m CAROLINA | YEAR Upward Trend For Tobacco Seen In Eastern Carolina In Prices For Second Day growers, however, PUSH THEIR PLANS ON MASS MEETING Will Gather in Raleigh To morrow To Protest Against Price Levels Under Last Year. WIDE RANGE SHOWN IN OPENING PRICES Some Dissatisfaction by Farmers Because of Low Prices Epident at Wilson During Day Tuesday; 42 Counties To Send Men to Mass Meeting. R.le-’h. Aug. 30 (AP)—Prices in t'u- br ?ht leaf bait, showed an up writ ir-nd today. but gr,-w-rs of th :»ai went forward with piana for j ma«s meeting: here tomorrow to pro test the auction bids. Offlc'al prices cn yesterday’s open ing break, corrupted today, revealed avenges ranging; from. $10.23 per 10T ru’nch flti GrecnviL'e to $13.96 a‘ Fairmont. W 'son had an opening day average of 110.03 for 1,264,448 pounds, a res et open ng. Rocky Mount sold 866. 022 poundh at an average of $11.22. Sales in the early trading today in dicated a slight upward trend in th b.ds. Most markets reported that the iprjces went up during the afternoon and a smilar situation wa sappareu; en several markets today. Rocky Mount reported sides In th< .fir t hour there aver aged an est mated $10.50 per hundredweight, and indications were prices would gradu ally mount until late sales woulc’ bring a n average higher than yester day's. There appeared t obe some dUsat (Contlnueci on Paae »"our * CHARLOTTE .AUGUSTA AIR MAIL TO CEASE Washington, August 30 (AP) —The Pest off.ee Department has decided to suspend the Charlotte, N. C., Au. Ga., air mail route. The suspension will be effective at « date nex' month, yet to be deter- E'ned. Officials explained that suspension ’lll not necessarily mean abandon ment of the line. but. merely non-use of it until more money becomes avail able, Other and reductions hi service are under consideration a tccncmv measures made necessaTv bv a relnc+’on ; n air m',aii aomropriation*' frem $21.000.000 t 0 $14,000,000. Speed Plan Os Tobacco Conference Better' Prices Now ar >d Acreage Cut in • 1934 l o Be Talked At Raleigh Special t 0 Daily Dispatch) - St:aitto n, Raleigh, August 30 arf * maturing rapidly for the '* de business meeting of itolba-c --c sr:nv '»‘< to be held in the Y. M. y auditariiurt at State College, U 1 4 v morn'ng, Septem'ber 6 ait , 1 lock, announces Dean I. O. l, ’baub. Mr c< ? v •°cr.aub said county farm ' ar ’ holding meetings of tio r,,. growers in each of the 57 , if ' s where! flue-cured weed is rc -1,, The** gatherings will be 5?'./ ,ri ,>r ’ T ' three de'egatos wiill be , ,v > attend the stale wr’de meet. n ' Bn held alt the College. „ _ I ' nv n , e have bfHn asked to pre , s,, ' , ahle resolutions at the enun -111 ' ''.gs- end to send these bv (-(<- i renroserit«tivs to the nuc; Vr'. It 's planned not only matters affrfctlttg the pre (Ccntinued on Puse Four.) Tlxmirrrsmt Bmiu B tsrnitrh BACKERS IN MOLSVS ' NEW utAL L| ijf Vincent A»tor Raymond Moley W. Averill Harriman V. V. McNitt Mrt. Mary Rumsey Here are the sponsors of the new national weekly magazine which will be published under the editor ship of Prof. Raymond Moley, who resigned his post as assistant secretary of state and chief of President Roosevelt’s "brain trust” to take tto position. As sociated with Moley in the new JUDGE J. J. PARKER SPEAKS ON TRENDS North Carolina Jurist Heard By American Bar Meet At Grand Rapids points tcTlproblems Preservation of Rights of Individual Without Impairing Government Power Is Major Task of Statesmanship Grand Rapids, Mich., Aug. 30 (AP) —Preservation of tihjeu fundamental rights of the individual without im pairing- the government power to un dertake measures for the general welfare was described as the great est problem of statesmanship at the present time by Judge John J. Par ker of Charlotte, N. C., in an address today to the American Bar Associa tion. Judge Parker, senior jurist of the fourth Federal Circuit Court of Ap peals, and with a wide reputation as a constitutional authority, assured that the increased activities of the Federal government was not a sign of abandonment of the nation’s consti tutional theory. I “CeCrtaimly if Congress may lega ;• slate for the purpose of preserving free competition, it may, wwhen this free competition is o. n the verge of destroying industry itself, legislate to eliminate its destructive features in the interest of controlled cooperation, he saWrT “I have no reference of course, to any .particular statutes or lo com mercial codes adopted under ta.