secretary Wallace Will Speak At State College ■ j \ ,1 nd Morgenthau and Davis on Program for Aiherii. Institute of Cooperation July 24-29; Will Dis ca cuss “New Deal” as Applied to Agriculture - - ’ i -‘rr f ..u July 15.- Leaders of ftp ”“,Vadministration in charge of rostra., on of the agricultural 15 “ ment act wi.l explain the "New fi Jl{)plies to agriculture to Dtal attending 'he meeting of the tW?e n Institute of Cooperation at College the week of July 24 ;!' tone IT Ist of dUstingr&shed io address the institute will A. Wallace, secretary 'micul'ure; Henry Morgenthau, 0 Governor <>f tlie farm credl t ad- Jr and Chester C. Davis, Dlin ' i ', „f production, representing Administration leaders. the , '* ,-v Wallace has selected as Secre „ The p riC(Sl anc i Market /V for the American Farmer." th cop'’ of this sub i ect ia such that , e nable 'he Secretary to handle !f ""phase of the agricultural situa aD' ma y elect to discuss. His ad- W ii; be given Monday night on Crop Pests Still Trouble But Battle Is Continuing Research Entomologist at State College, Relates Fight Constantly Being Waged Against Flies- and Bugs That Torment Fanner In His Efforts Raleigh. July 15. “Although we fre fluently meet with new Insect pro many of the pests that have be en troubling us for the past hun dred years or nme are as active as ever and still defy our efforts at practical control measures,’’ declared Dr B. B. Fulton, reseach entomo- j o£ .• at North Carolina State College The department of zoology, of which Dr Fulton is a member, is constantly experimenting with insect control methods and the results obtained are made known to the growers of the State. Dr. Fulton says the insects that feed openly on the leaves are easier to control for they do not migrate rapidiy from one place to another. Some of these pests, like certain fol iage mi'es. can be cnecked by an oc casional jet of water. The insects that feed within some part of the plant, are the most dis iicult to check as they have a virility and mode of life which seems to ren der 'hem immune to ordinary treat ments. Examples of this group are the boll weevil, orential fruit moths, JJid the corn earworm, which is so abundant in the south as to practical ly eliminate the growing of sweet corn for roas’ing ears. “If we could control this insect,” said Dr, Fulton, “we could grow in North Carolina as delicious sweet corn a.< any of the Northern states and could supply the markets much earlier. I have tried nearly a hundred differen’ kinds of treatment to con trol the earworm, but the best con trols so far have caused injury to the corn." The harlequin bug. or terrapin bug, 3 sucking insect destructive to col lard, cabbages and allied plants, is another pest that the department is experimenting with. As it is a suck l!l£ weet. contact insecticides were employed, but it was resistant to the common contact sprays that kill most . wl3, Dr. Fulton found however, lnar a s °ap solution gave the best control. The u ches will be held at Dement’s pond on Sunday mornin gat 9:30 o’clock, It was announced today by Rev. L.. B. Reavis. pastor of the two rural churches. Revival meetings have just been concluded at the two churches In the past two weeks, and about 50 teandictates for baptism will be on hand at tomorrow’s baptizing, it was; said. * HBNDIRSON, TN.C.J KHLY DISPATCH, SATURDAY, JULY 15, 193* n ~ I* * k«P mj fed, adiKffct nto w path- —P»*ln 119:105, jjjhplfflnvhfi nf jlpffltn- All religious teaching, doctrine or linn _*, V 1 wyJUUi. creed, if they are to have any claim upon the love, loyalty and devotion of the people, must be in harmony with the teachings of Jesus the Christ whose words fit into every fold and crevice ’ ° m it wM Baid in Jobn ? :46 » “N EVE R MAN y ' PrtsS'Radw Dibit Strwiu. Inc.. Cincinnati. Ohio " ■■■ ■" Section 3.—Matthew 5. 13-16 THE SAVIOR AND THE LIGHT , Id Ye are the salt of the earth; but if the salt have lost his savior '' ereb y sb all it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but °i C fv ° U *’ A i To( iden under footi of men. * Ye are the light of the worldL A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. 13 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it givethflight unto all.that are in the house. lb Let your light so shine before men, that Ithey may see your good [ Whqfsfloinc) fl ST. PAUL’S CATHOLIC. College and Montgomery Streets. Rfevevrend Eugene P. Carroll, pas-| tor. . Mass and Sermon Sundays 10:30 a. m. Mass daily 7 a.m„ Mass and Sermon Oxford Sundays* at 8 o’clock. \ ' FIRST METHODIST. Rev. D. E. Earnhardt, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Worship services g.t U a. m. and 8 p. m. i ' J. Morning sermon by the pastor. Sub ject: “The Travail of His Soul.” Un:on service in the evening for First Presbyterian and First Metho dist with Rev. W. C. Cumming preaching. HOLY INNOCENTS EPISCOPAL. Rev. I. W. Hughes, rector. Fifth Sunday after Trinity. 