson njarket by this delegation. j.;D. P. McDuffee, attorney for the board, and member of the 1933 State Senate from this county, was present at the meeting and explained in some detail the legislation that was enact ed affecting and concerning the ware houesmen and the tobacco trade in general. He told of laws that had been Impacted and explained their mean ing and effect upon the industry, j No action was taken on the agree ment of warehousemen reached at Danville several weeks ago to ban trucking and drumming on the part of warehouses. . The meeting was largely attendee and lasetd several hours, the mem bers discussing matters of interest to their business and looking toward the com ng tobacco season, |IIn addition to Mr. Alston as presi dent. w. B. Daniel, Jr., is another board as its secretary-treasurer. Back Tax Discount . J Possible lb 1932 { Accounts Settled In order for a property owner whose property tax is in arrears for the pas! five years or less to take advantage of the discount of ten percent allowed by the 1933 General Assembly, he must pay his 1932 taxes first, the Vance Board of County Commissioners have decided, it was revealed today. The legislature provided that back tax ar rears might be settled at a ten per cent discount as far back as 1927, and that such a property owner might then recover his property. But Vance has taken advantage of the provision •with respect to the 1932 tax account, in order to present a clean bill of health. The discount will not be ap plicable to 1932, it. is understood. ATTENTION! STOMACH SUFFERERS Too much acid may be the cause of the stomach agonies you are suffer ing. You can get almost instant relief now from Bisma-Rex, a delicious tasting antacid powder that is bring ing relief to thousands of stomach sufferers everywhere. This new treat ment, acts four ways to give you quick and lasting relief. Bisma-Rex is sold only at Rexall Drug Stores, so go to Parker’s Rexall Drug Store today and get a package. It costs but 50c—Aav. Stocks, Bonds, Investments DAVID TERRY Investment Securities Fhone 1398-W Knieigh, N. C. Specializing in the preferred stocks of Carolina Power and Light Com pany. Will either buy, sell, or trade. I Let me handle your inquiries. INSURANCE THAT PROTECTS YOUR PROPERTY We represent a group of the best and strongest stock fire insurance companies in business and are prepared to give quick service and prompt adjustment of all claims. Citizens Realty & Loan Co. JOEL T. CHEATHAM, Prey, t , Henderson, N. C. No F ire Loss In The Month of May A perfect record with no fire loss at all was made by Henderson dur ing the month of May, Fire Chief E. T. Shepherd reported today. There were only two calls to the firemen during the month. One of these was the result of a short- cir cuit in an automobile, in which the loss was too insignificant to rec ord. The other was the destruction of a residence in one of the colored sections of the city, hut was out side the city limits and thus does not go on the record as chargeable *o Hendei-son’s fire record. All Pupils Making Up Units Asked To Report For Work at 9 a. m. Announcemeni was made- today by Professor W. D. Payne, principal of the Henderson hgh school, that the summer school to be conducted there during the summer would open next Monday, and pupils who have work to get off to assure their promotion to the next grade in the fall are advise:’ to report at 9 a m. Monday at the high school. Prof. Payne sad the staff for the summer school had been completed, and will be composed of Mrs. W. M. Weir, for English; Miss Julia Bthea, foieign languages; Professor Crowder for science and Professor Payne for mathematics. All pupils who are in any way in terested in the summer school courses are advised to leave their names im mediately at the office at the -high school, to the end that the classes.may be arranged for the greatest conven ience of those who will attend. There s no obligation on the part of; the pupil to attend the summer school. Prof. Payne said, the matter being entirely optional. But i' is very im portant that all pupils considering the summer school work should report immediately. • w . Th? classes will be conducted for pupils desiring to remove a condition. Pupils may remove a condition on one semester’s work by attending classes one hour per day for six weeks. •or on two semesters of work by ing classes for two hobrs a day for ~ix weeks. Tb 4» .summer, for ’the first time any pupil may take new work in the summer school on the follow ing basis: Three hours per day for -eight weeks, or four hours per day for six weeks. Either plan will enable the pupil ro receive credit for one full unit. i . Any pupil wno is weak in a parti cular subject will find the summer . school p’.an an excellent way to re move (these Ireured ynibjects, Prof. Payne slated. It will also enable the pupils to broaden his high school training by taking more subjects, and thus better preparing himself for col lege work later. TEACHERS NOT PAID IN THE LAST MONTH But Checks Will Be Scut As Soon Aa Funds Are Available For! County Salaries Teachers in the public schools of Henderson and Vance county who left for their home 3 this week with the close of the school term, went away without any part of their salaries for the eighth month paid as yet. But the money will be paid as soon ■as it is available, it was said today by E. M. Rollins, superintendent of the schools. It is expected that within the very near future from one-third -to one half of the eighth month salary will be paid as money becomes avail able. A poriion of the money is on han din tho extended term fund for the county, and an additional sum due and expected from the State, t<(g gether with whatever