-m. but am merely pointing out rant acts regulating interstate ommerce are in no sense a departure of;,our consti tutional theory,” he said. MIDDLE-AGED IDLE MAN HANGS HIMSELF Greensboro, Aug. 30 (AF)—W. 1,. IJndeman. middle-aged unem ployed man, hanged himself in the basement of his home here {today became of Avht his wife said was financial worries. Coroner W. W. Harvey said an innaest was unnecessary. The widow and two children survive. ONLY DAILY ] WlK® SJfi AVICI) OF THE A88(K)IATEO RKHIBM NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THIS SECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA AND VIRGINIA. HENDERSON, N. C„ WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON AUGUST 30 1933 venture are Vincent Astor, top, capitalist and head of the famous Astor family; Mrs. Mary Rumsey, right, sister of W. Averill Harri* man, left, well-known bankei and railroad operator, and V. V. McNitt, •enter, syndicate pub lisher and executive editor of th* new publication. Father and Son In Counterfeit Case Tarbore, Aug. 30 (Al*) —John Ash’ey Bulloc kand his son, Paul, were' At liberty on bond today for their appearance before a United States commissioner on a charge of making and passing counterfeit money. The men, arrested Isst night, gave bond pending a hearing be fore Commissioner G. S. Paulson in Rocky Mount, September 8. NEGROESIEMANDS " ■ * -H* «i Durham Colored Delegation Fights Discrimination on Teachers , * Daily Dlstmtc)i Bnr«na, In tne Sir Walter Hotel. Raleigh, Aug. 30. —When a big dele gation of prominent Durham and other Negroes comes here tomorrow to appeal to the State School Commis sion to lift the salary schedule for teachers of their race, there will be (Continued rm Page Six). Ambassador Dodd Presents Papers To German Chief (Berlin, August 30 (AP)—United States Ambassador William E. Dodd presented his credentialfi today to President Paul von Hindenburg. After receiving military honors, the new ambassador made a. brief sneeoh in which he mentioned the cultural Les between the two nations. “Being myself in large part a pro duct of German intc’ilectual and cut. tural life. T shall take particular piea sur e,i n seeking to interpret the sym 'tpathetic attitudes of both people,” he {said. I. “All nations tod-aw labor uruJenr un j precedented economic an d social d’f j,ficult i ee. and in both Germany and /the United States heroic efforts are ‘/being made for general recovery.” ( kIIISZ GET $30,000 LOOT Swifts Payroll Taken in St. Paul Robbers Operate Behind Dense Smoke Screen. LIVESTOCK MARKET SCENE OF HOLD-UP Bandit Gang Believed To Number Five, Armed With Machine Guns. Shotguns and Pistols; Bank Messengers Were Taking Money To Swift Company’s Office. S't. Paul, Minn., August 30 (AP) -One policeman was slain and an other wounded seriously today rs bandits hiding the r movements be Ihind a smoke screen, robbed two bank messengers of a $30,000 payroll Driving into the lvertr’ck mar kef center in an automobile which had a screaminer siren, the bandits’ gang believed to number five, k uied Police man Leo Pavlek, 35, wounded Yea man, and tihon fled. A machine gun, shotguns and pist ols were used in the spectacular raid from in front of th epos* office. As the bandits oar came to a quick stop in view of the two officers and the bank messengers, a cloud of black smoke came from the rear of the car. Witnesses said the smoke screen obscured movements of the bandits a* c as they alighted. The bank rressen gers, bcih 21 years old, had bee. n at the railroad sbsiti’on to recrine the «mcney for the Stockyard Nat'on v Bank from the Federal Reserve Bank in Minneapolis foif distribution to Swift and Company employees. The bandit icar pulled up to the curb as the messengers and Pavlek came down the post office steps (carrying the money in satchels. As the smoke came from the car, one s>c*ndit shouted. “Stick ’em up”! One of the messengers said Pavlek threw up his hands without attempt ing to rea'c hfor his gun. Two or three rrrn hurried toward the messengers, who were ordered to “throw down thise bags.” The messengers