7:30 a. m. Holy communion. 9:45 a.’ m. Church schpol. . 10 fe. m / Men’s and women’s Bibid classes. *i \ j 11 ;a. m." Evening prayer.and ser mon.. \ St. John’s Mission, North Hender son, 2 church School; 2:45 p. Holy- communiog* WEST END BAPTIST. Rev. E. R. Nelson, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. S. W r . Oakley, superintendent. r Service at 8 p. m. E. C. Morns ; speaker. FIRST CHRISTIAN. Rev. S. E. Madren, pastor. 9:45 a. m., Sunday school, John A. Hall, superintendent, invites you to attend. 7:15 p. m., Christian Endeavor, Miss Josephine Langston, lead er. . \ „ ■. - <• 8 p. m., Evening worship. Subject: “The Christ We Serve.” Come and worship with us. Your resence gives us a great pleasure; your absence may not benefit anyone. May we count on you? CITY ROAD METHODIST. Rev. C. H. Kelley; pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m., P. M. Porter, superintendent?. Preaching at 11 a. m. by the pastor The pastor announce., he.will bring a special message to the Sunday night service on (the subject, t’The Imps.” Young people members of all curches, and parents are urged to be present. This will b© the pastor’s fi nal sermon before he goes to West Virginia on a visit. The public is cordially invited to all these services. FIRST BAPTIST. Pastor, Dr. Hugh A. Ejlis. Sunday school with Clarence E. Greene, superintendent meets at 9‘45 >a. m., with classes for all ages and trained teachers. Morning worship at. 11 a. m. Ser mon by the pastor, übject "What To Do in Trouble.’ Special music by the choir. ’ .) i Young People’s Unions meet at 7 •p. m. t Evening worship hour at 8 o’clock. The pastor will preach. Your Peo ple’s Choir will have charge of the music. ’ f ’ A welcome to all. At the morning service, Miss Emma Jones will sing as an offertory sola, “God shall wipe away al Iters,” by Roma. In the evening the young People’s Choir will sing "The Holy Hour” ‘by Nevin. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. W. d. Cubimi'ng, pastor. R. W. Bruin, superintendent of Sunday school. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., with Bible classes for men and women: Morning service at 11 a. m. Sermort by Rev. W. C. Cumming, "Arise, Go with the Men.” A dream and what it led to. The Young People’s Christian En deavor will meet at 7:15 p. m. The evening service will be at the Methodist Episcopal church at B,p. m. in a union service, of the Pres byterian and M. E. congregations. ’/The jtext will- be, “Jeeus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever.”’* ? Come and worship with us. i SOUTH HENDERSON BAPTIST. Rev. L. B. .Reavis, pastor. Sunday school meets at 9:45 a. m. V. H. Roberson superintendent. 11 a. m. Preaching by a student at Wake Forest College. B. Y. P. U. meets at 6:45 a. m. Miss Helen Duke in charge. Preaching at 8 p. m. by the pastprl FIRST METHODIST PROTESTANT. Dr. L. W. pastor. Sunday school will meet at the us ual hour, 9:45 a. m. The pastor will preach at both fore noon and evening services. Hisj them.e for eleven o’clock will be ‘‘The Oneness of ihe Church/’ hnd at eight t o’clock ."The , Call To Difficult Ser vice. :y ■ jC .* ‘ *, ’At the elven o’clock hour the Stew ards will hold the election for dele gates to the approaching annual con ference. Wednesday evening |at. eight /the third quarterly conference will be held. All officials of the church are urged to attend and any other mem jbers of the church are invited to sit in And observe the working of the conference. FINAL SERVICE AT Y CRE K Revival Closes Last Night; - 25 Candidates To Be Baptised (JRepprted for the Dispatch.) The revival meeting which began Sunday at New Sandy Creek Baptist church was brought to a close last evening. Large crowds have been pre sent during the entire week, and much interest has been shown among the people. Rev. ,L. B. Reavis, pastor of this church, conducted the meeting and the messages, he delivered at each service were second to none. Th ser mon delivered last evening was un usually touching. There have been about twenty-five conversions this week, offering themselves as candi dates for baptism. During this meeting there have .been s-pecial vocal numbers given at each evening’s service. These features have been thortrughly enjoyed by the congregation and have added much to the revival. It is felt that this meet ing has been a great blessing to the 'church and the community; and id she show you—our play?” “Tes.” ■ . had her nerve.” -The boy’s face v. as flaming. Its great stuff—greater, perhaps thu> you krow.” . t . ... “Do you mean it?’’