may be ap portioned from additional local taxes collected. It is hoped that the entire month’s pay can be sent the teachers. Nothing is owed them back of the eighth month. Nearly $20,000 is re quired to pay the 180-odd public school teachers in the city and county schools, Mr. Rollins said. KfenhrratmSatlg SHajrafrl? mneSSie Taken Here Wednesday Afternoon After Run ning Away Tuesday Ruth Aldridge and Inez Atkinson, 16-year-old wnite girls of Durham, were taken into custody by officers here late Wednesday afternoon upon advices from Oxford to be on the look-out for the girls, “runaways” from their homes in Durham. When questioned yesterday, the girls said they left their homes' in Durham Tuesday afternoon and spent that night with a “friend" on Canal street in Durham, and left Wednes day morning, heading north because they “craved excitement.” A produce truck belonging to the Dud Barker Uroduce Company of Durham, on which two men, whose names were given as Edward Hester 'and “Chick,” were riding, picked lip the two girls with the intention they said, of returning ‘them to Durham when they finished their rounds for te day.’ , ; Police dhief J. H. Langston and Fire Ch es E. T. Shepherd picked up the quartette aqd carried 'he girls to Mrs. W. B. Wjaddill, welfare super intendent of Vance county, who got In touch wth officers in Durham, and the Atkinson girl’s fatner came to Henderson Wednesday night for the pair. When questioned Wednesday after noon. the girls at first refused to give the names of their parents. When asked if they would like to get back •home, they replied wi'h an emphatic “No,” and when asked why, replied, “■We’ll catch hell and get a beating.” They said they were running away from home because they “didn’t like to wash dishes.” ’ ~ NEW CONSTRUCTION $9,200 USE MONTH Taylor Factory Addition Accounts for Most of the Work Begun Two permits for new construction amounting to $9,200 were issued in May by Fir e Chief E. T. Shepherd, he reported today. Bo> h permits came cn the last day of the month, one for SO,OOO, being the new addition to the J. P. Taylor Tobacco Company’s fac tory, and one for S2OO covering the addition of' a room by S. S. Par ham to his residence on Chestnut street,. ... Only in January, with two permits aggregating $13,350, has any month n 1933 had a higher aggregate of new construction that May. There was none in April, and there was none in May of last year, indicating a pick-up in construction work for that month rhis year. TWO JOHNSON BOYS HELD FOR ASSAULT Garland and Julian Charged In Con<- ►neetion With Attack Sunday pu Ferry Fulcher Garland Johnson was placed in jail and his younger brother, Julian, was released on SSOO bond on charges in connection with the attack made ear ly Sunday on Perry Fulcher, white man who is now in Maria Parham hospital with a fractured skull re cc ved in the attack, according to sheriff’s, officers. Fulcher is said to be in a serious condition. Garland Johnson was at liberty un der $5,000 bond in connection with the hijacking of a truck load of 115 cases of beer several miles north of this- city several weeks ago, charges *which he is to face at the coming June term of Vance Superior Court. His bond in the assault case was fixed at. SSOO, which he did not Immediately give, though the; younger brother made bail and wa.s released. On Sunday, after the /assault had been reported to them, Sheriff J.. E. Hamlett and Deputy G. M. Tucker conducted, a search for Alvin John son, brother of the other two boys, end Carl Knight in connection with the ease, but they have not been ap prehended. Officers said Fulcher told them the men accused him with steal ing a quantity of liquor that belong ed to them. TOTAL DEEDS DROP TO DOZEN FOR MAY As revealed by the record of deeds filed in the office of the: register of deeds, there was a slump in real es tate transfers in this county, in May. when only 12 papers of that nature were filed. In April this year the number was 17 and in May las year the number was 27, Only March, with 10, was lower than May for any month this year. The total of real estate transfers. for (the {first five months of 1933 is 89. compared with 138 for the corresponding period of 1932. SEVEN LICENSES TO MARRY ARE ISSUED Marriage licenses were issued by the register of deeds of Vance county to only seven couples in May, three white and four colored, the records revealed today. It was the fewest number for any month of the year so far, though only eight were issued in March. There were 18 in April and seven in May last year. To date in '.933 there have been 59 licenses is sued, as Compared with 61 in the first five months of 1932. _ ( t „ . Library Book land ' Campaign Starts Friday Morning The Bookland campaign will begin Friday morning at 10 o’clock at the H. Leslie £erry Memorial Library, campaign headquarters, it was reiter ated today.* All girls and boys from the first through the seventh grades may register for the bok election to be held at the end of the summer. Official registration of the voters and explanation.