said they dropped ahe satchels and threw up their bands. One raider held a shotgun against Favilek and another took his pistol from him. OFFICERS SELECTED BY LUTHER LEAGUE Salisbury, Aug. 39 (AP)—Joe Mor etz. of Hickory, was re-elected presi dent of the North Carolina Luther League at the first meeting of its 13 annuel convention here today. (George Lentz,, of Winston. Salem, was elected vice-president; Mildre iPropct, of Concord- recording secre tary; Sarah Roof, Lincolnton, statis tical secretary; Homer Lyerly, Salis bury, treasurer. Washington 24th State Voting Wet 1,924 Pre cincts Show 316,064 Wet and 132,359 Dry Ballots Seattle. Wash., Aug. 30 (AP) —Two thirds of the 36 states needed to erase the eighteenth amendment from the Jeonsitfitiutioth werfc fcrJad up today, Washington yesterday following 23 others Snot the repeal column. None of the states which have voted favored retention of prohibition. Only one legislative district, the ninth, Jn rural eastern Washington, voted dry, on the basis of available returns. The district will have only tw 0 of the 99 delegates who wiM meet October 3 at Olympia to ratify the decision of the voters. The popular vote from 1,924 of the State’s 2,682 precincts rolled up a to tal of 316,064 wet ballots to 132,359 •cast for dry candidates. WEATHER FOR NORTH CAROLINA. Cloudy, probably showers in vest portion trnight, and i„ wed and south portions Thursday. Si ghtly cooler on the coast to night, . . . Johnson Asked By President Why Henry Ford Has Refused To Sign Auto Industry Code BRITAIN SEEKS NEW MONEY PLAN 7;. 'l' ; A Bh Bmi. WisM: mm M Slgpliw, . Montagu Norman George Harrison President Roosevelt The summer White House at Hyde Park, N. Y., top, where President Roosevelt, right, is spending his vacation, is the scene for a discussion of a new plan for the stabilization of international currency in a conference of the Prices Declared Below Last Year Washington, Aug. 30 (AP)—The Bui*eau of Agricultural Economics, after a survey, said today that the opening prices on tobacco markets in Eastern North Cairolina “aver aged somewhat lower yesterday.” the first day of sales, than ‘.a the opening day last yean. It was said at Farmville. N. C., sales were reported as heavy in vol ume. and made up mostly of second to fourth quality primings. Straigh side of lugs and cutters were scare** f*.nd prices ranged from $2 to s2l per hundrad pounds. CLARKSON UNLIKELY TO SEE OPPOSITION Suggestion of Wets Has Not Met With Much Favor Over the State Daily Dispatch nureaw, la the Sir Walter Hotel. Raleigh, x-.ug. 30.—Wet foes of Jus tice Heric Clarkson, of the Supreme Court who have been looking for a candidate to offer against his honor, say they will have a judge warning up. but thry do not yet tell his name. ♦Some weeks ago some of them let fall the hint that Assistant Attorney General A. A. F. Seawell would be a mest acceptable man since his great legal ability and his service in the General Assembly had marked him so well over the State. But Mr. Seawell didn’t get interested. The wets say they have a good young fellow, but they won’t tell the world yet. The assault on Mr. Justice Clarkson was mad-- chiefly on the grounds that (Continued an Page Six.' L. H. J. HOUSER, 77, CHERRYVILLE, DIES Cherryville, Aug. 30.—(AP) —LL H. Houser, 77, pioneer citizen here, for mer educator, postmaster and jusctice of the peace, was found d cad in bed -t his home here today. In 1895 he represented Gaston coun ry in the legislature, for the' last 25 : years was editor of The Eagle. Cher | ryville newspaper, and for 20 years served r.s a public school teacher. eUULISHBD B2VKRY AFTUNOOM EXCEPT SUNDAY. president with Montagu Norman left, center, governor of the Bank of England. The conference has been requested by George Harri son, governor of the Federal Re j serve bank of New York, for th* I British banker. SAYS POLICE CHIEF STRUCK HUEY LONG Port Washington, L. 1., Of ficer Smiles When Ask ed About Affair BUT HE MAKES DENIAL Chief Steve Webber Former Boxer and Army Sergeant; Louisiana. Senator Was Smacked At Charity Function Brooklyn, N. Y\, August 30 (AP)— The Brooklyn Eagle says today it has ■learned from an authoritative source (that tihe mian who smacked Semato Huey Long at a Long Island party •Saturday night is