—breathlessly. . “Yes.” ’ •’ 4 •' •; ;.: • Rickey lraned back suddenly and shut his ey*3. He had .a vision of a great space crowded With people, and all of the people were applauding, all of them but one, who sat in her silver gown and looked down at him. And he looked up and laughed in her fa«_e. And the crowd cried, “Author, author,” and threw flowers at his feet. - . , A little later he found himself ly :,ng under the crimson canopy, and the nurse was there and nobody else. Wliat happened?” Rickey asked. ‘“You fainted,” the nurse told 1 him. And so when Michael came in the morning and smiled at him and said, “Let’s be friends,” and Virginia leaned'down and kissed him, Rickey held out a 1 d to each of them. After all. McMiUbu was a big man has time to launch the movement on a big scale by preparing- the neces sary equipment and enlisting the nec essary organizations. After securing the hundreds of workers who are in the employ of the various denominational agencies and institutions, the pastos, Sunday school superintendents arid teachers, W. M. U., Brotherhood and B. Y. .P. U. leaders as members of the club, Dr. Tripp proposes to launch the move ment simultaneously in as rnany churches as possible around the mid dle of August. Already many churches have reported having,put the canvass on with encouraging results. Dr. R. Kelly White, pastor of the Belmont Heights Baptist Church of Nashville, reports having received forty-two members to join the club last Sun day. . . ; . W.C. CATES INSURANCE on all classes of preferred risks. Fire Automobile Plate Glass PAGE THREE in the literary world, and, as Tinny.’s husband, he might be helpful. And he looked up at Michael and said, “I’m sorry I burned the book.” “You didn’t burn it.” y “I did. I stuffed it in the stove. n Rickey was flaming with the melo drama of the memory. y “Only a few pages, I have the %st,f ( “AVe ypu going to publish it?’" j ■ ‘‘N°t without your consent.” Rickgy looked up at the crimsoO canopy > and considered the matter. He was very- comfortable, and the center-of the stage was his. “Publish it urtder Virginia’s name and mine," he epiedi “She deserves it.” “I don’t want my name on Richey., dear.’’ “You must!” “She’d rather not, old man,” Mich ael told him. “It will be enough for her to know that she helped.” In the days that followed there were plans for the wedding. The sooner the better, everybody said. Virginia was to go down to An napolis and get the house ready for her molher and father. Then she was to be married and go away with Michael. Rickey was to go to Aunt Molly’s and Mary Lee was to go with him. It would be a wonderful place, Michael told them, to get the effects they wanted. “You can put Mary Lee under a pink dogwood on a gray day, or on the little bridge in a purple twilight. And you’ll have Aunt Molly’s saneness to balance your art istic ecstasies.” , Bxt Aunt Molly’s saneness was to do more /than balance Rickey’* ecstasies;, it was to: co-operate with Maty Lee iii bringing the boy up out pf his sensitiveness and self-absor,p tiori. Aunt Molly made him tramp with her ovfer the farm and talk of crops: she waked him at midnight to help her with a sick lamb; she sent him and Mary Lee far down the river one day to rescue a lot of her little ducks that had been caught by the current and couldn't get back. And Rickey, rowing upstream with the small ducks safely' in a basket in the bottom of the boat, said to Mary litee, *’After all there is some thing in this sort of thing.” “What sort of thing?” she queried. “Domesticity. One could never link that word with Marty ” “Well. I’m not domestic, if that’s what you me’an,” Mary Lee informed him. "That is, I've never worked with my hands .Ike Michael’s Aunt Molly. But I like the lambs and the ducks and the pigeons and being here with you, Rickey.” i, (TO BE CONTINUED) EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. > Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Cora O. Harris Phelps, deceased, late of Vance County, North Carolina, this is j. to notify all persons having =•< claims against the estate of said, »* deceased to exhibit them to the? undersigned at it’s banking house in Henderson, N. v C., on or before the 10th, day of June, 1934, or this notice will be i: plead in bar of their recovery, i All persons indebted to said • estate will please make irome-; diate payment. CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, # Executor bf the Estate of Mrs. ■■ Cora O. Harris Phelps. ’ This the 10th. day of June, 1933. j