- of the campaign rules will take place at the meeting Friday morning. tEach girl or boy attending is asked to bring a pencil. m FORMEIGH More Than 50 Men Taken for Examination and To Be Given Work Fifty-odd men to be sent into the forests in the Roosevelt forestry con servation corps left here today for Raleigh for health examinations as the first contingem to be drawn from Vance county. The allotment to the county was 52, and Mrs. W. B. Wad dill, welfare superintendent, in charge of assemling the group, accompanied the men and took along several more than the quota, so as to have enough to fi t up the required number in the event any wertr rejected because of their physical condition. Shg planned to place 32 white and 20 colored men. Afteri two weeks of conditioning at Fo * Bragg, the men wifi be sent to forestry camps in Western North Car olina, where they will be given work at $1 a day for six months, with the government paying them and also fur- food ahd lodging extra. Care; vlras exercised in selecting the men to' take only those who are un married but who have dependents, and who have been on the relief lists of the county. All of the monthly pay of the men except $5 in cash will be s 4 ent back-to the families ,gt home for the r maintenance. manimiii 'ijirrn i , jlm WE DELIVER ■■ 1 II ■ The following dealers can j BUI a® Imi W supply you with Goodyear, TIRES In Alia anywhere WHAT TIRE Gateway Service It you .want new tires, If A 1 §l|* A Stat * on just give us a ting, we WIKIII P V Aulberl 5^ can find out your Mm HHi §BB3 needs by phone, and £T J® D Station bring the tires you ■ “ *** ” need to you. OFFERS! Central Service Phones 408 and 409 XXrHEN you buy a Goodyear you StatlOH ▼ ▼ get KNOWN VALUE. Today this value is the biggest ever. ; This new Patnfinder has FULL CENTER TRACTION, for complete _____ non-skid safety. And 20 per cent < _ More people ride \on Goodyear Tires than on any other kind Henderson V ulcanizing Co. Phones 408 land 409 , »W n 111 nr n nr-nrum-rTirrn—H MMIAXEr Local Government Comi?iis sion Advises of Provi sions of New Law A communication received today by G. W. Adams, county accountant, from W. E. Easterling, director of the Local Government Commission, ad vised that, under the law parsed in the dying hours of t he General Assem bly, counties are authorized to sell .property for 1932 taxes not earlier than the first Monday in September, after advertising the property the first Monday in August. Tho sheriff would then settle for his 1932 ac counts on the first Monday in Oc tober . It was stated that the same regula tions apply to municipalities, except that what is done shall be as of the second Monday in those months in stead of the first Monday, as for the counties. KITTRELL COLORED GARDENING CONTEST Campaign Conducted Under Auspices of ;Vocatlr*i Agriculture D«- •» partment of Institute The vocational agriculture depart men i oif Henderson Institute for colored here, under direction of Prof. F. A. Williams, is conducting a gar den contest for the women of the HJomei Makers KjfcttreCt. Twenty members of the club, a color ed organization, have entered the con test and each member is to have a garden. Emphasis is being placed up on the location, size, fenc ng, spac ing, fertilizing, cultivation, control of pests and diseases, kinds ■ of vege tables planted, seed saving and rec ords made for the gardens it was explained. It Is hoped by Prof. Williams that the contest will build up greater in terest in home and farm gardening, and therefore cause more; attention to be placed upon this necessary form production among Negroes in Vance county. THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1933 ' TO BEASKED HERE Branch Is To Be Set Up for This Section of State It Is Learned The Duke Endowment, which is said to be considering the establish ment of a hospital in this section to take care of patients in this territory, will be invited and urged to locate the, hospital in Henderson, and the Vance Board of County Commission ers has joined unanimously in an in vitation to Dr. W. S. Rankin, of the Endowment corporation, to come here at his earliest convenience for a con ference: with the commissioners with respect to that matter. It is understood that the allotments to local hospitals by the Duke Hos pital Foundation would be to some exent affected by the- establishment of the new hospital, and it is hoped that the location of the hospital can be obained for Henderson. Just when Dr. Rankin will be able to come l here for the conference re quested has not been learned, but every inducement twithin reason will be offered for the locaation of the institution in *this city. Lost 40 Pounds On Doctor’s Advice “I’m a user of Kruschen Saßs as a reducing remedy and can say they are fine. Have lost more than 40 lbs. in the past year. Am gradually reducing as my doctor advises.” Miss Bertha Waldo, Hainan, N. Dak. (Oct. 30, ’32). Once a day take Kruschen Salts— one half teaspoonful in a glars of hot water first thing every morning. Be sides losing ugly fat SAFELY you 11 gain in health and physical attrac tiveness —constipation gas and acidity will cease to bother —you’ll feel young er—more active—full of ambition clear skin—sparkling eyes. A jar that lasts 4 weeks costs but a trifle at Parker’s Drug Store or any drugstore in the world —but demand and get Kruschen and if one bottle doesn’t joyfully please you—money back.—Adv. Seaboard Office Force Has Picnic The office force and other ploye.es of the Seaboard Air Line ra n read here enjoyed a-chicken dinner Wednesday evening at Weldon’s pond near the Franklin county line Ther was no speaking and no set program' merely an enpoyable Social evenimr’ About 20 employees of the railroad and their families . the f r ed chicken and accessories ithat Went along with it. To Go To Winston-Salem. Mrs. M. E. Stone and Miss Re becca Church will leave tomorrow for Mrs. Stone’s home'in Winston-Salem where Miss Church will spend some time as a guest. Mrs..; Stone has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Church, in the city. fjriSfit Qt*aro » nuoyr. me, YOURS, IF YOU’RE NOT INSURED- i True, the accident may be the fault of the other fellow, but it’s YOUR fault —and YOUR loss—if you’re not insured. Do it TODAY. James CXooper § fe /INSURANCEs, ru . PHONO 204 J HENDERSON, N.C

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