Chief of Police Steve Webber, of Port Washington, a former boxer and army drill sergeant. Ohicf Webber, when asked about the matter, smiiled and denied he had struck Long. Since the fight, concerning which the utmost secrecy was maintained by members of the club and guests at the charity function, to wh ? ch Senator Long was invited, there has been con tinual speculation as to the identity of the man who laid the southern senator low. For a time there was general be. lief that a prominent New York architect was the man. but he finally satisfied questioners that this was a mistake. f 'Chief Webber was said to have shown little surprise when he was told the Riptlight of curiosity had swung upon him. but he insisted that bis denial be used if a story was car ried. He grinned as he made this stipulation. JURY GIVEN CASE OF WOMAN SLAYER Greenville, S. C., Aug. 30 (AP) — The case of Mrs. Ressie McAbee, 23- year-old admitt edsloyer of two men. Who is o n trial for murder here, went to the jury at 12:38 p. m. today. Arguments in the case and the judge’s charge to the ury were made .this morning. CoCurt recessed until ,3 p. m. After the case was given to the jury and a verdict was no* ex. peeled before re-convening of court. Mrs. McAbee- who took tihe witness •stand admitted shooting J. L. Hayes j and Lang Taylor at her home near [ here last December. C PAGES o TODAY FIVE CEN i> Liui COMMENT REFUSED ATMMRiES Maybe the American People Will Crack Down on Ford If He Persists, John, son Says. | MINIMUM WAGE FOR FORD PLANT HIGHER Factories Have Also Been on 40-Hour Week for Long Time; No Statement Has Been )Made at Factories Since Automobile Code Was Given Approval Washington, Aug. 30. (AP) Henry Ford has until Sept sntiwv her 5 to sign the automobile code if he want s a blue eagle for his motor cars, national recov< ry of. ficials said today.. Hyde Park, N. Y., Aug. 30 (AP) President Roosevelt has asked Gen era! Hugh S. Johnson, industrial ad ministrator, for a. report on the fail ure of Henry Ford to enroll under the new working agreement for the auto, mobile industry. COMMENT IS WITHHELD AT FORD’S DETROIT OFFICES Detroit, Mich., Aug. 30 (AP)—ln the absence of Loth Henry and Ecsel Ford, comment was withheld at the Ford Motor Company offices here to dHy ccTDcerntoigJ the statements in Washington of General Hugh S. Johnson that “maybe the American people will crack down on “Ford if the does not obtain the blue eagle. Bdsel Ford, president of the Fc *d Motor Company, is understood to b? at Bar Harbor, Maine. The eV'e/ Ford is also absent on a vacattor*. jaunt, supposedly somewhere in Mich - igan’s upper peninsula. No statement of any kind has bee 1 , authorized from tihe Ford offices h:rh since the automobile industry’s cci> was accepted in Washington withe tit the participation of Henry Ford. The minimum wage art th© Fo“ plant is 50 cents an hour rand operated on an eight-hour five-day week bash The industry’s code calls for a mid. mum of 43 cents in larger cit'es, a "id scales down to 40 cents in smal cities with a 35-hour week. Three Boys Trapped On Dizzy Cliff Can Neither Get Up Nor Down Lake Placid Mountain; Drop Them Food Adirondack Lodge, Lake Placid, N. Y., Aug. 30. < AP) —Sandwiches, wa ter and oranges were lowered over a dizzy clifside today to three boys mi romed on a narrow ledge of rock 400 feet high since yesterday mernfr.g A n ot dropped from an airpiaro just be 100 noon,, said' the boys, star, i ed since yesteday, wee still on t v ' r narrow ledge, and no members of a large searching party trying to re scue them were visible. Fred McLane, of Lake Placid, ’.he pilot, daringly sent his plane down, into the glo' rrw gorge, of Indfrff'Ps r s wihere he culd see the three youth huddled together aftr a night cf fre?_ in ;g , temperatures, unable to climb ?h, muontain and unable to descend from their 400 sot perch.. They were to then shirt sleeves, having left their blankets and food at the foot of hte . 1,500 foot wawll with a snrall°r bay who miado a throe hour hike to A.:*ir or.dak lake lots yesterday to report ; his companions trapped, ! “Boys are safe on th cliff.” te-A> iMnLane’s mr-soge. droT> 4 <l ■ < 4 * lodge.. “None of rescue parly ui \ pight.’’ , , i .. i

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